Selena: + turn around? + whole way to tower thing main: + leave at angle + re-set levers (?) + close door on ss + some sort of switch animation on circuit breakers? Images left: + tree4_e + ladder1_path_n + ladder1_w + ladder1_top + ladder1_e + ladder2_path + ladder2_w + ladder2_top + pool_n + pool_e + pool_w + tree1_n + tree1_s + tree1_e + tree1_w + imager_room1 + imager_room2 ship_raised: octagon_room: + door open + door closed + tower rotation + blue book + bookshelf + books + corridor + elevator + view from top, 4 directions? + door closed/library open General: + Insert floppy #100 joke? + double link noise (once when leave, once when get there?) + allow turning around + allow going 45 degree angles + adjust grab window on letter + add missing red book step + move link sound to be loaded from disk Make game winnable: + Allow access to all marker switches + Track state of marker switches (draw them properly?) + Allow grabbing white page + allow entering code MIST island: + Scenery - Projector room, with message - Climb towers with circuit breakers (2) - Dentist chair - Raised ship - fireplace close/open - constellation panels - roof of temple for return + fireplace puzzle + bookshelf close? + book? + atrus at end + Dentist chair + Raise ship + Fireplace: 8x6 grid + Readable books + Tower rotation MECHE age: + Everything in age SELENA age: + optional mockingboard sound for keyboard? + Complicated age with sounds + That whole rediculous underground cart sequence Tree age: + Tree puzzle Stoneship age: + ? Ending: + Turning + Allow looking at green book on shelf + Atrus at end -- hires? + Marker Switches (8): * Dock * Gears * Dentist * Pool * Spaceship * Clock * Cabin * Generator