2018-12-20 10:49:39 -05:00

323 lines
6.2 KiB

; XMAS2018 -- Merry Christmas Part
; init screen
; init vars
lda #15
sta XPOS
lda #38
sta YPOS
lda #0
; Load graphic hgr -- already loaded at $6000
; setup graphics for vapor lock
jsr vapor_lock ; 6
; vapor lock returns with us at beginning of hsync in line
; 114 (7410 cycles), so with 5070 lines to go
; so we have 5070 + 4550 = 9620 to kill
; FIXME: clear page0/page1 screens
; jsr gr_copy_to_current ; 6+ 9292
; now we have 322 left
; GR part
bit HIRES ; 4
bit SET_GR ; 4
bit FULLGR ; 4
bit PAGE1 ; 4
; 9620
; -12 mode set
; - 3 for jmp
; 9605
; Try X=136 Y=14 cycles=9605
ldy #14 ; 2
meloopA:ldx #136 ; 2
meloopB:dex ; 2
bne meloopB ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne meloopA ; 2nt/3
jmp merry_begin_loop
.align $100
; Merry Christmas Loop
; each scan line 65 cycles
; 1 cycle each byte (40cycles) + 25 for horizontal
; Total of 12480 cycles to draw screen
; Vertical blank = 4550 cycles (70 scan lines)
; Total of 17030 cycles to get back to where was
; 192 lines of hires page1
; (192*65) = 12480
; Try X=24 Y=99 cycles=12475 R5
lda $0
ldy #99 ; 2
meloopE:ldx #24 ; 2
meloopF:dex ; 2
bne meloopF ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne meloopE ; 2nt/3
; We have 4550 cycles in the vblank, use them wisely
; do_nothing should be 4550
; -10 keypress
; ===========
; 4540
; jsr play_music ; 6+1032
lda #$00
sta scroll_hgr_smc+1
jsr scroll_hgr_left
lda #$28
sta scroll_hgr_smc+1
jsr scroll_hgr_left
lda #$50
sta scroll_hgr_smc+1
jsr scroll_hgr_left
; Try X=9 Y=89 cycles=4540
ldy #89 ; 2
meloop1:ldx #9 ; 2
meloop2:dex ; 2
bne meloop2 ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne meloop1 ; 2nt/3
; no keypress = 10+(24) = 34
bit KEYRESET ; clear keypress ; 4
lda KEYPRESS ; 4
bpl me_keyloop ; 3
; -1
; jmp me_handle_keypress ; 3
; jmp merry_display_loop ; 3
bit KEYRESET ; clear keypress ; 4
rts ; 6
; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
; 00 = $2000 $2400 $2800 $2c00 $3000 $3400 $3800 $3c00
; 08 = $2080 $2480 $2880 $2c80 $3080 $3480 $3880 $3c80
; 16 = $2100 $2500 $2900 $2d00 $3100 $3500 $3900 $3d00
; 24 = $2180 $2580 $2980 $2d80 $3180 $3580 $3980 $3d80
; 32 = $2200 $2600 $2a00 $2e00 $3200 $3600 $3a00 $3e00
; 40 = $2280 $2680 $2a80 $2e80 $3280 $3680 $3a80 $3e80
; 48 = $2300 $2700 $2b00 $2f00 $3300 $3700 $3b00 $3f00
; 56 = $2380 $2780 $2b80 $2f80 $3380 $3780 $3b80 $3f80
; -----
; 64 = $2028 $2428 $2828 $2c28 $3028 $3428 $3828 $3c28
; 72 = $20a8 $24a8 $28a8 $2ca8 $30a8 $34a8 $38a8 $3ca8
; 80 = $2128 $2528 $2928 $2d28 $3128 $3528 $3928 $3d28
; 88 = $21a8 $25a8 $29a8 $2da8 $31a8 $35a8 $39a8 $3da8
; 96 = $2228 $2628 $2a28 $2e28 $3228 $3628 $3a28 $3e28
; 104 = $22a8 $26a8 $2aa8 $2ea8 $32a8 $36a8 $3aa8 $3ea8
; 112 = $2328 $2728 $2b28 $2f28 $3328 $3728 $3b28 $3f28
; 120 = $23a8 $27a8 $2ba8 $2fa8 $33a8 $37a8 $3ba8 $3fa8
; -----
; 128 = $2050 $2450 $2850 $2c50 $3050 $3450 $3850 $3c50
; 136 = $20d0 $24d0 $28d0 $2cd0 $30d0 $34d0 $38d0 $3cd0
; 144 = $2150 $2550 $2950 $2d50 $3150 $3550 $3950 $3d50
; 152 = $21d0 $25d0 $29d0 $2dd0 $31d0 $35d0 $39d0 $3dd0
; 160 = $2250 $2650 $2a50 $2e50 $3250 $3650 $3a50 $3e50
; 168 = $22d0 $26d0 $2ad0 $2ed0 $32d0 $36d0 $3ad0 $3ed0
; 176 = $2350 $2750 $2b50 $2f50 $3350 $3750 $3b50 $3f50
; 184 = $23d0 $27d0 $2bd0 $2fd0 $33d0 $37d0 $3bd0 $3fd0
; -----
; int count=0;
HIGH = $00
NEXT = $02
COUNTH = $03
COUNTL = $04
lda #$0 ; 2
sta COUNTH ; 3
sta COUNTL ; 3
lda #$40 ; 2
sta OUTH ; 3
lda #$60 ; 2
sta INH ; 3
lda #$0 ; 2
sta INL ; 3
sta OUTL ; 3
jsr hgr_scroll_line ; 6+???
lda OUTH
sta TEMP
lda INH
sta OUTH
jsr hgr_scroll_line ; 6+???
lda TEMP
sta OUTH
clc ; 2
lda INL ; 3
adc #$80 ; 2
sta INL ; 3
lda INH ; 3
adc #$0 ; 2
sta INH ; 3
clc ; needed? ; 2
lda OUTL ; 3
adc #$80 ; 2
sta OUTL ; 3
lda OUTH ; 3
adc #$0 ; 2
sta OUTH ; 3
cmp #$60 ; 2
bne left_one_loop
lda KEYPRESS ; 4
bmi scroll_done ; 3
inc COUNTL ; 5
lda COUNTL ; 3
cmp #7 ; 2
bne scroll_noinc_counth ; 3
lda #0 ; 2
sta COUNTL ; 3
inc COUNTH ; 5
lda COUNTH ; 3
cmp #20 ; 2
beq scroll_done ; 3
jmp scroll_hgr_loop ; 3
rts ; 6
ldy #0 ; 2
lda (OUTL),Y ; get pixel block of interest ; 5
sta CURRENT ; 3
iny ; 2
lda (OUTL),Y ; get subsequent pixel block ; 5
;(note, 6 if off end?)
sta NEXT ; 3
dey ; restore Y ; 2
; if ((count mod 7==2) || (count mod 7==6)) {
; ram[HIGH]=ram[NEXT]&0x80;
; else {
lda CURRENT ; 3
and #$80 ; 2
sta HIGH ; 3
; }
cpy #39
bne not_thirtynine
ldy #0
lda (INL),Y
sta NEXT
; if (y==39) ram[NEXT]=ram[y_indirect(INL,0)];
lda NEXT ; 3
and #$3 ; 2
asl ; 2
asl ; 2
asl ; 2
asl ; 2
asl ; 2
sta NEXT ; 3
lda CURRENT ; 3
lsr ; 2
lsr ; 2
and #$1f ; 2
ora HIGH ; 3
ora NEXT ; 3
sta (OUTL),Y ; 6
iny ; 2
cpy #40 ; 2
bne hgr_scroll_line_loop ; 3
; -1
rts ; 6