; someone pressed UP up_action: ; set X and Y value ; convert tile values to X,Y ; X=((DUKE_X/2)-1)+TILEX lda DUKE_X lsr sec sbc #1 clc adc TILEMAP_X sta XPOS ; Y = (DUKEY/4)+TILEY lda DUKE_Y lsr lsr clc adc TILEMAP_Y sta YPOS ; $39,$22 = 57,34 ; check if it's a key slot check_red_keyhole: ; key slot is 280,148 ; 280,148 (-80,-12) -> 200,136 -> (/4,/4) -> 50,34 lda XPOS cmp #50 beq redkey_x cmp #51 bne check_if_exit redkey_x: lda YPOS cmp #34 bne check_if_exit ; check that we have the key lda INVENTORY and #INV_RED_KEY beq done_up_action ; open the red wall ; there has to be a more efficient way of doing this ; reset smc lda #>BIG_TILEMAP sta rwr_smc1+2 sta rwr_smc2+2 remove_red_wall_outer: ldx #0 remove_red_wall_loop: rwr_smc1: lda BIG_TILEMAP,X cmp #49 ; red key tile bne not_red_tile lda #2 ; lblue bg tile rwr_smc2: sta BIG_TILEMAP,X not_red_tile: inx bne remove_red_wall_loop inc rwr_smc1+2 inc rwr_smc2+2 lda rwr_smc1+2 cmp #(>BIG_TILEMAP)+40 bne remove_red_wall_outer ; refresh local tilemap jsr copy_tilemap_subset jsr rumble_noise jmp done_up_action ; check if it's the exit check_if_exit: ; exit is 296,148 ; 296,148 (-80,-12) -> 216,136 -> (/4,/4) -> 54,34 lda XPOS cmp #54 beq exit_x cmp #55 bne done_up_action exit_x: lda YPOS cmp #34 bne done_up_action ; check that we have the key lda INVENTORY and #INV_RED_KEY beq done_up_action lda #1 sta DOOR_ACTIVATED sta FRAMEL ; restart timer done_up_action: rts ;========================== ; open the door, end level ;========================== check_open_door: lda DOOR_ACTIVATED beq done_open_door asl tay lda door_opening,Y sta INL lda door_opening+1,Y sta INH ; need to find actual door location ; it's at 54,34 ; Y is going to be at 20 unless something weird is going on ; X is going to be ((54-TILE_X)+2)*2 lda #56 sec sbc TILEMAP_X asl sta XPOS lda #20 sta YPOS jsr put_sprite_crop lda FRAMEL and #$7 bne done_open_door ; increment inc DOOR_ACTIVATED lda DOOR_ACTIVATED cmp #6 bne done_open_door jsr level_end done_open_door: rts door_opening: .word door_sprite0 .word door_sprite0 .word door_sprite1 .word door_sprite2 .word door_sprite1 .word door_sprite0 door_sprite0: .byte 4,4 .byte $15,$55,$55,$f5 .byte $55,$f5,$5f,$55 .byte $25,$25,$25,$25 .byte $55,$55,$55,$55 door_sprite1: .byte 4,4 .byte $51,$f5,$f5,$5f .byte $55,$05,$05,$50 .byte $05,$50,$50,$55 .byte $52,$55,$55,$52 door_sprite2: .byte 4,4 .byte $f5,$05,$05,$f0 .byte $55,$00,$00,$55 .byte $55,$00,$00,$55 .byte $05,$50,$50,$25