; Move that Peasant! move_peasant: ; redraw peasant if moved lda PEASANT_XADD ora PEASANT_YADD bne really_move_peasant jmp peasant_the_same really_move_peasant: ; restore bg behind peasant lda PEASANT_X sta CURSOR_X lda PEASANT_Y sta CURSOR_Y jsr restore_bg_1x28 ; move peasant clc lda PEASANT_X adc PEASANT_XADD ; A = new X bmi peasant_x_negative ; if newx <0, handle cmp #40 bcs peasant_x_toobig ; if newx>=40, hanfle (bge) pha tay ldx PEASANT_Y jsr peasant_collide pla bcc done_movex ; no collide jsr stop_peasant ; stop moving lda PEASANT_X ; leave same jmp done_movex ;============================ peasant_x_toobig: jsr move_map_east lda #0 ; new X location jmp done_movex ;============================ peasant_x_negative: jsr move_map_west lda #39 ; new X location jmp done_movex ; check edge of screen done_movex: sta PEASANT_X ; Move Peasant Y clc lda PEASANT_Y adc PEASANT_YADD ; newy in A cmp #45 ; if <45 then off screen bcc peasant_y_negative ; blt cmp #160 ; if >=150 then off screen bcs peasant_y_toobig ; bge ; check collide pha ldy PEASANT_X tax ; newy jsr peasant_collide pla bcc done_movey ; no collide jsr stop_peasant ; stop moving lda PEASANT_Y ; leave same jmp done_movey ;============================ peasant_y_toobig: jsr move_map_south lda #45 ; new X location jmp done_movey ;============================ peasant_y_negative: jsr move_map_north lda #160 ; new X location jmp done_movey ; check edge of screen done_movey: sta PEASANT_Y ; if we moved off screen, don't re-draw peasant lda LEVEL_OVER bne peasant_the_same ; save behind new position lda PEASANT_X sta CURSOR_X lda PEASANT_Y sta CURSOR_Y jsr save_bg_1x28 ; draw peasant jsr draw_peasant peasant_the_same: rts ; when peasants collide ;=================== ; peasant_collide ;=================== ; newx/7 in Y ; newy in X ; returns C=0 if no collide ; C=1 if collide peasant_collide: ; rrrr rtii top 5 bits row, bit 2 top/bottom ; add 28 to collide with feet txa clc adc #28 tax txa and #$04 ; see if odd/even beq peasant_collide_even peasant_collide_odd: lda #$f0 bne peasant_collide_mask ; bra peasant_collide_even: lda #$0f peasant_collide_mask: sta MASK txa lsr lsr ; need to divide by 8 then * 2 lsr ; can't just div by 4 as we need to mask bottom bit asl tax lda gr_offsets,X sta INL lda gr_offsets+1,X sta INH lda (INL),Y ; get value and MASK ; ldy MASK ; cpy #$f0 ; beq in_top ;in_bottom: ; and #$0f ; jmp done_feet ;in_top: ; lsr ; lsr ; lsr ; lsr ;done_feet: beq collide_true ; true if color 0 ;bne collide_false collide_false: clc rts collide_true: sec rts .include "gr_offsets.s"