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synced 2025-03-08 16:30:38 +00:00
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135 lines
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8 April 2003
+ Got simple hello world to compile and run when entered in hex
by hand [ od -t x1 hello ] into apple emulator.
+ start work on add-file-to-disk-image program
10 April 2003
+ Add to disk program now lets you add arbitrary files to a disk image.
+ Hello World program now works from "BRUN TB_6502"
11 April 2003
+ Move from default Apple start addy of $800 to $c00 so we can
use low-res page flipping (page1 is from $800-$bff)
+ Got print_text_xy routine working
+ Got blit working! VMW opening screen now comes up!
14 April 2003
+ RLE compress the sprites
+ get title screen displaying after figuring out minor problem
[was > 256 bytes]
15 April 2003
+ Add support for in-line x and y on put_text_xy
16 April 2003
+ Worked on dos3.3 utils rather than any useful menu stuff
9 May 2003
+ Have menu partially working, plus the about and phobos sprites loading
15 May 2003
+ Have "ABOUT" running the way I like, and not as cluttered as it was.
28 May 2003
+ Fix up printxy to correctly wrap at 8-byte boundary
+ have the story output text set up correctly.
+ add a "clear_bottom_ function.
1 June 2003
+ Story works
+ Spent 3 hours figuring out why put_text_xy have sporadic problem.
Stupid 6502 and no-16-bit addition. So very tired...
12 June 2003
+ Add arrow key support
+ Faster clear-screen
13 June 2003
+ Fix arrow keys being backwards, add escape key support
21 June 2003
+ Get normal TB left/right support, and clipping.
+ Add missile support
+ Fix various minor bugs.
+ Set up page flipping. Make clear_screen, clear_bottom, and blit
handle this properly
+ Get preliminary shields/level/score indicator working
+ (yes my gf was out of town, how can you guess)
11 July 2003
+ Got an enemy to appear in upper left
14 July 2003
+ Enemy moving back and forth, but major heisenbug. Why, why, why?
15 July 2003
+ Not heisenbug at all. Was running the move-enemy routine when
no enemy.out. Glad I didn't post on usenet asking why my code
was broken!
16 July 2003
+ Minimal y movement implemented
17 July 2003
+ Added random number generator
18 July 2003
+ Re structure enemy handling code to do a copy to zero page first,
thus streamlining things
+ Have missile <-> enemy collision detection working
+ Have minimal score keeping working
+ Have minimal enemy spawning working
+ (Yes gf was out on work related business, how did you guess)
29 August 2003
+ Long delay due to move to Ithaca
+ Annoying work getting 16-bit BCD printing to work. Harder than
it looks!
30 August 2003
+ Implement Proper Collision detection
+ Enemies can actually damage you
+ Explosions no longer move
+ Have "GAME OVER" print when you die
7 September 2003
+ Have it print "Level 1" at start of level
27 September 2003
+ HUGELY busy with grad school. Trying to get this
done for minigames competition
28 September 2003
+ Actual varied levels working. Trying to adjust speed for playability.
+ Added two more enemies, as having 8 is easier to do with mask instructions
+ Attempting to add Boss.
+ Added shield increment every 100 points
+ S now toggles sound
+ P now pauses
+ While waiting for keypress, random number gen seeded
+ Updated timinings. yae is too slow :( am trusting
xapple2 as it seems to play most other games properly.
Should fire up my _real_ IIe.
11 July 2004
+ Finally got around to uploading on my real IIe.
Subjective delay timing, seems to work.
+ Boss seems to act irregularly?
13 July 2004
+ Scrolling stars implemented.
18 July 2004
+ "Ending" for end of level 1 ported over.
+ Bonuses added
+ Hi-score (though not to disk) implemented
+ Final balancing on my Apple IIe Platinum
+ Fix some minor bugs
+ Fixed bug where unitialized memory was causing star scrolling to mess up
+ Bumped version number to 1.0
24 July 2004
+ Added sort-of-working paddle/joystick code.