; TODO ; move some of these flags to be bits rather than bytes? ; enabled could be bit 6 or 7 for fast checking ; ; Use memset to set things to 0? NOTE_WHICH=0 NOTE_VOLUME=1 NOTE_TONE_SLIDING=2 NOTE_ENABLED=3 NOTE_ENVELOPE_ENABLED=4 NOTE_SAMPLE_POINTER=5 NOTE_SAMPLE_LOOP=7 NOTE_SAMPLE_LENGTH=8 NOTE_TONE_L=9 NOTE_TONE_H=10 NOTE_AMPLITUDE=11 note_a: .byte 'A' ; NOTE_WHICH .byte $0 ; NOTE_VOLUME .byte $0 ; NOTE_TONE_SLIDING .byte $0 ; NOTE_ENABLED .byte $0 ; NOTE_ENVELOPE_ENABLED .word $0 ; NOTE_SAMPLE_POINTER .byte $0 ; NOTE_SAMPLE_LOOP .byte $0 ; NOTE_SAMPLE_LENGTH .byte $0 ; NOTE_TONE_L .byte $0 ; NOTE_TONE_H .byte $0 ; NOTE_AMPLITUDE note_b: .byte 'B' ; NOTE_WHICH .byte $0 ; NOTE_VOLUME .byte $0 ; NOTE_TONE_SLIDING .byte $0 ; NOTE_ENABLED .byte $0 ; NOTE_ENVELOPE_ENABLED .word $0 ; NOTE_SAMPLE_POINTER .byte $0 ; NOTE_SAMPLE_LOOP .byte $0 ; NOTE_SAMPLE_LENGTH .byte $0 ; NOTE_TONE_L .byte $0 ; NOTE_TONE_H .byte $0 ; NOTE_AMPLITUDE note_c: .byte 'C' ; NOTE_WHICH .byte $0 ; NOTE_VOLUME .byte $0 ; NOTE_TONE_SLIDING .byte $0 ; NOTE_ENABLED .byte $0 ; NOTE_ENVELOPE_ENABLED .word $0 ; NOTE_SAMPLE_POINTER .byte $0 ; NOTE_SAMPLE_LOOP .byte $0 ; NOTE_SAMPLE_LENGTH .byte $0 ; NOTE_TONE_L .byte $0 ; NOTE_TONE_H .byte $0 ; NOTE_AMPLITUDE pt3_version: .byte $0 pt3_frequency_table: .byte $0 pt3_speed: .byte $0 pt3_num_patterns: .byte $0 pt3_loop: .byte $0 pt3_noise_period: .byte $0 pt3_noise_add: .byte $0 pt3_envelope_period_l: .byte $0 pt3_envelope_period_h: .byte $0 pt3_envelope_slide_l: .byte $0 pt3_envelope_slide_h: .byte $0 pt3_envelope_slide_add_l:.byte $0 pt3_envelope_slide_add_h:.byte $0 pt3_envelope_add: .byte $0 pt3_envelope_type: .byte $0 pt3_envelope_type_old: .byte $0 pt3_envelope_delay: .byte $0 pt3_envelope_delay_orig:.byte $0 pt3_current_pattern: .byte $0 pt3_music_len: .byte $0 pt3_mixer_value: .byte $0 temp_word_l: .byte $0 temp_word_h: .byte $0 ; Header offsets PT3_HEADER_FREQUENCY = $63 load_ornament: rts load_sample: rts pt3_init_song: lda #$f sta note_a+NOTE_VOLUME sta note_b+NOTE_VOLUME sta note_c+NOTE_VOLUME lda #$0 sta note_a+NOTE_TONE_SLIDING sta note_b+NOTE_TONE_SLIDING sta note_c+NOTE_TONE_SLIDING sta note_a+NOTE_ENABLED sta note_b+NOTE_ENABLED sta note_c+NOTE_ENABLED sta note_a+NOTE_ENVELOPE_ENABLED sta note_b+NOTE_ENVELOPE_ENABLED sta note_c+NOTE_ENVELOPE_ENABLED lda #'A' jsr load_ornament lda #'A' jsr load_sample lda #'B' jsr load_ornament lda #'B' jsr load_sample lda #'C' jsr load_ornament lda #'C' jsr load_sample lda #$0 sta pt3_noise_period sta pt3_noise_add sta pt3_envelope_period_l sta pt3_envelope_period_h sta pt3_envelope_type sta pt3_current_pattern rts ;===================================== ; Calculate Note ;===================================== calculate_note: ldy #0 lda note_a+NOTE_ENABLED,Y bne note_enabled lda #0 sta note_a+NOTE_AMPLITUDE,Y jmp done_note note_enabled: ; b0 = pt3->data[a->sample_pointer + a->sample_position * 4]; ; b1 = pt3->data[a->sample_pointer + a->sample_position * 4 + 1]; ; a->tone = pt3->data[a->sample_pointer + a->sample_position * 4 + 2]; ; a->tone += (pt3->data[a->sample_pointer + a->sample_position * 4 + 3])<<8; ; a->tone += a->tone_accumulator; ; if ((b1 & 0x40) != 0) { ; a->tone_accumulator=a->tone; ; } ; j = a->note + ((pt3->data[a->ornament_pointer + a->ornament_position]<<24)>>24); ; if (j < 0) j = 0; ; else if (j > 95) j = 95; ; w = GetNoteFreq(j,pt3->frequency_table); ; a->tone = (a->tone + a->tone_sliding + w) & 0xfff; ; if (a->tone_slide_count > 0) { ; a->tone_slide_count--; ; if (a->tone_slide_count==0) { ; a->tone_sliding+=a->tone_slide_step; ; a->tone_slide_count = a->tone_slide_delay; ; if (!a->simplegliss) { ; if ( ((a->tone_slide_step < 0) && ; (a->tone_sliding <= a->tone_delta)) || ; ((a->tone_slide_step >= 0) && ; (a->tone_sliding >= a->tone_delta)) ) { ; a->note = a->slide_to_note; ; a->tone_slide_count = 0; ; a->tone_sliding = 0; ; } ; } ; } ; } ; a->amplitude= (b1 & 0xf); ; if ((b0 & 0x80)!=0) { ; if ((b0&0x40)!=0) { ; if (a->amplitude_sliding < 15) { ; a->amplitude_sliding++; ; } ; } ; else { ; if (a->amplitude_sliding > -15) { ; a->amplitude_sliding--; ; } ; } ; } ; a->amplitude+=a->amplitude_sliding; ; clamp amplitude to 0 - 15 lda note_a+NOTE_AMPLITUDE,Y check_amp_lo: bpl check_amp_hi lda #0 jmp write_clamp_amplitude check_amp_hi: cmp #16 bcc done_clamp_amplitude ; blt lda #15 write_clamp_amplitude: sta note_a+NOTE_AMPLITUDE,Y done_clamp_amplitude: ; //if (PlParams.PT3.PT3_Version <= 4) ; // a->amplitude = PT3VolumeTable_33_34[a->volume][a->amplitude]; ; //} ; //else ; a->amplitude = PT3VolumeTable_35[a->volume][a->amplitude]; ; if (((b0 & 0x1) == 0) && ( a->envelope_enabled)) { ; a->amplitude |= 16; ; } ; /* Frequency slide */ ; /* If b1 top bits are 10 or 11 */ ; if ((b1 & 0x80) != 0) { ; if ((b0 & 0x20) != 0) { ; j = ((b0>>1)|0xF0) + a->envelope_sliding; ; } ; else { ; j = ((b0>>1)&0xF) + a->envelope_sliding; ; } ; if (( b1 & 0x20) != 0) { ; a->envelope_sliding = j; ; } ; pt3->envelope_add+=j; ; } ; /* Noise slide */ ; else { ; pt3->noise_add = (b0>>1) + a->noise_sliding; ; if ((b1 & 0x20) != 0) { ; a->noise_sliding = pt3->noise_add; ; } ; } ; pt3->mixer_value = ((b1 >>1) & 0x48) | pt3->mixer_value; ; a->sample_position++; ; if (a->sample_position >= a->sample_length) { ; a->sample_position = a->sample_loop; ; } ; a->ornament_position++; ; if (a->ornament_position >= a->ornament_length) { ; a->ornament_position = a->ornament_loop; ; } ;} else { ; a->amplitude=0; ;} done_note: ; set mixer value ; this is a bit complex (from original code) ; after 3 calls it is set up properly lda pt3_mixer_value lsr sta pt3_mixer_value ;if (a->onoff>0) { ; a->onoff--; ; if (a->onoff==0) { ; a->enabled=!a->enabled; ; if (a->enabled) a->onoff=a->onoff_delay; ; else a->onoff=a->offon_delay; ; } ;} rts ;===================================== ; Decode Note ;===================================== decode_note: rts ;===================================== ; Decode Line ;===================================== pt3_decode_line: rts ;===================================== ; Set Pattern ;===================================== pt3_set_pattern: rts current_subframe: .byte $0 current_line: .byte $0 current_pattern: .byte $0 ;===================================== ; pt3 make frame ;===================================== pt3_make_frame: ; for(i=0;i < pt3.music_len;i++) { ; pt3_set_pattern(i,&pt3); ; for(j=0;j<64;j++) { ; if (pt3_decode_line(&pt3)) break; next_subframe: inc current_subframe ; for(f=0;fnoise_period+pt3->noise_add)&0x1f; clc lda pt3_noise_period adc pt3_noise_add and #$1f sta REGISTER_DUMP+6 ; Mixer lda pt3_mixer_value sta REGISTER_DUMP+7 ; Amplitudes lda note_a+NOTE_AMPLITUDE sta REGISTER_DUMP+8 lda note_b+NOTE_AMPLITUDE sta REGISTER_DUMP+9 lda note_c+NOTE_AMPLITUDE sta REGISTER_DUMP+10 ; Envelope period ; result=period+add+slide (16-bits) clc lda pt3_envelope_period_l adc pt3_envelope_add sta temp_word_l lda pt3_envelope_period_h adc #0 sta temp_word_h clc lda pt3_envelope_slide_l adc temp_word_l ; sta temp_word_l sta REGISTER_DUMP+11 lda temp_word_h adc pt3_envelope_slide_h ; sta temp_word_h sta REGISTER_DUMP+12 ; Envelope shape lda pt3_envelope_type cmp pt3_envelope_type_old bne envelope_diff envelope_same: lda #$ff ; if same, store $ff envelope_diff: sta REGISTER_DUMP+13 lda pt3_envelope_type sta pt3_envelope_type_old ; copy old to new lda pt3_envelope_delay beq done_do_frame ; assume can't be negative? ; do this if envelope_delay>0 dec pt3_envelope_delay bne done_do_frame ; only do if we hit 0 lda pt3_envelope_delay_orig ; reset envelope delay sta pt3_envelope_delay clc ; 16-bit add lda pt3_envelope_slide_l adc pt3_envelope_slide_add_l sta pt3_envelope_slide_l lda pt3_envelope_slide_h adc pt3_envelope_slide_add_h sta pt3_envelope_slide_h done_do_frame: rts ;====================================== ; GetNoteFreq ;====================================== ; Return frequency from lookup table ; Which note is in Y ; return in X,A (high,low) GetNoteFreq: lda PT3_LOC+PT3_HEADER_FREQUENCY cmp #1 bne freq_table_2 lda PT3NoteTable_ST_high,Y tax lda PT3NoteTable_ST_low,Y rts freq_table_2: lda PT3NoteTable_ASM_34_35_high,Y tax lda PT3NoteTable_ASM_34_35_low,Y rts ; Table #1 of Pro Tracker 3.3x - 3.5x PT3NoteTable_ST_high: .byte $0E,$0E,$0D,$0C,$0B,$0B,$0A,$09 .byte $09,$08,$08,$07,$07,$07,$06,$06 .byte $05,$05,$05,$04,$04,$04,$04,$03 .byte $03,$03,$03,$03,$02,$02,$02,$02 .byte $02,$02,$02,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01 .byte $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 PT3NoteTable_ST_low: .byte $F8,$10,$60,$80,$D8,$28,$88,$F0 .byte $60,$E0,$58,$E0,$7C,$08,$B0,$40 .byte $EC,$94,$44,$F8,$B0,$70,$2C,$FD .byte $BE,$84,$58,$20,$F6,$CA,$A2,$7C .byte $58,$38,$16,$F8,$DF,$C2,$AC,$90 .byte $7B,$65,$51,$3E,$2C,$1C,$0A,$FC .byte $EF,$E1,$D6,$C8,$BD,$B2,$A8,$9F .byte $96,$8E,$85,$7E,$77,$70,$6B,$64 .byte $5E,$59,$54,$4F,$4B,$47,$42,$3F .byte $3B,$38,$35,$32,$2F,$2C,$2A,$27 .byte $25,$23,$21,$1F,$1D,$1C,$1A,$19 .byte $17,$16,$15,$13,$12,$11,$10,$0F ; Table #2 of Pro Tracker 3.4x - 3.5x PT3NoteTable_ASM_34_35_high: .byte $0D,$0C,$0B,$0A,$0A,$09,$09,$08 .byte $08,$07,$07,$06,$06,$06,$05,$05 .byte $05,$04,$04,$04,$04,$03,$03,$03 .byte $03,$03,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02 .byte $02,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01 .byte $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 PT3NoteTable_ASM_34_35_low: .byte $10,$55,$A4,$FC,$5F,$CA,$3D,$B8 .byte $3B,$C5,$55,$EC,$88,$2A,$D2,$7E .byte $2F,$E5,$9E,$5C,$1D,$E2,$AB,$76 .byte $44,$15,$E9,$BF,$98,$72,$4F,$2E .byte $0F,$F1,$D5,$BB,$A2,$8B,$74,$60 .byte $4C,$39,$28,$17,$07,$F9,$EB,$DD .byte $D1,$C5,$BA,$B0,$A6,$9D,$94,$8C .byte $84,$7C,$75,$6F,$69,$63,$5D,$58 .byte $53,$4E,$4A,$46,$42,$3E,$3B,$37 .byte $34,$31,$2F,$2C,$29,$27,$25,$23 .byte $21,$1F,$1D,$1C,$1A,$19,$17,$16 .byte $15,$14,$12,$11,$10,$0F,$0E,$0D PT3VolumeTable_33_34: .byte $0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0 .byte $0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1 .byte $0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1,$2,$2,$2,$2,$2 .byte $0,$0,$0,$0,$1,$1,$1,$1,$2,$2,$2,$2,$3,$3,$3,$3 .byte $0,$0,$0,$0,$1,$1,$1,$2,$2,$2,$3,$3,$3,$4,$4,$4 .byte $0,$0,$0,$1,$1,$1,$2,$2,$3,$3,$3,$4,$4,$4,$5,$5 .byte $0,$0,$0,$1,$1,$2,$2,$3,$3,$3,$4,$4,$5,$5,$6,$6 .byte $0,$0,$1,$1,$2,$2,$3,$3,$4,$4,$5,$5,$6,$6,$7,$7 .byte $0,$0,$1,$1,$2,$2,$3,$3,$4,$5,$5,$6,$6,$7,$7,$8 .byte $0,$0,$1,$1,$2,$3,$3,$4,$5,$5,$6,$6,$7,$8,$8,$9 .byte $0,$0,$1,$2,$2,$3,$4,$4,$5,$6,$6,$7,$8,$8,$9,$A .byte $0,$0,$1,$2,$3,$3,$4,$5,$6,$6,$7,$8,$9,$9,$A,$B .byte $0,$0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$8,$9,$A,$B,$C .byte $0,$0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$7,$8,$9,$A,$B,$C,$D .byte $0,$0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$A,$B,$C,$D,$E .byte $0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$A,$B,$C,$D,$E,$F PT3VolumeTable_35: .byte $0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0 .byte $0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1 .byte $0,$0,$0,$0,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1,$2,$2,$2,$2 .byte $0,$0,$0,$1,$1,$1,$1,$1,$2,$2,$2,$2,$2,$3,$3,$3 .byte $0,$0,$1,$1,$1,$1,$2,$2,$2,$2,$3,$3,$3,$3,$4,$4 .byte $0,$0,$1,$1,$1,$2,$2,$2,$3,$3,$3,$4,$4,$4,$5,$5 .byte $0,$0,$1,$1,$2,$2,$2,$3,$3,$4,$4,$4,$5,$5,$6,$6 .byte $0,$0,$1,$1,$2,$2,$3,$3,$4,$4,$5,$5,$6,$6,$7,$7 .byte $0,$1,$1,$2,$2,$3,$3,$4,$4,$5,$5,$6,$6,$7,$7,$8 .byte $0,$1,$1,$2,$2,$3,$4,$4,$5,$5,$6,$7,$7,$8,$8,$9 .byte $0,$1,$1,$2,$3,$3,$4,$5,$5,$6,$7,$7,$8,$9,$9,$A .byte $0,$1,$1,$2,$3,$4,$4,$5,$6,$7,$7,$8,$9,$A,$A,$B .byte $0,$1,$2,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$6,$7,$8,$9,$A,$A,$B,$C .byte $0,$1,$2,$3,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$A,$A,$B,$C,$D .byte $0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$7,$8,$9,$A,$B,$C,$D,$E .byte $0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$A,$B,$C,$D,$E,$F