Added library for Apple II C programs supporting only the Uthernet II.

The W5100 can be accessed pretty well from C without any library. A C program doing so is of course incompatible with the Uthernet and the LANceGS. So the program needs to make sure that that there' an Uthernet II. It can do so by comparing 'eth_driver_name' with "Uthernet II". However, when space it tight it doesn't seem reasonable to link all Ethernet drivers in the first place.
This commit is contained in:
Oliver Schmidt 2018-08-01 02:11:14 +02:00
parent 4ef85827db
commit ab63d8dcf9

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ DRIVERS=\
a2uther2.lib \
a2combo.lib \
ip65_apple2.lib \
ip65_apple2_uther2.lib \
atrdragon.lib \
ip65_atari.lib \
ip65_atarixl.lib \
@ -140,6 +141,8 @@ a2combo.lib: a2initcombo.o uthernet.o lancegs.o uthernet2.o $(COMBOOBJS) $(A2OBJ
ip65_apple2.lib: a2initcombo.o uthernet.o lancegs.o uthernet2.o $(COMBOOBJS) $(A2_OBJS)
ip65_apple2_uther2.lib: a2init.o uthernet2.o $(W5100OBJS) $(A2_OBJS)
atrdragon.lib: atrinit.o dragoncart.o $(CS8900AOBJS) $(ATROBJS)
ip65_atari.lib: atrinit.o dragoncart.o $(CS8900AOBJS) $(ATR_OBJS)