mirror of https://github.com/deater/dos33fsprogs.git synced 2025-03-16 08:29:46 +00:00
2018-10-29 01:38:13 -04:00

525 lines
9.4 KiB

; Ride the bird past the mountain
; by Vince Weaver
TREE1X = $E1
TREE2X = $E2
; init screen
jsr TEXT
jsr HOME
; Init vars
lda #0
lda #28
sta TREE1X
lda #37
sta TREE2X
; setup scrolling letters
; Patch the inverse values out (as used by check_email)
lda #39
sta ml_patch_dest+1
lda #$80
sta ml_patch_or+1
lda #$09
sta ml_patch_or
lda #' '|$80
sta ml_patch_space+1
lda #<letters_bm
lda #>letters_bm
lda #39
lda #1
lda #16
; Set draw page
lda #0
lda #0
; Load the background image
lda #<katahdin
sta LZ4_SRC
lda #>katahdin
sta LZ4_SRC+1
lda #<(katahdin_end-8) ; skip checksum at end
sta LZ4_END
lda #>(katahdin_end-8) ; skip checksum at end
sta LZ4_END+1
lda #<$2000 ; Destination is HGR page0
sta LZ4_DST
lda #>$2000
sta LZ4_DST+1
jsr lz4_decode
sei ; disable interrupt music
; attempt vapor lock
jsr vapor_lock
; setup text screen
; clear top 6 lines to space
; takes (Y/2)*(6+435+7)+5 = ?
lda #$A0 ; space ; 2
ldy #10 ; 6 lines ; 2
jsr clear_page_loop ; 2693
jsr draw_moon_sky ; 6+54
; vapor lock returns with us at beginning of hsync in line
; 114 (7410 cycles), so with 5070 cycles to go
; 5070+4550 = 9620
; -2757 (draw text)
; ===========
; 6863
;; Try X=97 Y=14 cycles=6875
; Try X=136 Y=10 cycles=6861 R2
ldy #10 ; 2
bmloopA:ldx #136 ; 2
bmloopB:dex ; 2
bne bmloopB ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne bmloopA ; 2nt/3
jmp bm_display_loop
; draw moon sky
; 54 cycles
; 1 2
; 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456
;line1:.asciiz " * . " $400
;line2:.asciiz " * . . " $480
;line3:.asciiz " * " $500
;line4:.asciiz " * " $580
;line5:.asciiz " . . . " $600
;line6:.asciiz " . " $680
lda #'.'|$80 ; print star ; 2
sta $420 ; 4
sta $487 ; 4
sta $4A4 ; 4
sta $601 ; 4
sta $61c ; 4
sta $621 ; 4
sta $68d ; 4
; 30
; draw the moon
lda #' ' ; print inv space ; 2
sta $403 ; 4
sta $482 ; 4
sta $502 ; 4
sta $583 ; 4
; 18
rts ; 6
.align $100
; Loop forever display loop
; each scan line 65 cycles
; 1 cycle each byte (40cycles) + 25 for horizontal
;Total of 12480 cycles to draw screen
;Vertical blank = 4550 cycles (70 scan lines)
; Total of 17030 cycles to get back to where was
; Text mode for 6*8=48 scanlines (3120 cycles)
; hgr for 64 scalines (4160 cycles)
; gr for 80 scalines (5200 cycles)
; vblank = 4550 cycles
; text
bit SET_TEXT ; 4
; clear bottom green
jsr draw_bottom_green ; 2209+6
; Draw Small Tree
lda #>small_tree ; 2
sta INH ; 3
lda #<small_tree ; 2
sta INL ; 3
lda TREE1X ; 3
sta XPOS ; 3
lda #28 ; 2
sta YPOS ; 3
jsr put_sprite ; 6
; 27
; + 576
; 603
; want 3120
; green -2215
; tree1 -603
; set_test -4
;=============== 298 cycles
; Try X=1 Y=27 cycles=298
ldy #27 ; 2
bmloop2:ldx #1 ; 2
bmloop1:dex ; 2
bne bmloop1 ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne bmloop2 ; 2nt/3
; hgr
bit HIRES ; 4
bit SET_GR ; 4
; Draw Big Tree
lda #>big_tree ; 2
sta INH ; 3
lda #<big_tree ; 2
sta INL ; 3
lda TREE2X ; 3
sta XPOS ; 3
lda #30 ; 2
sta YPOS ; 3
jsr put_sprite ; 6
; 27
; + 1410
; 1437
lda FRAME ; 3
and #$1f ; 2
and #$10 ; 2
beq bird_walking
; 2
lda #>bird_rider_stand_right ; 2
sta INH ; 3
lda #<bird_rider_stand_right ; 2
sta INL ; 3
jmp draw_bird ; 3
; 3
lda #>bird_rider_walk_right ; 2
sta INH ; 3
lda #<bird_rider_walk_right ; 2
sta INL ; 3
; must be 15
lda #0 ; 2
; Must add another 15 as sprite is different
inc XPOS ; 5
inc XPOS ; 5
inc XPOS ; 5
; 15 + 7
lda #17 ; 2
sta XPOS ; 3
lda #30 ; 2
sta YPOS ; 3
jsr put_sprite ; 6
; 38
; + 2190
; 2228
; Update frame
; 16 addition
; 7 inc high
; 7 if done
; 30 update frame
inc FRAME ; frame++ ; 5
lda FRAME ; 3
and #$3f ; roll over after 63 ; 2
sta FRAME ; 3
bne bm_noflo ; 3
; -1
inc FRAMEH ; 5
jmp bm_check_done ; 3
nop ; 2
nop ; 2
lda $0 ; nop ; 3
; finish after so many cycles
lda FRAMEH ; 3
cmp #23 ; 2
beq bm_done ; 3
; -1
; Update tree1 = 22 cycles
lda FRAME ; 3
; and #$3f ; if (frame%64==0) ;
beq dec_tree1 ; 3
; need to do 19-5 cycles of nonsense ; -1
inc TREE1X ; 5
dec TREE1X ; 5
lda #0 ; 2
lda #0 ; 2
jmp done_tree1 ; 3
dec TREE1X ; tree1_x-- ; 5
lda TREE1X ; 3
bmi tree1_neg ; 3
ldx TREE1X ; 3
jmp done_tree1 ; 3
ldx #37 ; 2
stx TREE1X ; 3
; Update tree2 = 24 cycles
lda FRAME ; 3
and #$f ; if (frame%16==0) ; 2
beq dec_tree2
; 2
; need to do 19-5 cycles of nonsense
inc TREE2X ; 5
dec TREE2X ; 5
lda #0 ; 2
lda #0 ; 2
jmp done_tree2 ; 3
; 3
dec TREE2X ; tree2_x-- ; 5
lda TREE2X ; 3
bmi tree2_neg
; 2
ldx TREE2X ; 3
jmp done_tree2 ; 3
; incoming br 3
ldx #37 ; 2
stx TREE2X ; 3
; want 4160
; Tree2 Sprite -1437
; Sprite -2228
; Frame Update -30
; Tree1 Update -22
; Tree2 Update -24
; hgr bits -8
; ====================== 411 cycles
; Try X=1 Y=37 cycles=408 R2
; Try X=7 Y=10 cycles=411
ldy #10 ; 2
ldx #7 ; 2
dex ; 2
bne loop4 ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne loop3 ; 2nt/3
; gr
bit LORES ; 4
; Mockingboard went here***
; lores want 5200
; mockingboard -492
; softswitch -4
; 5196 cycles
; Try X=46 Y=22 cycles=5193 R3
lda $0 ; 3
ldy #22 ; 2
bmloop5:ldx #46 ; 2
bmloop6:dex ; 2
bne bmloop6 ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne bmloop5 ; 2nt/3
; vertical blank
; want 4550 cycles
; Try X=13 Y=64 cycles=4545 R2
jsr move_letters ; 6+126
; Blanking time: 4550
; move_letters -132
; play_music -1038
; check keypress -7
; JMP at end -3
;========================3370 cycles
jsr play_music ; 6+1032
; Try X=175 Y=5 cycles=4406 R2
; Try X=17 Y=37 cycles=3368 R2
nop ; 2
ldy #37 ; 2
bmloop7:ldx #17 ; 2
bmloop8:dex ; 2
bne bmloop8 ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne bmloop7 ; 2nt/3
; Skip if keypressed
lda KEYPRESS ; 4
bpl bm_no_keypress ; 3
jmp bm_done ; 3
jmp bm_display_loop ; 3
bit KEYRESET ; clear keypress ; 4
cli ; re-enable interrupt music
rts ; 6
; lda KEYPRESS ; check if keypressed
; bpl wait_until_keypressed ; if not, loop
; rts
.align $100
; Draw bottom green
; using hlin 7127, optimized a bit but still awful
; this one is much better
; 2209 cycles
lda #$44 ; 2
ldx #39 ; 2
sta $728,X ; 28 ; 5
sta $7a8,X ; 30 ; 5
sta $450,X ; 32 ; 5
sta $4d0,X ; 34 ; 5
sta $550,X ; 36 ; 5
sta $5d0,X ; 38 ; 5
sta $650,X ; 40 ; 5
sta $6d0,X ; 42 ; 5
sta $750,X ; 44 ; 5
sta $7d0,X ; 46 ; 5
dex ; 2
bpl green_loop ; 2nt/3
rts ; 6
; 4 + (40*55) + 6 - 1
;.align $100
;.include "tfv_sprites.inc"
;.incbin "KATC.BIN.lz4",11 ; skip the header