; fast seek/multi-read ; copyright (c) Peter Ferrie 2015-16 sectors = $d1 ; user-defined firsttrk = $d1 ; user-defined, first track to read firstsec = $d1 ; user-defined, first sector to read address = $d1 ; user-defined entry = $d1d1 ; user-defined version = 1 ;memory usage: ;256 bytes ($bd00-bdff) static table grouped = $bd00 ;106 bytes ($xx00-xx69) static table preshift = code_end zvalue = $fd ;only during init znibble = $fe ;only during init zmask = $ff ;only during init ; $26/$27 sector read location (ROM), scratch space (RWTS) ; $3D sector number ; at entry (at least on AppleWin) A=1, X=60, Y=0 ; qkumba says cffa cards leave Y at $10 ; 26/27 = 00/09 ; 3D = 1 ; For Disk II booting, the firmware loads track0/sector0 ; to $800 and then jumps to $801 .org $800 .byte 1 ; number of sectors for ROM to load boot_entry: ; this code loads two sectors up to $BE/$BF lsr ; check sector number tay adc #$bd sta $27 ; set or update address as needed asl ; be, bf, c0 (1011 1011 1100) ; so if hit $c000 we are done bmi not_three ; branch if not 3 inc $3d ; increment sector (faster to find) ; call to the read routine in proper slot ; using rts to jump indirect to ; $CX5C ; this routine reads sector in $3D on track $41 ; to address in $26/$27 ; when it's done it jumps back to $801 txa ; x is slot# << 4 lsr lsr lsr lsr ora #$c0 ; slot to PROM base pha lda #$5b ;read-1 pha rts not_three: txa ora #$8c ; slot to Q6L ; Q6L? ; 1000 1100 patch_loop: iny ldx patchtbl-3, y sta code_begin, x ;replace placeholders with Q6L bne patch_loop and #$f8 ;MOTOROFF sta slotpatch7+1 eor #8 ;PHASEOFF sta slotpatch8+1 ldx #$3f stx zmask inx ldy #$7f bne skip_ahead ; branch always ; pad with zeros until $839 .res $839-* ;*=$839 lda #>(entry-1) pha lda #<(entry-1) pha jsr preread jmp $bf00 ;DOS 3.3 launcher entrypoint patchtbl: .byte <(slotpatch1+1), <(slotpatch2+1), <(slotpatch3+1), <(slotpatch4+1), <(slotpatch5+1), <(slotpatch6+1) indextbl: ;the 0 also terminates the patchtbl list! .byte 0, 2, 1, 3 ;construct denibbilisation table ;pre-shifted for interleave read skip_ahead: loopaa: sty znibble tya asl bit znibble beq loopz ora znibble eor #$ff and #$7e loopa: bcs loopz lsr bne loopa dex txa asl asl sta preshift-$16, Y loopz: dey bne loopaa ;construct 2-bit group table sty zvalue loopbb: lsr zmask lsr zmask loopb: lda indextbl, X sta grouped, Y inc zvalue lda zvalue and zmask bne loopy inx txa and #3 tax loopy: iny iny iny iny cpy #3 bcs loopb iny cpy #3 bcc loopbb lda #>(entry-1) pha lda #<(entry-1) pha jsr preread jmp seekread preread: ;copy post-read if necessary ;push post-read address here ; pla ; tax ; pla ; tay ; lda #>(postread-1) ; pha ; lda #<(postread-1) ; pha ; tya ; pha ; txa ; pha lda #<(firsttrk*2) sta phase+1 ldx #sectors lda #address ldy #firstsec rts end_code: .res $8fe-* ; traditionally, entry point to jump to at end of loading ; $be01 in this case ;*=$8fe .byte $be, 1 .include "stage2.s"