2019-08-15 13:38:11 -04:00

146 lines
3.3 KiB

Before release:
L1 -- fix run/jumping
L1 -- fix beast ending
L1 -- fix slugs
L2 -- add doors
L2 -- disable door by shooting wall
L2 -- add aliens
L2 -- add minimal friend AI
L2 -- add way to leave L2 to L3
L4 -- genericze doors
L4 -- blow up door to exit to L5
L4 -- allow crouching w gun, up to exit crouch
L4 -- getting rid of alien
L5 -- add ending scenes?
intro -- add music?
alien guard behavior:
+ will punch you if you get too close
+ l4, if you draw gun (but not fire) guard won't shoot you,
but instead will yell at you a bit
gun behavior:
+ doors/walls should explode outward away from blast
*unless* there is another door/wall behind it
+ L1
- underwater there is a water-motion effect
- bubble motion is fancier in real thing
- get out of water, you face forward unless key pressed
(we don't have a forward sprite as it looks weird)
- arrival, the beast movement seems to depend on your xpos?
- small things like birds flying are not implemented
- beast on hill and 2nd screen -- complex, only appears if
you happen to leave same time beast does? then movement
depends on xposition?
- earthquake can happen while on rope?
- sometimes falling rocks can follow you to next screen
+ L2
- gun movement: gun is held by head when running
- separate left facing vs right facing sprites
+ ootw: pool monster grabs you a edge of pool (glitch)
+ intro: there's still a bit of a pause when the elevator door finishes opening
* Movement:
+ running: Missing one running frame (?)
+ ability to run+jump
+ ability to kick while crouching
+ ability to shoot while crouching
+ running then crouch, you slide a bit
* sprites_to_draw:
+ physicist crouch-kicking
+ physicist crouch-shooting
+ physicist run+jumping
+ physicist swimming
+ beast tripping
+ physicist shot
+ alien running
+ friend walking
+ friend running
* underwater:
+ ripples in water
* pool:
+ background of beast moving off
+ adjust tentacle to not go off edge of screen
+ adjust x position of tentacle grab
* cavern:
+ slugs on ceiling drop
+ background of beast moving off ?
+ adjust slug attack range
* beast:
+ hook up beast ending cutscene
+ compress/transparency beast ending cutscene
+ add beast tripping
* rope_room:
+ re-enable earthquake while swinging
+ speed up background if possible
Level/Checkpoint #2:
* general
+ If aliens catch you, they punch you
+ Shields disappear if you leave the room
+ Alien AI
+ Gun sprites/action
+ Implement door
+ Implement end scene
+ Shoot the wire in the basement
* cage room:
+ in game, after some time the guard calms down
* Jail:
+ Doors that open/blast?
+ flashes from gunfire in neighboring room
+ Implement enemies
+ death animation
+ in actual game foreground enemies can continue to next screen
* Elevator:
+ Elevator can change direction mid-floor
+ Elevator should shoot sparks every 20 frames or so
* View:
+ music play when viewing city?
Level/Checkpoint #3:
+ Actual game shakes the camera when you hit the ground after falling
Level/Checkpoint #4:
+ Implement doors
+ Implement guard (shooting, taunting)
Level/Checkpoint #5:
+ Falling as enter level
+ Allow falling into first pit
+ Show some pictures
+ Do ending
+ Play music?