.include "zp.inc" ;=========== ; CONSTANTS ;=========== NUMSTARS EQU 16 ;===================== ; Starfield ;===================== ;================================ ; Clear screen and setup graphics ;================================ jsr clear_screens ; clear top/bottom of page 0/1 jsr set_gr_page0 ; Initialize the 2kB of multiply lookup tables jsr init_multiply_tables ;=============== ; Init Variables ;=============== lda #0 ; 2 sta DRAW_PAGE ; 3 sta RANDOM_POINTER ; 3 ; always multiply with low byte as zero sta NUM2L ; 3 ldy #(NUMSTARS-1) ; 2 init_stars: jsr random_star ; 6 dey ; 2 bpl init_stars ; 2nt/3 ;=========================== ;=========================== ; Main Loop ;=========================== ;=========================== starfield_loop: ;=============== ; clear screen ;=============== jsr clear_top ; 6+ ; 6047 ;=============== ; draw stars ;=============== ; start at 15 and count down (rather than 0 and count up) ldx #(NUMSTARS-1) ; 2 draw_stars: stx XX ; 3 ;================ ; calculate color ;================ lda #$ff ; want if z<16, color = 5 ; 2 sta COLOR ; if 16<z<32 color = 13 ; 3 ; if 32<z<64 color = 15 lda star_z,X ; 4 tay ; put star_z[i] in X for later ; 2 cmp #32 ; 2 bpl done_color ; 2nt/3 cmp #16 ; 15 -1 16 0 17 1 ; 2 bpl second_color ; 2nt/3 lda #$55 ; 2 sta COLOR ; 3 jmp done_color ; 3 second_color: lda #$dd ; 2 sta COLOR ; 3 done_color: ; calculate x value, stars[i].x/stars[i].z ; put 1/stars[i].z in NUM1H:NUM1L and multiply lda z_table,Y ; 4 sta NUM1L ; F ; 3 ; adjust spacez for 58+ ; all this logic to avoid having a 128 byte table of mostly zero lda #0 ; I ; 2 clc ; 2 cpy #60 ; 59 -1 60 0 61 1 ; 2 bmi no_adjust ; 2nt/3 adc #1 ; 60, 61 = 1 ; 2 cpy #62 ; 61 -1 62 0 63 1 ; 2 bmi no_adjust ; 2nt/3 adc #1 ; 62 = 2 ; 2 cpy #63 ; 62 = -1 63 = 0 64 = not possible ; 2 bne no_adjust ; 2nt/3 adc #2 ; 63 = 4 ; 2 no_adjust: sta NUM1H ; store int part of spacez ; 3 ; load stars[i].x into NUM2H:NUM2L ; NUM2L is always zero ldy XX ; 3 lda star_x,Y ; 4 sta NUM2H ; 3 sec ; don't reuse old values ; 2 jsr multiply ; 6+? ; integer result in X txa ; 2 clc ; 2 adc #20 ; center on screen ; 2 sta XPOS ; save for later ; 3 ; calculate y value, stars[i].y/stars[i].z ; 1/stars[i].z is still in NUM1H:NUM1L ldy XX ; reload index ; 3 lda star_y,Y ; load integer part of star_ ; 4 sta NUM2H ; 3 clc ; reuse old values ; 2 jsr multiply ; 6+ ; integer result in X txa ; 2 clc ; 2 adc #20 ; center the value ; 2 tay ; Y is YPOS ; 2 sty YPOS ; put Y value in Y to plot ; 3 ;============================ ; Check Limits ;============================ ; ldy YPOS bmi new_star ; 2nt/3 cpy #40 ; 2 bpl new_star ; if < 0 or > 40 then done ; 2nt/3 lda XPOS ; 3 bmi new_star ; 2nt/3 cmp #40 ; 2 bpl new_star ; if < 0 or > 40 then done ; 2nt/3 ; FIXME: sort out all of these jumps to be more efficient bmi plot_star ; 2 new_star: ldy XX ; 3 jsr random_star ; 6 jmp plot_star_continue ; 3 plot_star: jsr plot ; 6 plot_star_continue: ;============================== ldx XX ; 3 dex ; 2 bmi move_stars ; 2nt/3 bpl draw_stars ; 2nt/3 ; jmp draw_stars ;============================= ; Move stars move_stars: ldy #(NUMSTARS-1) ; 2 move_stars_loop: ; increment z clc ; if z >= 64 new star ; 2 lda star_z,Y ; 4 adc #1 ; 2 sta star_z,Y ; 4 and #64 ; 2 beq move_loop_skip ; 2nt/3 jsr random_star ; new random star ; 6 move_loop_skip: dey ; 2 bpl move_stars_loop ; 2nt/3 starfield_keyboard: ; jsr get_key ; get keypress ; 6 ; lda LASTKEY ; 3 ; beq starfield_keyboard ; cmp #('Q') ; if quit, then return ; bne skipskip ; rts skipskip: ;================== ; flip pages ;================== jsr page_flip ; 6 ;================== ; loop forever ;================== jmp starfield_loop ; 3 ; matches scroll_row1 - row3 star_x EQU $8A00 star_y EQU $8B00 star_z EQU $8C00 ;=================== ; star number in Y ; FIXME: increment at end? ; X trashed random_star: ; random x location ldx RANDOM_POINTER ; 3 lda random_table,X ; 4 sta star_x,Y ; 5 inx ; 2 ; random y location lda random_table,X ; 4 sta star_y,Y ; 5 inx ; 2 ; random z location lda random_table,X ; 4 and #$3f ; 2 sta star_z,Y ; 5 inx ; 2 bpl clear_x txa and #$3 tax clear_x: stx RANDOM_POINTER ; 3 rts ; 6 ;=============================================== ; External modules ;=============================================== .include "../asm_routines/pageflip.s" .include "../asm_routines/gr_setpage.s" ;.include "../asm_routines/keypress.s" ;.include "../asm_routines/gr_putsprite.s" .include "../asm_routines/gr_offsets.s" .include "../asm_routines/gr_fast_clear.s" .include "../asm_routines/gr_plot.s" .include "../asm_routines/multiply_fast.s" ;====================== ; some "random" numbers ;====================== random_table: .byte 103,198,105,115, 81,255, 74,236, 41,205,186,171,242,251,227, 70 .byte 124,194, 84,248, 27,232,231,141,118, 90, 46 ,99, 51,159,201,154 .byte 102, 50, 13,183, 49, 88,163, 90, 37, 93, 5, 23, 88,233, 94,212 .byte 171,178,205,198,155,180, 84, 17, 14,130,116, 65, 33, 61,220,135 .byte 112,233, 62,161, 65,225,252,103, 62, 1,126,151,234,220,107,150 .byte 143, 56, 92, 42,236,176, 59,251, 50,175, 60, 84,236, 24,219, 92 .byte 2, 26,254, 67,251,250,170, 58,251, 41,209,230, 5, 60,124,148 .byte 117,216,190, 97,137,249, 92,187,168,153, 15,149,177,235,241,179 .byte 5,239,247, 0,233,161; , 58,229,202, 11,203,208, 72, 71,100,189 ;.byte 31, 35, 30,168, 28,123,100,197, 20,115, 90,197, 94, 75,121, 99 ;.byte 59,112,100, 36, 17,158, 9,220,170,212,172,242, 27, 16,175, 59 ;.byte 51,205,227, 80, 72, 71, 21, 92,187,111, 34, 25,186,155,125,245 ;.byte 11,225, 26, 28,127, 35,248, 41,248,164, 27, 19,181,202, 78,232 ;.byte 152, 50, 56,224,121, 77, 61, 52,188, 95, 78,119,250,203,108, 5 ;.byte 172,134, 33, 43,170, 26, 85,162,190,112,181,115, 59, 4, 92,211 ;.byte 54,148,179,175,226,240,228,158, 79, 50, 21, 73,253,130, 78,169 z_table: ; 1/16.0 - 1/12.25 .byte $10,$10,$10,$10,$11,$11,$11,$11,$12,$12,$12,$13,$13,$14,$14,$14 ; 1/12.0 - 1/8.25 .byte $15,$15,$16,$16,$17,$17,$18,$18,$19,$1A,$1A,$1B,$1C,$1D,$1E,$1F ; 1/8.0 - 1/4.25 .byte $20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$27,$28,$2A,$2C,$2E,$30,$33,$35,$38,$3C ; 1/4.0 - 1/0.25 .byte $40,$44,$49,$4E,$55,$5D,$66,$71,$80,$92,$AA,$CC,$00,$55,$00,$00