Vince Weaver fad3c48c34 fireworks: one last try at exact vapor lock
is one full line off on II+ for some reason?
2018-09-18 23:53:58 -04:00

266 lines
4.3 KiB

; setup graphics for vapor lock
; Clear Page0
lda #$0
lda #$ff ; full screen dark green $44
jsr clear_gr
lda #$aa
ldy #24
jsr clear_page_loop ; make top half red $11
ldy #00 ; 0
sty $728+20
iny ; 1
sty $728+21
iny ; 2
sty $728+22
iny ; 3
sty $728+23
iny ; 4
sty $728+24
iny ; 5
sty $728+25
iny ; 6
sty $728+26
iny ; 7
sty $728+27
iny ; 8
sty $728+28
iny ; 9
sty $728+29
iny ; a
sty $728+30
iny ; b
sty $728+31
iny ; c
sty $728+32
iny ; d
sty $728+33
iny ; e
sty $728+34
iny ; f
sty $728+35
iny ; 10
sty $728+36
sty $728+37
sty $728+38
sty $728+39
; jmp btt
; attempt vapor lock
; by reading the "floating bus" we can see most recently
; written value of the display
; we look for $55 (which is the grey line)
; See:
; Have an Apple Split by Bob Bishop
; Softalk, October 1982
; Challenges: each scan line scans 40 bytes.
; The blanking happens at the *beginning*
; So 65 bytes are scanned, starting at adress of the line - 25
; the scan takes 8 cycles, look for 4 repeats of the value
; to avoid false positive found if the horiz blanking is mirroring
; the line (max 3 repeats in that case)
; first make sure we have a full line of red
; we can only read every
lda #$aa ; 2
ldx #$04 ; 2
cmp $C051 ; read the floating bus ; 4
bne zxloop ; if not red, start from scratch ; 2/3
dex ; we were red, dec ; 2
bne wiloop ; if not 4 of them, restart ; 3/2
; if we get here we read 4 proper pixels, 11 apart
; X X X X
; X X X X
; X X X X
; X X X X
; X X X X
; X X X X
; X X X X
; 0123456789012345678901234 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789
; 1 2 1 2 3
; hsync pixels
; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 4444444444444444444444444444440123456789
; now look for the color change that
; happens at line 12*8 = 96
lda #$ff ; 2
ldx #$04 ; 2
cmp $C051 ; read floating bus ; 4
bne zloop ; 2/3
dex ; 2
bne qloop ; 3/2
; 11
; delay 65 *1
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
; delay 65 *1
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
; delay 65 *1
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
; delay 65 *1
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
; delay 65 *1
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
; delay 65 *1
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
; delay 65 *1
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
; delay 65 *1
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
inc $0
lda $C051
; jmp kbb
; we are in theory on line $728 = 14*8 = 112
; so 112*65 = 7280 cycles from start
; we are actualy 25+20+A pixels in
; 7325+A
; 114 is at 7410 cycles
; 7410 - 7325 = 85
; so kill 85-A cycles
; -6 to do subtraction
; -6 for rts
; -25 for delay_a overhead
eor #$ff ; 2
sec ; 2
adc #48 ; 2
jsr delay_a ; should total 48 cycles
rts ; 6