; Selenitic (selena) island ; by deater (Vince Weaver) ; Zero Page .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" .include "common_defines.inc" .include "common_routines.inc" selena_start: ;=================== ; init screen jsr TEXT jsr HOME bit KEYRESET bit SET_GR bit PAGE0 bit LORES bit FULLGR ;================= ; set up location ;================= lda #locations sta LOCATIONS_H lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE sta LEVEL_OVER ; init cursor lda #20 sta CURSOR_X sta CURSOR_Y ;================= ; init vars ; copy in rocket note puzzle state lda ROCKET_NOTE1 sta rocket_notes lda ROCKET_NOTE2 sta rocket_notes+2 lda ROCKET_NOTE3 sta rocket_notes+4 lda ROCKET_NOTE4 sta rocket_notes+6 ; hook up the special functions ; these might be disabled if we've been here before ; FIXME: this means we cannot save game inside spaceship on selena ldy #LOCATION_SPECIAL_EXIT lda #DIRECTION_E ; enable controls sta location1,Y ; SELENA_CONTROLS lda #DIRECTION_W ; enable organ sta location2,Y ; SELENA_ELECTRIC_ORGAN lda #DIRECTION_N ; enable mist exit sta location0,Y ; SELENA_INSIDE_SHIP ; set up initial location jsr change_location lda #1 sta CURSOR_VISIBLE ; visible at first lda #0 sta ANIMATE_FRAME game_loop: ;================= ; reset things ;================= lda #0 sta IN_SPECIAL sta IN_RIGHT sta IN_LEFT ;==================================== ; copy background to current page ;==================================== jsr gr_copy_to_current ;==================================== ; handle special-case forground logic ;==================================== lda LOCATION cmp #SELENA_CONTROLS beq controls_animation cmp #SELENA_BOOK_OPEN beq mist_book_animation cmp #SELENA_WATER beq fg_draw_blue_page ; and water note cmp #SELENA_CRYSTAL_CLOSE beq fg_draw_red_page cmp #SELENA_ANTENNA_CLOSE beq fg_draw_antenna_panel cmp #SELENA_CHASM beq fg_draw_chasm_note cmp #SELENA_CLOCK_CLOSE beq fg_draw_clock_note cmp #SELENA_TUNNEL_MAIN_CLOSE beq fg_draw_tunnel_note jmp nothing_special mist_book_animation: jsr draw_mist_animation jmp nothing_special controls_animation: ldy #LOCATION_SPECIAL_EXIT lda location1,Y cmp #$ff beq no_draw_buttons ; draw the buttons jsr spaceship_draw_buttons no_draw_buttons: ; handle animated linking book lda ANIMATE_FRAME beq nothing_special asl tay lda selena_movie,Y sta INL lda selena_movie+1,Y sta INH lda #17 sta XPOS lda #4 sta YPOS jsr put_sprite_crop lda FRAMEL and #$f bne done_animate_book inc ANIMATE_FRAME lda ANIMATE_FRAME animate_check_high: cmp #23 bne animate_check_low lda #13 sta ANIMATE_FRAME bne done_animate_book ; bra animate_check_low: cmp #13 bne done_animate_book lda #9 sta ANIMATE_FRAME done_animate_book: jmp nothing_special fg_draw_blue_page: jsr draw_blue_page jmp nothing_special fg_draw_red_page: jsr draw_red_page jmp nothing_special fg_draw_antenna_panel: jsr draw_antenna_panel jmp nothing_special fg_draw_water_note: jsr draw_water_background jmp nothing_special fg_draw_chasm_note: jsr draw_chasm_background jmp nothing_special fg_draw_clock_note: jsr draw_clock_background jmp nothing_special fg_draw_tunnel_note: jsr draw_tunnel_background jmp nothing_special nothing_special: ;==================================== ; draw pointer ;==================================== jsr draw_pointer ;==================================== ; page flip ;==================================== jsr page_flip ;==================================== ; handle keypress/joystick ;==================================== jsr handle_keypress ;==================================== ; inc frame count ;==================================== inc FRAMEL bne room_frame_no_oflo inc FRAMEH room_frame_no_oflo: ;==================================== ; check level over ;==================================== lda LEVEL_OVER bne really_exit jmp game_loop really_exit: jmp end_level back_to_mist: lda #$ff sta LEVEL_OVER lda #MIST_SPACESHIP_FAR ; pathway outside rocket sta LOCATION lda #DIRECTION_E sta DIRECTION lda #LOAD_MIST sta WHICH_LOAD jsr save_rocket_state rts ; save rocket state save_rocket_state: lda rocket_notes sta ROCKET_NOTE1 lda rocket_notes+2 sta ROCKET_NOTE2 lda rocket_notes+4 sta ROCKET_NOTE3 lda rocket_notes+6 sta ROCKET_NOTE4 rocket_save_return: rts selena_take_red_page: lda CURSOR_Y cmp #10 bcc actually_take_red_page cmp #24 bcc rocket_save_return jmp crystal_button_pressed actually_take_red_page: lda #SELENA_PAGE jmp take_red_page selena_take_blue_page: lda DIRECTION and #$f cmp #DIRECTION_W bne actually_take_blue_page jmp water_button_pressed actually_take_blue_page: lda #SELENA_PAGE jmp take_blue_page ;============================= draw_red_page: ; first draw background jsr draw_crystal_background lda RED_PAGES_TAKEN and #SELENA_PAGE bne no_draw_page lda #18 sta XPOS lda #0 sta YPOS lda #red_page_sprite sta INH jmp put_sprite_crop ; tail call draw_blue_page: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_S beq do_draw_blue_page cmp #DIRECTION_W bne no_draw_page jmp draw_water_background do_draw_blue_page: lda BLUE_PAGES_TAKEN and #SELENA_PAGE bne no_draw_page lda #20 sta XPOS lda #24 sta YPOS lda #blue_page_sprite sta INH jmp put_sprite_crop ; tail call no_draw_page: rts ;=============================== ; draw mist book animation ;=============================== draw_mist_animation: ; handle animated linking book lda ANIMATE_FRAME cmp #6 bcc mist_book_good ; blt lda #0 sta ANIMATE_FRAME mist_book_good: asl tay lda mist_movie,Y sta INL lda mist_movie+1,Y sta INH lda #24 sta XPOS lda #12 sta YPOS jsr put_sprite_crop lda FRAMEL and #$f bne done_animate_mist_book inc ANIMATE_FRAME done_animate_mist_book: jmp nothing_special ;============================== ; tunnel actions tunnel_main_down: lda #SELENA_TUNNEL_MAIN_TOP bne update_tunnel_e tunnel_main_top_down: lda #SELENA_TUNNEL_MAIN_MID bne update_tunnel_e tunnel_main_mid_down: lda #SELENA_TUNNEL_BASEMENT ; bne update_tunnel_e update_tunnel_e: sta LOCATION lda #DIRECTION_E sta DIRECTION jmp change_location antenna_down: lda #SELENA_ANTENNA_TOP bne update_tunnel_e antenna_top_down: lda #SELENA_ANTENNA_MID bne update_tunnel_e antenna_mid_down: lda #SELENA_ANTENNA_BASEMENT bne update_tunnel_e ;============================== ; keypad actions keypad_press: lda #SELENA_BUNKER_OPEN sta LOCATION jmp change_location ;========================== ; includes ;========================== ; level graphics .include "graphics_selena/selena_graphics.inc" ; puzzles .include "selena_organ_puzzle.s" .include "selena_sound_puzzle.s" ; linking books .include "link_book_mist.s" .include "handle_pages.s" ; level data .include "leveldata_selena.inc" ; sound .include "speaker_beeps.s" .include "simple_sounds.s"