diff --git a/README-nntp65.md b/README-nntp65.md index f07cafb..47f5a66 100644 --- a/README-nntp65.md +++ b/README-nntp65.md @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Before running `NNTP65.SYSTEM` for the first time, be sure you have performed th - Detect Uthernet-II. - Obtain IP address using DHCP. + - If there is a file named `KILL.LIST.CFG` then load the file into memory. Each line is treated as a separate kill pattern. See the subsection [Kill File](#Kill-File) below. - Connect to NNTP server using parameters from first three lines of `NEWS.CFG`. (`AUTHINFO USER` and `AUTHINFO PASS` commands). - For each newsgroup listed in `NEWSGROUPS.CFG`: - Issue `GROUP` command to select the newsgroup. @@ -31,11 +32,22 @@ Before running `NNTP65.SYSTEM` for the first time, be sure you have performed th - Issue the `NEXT` command to the NNTP server to advance to the next article. - Issue to `ARTICLE` command to retrieve the news article, writing it to a file in the `NEWS.SPOOL` directory (eg: `/H1/DOCUMENTS/EMAIL/NEWS.SPOOL/NEWS.1234`). - Once all articles have been retrieved for this newsgroup, write an updated newsgroup line to the file `NEWSGROUPS.NEW`. This will be identical to the line read from `NEWSGROUPS.CFG` except with the last article number updated. - - Copy the messages just retrieved from the `NEWS.SPOOL` directory to the mailbox for the newsgroup in question. + - Examine each message in `NEWS.SPOOL`. If there is a kill-file, the 'From:' header of the message is compared to each line in the killfile and if the text in the kill-file matches any part of the 'From:' header, the message is discarded. If there is no match, the message is copied from the `NEWS.SPOOL` directory to the mailbox for the newsgroup in question. If there is no kill-file then all messages are copied unconditionally. - Once all newsgroups have been retrieved, rename `NEWSGROUPS.NEW` to replace `NEWSGROUPS.CFG`. - Issue the `QUIT` command to disconnect from the NNTP server. - If `NNTP65.SYSTEM` was invoked from `EMAIL.SYSTEM`, load and run `EMAIL.SYSTEM`. Otherwise quit t o ProDOS. +### Kill File + +It is possible to define a kill file which is used to filter incoming news articles according to the value of the 'From:' header. This facility is useful to filter out spam from a small number of nuisance senders. + + - The kill file is a plain Apple II text file named `KILL.LIST.CFG`. You can create and maintain such a file using Emai//er's `EDIT.SYSTEM` or any other Apple II text editor. + - Each line in the kill file is treated as a separate pattern. + - Pattern matching is very simple. `NNTP65.SYSTEM` simply checks each 'From:' header against each line in the kill file in turn. If any substring of the 'From:' header matches any line of the kill file, that message is discarded. + - Only the first approximately 80 characters of each 'From:' header are examined. + - Subject to the limitation above, the matching can apply to any text in the 'From:' header, full names or email address. + - Don't make kill files too big. It will slow down news processing and (eventually) exhaust all the precious memory in your Apple II! + [Back to Main emai//er Docs](README.md#detailed-documentation-for-usenet-functions)