.include "zp.inc" H2 = $2C ; V2 = $2D ; TEMPY = $FB HGR = $F3E2 HPLOT0 = $F457 HCOLOR = $F6EC ; HLINE = $F819 ; VLINE = $F828 ; COLOR = $F864 ; TEXT = $FB36 ; HOME = $FC58 jsr TEXT jsr HOME lda #0 sta DISP_PAGE lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE lda #0 sta CH sta CV lda #line1 sta OUTH jsr move_and_print inc CV jsr move_and_print inc CV jsr move_and_print inc CV jsr move_and_print inc CV jsr move_and_print inc CV jsr move_and_print ; draw the moon lda #0 sta CV lda #3 sta CH jsr htab_vtab ; vtab(1); htab(4) lda #32 ; inverse space ldy #0 sta (BASL),Y inc CV dec CH jsr htab_vtab lda #32 ldy #0 sta (BASL),Y inc CV jsr htab_vtab lda #32 ldy #0 sta (BASL),Y inc CV inc CH jsr htab_vtab lda #32 ldy #0 sta (BASL),Y ; Wait jsr wait_until_keypressed ; GR part bit LORES bit SET_GR bit FULLGR lda #$44 sta COLOR lda #39 sta V2 lda #28 line_loop: pha ldy #0 jsr hlin_double pla clc adc #2 cmp #48 bne line_loop ; Wait jsr wait_until_keypressed bit HIRES ; Wait jsr wait_until_keypressed ;===================================================== ; attempt vapor lock ; by reading the "floating bus" we can see most recently ; written value of the display ; we look for $44 (which is the green grass on low-res) ;===================================================== ; See: ; Have an Apple Split by Bob Bishop ; Softalk, October 1982 vapor_lock_loop: ;===================================================== ;===================================================== ; Loop forever display loop ;===================================================== ;===================================================== display_loop: ; each scan line 65 cycles ; 1 cycle each byte (40cycles) + 25 for horizontal ; Total of 12480 cycles to draw screen ; Vertical blank = 4550 cycles (70 scan lines) ; Total of 17030 cycles to get back to where was ; 16666 = 17030 x=1021.8 ; 1000 x ; TODO: find beginning of scan ; Text mode for 6*8=48 scanlines (3120 cycles) ; hgr for 64 scalines (4160 cycles) ; gr for 80 scalines (5200 cycles) ; vblank = 4550 cycles ; text bit SET_TEXT ; 4 ; want 3120-4 = 3116 cycles ; inner loop = 2+(x*5)-1 = 5x+1 ; outer loop = 2+(y*5+y*inner)-1 = 1+5y+y*(5x+1) ; 1+5y+5xy+y ; 1+6y+5xy ; 1+y(6+5x) ; Try X=11 Y=51 cycles=3112 (R 4) lda #0 ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 ldy #51 ; 2 loop2: ldx #11 ; 2 loop1: dex ; 2 bne loop1 ; 2nt/3 dey ; 2 bne loop2 ; 2nt/3 ;============================================= ; hgr bit HIRES ; 4 bit SET_GR ; 4 ; want 4160-8 = 4152 cycles ; 1+y(6+5x) ; Try X=91 Y=9 cycles=4150, R2 lda #0 ; 2 ldy #9 ; 2 loop3: ldx #91 ; 2 loop4: dex ; 2 bne loop4 ; 2nt/3 dey ; 2 bne loop3 ; 2nt/3 ;=========================================================================== ; gr bit LORES ; 4 ; want 5200 - 4 = 5196 cycles ; 1+y(6+5x) ; Try X=17 Y=57 cycles=5188, R8 lda #0 ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 ldy #57 ; 2 loop5: ldx #17 ; 2 loop6: dex ; 2 bne loop6 ; 2nt/3 dey ; 2 bne loop5 ; 2nt/3 ;======================================================================== ; vertical blank ; want 4550-3 = 4547 cycles ; 1+y(6+5x) ; Try X=13 Y=64 cycles=4545 R2 lda #0 ; 2 ldy #64 ; 2 loop7: ldx #13 ; 2 loop8: dex ; 2 bne loop8 ; 2nt/3 dey ; 2 bne loop7 ; 2nt/3 jmp display_loop ; 3 wait_until_keypressed: lda KEYPRESS ; check if keypressed bpl wait_until_keypressed ; if not, loop bit KEYRESET rts line1:.asciiz " * . " line2:.asciiz " * . T A L B O T . " line3:.asciiz " * F A N T A S Y " line4:.asciiz " * S E V E N " line5:.asciiz " . . . " line6:.asciiz " . " .include "../asm_routines/gr_offsets.s" .include "../asm_routines/text_print.s" .include "../asm_routines/gr_hlin_double.s" .align $1000 .incbin "KATC.BIN"