advorak cc6ebf9226
Fix typographical errors in Makefile
"prodos_cat" executable is erroneously referenced as "prodoscat" in "install:" and "clean:"
2021-09-11 06:13:09 +02:00

	by Vince `deater` Weaver <vince @>

Tools for manipulating Apple II prodos filesystems

+ prodos  : a tool for manipulating prodos .po / .dsk / 2mg images

+ mkprodosfs:	create an Apple ][ ProDOS filesystems

+ prodos_cat : allow cat'ing (listing) prodos text files with \r (CR)
	line endings on a machine like Linux that's expecting \n (LF)

NOTE: subdirectory support is currently not implemented

		test!  Especially edge cases
		test images big enough for extra bitmap table
		Options for setting vol header stuff
		Option to make 2mg image?

		test!  especially tree (files bigger than 128k)
		test! subdirectory support
			subdir currently broken if have to grow the directory
		support for setting attributes