; Display e-mail demo ; 40x96 graphics as well as half-screen text manipulation check_email: ;=================== ; init screen jsr TEXT jsr HOME bit KEYRESET ;=================== ; init vars lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE sta FRAME sta FRAMEH init_email_letters: lda #em_letters sta LETTERH lda #18 sta LETTERX lda #4 sta LETTERY lda #4 sta LETTERD ;============================= ; Load graphic page0 lda #$0c sta BASH lda #$00 sta BASL ; load image to $c00 lda #email_low sta GBASH jsr load_rle_gr lda #4 sta DRAW_PAGE jsr gr_copy_to_current ; copy to page1 ; GR part bit PAGE1 bit LORES ; 4 bit SET_GR ; 4 bit FULLGR ; 4 ;============================= ; Load graphic page1 lda #$0c sta BASH lda #$00 sta BASL ; load image to $c00 lda #email_high sta GBASH jsr load_rle_gr lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE jsr gr_copy_to_current ; GR part bit PAGE0 ;============================== ; setup graphics for vapor lock ;============================== jsr vapor_lock ; 6 ; vapor lock returns with us at beginning of hsync in line ; 114 (7410 cycles), so with 5070 lines to go jsr gr_copy_to_current ; 6+ 9292 ; now we have 322 left ; GR part bit LORES ; 4 bit SET_GR ; 4 bit FULLGR ; 4 ; 322 - 12 = 310 ; - 3 for jmp ; 307 ; Try X=9 Y=6 cycles=307 ldy #6 ; 2 celoopA:ldx #9 ; 2 celoopB:dex ; 2 bne celoopB ; 2nt/3 dey ; 2 bne celoopA ; 2nt/3 jmp em_begin_loop .align $100 ;================================================ ; Email Loop ;================================================ ; each scan line 65 cycles ; 1 cycle each byte (40cycles) + 25 for horizontal ; Total of 12480 cycles to draw screen ; Vertical blank = 4550 cycles (70 scan lines) ; Total of 17030 cycles to get back to where was ; For this part we want on Apple II/II+ ; On Apple IIe and newer want T 000/11111 ; because the font is shifted upwards a line ; T00000000000000000000 G0000000000000000000000 ; T00000000000000000000 G0000000000000000000000 ; T00000000000000000000 G1111111111111111111111 ; T00000000000000000000 G1111111111111111111111 ; T11111111111111111111 G0000000000000000000000 ; T11111111111111111111 G0000000000000000000000 ; T11111111111111111111 G1111111111111111111111 ; T11111111111111111111 G1111111111111111111111 ; 0,1,0,1 0,0,1,1 ; 54,55,54,55 54,54,55,55 em_begin_loop: em_display_loop: ldy #24 em_outer_loop: ;== line0 bit PAGE0 ; 4 lda #$54 ; 2 sta draw_line_p1+1 ; 4 jsr draw_line_1 ; 6 ;== line1 bit PAGE0 ; 4 lda #$54 ; 2 sta draw_line_p1+1 ; 4 jsr draw_line_1 ; 6 ;== line2 bit PAGE0 ; 4 lda #$55 ; 2 sta draw_line_p1+1 ; 4 jsr draw_line_1 ; 6 ;== line3 ce_patch: bit PAGE1 ;IIe ; 4 ; bit PAGE0 ;II/II+ ; 4 lda #$55 ; 2 sta draw_line_p1+1 ; 4 jsr draw_line_1 ; 6 ;== line4 bit PAGE1 ; 4 lda #$54 ; 2 sta draw_line_p1+1 ; 4 jsr draw_line_1 ; 6 ;== line5 bit PAGE1 ; 4 lda #$54 ; 2 sta draw_line_p1+1 ; 4 jsr draw_line_1 ; 6 ;== line6 bit PAGE1 ; 4 lda #$55 ; 2 sta draw_line_p1+1 ; 4 jsr draw_line_1 ; 6 ;== line7 bit PAGE1 ; 4 lda #$55 ; 2 sta draw_line_p2+1 ; 4 jsr draw_line_2 ; 6 dey ; 2 bne em_outer_loop ; 3 ; -1 ;====================================================== ; We have 4550 cycles in the vblank, use them wisely ;====================================================== ; do_nothing should be 4550 ; +1 fallthrough from above ; -23 frame count ; -7 timeout ; -10 keypress ; -2 ldy at top ; -132 move letters ; =========== ; 4377 ; Try X=96 Y=9 cycles=4375 R2 nop ; 2 ldy #9 ; 2 emloop1:ldx #96 ; 2 emloop2:dex ; 2 bne emloop2 ; 2nt/3 dey ; 2 bne emloop1 ; 2nt/3 ;===================== ; Update Frame Counter ;===================== ; nowrap = 13+10=23 ; wrap = 13+10=23 inc FRAME ; 5 lda FRAME ; 3 cmp #60 ; 1Hz ; 2 beq em_wrap ; 3 em_nowrap: ;-1 lda $0 ; nop ; 3 lda $0 ; nop ; 3 nop ; 2 jmp em_wrap_done ; 3 em_wrap: lda #0 ; 2 sta FRAME ; 3 inc FRAMEH ; 5 em_wrap_done: ;========================= ; timeout after 20s or so? ;========================= ; 7 cycles em_timeout: lda FRAMEH ; 3 cmp #34 ; 2 beq em_done ; 3 ; -1 ;================== ; move letters ;================== jsr move_letters ; 6+126 ;================== ; check keys ;================== lda KEYPRESS ; 4 bpl em_no_keypress ; 3 jmp em_done em_no_keypress: jmp em_display_loop ; 3 em_done: bit KEYRESET ; clear keypress ; 4 rts ; 6 ;====================== ; Draw split line ; with no room for rec/jump at end draw_line_1: ; line0 ; come in with 16 lda $0 bit SET_TEXT ; 4 nop ; 2 nop ; 2 nop ; 2 nop ; 2 nop ; 2 ;============== ; 33 nop nop bit SET_GR ; 4 draw_line_p1: bit PAGE0 ; 4 lda $0 lda $0 lda $0 lda $0 ; nop ; nop nop rts ;============== ; 32 ;====================== ; Draw split line ; with room for 5 cycles of dec/jump at end draw_line_2: ; line0 ; come in with 16 lda $0 ; 3 bit SET_TEXT ; 4 nop ; 2 nop ; 2 nop ; 2 nop ; 2 nop ; 2 nop nop ;============== ; 33 bit SET_GR ; 4 draw_line_p2: bit PAGE0 ; 4 lda $0 lda $0 lda $0 ; lda $0 ; nop ; nop ; nop ; lda $0 ; lda $0 rts ;============== ; 32 em_letters: ; note it is y,x ; .byte 4,4, .byte "RE: VISIT",128 ; RE: VISIT .byte 4+128,4,"RE: VISIT",198 .byte 6,4, "DA LA ",128 ; DEATER .byte 6+128,4,"DE&FEF",198 .byte 7,4, " K MML L !J,",128 ; KOMMT BALD, .byte 7+128,4," K8MMF 8&I8,",128 .byte 8,4, "ICL A M SSA",128 ; ICH VERMISSE .byte 8+128,4,"ICH VEFMISSE",128 .byte 9,4, "J CL.",128 .byte 9+128,4,"8ICH.",128 ; DICH. .byte 11,4, " F GGYS A",128 .byte 11+128,4," FF8GGYSUE",128 ; FROGGYSUE .byte 13,10, " /I",128 .byte 13+128,10, " /Y",128 .byte 14,4, " __ __/_I",128 .byte 14+128,4," __ __/_Y",128 .byte 15,4, " /__] I/",128 .byte 15+128,4," /__] Y/",128 .byte 16,4, "/_____ I\",128 .byte 16+128,4,"/_____EEEE\" .byte 255 ; note it is y,x ; .byte 4,4, ; .byte "DA LA ",128 ; DEATER ; .byte 4+128,4,"DE&FEF",198 ; ; .byte 5,4, " S C !.",128 ; .byte 5+128,4,"YS C88I.",128 ; ; .byte 7,3, "W M",$22,"SSE J A",128 ; .byte 7+128,3,"WYF MGSSEH 8YE",128 ; ; .byte 8,3, " A SAS LA KS",128 ; .byte 8+128,3,"FEYSESEHEEKS",128 ; ; .byte 9,3, "A !",$22,"SA .",128 ; .byte 9+128,3,"EYHIOSEH.",128 ; .byte 12,4, " /I",128 ; .byte 12+128,4," /Y",128 ; .byte 13,4, " __ __/_I",128 ; .byte 13+128,4," __ __/_Y",128 ; .byte 14,4, " /__] I/",128 ; .byte 14+128,4," /__] Y/",128 ; .byte 15,4, "/_____ I\",128 ; .byte 15+128,4,"/_____EEEE\" ; .byte 255 ;.include "email_40_96.inc"