mirror of
synced 2024-11-05 00:04:46 +00:00
1938 lines
46 KiB
1938 lines
46 KiB
.feature labels_without_colons
.feature leading_dot_in_identifiers
.feature loose_char_term
.define .asc .byt
.export vt100_init_terminal = InitTerminal
.export vt100_exit_terminal = ExitTerminal
.export vt100_process_inbound_char = ProcIn
.export vt100_process_outbound_char = ProcOut
.exportzp vt100_screen_cols = 40
.exportzp vt100_screen_rows = 25
.import beep
.import telnet_close
.import telnet_send_char
.import telnet_send_string
putRS = telnet_send_char
SendStr = telnet_send_string
; *************************************
; * *
; * C a T e r *
; * *
; * Copyright by *
; * Lars Stollenwerk *
; * *
; * 2001 - 2003 *
; * *
; * This file is part of CaTer. *
; * *
; * CaTer is provided under the terms *
; * of GNU General Public License. *
; * *
; * For more information see the *
; * README file. *
; * *
; *************************************
; *************************************
; *
; * Constant declaration
; *
; *************************************
; --- video RAM ---
Video = $84 ; $8400 - $87E7
; --- char ROM ---
Char = $8800 ; $8800 - $8fff
; --- colour values ---
; 0 black 8 orange
; 1 white 9 brown
; 2 red a light red
; 3 cyan b gray 1
; 4 purple c gray 2
; 5 green d light green
; 6 blue e light blue
; 7 yellow f gray 3
; --- font type ---
; vanilla f bold 1
; underline e 3
fVa = $0f
fBo = $01
fUl = $0e
fUlBo = $03
; text background
bgcolour = $0b ; gray1
; border colour
bgocolour = $0c ; gray2
; -------------------------------------
; Zeropage Kernal
; Zeropage from $90 to $ff is used
; by kernal.
; Following are the variables accessed
; by CaTer.
; -------------------------------------
; --- reverse mode ---
; 0 = normal, !0 = revers
Rvs = $c7
; --- crsr flag, 0 = on ---
sCrsrOn = $cc
; --- crsr blink counter ---
sCrsrCnt = $cd
; --- char under crsr ---
sCrsrChar = $ce
; --- crsr blink phase ---
; $00 = normal, $01 = revers
sCrsrPhase = $cf
; --- ptr to start of screen line ---
sLinePtr = $d1
; --- crsr column ---
sCol = $d3
; --- crsr row ---
sRow = $d6
; --- ptr to start of colour line ---
sLineColPtr = $f3
; -------------------------------------
; page $02, $03: BASIC and KERNAL
; Following are the variables accessed
; by CaTer.
; -------------------------------------
; --- colour for writing ---
sColor = $0286
; --- colour under crsr ---
sCrsrCol = $0287
; --- video addr hibyte ---
VideoAddr = $0288
; --- CTRL, SHIFT, C= ---
; flags indicating pressed
; contol keys
; 1 SHIFT, 2 C=, 4 CTRL
ControlFlags = $028d
; --- flag for SHIFT + C= ---
; $80 = lock, no charset switch
; $00 = free
ShiftCFlag = $0291
; *************************************
; *
; * Zeropage
; *
; *************************************
.include "zeropage.inc"
; --- Vector ---
; four vectors in zeropage for
; temporary use.
zVector = ptr1
yVector = ptr2
xVector = ptr3
wVector = ptr4
; --- vector for PrnScr ---
; tmp1, tmp2
vVector = tmp1
; *************************************
; *
; * Variables
; *
; *************************************
; --- esc mode ---
; $00 = normal
; $0f = esc mode
; $ff = esc [ mode
; $f0 = ignore one char
EMode .res 1
; --- esc buffer ---
EBuf .res $100
; --- esc buffer length ---
; points on first free position
EBufL .res 1
; --- esc parameter ---
; numeric parameter in esc sequence
EPar .res 1
; --- scroll region ---
SRS .res 1 ; first line number
SRE .res 1 ; last line number
; --- ANSI font attributes ---
; contains three bits
; bit 0 = reverse
; bit 1 = bold
; bit 2 = underline
; bit 6 = background set
; bit 7 = foreground set
Font .res 1
; foreground
AFore .res 1
; background
ABack .res 1
; --- crsr save area ---
; here is crsr info saved with ESC 7
; and restored from with ESC 8
SaveF .res 1 ; font
SaveR .res 1 ; reverse mode
SaveRow .res 1 ; row
SaveCol .res 1 ; column
; --- Linebreak pending ---
; 0 = not pending, ff = pending
lbPending .res 1
; --- crsr invisible ---
; 0 = visible, !0 = invisible
civis .res 1
; --- buffer for addDecDig ---
mul10buf .res 1
; *************************************
; *
; * Code
; *
; *************************************
; -------------------------------------
; init terminal
; -------------------------------------
jsr InitVar ; memory variables
jsr InitChar; init font
jsr InitScr ; init screen
; -------------------------------------
; exit terminal
; -------------------------------------
jsr ExitChar; exit font
jsr ExitScr ; exit screen
; *************************************
; *
; * imcoming data
; *
; *************************************
; -------------------------------------
; process incoming data
; char in Y
; -------------------------------------
ProcIn lda EMode ; handle esc mode
bne PIEsc
lda atp,y ; ASCII to PETSCII
beq PIrts ; ignore $00
cmp #$01 ; something special?
beq Special
jsr CPrnChr ; print to screen
PIrts rts
; to far for branch
PIEsc jmp Esc
; -------------------------------------
; special incoming char
; -------------------------------------
Special tya ; restore char
; --- CR ---
cmp #$0d ; CR?
bne D1
CR jsr clPending
ldx sRow ; get row
ldy #$00 ; set col=0
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
; --- BS ---
D1 cmp #$08 ; BS?
bne D2
BS jsr clPending
ldy sCol ; get col
beq D1rts ; stop @ left margin
dey ; dec column
ldx sRow ; get row
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
D1rts rts
; --- ESC ---
D2 cmp #$1b ; esc?
bne D3
lda #$0f ; set esc mode
sta EMode
; --- BEL ---
D3 cmp #$07 ; BEL?
bne D4
jsr beep
; --- LF ---
D4 cmp #$0a ; LF?
bne D5
LF jsr clPending
ldx sRow ; crsr line
cpx SRE ; end scroll region?
bne D4a ; no -> branch
jsr CUScrl ; yes -> scroll up
D4a cpx #$18 ; end of screen?
bne D4b ; no -> branch
rts ; yes -> do nothing
D4b inx ; next line
ldy sCol ; get col
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
; --- TAB ---
D5 cmp #$09 ; TAB?
bne D6
; don't clear pending
; don't set pending
lda sCol ; crsr col
and #$f8 ; (col DIV 8) * 8
clc ; col + 8
adc #$08
cmp #$28 ; col=40?
bne D5a ; no -> skip
lda #$27 ; yes -> col=39
D5a tay ; col to y
ldx sRow ; line to x
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
D6 rts
; -------------------------------------
; esc mode
; char in Y
; EMode != $00 in A
; -------------------------------------
Esc tax ; save EMode
and #$0f ; EMode = $0f?
bne E1
; --- throw mode --- EMode = $f0
; throw away char
lda #$00 ; reset EMode
sta EMode
E1 txa ; restore EMode
and #$f0 ; EMode = $ff?
beq SEsc ; no -> short Emode
jmp LEsc ; yes -> long Emode
; -------------------------------------
; short esc mode
; EMode = $0f
; process first char
; -------------------------------------
SEsc tya ; restore char
; --- [ ---
cmp #$5b ; [ ?
bne E2
lda #$ff ; set esc [ mode
sta EMode
; --- ( ---
E2 cmp #$28 ; ( ?
bne E3
jmp sThrow
; --- ) ---
E3 cmp #$29 ; ) ?
bne E4
jmp sThrow
; --- # ---
E4 cmp #$23 ; # ?
bne E5
jmp sThrow
; --- D --- index
E5 cmp #$44 ; D ?
bne E6
jsr LF ; same as LF
jmp Eend
; --- M --- reverse index
E6 cmp #$4d ; M ?
bne E7
jsr clPending
ldx sRow ; get crsr row
cpx SRS ; top os scroll reg?
bne E6a
jsr CDScrl ; yes -> scroll down
jmp Eend
E6a cpx #$00 ; top of screen?
bne E6b
jmp Eend ; yes -> do nothing
E6b dex ; one line up
ldy sCol ; get crsr col
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
jmp Eend
; --- E --- next line
E7 cmp #$45 ; E ?
bne E8
jsr CR
jsr LF
jmp Eend
; --- 7 --- save crsr
E8 cmp #$37 ; 7 ?
bne E9
lda Font ; save font
sta SaveF
lda Rvs ; save reverse mode
sta SaveR
ldx sRow ; save position
ldy sCol
stx SaveRow
sty SaveCol
jmp Eend
; --- 8 --- restore crsr
E9 cmp #$38 ; 8 ?
bne E10
jsr clPending
ldx SaveRow ; restore pos
ldy SaveCol
jsr CPlot
lda SaveR ; restore ..
sta Rvs ; .. reverse mode
ldx SaveF ; restore font
stx Font
lda FontTable,x
sta sColor ; set colour
jmp Eend
; --- unknown ---
; --- reset ESC mode ---
Eend lda #$00 ; reset EMode
sta EMode
; --- set Throw mode ---
sThrow lda #$f0 ; set esc mode $f0
sta EMode
; -------------------------------------
; [ esc mode
; EMode = $ff
; -------------------------------------
LEsc tya ; restore char
ldy EBufL
sta EBuf,y ; store char
sty EBufL ; inc esc buffer
jsr TestL ; test letter
bcs LE1 ; process command
; --- process esc command ---
; A = last char
; Y = EBufL
; X conunts processed command chars
LE1 ldx #$00 ; first char
; --- A --- crsr up
cmp #$41 ; A ?
bne LE2
jsr clPending
jsr GetNum ; get argument
lda EPar ; EPar = 0...
bne LE1c
inc EPar ; .. means 1
LE1c lda sRow ; get crsr row
sbc EPar ; row = row - up
cmp SRS ; stop at top of ..
bpl LE1a ; ..scroll region
lda SRS
LE1a tax ; x is row
ldy sCol ; y is col
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
jmp LEend
; --- B --- crsr down
LE2 cmp #$42 ; B ?
bne LE3
jsr clPending
jsr GetNum ; get argument
lda EPar ; EPar = 0...
bne LE2c
inc EPar ; .. means 1
LE2c lda sRow ; get crsr row
adc EPar ; row = row + down
cmp SRE ; outside scrregion?
bcs LE2d ; yes -> branch
tax ; x is row
jmp LE2a
LE2d ldx SRE ; x = row = SRE
LE2a ldy sCol ; y is col
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
jmp LEend
; --- C --- crsr right
LE3 cmp #$43 ; C ?
bne LE4
jsr clPending
jsr GetNum ; get argument
lda EPar ; EPar = 0...
bne LE3c
inc EPar ; .. means 1
LE3c lda sCol ; get crsr col
adc EPar ; col = col + right
cmp #$27 ; outside screen?
bcs LE3d ; yes -> branch
jmp LE3a
LE3d ldy #$27 ; y=col=left margin
LE3a ldx sRow ; x is row
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
jmp LEend
; --- D --- crsr left
LE4 cmp #$44 ; D ?
bne LE5
jsr clPending
jsr GetNum ; get argument
lda EPar ; EPar = 0...
bne LE4c
inc EPar ; .. means 1
LE4c lda sCol ; get crsr col
sbc EPar ; col = col - left
bpl LE4a ; stop at left..
lda #$00 ; ..margin
LE4a tay ; y is col
ldx sRow ; x is row
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
jmp LEend
; --- m --- font attributes
LE5 cmp #$6d ; m ?
beq LE5a
jmp LE6 ; too far to branch
LE5a jsr GetNum
pha ; save nondigit char
lda Font ; font to A
ldy EPar ; parameter to Y
; -- 0 --
bne LE5b ; 0 ?
tya ; set font = vanilla
jmp LE5nx
; -- 1 -- bold
LE5b cpy #$01
bne LE5c
ora #$02 ; bit 1 = bold
jmp LE5nx
; -- 4 -- underline
LE5c cpy #$04
bne LE5d
ora #$04 ; bit 2 = underline
jmp LE5nx
; -- 7 -- reverse
LE5d cpy #$07
bne LE5e
ora #$01 ; bit 0 = reverse
jmp LE5nx
LE5e ; -- 30 - 37 --
cpy #38 ; >= 38?
bcs LE5g
cpy #30 ; < 30?
bcc LE5g
sbc #30
sta AFore
lda Font
ora #$80 ; bit 7 = fore
jmp LE5nx
LE5g ; -- 40 - 47 --
cpy #48 ; >= 48?
bcs LE5nx
cpy #40 ; < 40?
bcc LE5nx
sbc #40
sta ABack
lda Font
ora #$40 ; bit 6 = back
LE5nx ; -- next char --
sta Font
pla ; get nondigit char
cmp #$3b ; is semicolon?
beq LE5a ; then next param
; -- set colour --
lda Font
; set foreground
bpl LE5h
ldx AFore
lda AColTab,x
; avoid black or white foregr if
; backgr is given and not black
lsr ; 0(blk) or 1(wht)?
bne LE5j ; no -> keep fore
bit Font ; back? (bit 6 -> v)
bvc LE5j ; no -> keep fore
lda ABack ; back is black?
bne LE5hh ; no -> take back
LE5j txa
; ^^^ end of avoid ^^^
ldx #$00 ; reverse off
jmp LE5k
LE5h ; set background
bit Font ; bit 6 -> v
bvc LE5i
LE5hh ldx ABack
lda AColTab,x
ldx #$01 ; reverse on
jmp LE5k
LE5i ; set ANSI font attributes
ldx #$00 ; reverse off
lsr ; reverse?
bcc LE5l
inx ; -> reverse on
LE5l tay
lda FontTable,y
LE5k sta sColor ; set colour
stx Rvs ; set reverse mode
jmp LEend
FontTable ; bits mean ul bo
.byt fVa, fBo ; 00 01
.byt fUl, fUlBo ; 10 11
;ANSI 30 31 32 32 34 35 36 37
; blk red grn ye blu mag cy wh
.byt 0, 10, 5, 7, 14, 4, 3, 1
; --- K --- erase line
LE6 cmp #$4b ; K ?
bne LE7
jsr GetNum ; get parameter
lda EPar ; in A
; -- 0 -- crsr to end of line
bne LE6b
jsr ErEnLn ; erase end line
jmp LEend
; -- 1 -- begin to crsr
LE6b cmp #$01
bne LE6d
jsr ErBeLn ; erase beg line
jmp LEend
; -- 2 -- whole line
LE6d cmp #$02
bne LE6e ; par undefined
ldx sRow ; line in X
jsr ErLn ; erase line
sta sCrsrChar ; del char ..
; ..under crsr
LE6e jmp LEend
; --- f --- same as H
LE7 cmp #$66
bne LE8
jmp LE7a ; same as H
; --- H --- cursor position
LE8 cmp #$48
bne LE9
LE7a jsr clPending
cpy #$01 ; no par means home
bne LE8a
; -- home --
ldx #$00
ldy #$00
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
jmp LEend
; -- row, col --
LE8a jsr GetNum
cmp #$3b ; is ;?
bne LE8d ; no -> error
; -- prepare row --
ldy EPar ; get row
bne LE8b ; 0 means 1
LE8b dey ; line 1 -> line 0
cpy #$19 ; >= 25?..
bcs LE8d ; ..error!
sty xVector ; save row
; -- prepare col
jsr GetNum
ldy EPar ; get col
bne LE8c ; 0 means 1
LE8c dey ; col 1 -> col 0
cpy #$28 ; >= 40?..
bcs LE8d ; ..error!
ldx xVector ; restore row to X
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
LE8d jmp LEend
; --- J --- erase screen
LE9 cmp #$4a ; J ?
bne LE10
jsr GetNum ; get parameter
lda EPar ; in A
; -- 0 -- crsr to end
bne LE9a
jsr ErEnLn ; del rest of line
ldx sRow ; get crsr line
LE9b inx ; next line
cpx #$19 ; line 25?
bcs LE9f ; then end
pha ; save X
jsr ErLn ; erase line
tax ; restore X
jmp LE9b ; next line
; -- 1 -- beg of screen to crsr
LE9a cmp #$01
bne LE9e
jsr ErBeLn ; del start of ln
ldx sRow ; get crsr line
LE9c dex ; previous line
bmi LE9f ; neg line -> end
pha ; save X
jsr ErLn ; erase line
tax ; restore X
jmp LE9c
; -- 2 -- del screen
LE9e cmp #$02 ; unknown?
bne LE9f ; then ingnore
ldx #$18 ; start at ln 24
LE9d txa
pha ; save X
jsr ErLn ; erase line
tax ; restore X
dex ; previous line
bpl LE9d
LE9f jmp LEend
; --- r --- set scroll region
LE10 cmp #$72 ; r ?
bne LE11
; -- prepare top --
jsr GetNum
cmp #$3b ; is ;?
bne LE10e ; no -> error
ldy EPar ; get top
dey ; line 1 -> line 0
cpy #$19 ; >=25?..
bcs LE10e ; ..error!
sty xVector ; save top
; -- prepare bottom --
jsr GetNum
ldy EPar ; get bottom
dey ; line 1 -> line 0
cpy #$19 ; >=25?..
bcs LE10e ; ..error!
sty yVector ; save bottom
; -- validate lines --
lda xVector ; restore top
cmp yVector ; >= bottom?..
bcs LE10e ; ..error!
sta SRS ; top -> SRStart
sty SRE ; bottom -> SREnd
; -- home crsr
jsr clPending
ldx #$00
ldy #$00
jsr CPlot
LE10e jmp LEend
; --- l --- set crsr invisible
LE11 cmp #$6c ; l ?
bne LE12
lda EBuf ; first char ..
cmp #$3f ; .. is '?' ?
bne LE11a
inx ; at second char ..
jsr GetNum
lda EPar
cmp #25 ; .. 25 ?
bne LE11a
jsr COff ; switch crsr off
sta civis ; mark invisible
LE11a jmp LEend
; --- h --- set crsr visible
LE12 cmp #$68 ; h ?
bne LE13
lda EBuf ; first char ..
cmp #$3f ; ... is '?' ?
bne LE12a
inx ; at second char ..
jsr GetNum
lda EPar
cmp #25 ; .. 25 ?
bne LE12a
lda #$00
sta civis ; mark visible
jsr COn ; switch crsr off
LE12a jmp LEend
; --- unknown esc seqence ---
LEend lda #$00
sta EBufL ; reset esc buffer
sta EMode ; reset esc mode
; -------------------------------------
; GetNum - get decimal number from
; esc sequence
; params: esc sequence in EBuf
; first index to process in X
; affects: A, X, Y
; return: number in EPar
; first non digit char in A
; next index to process in X
; -------------------------------------
GetNum lda #$00 ; init value
sta EPar
GN2 lda EBuf,x ; get next char
jsr TestD ; digit?
bcc GN1 ; no -> return
tay ; digit to Y
lda EPar
jsr addDecDig
sta EPar
jmp GN2 ; next char
GN1 rts
; -------------------------------------
; TestL - Test letter
; params: char in A
; affects: none
; return: c = 1 for letter
; c = 0 for no letter
; -------------------------------------
TestL cmp #$41 ; smaller then A?
bcs TL1 ; no -> go on
rts ; return no letter
TL1 cmp #$5b ; smaller then Z+1?
bcs TL2 ; no -> go on
sec ; return letter
TL2 cmp #$61 ; smaller then a?
bcs TL3 ; no -> go on
rts ; return no letter
TL3 cmp #$7b ; smaller then z+1?
bcs TL4 ; no -> go on
sec ; return letter
TL4 clc ; return no letter
; -------------------------------------
; TestD - test digit
; params: char in A
; affects: none
; return: c = 1 for digit
; c = 0 for no digit
; -------------------------------------
TestD cmp #$30 ; smaller then 0?
bcs TD1 ; no -> go on
rts ; return no digit
TD1 cmp #$3a ; smaller then 9+1?
bcs TD2 ; no -> go on
sec ; return digit
TD2 clc ; return no digit
; -------------------------------------
; addDecDig - add decimal digit
; multiply A * 10, add Y
; param: present number in A
; new digit in Y (may be ASCII digit)
; affects: A
; return: 10 times the number in A + Y
; c = 1 overflow occured,
; number invalid
; c = 0 no overflow
; -------------------------------------
; --- inc value ---
; old value * 10
; 10a = ( 4a + a ) * 2
sta mul10buf
asl ; ( 4a
bcs aDDigE
bcs aDDigE
adc mul10buf ; + a )
bcs aDDigE
asl ; *2
bcs aDDigE
sta mul10buf
; --- add Y ---
and #$0f ; digit to val
adc mul10buf
aDDigE rts
; *************************************
; *
; * outgoing data
; *
; *************************************
; -------------------------------------
; process outgoing key
; params: key in Y
; -------------------------------------
lda pta,y ; PETSCII to ASCII
beq POrts ; ignore key
cmp #$ff
beq StrKey ; send a string
cmp #$fe
beq CmdKey ; command key
jsr putRS
POrts rts
; -------------------------------------
; outgoing string
; params: key in y
; -------------------------------------
ScrsrU .byt $1b, $5b, $41, $00 ; esc [ A
ScrsrD .byt $1b, $5b, $42, $00 ; esc [ B
ScrsrR .byt $1b, $5b, $43, $00 ; esc [ C
ScrsrL .byt $1b, $5b, $44, $00 ; esc [ D
StrKey tya ; restore key
; --- crsr U ---
K1 cmp #$91 ; test crsr U
bne K2
ldx #<ScrsrU
ldy #>ScrsrU
jsr SendStr
; --- crsr L ---
K2 cmp #$9d ; test crsr L
bne K3
ldx #<ScrsrL
ldy #>ScrsrL
jsr SendStr
K3 rts
; -------------------------------------
; outgoing command key
; -------------------------------------
CmdKey tya ; restore character
; --- crsr R ---
; --- ^] ---
; both events send $1d
cmp #$1d
bne C0
lda #$04 ; test control Key
bit ControlFlags
beq crsrR ; not pressed
; control ] is pressed
tya ; send ^]
jsr putRS
; crsr R
crsrR ldx #<ScrsrR
ldy #>ScrsrR
jsr SendStr
; --- crsr D ---
; --- ^Q ---
; both events send char $11
C0 cmp #$11 ;^Q / crsr down
bne C8
lda #$04 ; test control Key
bit ControlFlags
beq crsrD ; not pressed
; control Q is pressed
tya ; send ^Q
jsr putRS
; crsr down is pressed
crsrD ldx #<ScrsrD
ldy #>ScrsrD
jsr SendStr
; --- HOME key ---
; --- ^S ---
; both events send char $13
C8 cmp #$13 ;^S / HOME
bne C9
lda #$04 ; test control Key
bit ControlFlags
beq C8Home ; not pressed
; control S is pressed
tya ; send ^S
jsr putRS
; send TAB
C8Home lda #$09
jsr putRS
; --- HOME key ---
; --- ^T ---
; both events send char $14
C9 cmp #$14 ;^S / DEL
bne C10
lda #$04 ; test control Key
bit ControlFlags
beq C9Del ; not pressed
; control T is pressed
tya ; send ^T
jsr putRS
; send TAB
C9Del lda #$08
jsr putRS
; --- C=Q ---
; quit CaTer
C10 cmp #$ab ; C=Q
bne C12
jsr telnet_close
; --- unknown C=-Key ---
C12 rts
; *************************************
; *
; * screen handling
; *
; *************************************
; Variables controlling the cursor
; COff
; Kernal COon Plot
; sCrsrOn $cc r x
; sCrsrCnt $cd r/w x
; sCrsrPhase $cf r/w x
; sCol $d3 r x
; sRow $d6 x
; sLinePtr $d1 r x
; sLineColPtr $f3 r/w x
; sCrsrChar $ce r/w x
; sCrsrCol $0287 r/w x
; sColor $0286 r
; Cursor blink phases:
; on (sCrsrPhase = $01)
; char on screen = revers of sCrsrChar
; color on screen = sColor
; off (sCrsrPhase = $00)
; char on screen = sCrsrChar
; color on screen = sCrsrCol
; -------------------------------------
; COff - switch cursor off
; affects: none
; Switch cursor off and restore char.
; This has to be done before every crsr
; movement.
; After movement COn has to be called.
; -------------------------------------
COff pha ; save registers
lda civis ; invisible?
bne CO2 ; -> do nothing
ldy #$02 ; prevent soon..
sty sCrsrCnt ; ..blink
sty sCrsrOn ; crsr off
lda sCrsrPhase ; crsr revers?
beq CO2 ; no -> return
dey ; normal phase
sty sCrsrPhase
ldy sCol ; get column
lda sCrsrChar ; restore char
sta (sLinePtr),y
lda sCrsrCol ; restore colour
sta (sLineColPtr),y
CO2 pla ; restore registers
; -------------------------------------
; COn - switch crsr on
; affects: none
; opposite of COff
; -------------------------------------
COn pha
lda civis ; invisible?
bne COn1 ; -> do nothing
ldy sCol ; get column
lda (sLinePtr),y ; save chr
sta sCrsrChar
eor #$80 ; reverse char
sta (sLinePtr),y
lda (sLineColPtr),y; save colour
sta sCrsrCol
lda sColor ; set crsr colour
sta (sLineColPtr),y
lda #$14 ; set counter...
sta sCrsrCnt ; ... to max
ldy #$01 ; set rvs phase
sty sCrsrPhase
dey ; cursor on
sty sCrsrOn
COn1 pla
; -------------------------------------
; CPlot - move cursor
; params: coumn in Y
; line in X
; affects: A, X, Y
; The crsr ist turned off during
; operation (COff - COn)
; -------------------------------------
CPlot jsr COff
jsr Plot
jsr COn
; -------------------------------------
; Plot - move cursor
; params: coumn in Y
; line in X
; affects: A, X, Y
; -------------------------------------
Plot stx sRow ; set row
sty sCol ; set col
jsr SLV
ldx xVector ; set screen line
ldy xVector+1
stx sLinePtr
sty sLinePtr+1
ldx yVector ; set color line
ldy yVector+1
stx sLineColPtr
sty sLineColPtr+1
; -------------------------------------
; CPrnChr - print char to screen
; params: chr in A, $ff means no output
; affects: A
; uses: xVector
; The crsr ist turned off during
; operation (COff - COn)
; -------------------------------------
CPrnChr jsr COff
jsr PrnChr
jsr COn
; -------------------------------------
; PrnChr - print char (petscii) to screen
; params: chr in A, $80 means no output
; affects: A
; uses: xVector
; Rem: The char π/~ is read from
; keyboard as $de but from screen
; (basic code, via input) as $ff.
; -------------------------------------
PrnChr sta xVector ; save char
txa ; save registers
lda xVector ; restore char
; PETSCII to ScreenCode (SC)
; -- $ff -- π/~ from keybd
cmp #$ff ; warn: reverse
bne PC_1
lda #$de
jmp PCrvs
; -- $e0-$fe -- upper graphics
PC_1 cmp #$e0 ; no output
bcc PC0
jmp PCend
; -- $c0-$df -- capital letters
PC0 cmp #$c0
bcc PC1
and #$7f
jmp PCrvs
; -- $a0-$bf -- graphics/latin-9
PC1 cmp #$a0
bcc PC2
and #$3f
ora #$40
jmp PCrvs
; -- $80-$9f -- upper control
PC2 cmp #$80 ; no output
bcc PC3
jmp PCend
; -- $60-$7f -- lower capital
PC3 cmp #$60 ; for string constants
bcc PC4
and #$5f
jmp PCrvs
; -- $40-$5f -- small letters
PC4 cmp #$40
bcc PC5
and #$1f
jmp PCrvs
; -- $20-$3f -- numbers
PC5 cmp #$20
bcc PC6
jmp PCrvs
; -- $00-$1f -- lower control
PC6 jmp PCend ; no output
; -- handle reverse mode --
PCrvs ldx Rvs ; reverse mode?
beq PCput
eor #$80 ; reverse char
PCput ldx lbPending ; need new line?
beq PC7 ; no -> skip
ldx #$00 ; clear pending
stx lbPending
jsr NewLn
PC7 ldy sCol ; get crsr col
sta (sLinePtr),y; char to screen
lda sColor ; get colour
sta (sLineColPtr),y ; set colour
; -- move on crsr --
cpy #$27 ; col = 39?
bne PC8 ; no -> skip
lda #$ff ; yes -> set..
sta lbPending ; ..pending
jmp PCend
PC8 iny ; move on crsr
sty sCol
PCend pla ; restore registers
; -------------------------------------
; NewLn - move crsr to next line
; affects: X, Y
; --- INTERNAL ---
; subtask of PrnChr
; -------------------------------------
NewLn pha ; save char
ldx sRow ; get crsr row
cpx SRE ; end of scroll reg?
beq NL1 ; yes -> branche
cpx #$18 ; line 24?
beq NLend ; yes -> crsr stays
; --- normal wrap ---
inx ; increase line
ldy #$00 ; begin of line
jsr Plot
jmp NLend
; --- scroll up ---
NL1 jsr UScrl
ldy #$00 ; begin of line
sty sCol
NLend pla ; restore char
; -------------------------------------
; DEL - move crsr to the left and
; delete char
; Can move through left margin.
; affects: A, X, Y
; -------------------------------------
DEL jsr COff
ldy sCol
lda lbPending
beq DEL1
; pending
jsr clPending
jmp DELe
DEL1 dey
bmi DEL2
; middle of line
sty sCol
jmp DELe
DEL2 ; first col
ldx sRow
beq DELee ; odd: top left corner
ldy #39
jsr Plot
ldy sCol
DELe lda #" " ; clear char
sta (sLinePtr),y
DELee jsr COn
; -------------------------------------
; clPending - clear pending flag
; affects: none
; Must be called in all crsr movement
; commands.
; -------------------------------------
lda #$00
sta lbPending
; -------------------------------------
; CUScrl - scroll up scrollregion
; affects: A, X, Y
; The crsr ist turned off during
; operation (COff - COn)
; -------------------------------------
CUScrl jsr COff
jsr UScrl
jsr COn
; -------------------------------------
; UScrl - scroll up scrollregion
; affects: A, X, Y
; uses: xVector, yVector,
; zVector, wVector
; -------------------------------------
UScrl ldx SRS ; get first line
; --- scroll one line ---
US1 ; -- new line: --
; -- zVector and wVector --
jsr SLV
lda xVector ; screen line
ldy xVector+1
sta zVector
sty zVector+1
lda yVector ; colour line
ldy yVector+1
sta wVector
sty wVector+1
; -- old line: --
; -- xVector and yVector
inx ; old line
jsr SLV
; -- copy chars and colours --
ldy #$27 ; col 39
US2 lda (xVector),y ; copy char
sta (zVector),y
lda (yVector),y ; copy colour
sta (wVector),y
bpl US2
cpx SRE ; last line?
bne US1 ; no -> go on
jsr ErLn_ ; del last line
; -------------------------------------
; CDScrl - scroll down scrollregion
; affects: A, X, Y
; The crsr ist turned off during
; operation (COff - COn)
; -------------------------------------
CDScrl jsr COff
jsr DScrl
jsr COn
; -------------------------------------
; DScrl - scroll down scrollregion
; affects: A, X, Y
; uses: xVector, yVector,
; zVector, wVector
; -------------------------------------
DScrl ldx SRE ; get last line
; --- scroll one line ---
DS1 ; -- new line: --
; -- zVector and wVector --
jsr SLV
lda xVector ; screen line
ldy xVector+1
sta zVector
sty zVector+1
lda yVector ; colour line
ldy yVector+1
sta wVector
sty wVector+1
; -- old line: --
; -- xVector and yVector
dex ; old line
jsr SLV
; -- copy chars ond colours --
ldy #$27 ; col 39
DS2 lda (xVector),y ; copy char
sta (zVector),y
lda (yVector),y ; copy colour
sta (wVector),y
bpl DS2
cpx SRS ; first line?
bne DS1 ; no -> go on
jsr ErLn_ ; del first line
; -------------------------------------
; ErLn - erase screen line
; params: line number in X
; affects: A, X, Y
; return: $20 (space) in A
; For internal use:
; ErLn_ needs line ptr in xVector
; and line colot ptr in yVector
; -------------------------------------
ErLn jsr SLV ; line start in xVector
; col start in yVector
; -- erase chars --
ErLn_ ldy #$27 ; col 39
lda #$20 ; load space
EL1 sta (xVector),y ; clear char
bpl EL1
; -- set colour --
ldy #$27 ; col 39
lda #fVa ; load vanilla
EL2 sta (yVector),y ; clear char
bpl EL2
; -------------------------------------
; ErEnLn - erase to end of line
; affects: A, X, Y
; erase screen line from crsr to end of line
; -------------------------------------
; -- erase chars --
ldy sCol ; get crsr col
lda #$20 ; load space
EEL1 sta (sLinePtr),y ; clear char
cpy #$28 ; pos 40?
bne EEL1 ; next char
sta sCrsrChar ; del char ..
; ..under crsr
; -- set colour --
ldy sCol ; get crsr col
lda #fVa ; load vanilla
EEL2 sta (sLineColPtr),y ; set colour
cpy #$28 ; pos 40?
bne EEL2 ; next char
; -------------------------------------
; ErBeLn - erase from begin of line
; affects: A, X, Y
; erase screen line up to crsr
; -------------------------------------
; -- erase chars --
ldy sCol ; get crsr col
lda #$20 ; load space
EBL1 sta (sLinePtr),y ; clear char
bpl EBL1 ; pos>=0 -> next
sta sCrsrChar ; del char ..
; ..under crsr
; -- set colour --
ldy sCol ; get crsr col
lda #fVa ; load vanilla
EBL2 sta (sLineColPtr),y ; clear char
bpl EBL2 ; pos>=0 -> next
; -------------------------------------
; SLV - set line vectors
; --- INTERNAL ---
; params: line no in X
; affects: A, Y
; return: screen line ptr in xVector
; screen color ptr in yVector
; -------------------------------------
SLV lda $ecf0,x ; get lo byte
sta xVector
sta yVector
; determin hi byte
ldy #Video ; hi byte
cpx #$07 ; line < 7?
bcc SLV1
cpx #$0d ; line < 13?
bcc SLV1
cpx #$14 ; line < 20?
bcc SLV1
iny ; line 20-24
SLV1 sty xVector+1
adc #$d8-Video
sta yVector+1
; *************************************
; *
; * Init routines
; *
; *************************************
; -------------------------------------
; init memory
; -------------------------------------
InitVar lda #$00
sta EMode
sta EBufL
sta SRS
sta Font
sta SaveF
sta SaveR
sta SaveRow
sta SaveCol
sta lbPending
sta civis
lda #$18 ; last line
sta SRE ; = 24
; -------------------------------------
; Init char
; at the end the font is apended.
; it is copied to $8800 and enabled
; uses: xVector, yVector, zVector
; -------------------------------------
; begin of reverse chars
Reverse = Char + $0400
; enable font
ldx #<FontROM ; Font in zVector
ldy #>FontROM
stx zVector
sty zVector+1
ldx #<Char ; Char in yVector
ldy #>Char
stx yVector
sty yVector+1
ldx #<Reverse ; Revrs in xVector
ldy #>Reverse
stx xVector
sty xVector+1
; copy font
ldx #$04 ; copy 4 pages
ldy #$00
IC1 lda (zVector),y
sta (yVector),y
eor #$ff ; reverse char
sta (xVector),y
bne IC1
; switch to next page
inc zVector+1
inc yVector+1
inc xVector+1
bne IC1
; enable font
lda $dd00
and #$fc
ora #$01
sta $dd00
lda $d018
and #$f1
ora #$02
sta $d018
lda #Video
sta VideoAddr
; -------------------------------------
; Exit char
; -------------------------------------
; disable font
lda $dd00
and #$fc
ora #$03
sta $dd00
lda $d018
and #$f1
ora #$04
sta $d018
lda #04
sta VideoAddr
; -------------------------------------
; Init Screen
; -------------------------------------
; --- set background ---
lda #bgocolour
sta $d020
lda #bgcolour
sta $d021
; --- disable Shift C= ---
lda #$80
sta ShiftCFlag
; --- erase screen ---
ldx #$18 ; start at ln 24
IS1 txa
pha ; save X
jsr ErLn ; erase line
tax ; restore X
dex ; previous line
bpl IS1
lda #fVa ; load vanilla
sta sColor
; --- put crsr ---
ldx #$00
ldy #$00
jsr Plot
; -------------------------------------
; Exit Screen
; -------------------------------------
; --- set background ---
lda #$fe
sta $d020
lda #$f6
sta $d021
; --- ensable Shift C= ---
lda #$00
sta ShiftCFlag
; --- erase screen ---
lda #$fe
sta sColor
sta sCrsrCol
jsr $e544
; *************************************
; *
; * ASCII and PETSCII tables
; *
; *************************************
; -------------------------------------
; table ASCII to PETSCII
; This tabel is used to convert incoming
; ASCII chars.
; pet=$00 means ignore the char
; pet=$01 do something complicated: C
; PETSCII and ASCII equal: =
; PETSCII and ASCII differ: /
; -------------------------------------
atp ;_0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _a _b _c _d _e _f
; --- Control chars ------------------------------------------------
; C C C C C
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$01,$01,$01,$00,$00,$01,$00,$00 ; 0_
; C
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 1_
; --- ASCII = PETSCII ----------------------------------------------
; ' ' ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
.byt $20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$2a,$2b,$2c,$2d,$2e,$2f ; 2_
; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
.byt $30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$3a,$3b,$3c,$3d,$3e,$3f ; 3_
; --- upper case letters -------------------------------------------
; @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
; = / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
.byt $40,$c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7,$c8,$c9,$ca,$cb,$cc,$cd,$ce,$cf ; 4_
; P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \£ ] ^↑ _←
; / / / / / / / / / / / = = = = =
.byt $d0,$d1,$d2,$d3,$d4,$d5,$d6,$d7,$d8,$d9,$da,$5b,$5c,$5d,$5e,$5f ; 5_
; --- lower case letters -------------------------------------------
; `━ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
; / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
.byt $c0,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$4a,$4b,$4c,$4d,$4e,$4f ; 6_
; p q r s t u v w x y z {╋ |▒ }┃ ~▒▒ DEL
; / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
.byt $50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$5a,$db,$dc,$dd,$de,$00 ; 7_
; --- upper control codes ---------------------------------------
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 8_
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 9_
; --- latin 9 chars ---------------------------------------------
; NBSP £ € (Š) § (š) © « -
.byt $20,$df,$df,$bf,$be,$df,$d3,$b5,$53,$bb,$df,$bc,$df,$2d,$df,$df ; a_
; ° ± ² ³ (Ž) µ (ž) » Œ œ (Ÿ)
.byt $ba,$b8,$b6,$b7,$da,$b9,$df,$df,$5a,$df,$df,$bd,$b0,$b0,$d9,$df ; b_
; À (Á) Â (Ã) Ä Å (Ç) È É Ê (Ë) (Ì) (Í) (Î) (Ï)
.byt $a5,$c1,$a4,$c1,$a3,$a4,$df,$c3,$ad,$ab,$ac,$c5,$c9,$c9,$c9,$c9 ; c_
; (Ð) (Ñ) (Ò) (Ó) Ô (Õ) Ö (Ø) (Ù) (Ú) (Û) Ü (Ý) ß
.byt $c4,$ce,$cf,$cf,$b1,$cf,$af,$df,$cf,$d5,$d5,$d5,$b3,$d9,$df,$b4 ; d_
; à (á) â (ã) ä å ç è é ê ë (ì) (í) (î) (ï)
.byt $a2,$41,$a1,$41,$a0,$a1,$df,$a6,$aa,$a8,$a9,$a7,$49,$49,$49,$49 ; e_
; (ñ) (ò) (ó) ô (õ) ö (ø) (ù) (ú) (û) ü (ý) (ÿ)
.byt $df,$4e,$4f,$4f,$b1,$4f,$ae,$df,$4f,$55,$55,$55,$b2,$59,$df,$59 ; f_
; -------------------------------------
; table PETSCII to ASCII
; This table is used to prepare keyboard
; input for sending over the serial
; line.
; ascii = $00 means ignore key
; ascii = $ff menas send string
; ascii = $fe means do something
; complicated (command key)
; -------------------------------------
pta ;_0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _a _b _c _d _e _f
; --- Control chars ------------------------------------------------
; ^A ^B ^C ^D ^E ^F ^G ^H ^I ^J ^K ^L ^M ^N ^O
.byt $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0a,$0b,$0c,$0d,$0e,$0f ; 0_
; {crsr↓} {HOME|DEL} {crsr→}
; ^P ^Q ^R ^S ^T ^U ^V ^W ^X ^Y ^Z ^[ ^\£ ^] ^↑
.byt $10,$fe,$12,$fe,$fe,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$1a,$1b,$1c,$fe,$1e,$1f ; 1_
; --- ASCII = PETSCII ----------------------------------------------
; ' ' ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
.byt $20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$2a,$2b,$2c,$2d,$2e,$2f ; 2_
; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
.byt $30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$3a,$3b,$3c,$3d,$3e,$3f ; 3_
; --- lower case letters -------------------------------------------
; @ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
; = / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
.byt $40,$61,$62,$63,$64,$65,$66,$67,$68,$69,$6a,$6b,$6c,$6d,$6e,$6f ; 4_
; p q r s t u v w x y z [ \£ ] ^↑ ←
; / / / / / / / / / / / = = = = ESC
.byt $70,$71,$72,$73,$74,$75,$76,$77,$78,$79,$7a,$5b,$5c,$5d,$5e,$1b ; 5_
; --- mirror of upper letters - should never appear ----------------
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 6_
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 7_
; --- upper control chars ------------------------------------------
; {f1}{f3}{f5}{f7}{f2}{f4}{f6}{f8}{ShRET}
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 8_
; {crsr↑} {CLR}{INS} {crsr←}
.byt $00,$ff,$00,$00,$7f,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$00,$00 ; 9_
; --- block graphics -----------------------------------------------
; ShSP C=K C=I C=T C=@ C=G C=+ C=M C=£ Sh£ C=N C=Q C=D C=Z C=S C=P
; |
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$7c,$00,$fe,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; a_
; C=A C=E C=R C=W C=H C=J C=L C=Y C=U C=O Sh@ C=F C=C C=X C=V C=B
; `
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$60,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; b_
; --- capital letters ----------------------------------------------
; Sh* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
; _ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
.byt $5f,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$4a,$4b,$4c,$4d,$4e,$4f ; c_
; P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sh+ C=- Sh- π C=*
; / / / / / / / / / / / { } ~
.byt $50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$5a,$7b,$00,$7d,$7e,$00 ; d_
; --- mirror of block graphics - should never appear ---------------
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; e_
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; f_
; --- Font ROM ------------------------
.incbin "c64vt100font.bin"