;; Zero Page ;; LZ4 addresses LZ4_SRC = $00 LZ4_DST = $02 LZ4_END = $04 WHICH_LOAD = $05 COUNT = $06 MENU_BASE = $06 MENU_HIGHLIGHT = $07 DELTA = $08 ;; Zero page monitor routines addresses WNDLFT = $20 WNDWDTH = $21 WNDTOP = $22 WNDBTM = $23 CH = $24 CV = $25 GBASL = $26 GBASH = $27 BASL = $28 BASH = $29 H2 = $2C V2 = $2D MASK = $2E COLOR_MASK = $2F COLOR = $30 SEEDL = $4e SEEDH = $4f XMAX = $50 FRAMEL = $60 FRAMEH = $61 CURSOR_X= $62 CURSOR_Y= $63 XPOS = $64 YPOS = $65 DIRECTION = $66 DIRECTION_N = $0 DIRECTION_S = $1 DIRECTION_E = $2 DIRECTION_W = $3 LOCATION = $67 LOCATION_STRUCT_L = $68 LOCATION_STRUCT_H = $69 IN_SPECIAL = $6A CURSOR_VISIBLE = $6B IN_LEFT = $6C IN_RIGHT = $6D BTC_L = $6E BTC_H = $6F DISP_PAGE = $ED ; ALL DRAW_PAGE = $EE ; ALL TINL = $F0 TINH = $F1 BINL = $F2 BINH = $F3 SCROLL_COUNT = $F9 TEMP = $FA TEMPY = $FB INL = $FC INH = $FD OUTL = $FE OUTH = $FF ; read any file slot 6 version ; based on FASTLD6 and RTS copyright (c) Peter Ferrie 2011-2013,2018 ; modified to assembled with ca64 -- vmw ; added code to patch it to run from current disk slot -- vmw adrlo = $26 ; constant from boot prom adrhi = $27 ; constant from boot prom tmpsec = $3c ; constant from boot prom reqsec = $3d ; constant from boot prom sizelo = $44 sizehi = $45 secsize = $46 ldsizel = $70 ldsizeh = $71 namlo = $7b namhi = $7c step = $7d ; state for stepper motor tmptrk = $7e ; temporary copy of current track phase = $7f ; current phase for /seek