///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // emai//er - Simple Email User Agent vaguely inspired by Elm // Handles INBOX in the format created by POP65 // Bobbi June, July 2020 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // - TODO: Bug in word wrapping quoted-printable content. Code assumes all // lines end in a true line ending, but not true of encoded content. // - TODO: Should decode MIME body even if not multipart // - TODO: Add Base64 encoding // - TODO: Feature to attach files to outgoing messages // - TODO: Get rid of all uses of malloc(). Don't need it. // - TODO: See TODOs further down for error handling #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define EMAIL_C #include "email_common.h" // Program constants #define MSGS_PER_PAGE 18 // Number of messages shown on summary screen #define MENU_ROW 22 // Row that the menu appears on #define PROMPT_ROW 24 // Row that data entry prompt appears on #define READSZ 1024 // Size of buffer for copying files // Characters #define BELL 0x07 #define BACKSPACE 0x08 #define INVERSE 0x0f #define DOWNARROW 0x0a #define UPARROW 0x0b #define RETURN 0x0d #define NORMAL 0x0e #define CURDOWN 0x0a #define HOME 0x19 #define CLRLINE 0x1a #define CURUP 0x1f #define DELETE 0x7f // Addresses #define CURSORROW 0x0025 #define SYSTEMTIME 0xbf90 /* * Represents a date and time */ struct datetime { unsigned int year; unsigned char month; unsigned char day; unsigned char hour; unsigned char minute; unsigned char ispd25format; unsigned char nodatetime; }; char filename[80]; char userentry[80]; char linebuf[998+2]; // According to RFC2822 Section 2.1.1 (998+CRLF) char halfscreen[0x0400]; FILE *fp; struct emailhdrs *headers; uint16_t selection, prevselection; uint16_t num_msgs; // Num of msgs shown in current page uint16_t total_msgs; // Total number of message in mailbox uint16_t total_new; // Total number of new messages uint16_t total_tag; // Total number of tagged messages uint16_t first_msg; // Msg numr: first message current page uint8_t reverse; // 0 normal, 1 reverse order char curr_mbox[80] = "INBOX"; static unsigned char buf[READSZ]; #define ERR_NONFATAL 0 #define ERR_FATAL 1 // Shove this up in the Language Card out of an abundance of caution #pragma code-name (push, "LC") void load_editor(void) { sprintf(userentry, "%s/EDIT.SYSTEM", cfg_instdir); exec(userentry, filename); } void load_pop65(void) { sprintf(filename, "%s/POP65.SYSTEM", cfg_instdir); exec(filename, "EMAIL"); } void load_smtp65(void) { sprintf(filename, "%s/SMTP65.SYSTEM", cfg_instdir); exec(filename, "EMAIL"); } #pragma code-name (pop) /* * Put cursor at beginning of PROMPT_ROW */ void goto_prompt_row(void) { uint8_t i; putchar(HOME); for (i = 0; i < PROMPT_ROW - 1; ++i) putchar(CURDOWN); } void clrscr2(void) { videomode(VIDEOMODE_80COL); clrscr(); } /* * Show non fatal error in PROMPT_ROW * Fatal errors are shown on a blank screen */ void error(uint8_t fatal, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list v; if (fatal) { clrscr2(); printf("\n\n%cFATAL ERROR:%c\n\n", INVERSE, NORMAL); va_start(v, fmt); vprintf(fmt, v); va_end(v); printf("\n\n\n\n[Press Any Key To Quit]"); cgetc(); exit(1); } else { goto_prompt_row(); putchar(CLRLINE); va_start(v, fmt); vprintf(fmt, v); va_end(v); printf(" - [Press Any Key]"); cgetc(); putchar(CLRLINE); } } /* * Print spaces */ void pr_spc(uint8_t n) { while (n--) putchar(' '); } /* * Print ASCII-art envelope */ void envelope(void) { uint8_t i; putchar(NORMAL); putchar(HOME); for (i = 0; i < 8 - 1; ++i) putchar(CURDOWN); pr_spc(30); puts("+------------------+"); pr_spc(30); puts("|\\ \"Inbox Zero\" /|"); pr_spc(30); puts("| \\ / |"); pr_spc(30); puts("| \\ / |"); pr_spc(30); puts("| +----------+ |"); pr_spc(30); puts("| Bobbi |"); pr_spc(30); puts("+------------------+"); pr_spc(30); puts(" ... No messages in this mailbox"); } /* * Busy spinner */ void spinner(void) { static char chars[] = "|/-\\"; static uint8_t i = 0; putchar(BACKSPACE); putchar(chars[(i++) % 4]); } /* * Read parms from EMAIL.CFG */ void readconfigfile(void) { fp = fopen("EMAIL.CFG", "r"); if (!fp) error(ERR_FATAL, "Can't open config file EMAIL.CFG"); fscanf(fp, "%s", cfg_server); fscanf(fp, "%s", cfg_user); fscanf(fp, "%s", cfg_pass); fscanf(fp, "%s", cfg_pop_delete); fscanf(fp, "%s", cfg_smtp_server); fscanf(fp, "%s", cfg_smtp_domain); fscanf(fp, "%s", cfg_instdir); fscanf(fp, "%s", cfg_emaildir); fscanf(fp, "%s", cfg_emailaddr); fclose(fp); } /* * Convert date/time bytes into struct datetime format. */ void readdatetime(unsigned char time[4], struct datetime *dt) { unsigned int d = time[0] + 256U * time[1]; unsigned int t = time[2] + 256U * time[3]; if ((d == 0) && (t == 0)) { dt->nodatetime = 1; return; } dt->nodatetime = 0; if (!(t & 0xe000)) { /* ProDOS 1.0 to 2.4.2 date format */ dt->year = (d & 0xfe00) >> 9; dt->month = (d & 0x01e0) >> 5; dt->day = d & 0x001f; dt->hour = (t & 0x1f00) >> 8; dt->minute = t & 0x003f; dt->ispd25format = 0; if (dt->year < 40) /* See ProDOS-8 Tech Note 48 */ dt->year += 2000; else dt->year += 1900; } else { /* ProDOS 2.5.0+ */ dt->year = t & 0x0fff; dt->month = ((t & 0xf000) >> 12) - 1; dt->day = (d & 0xf800) >> 11; dt->hour = (d & 0x07c0) >> 6; dt->minute = d & 0x003f; dt->ispd25format = 1; } } /* * Print a date/time value in short format for the status bar */ void printdatetime(struct datetime *dt) { if (dt->nodatetime) fputs("????-??-?? ??:??", stdout); else { printf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d", dt->year, dt->month, dt->day, dt->hour, dt->minute); } } /* * Format a date/time in format suitable for an email * dt - structure representing date/time * s - result is returned through this pointer */ void datetimelong(struct datetime *dt, char *s) { static char *months[] = {"", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; if (dt->nodatetime) sprintf(s, "No system clock"); else { // eg: "20 Jun 2020 hh:mm:00" sprintf(s, "%2d %s %04d %02d:%02d:00", dt->day, months[dt->month], dt->year, dt->hour, dt->minute); } } /* * Obtain the system date and time for the status bar */ void printsystemdate(void) { struct datetime dt; readdatetime((unsigned char*)(SYSTEMTIME), &dt); printdatetime(&dt); } /* * Free linked list rooted at headers */ void free_headers_list(void) { struct emailhdrs *h = headers; while (h) { free(h); h = h->next; // Not strictly legal, but will work } headers = NULL; } /* * Read EMAIL.DB and populate linked list rooted at headers * startnum - number of the first message to load (1 is the first) * initialize - if 1, then total_new and total_msgs are calculated * switchmbox - if 1, then errors are treated as non-fatal (for S)witch command) * Returns 0 if okay, 1 on non-fatal error. */ uint8_t read_email_db(uint16_t startnum, uint8_t initialize, uint8_t switchmbox) { struct emailhdrs *curr = NULL, *prev = NULL; uint16_t count = 0; uint8_t done_visible = 0; int32_t pos; uint16_t l; if (initialize) { total_new = total_msgs = total_tag = 0; } free_headers_list(); sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.DB", cfg_emaildir, curr_mbox); fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { error(switchmbox ? ERR_NONFATAL : ERR_FATAL, "Can't open %s", filename); if (switchmbox) return 1; } if (reverse) { // TODO Streamline this once it works if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END)) { fclose(fp); error(switchmbox ? ERR_NONFATAL : ERR_FATAL, "Can't seek in %s", filename); if (switchmbox) return 1; } // If the mailbox is empty this seek will fail if (fseek(fp, ftell(fp) - startnum * EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK, SEEK_SET)) { fclose(fp); num_msgs = total_new = total_msgs = total_tag = 0; return 0; } } else { if (fseek(fp, (startnum - 1) * EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK, SEEK_SET)) { fclose(fp); error(switchmbox ? ERR_NONFATAL : ERR_FATAL, "Can't seek in %s", filename); if (switchmbox) return 1; } } num_msgs = 0; while (1) { curr = (struct emailhdrs*)malloc(sizeof(struct emailhdrs)); if (!curr) error(ERR_FATAL, "Can't malloc()"); curr->next = NULL; curr->tag = ' '; l = fread(curr, 1, EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK, fp); ++count; if (l != EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK) { free(curr); fclose(fp); return 0; } if (count <= MSGS_PER_PAGE) { if (!prev) headers = curr; else prev->next = curr; prev = curr; ++num_msgs; } else { if (!initialize) { free(curr); fclose(fp); return 0; } done_visible = 1; } if (initialize) { ++total_msgs; if (curr->status == 'N') ++total_new; if (curr->tag == 'T') ++total_tag; if (done_visible) free(curr); } if (reverse) { // TODO Streamline this once it works pos = ftell(fp) - 2 * EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK; if (pos == -1 * EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK) { fclose(fp); return 0; } if (fseek(fp, pos, SEEK_SET)) { error(switchmbox ? ERR_NONFATAL : ERR_FATAL, "Can't seek in %s", filename); fclose(fp); return 0; } } } fclose(fp); return 0; } /* * Print a header field from char postion start to end, * padding with spaces as needed */ void printfield(char *s, uint8_t start, uint8_t end) { uint8_t i; uint8_t l = strlen(s); for (i = start; i < end; i++) putchar(i < l ? s[i] : ' '); } /* * Print one line summary of email headers for one message */ void print_one_email_summary(struct emailhdrs *h, uint8_t inverse) { putchar(inverse ? INVERSE : NORMAL); putchar(h->tag == 'T' ? 'T' : ' '); switch(h->status) { case 'N': putchar('*'); // New break; case 'R': putchar(' '); // Read break; case 'D': putchar('D'); // Deleted break; } //printf("%02d|", h->emailnum); putchar('|'); printfield(h->date, 0, 16); putchar('|'); printfield(h->from, 0, 20); putchar('|'); printfield(h->subject, 0, 39); //putchar('\r'); putchar(NORMAL); } /* * Get emailhdrs for nth email in list of headers */ struct emailhdrs *get_headers(uint16_t n) { uint16_t i = 1; struct emailhdrs *h = headers; while (h && (i < n)) { ++i; h = h->next; } return h; } /* * Print status bar at the top */ void status_bar(void) { putchar(HOME); putchar(INVERSE); fputs(" ", stdout); printsystemdate(); putchar(HOME); if (num_msgs == 0) { printf("%c%s [%s] No messages ", INVERSE, PROGNAME, curr_mbox); envelope(); } else printf("%c[%s] %u msgs, %u new, %u tagged. Showing %u-%u. %c ", INVERSE, curr_mbox, total_msgs, total_new, total_tag, first_msg, first_msg + num_msgs - 1, (reverse ? '<' : '>')); putchar(NORMAL); putchar(CURDOWN); printf("\n"); } /* * Show email summary */ void email_summary(void) { uint8_t i = 1; struct emailhdrs *h = headers; clrscr2(); status_bar(); while (h) { print_one_email_summary(h, (i == selection)); ++i; h = h->next; } putchar(HOME); for (i = 0; i < MENU_ROW - 1; ++i) putchar(CURDOWN); printf("%cUp/K Prev | SPC/RET Read | A)rchive | C)opy | M)ove | D)el | U)ndel | P)urge %c", INVERSE, NORMAL); printf("%cDn/J Next | S)witch mbox | N)ew mbox| T)ag | W)rite | R)eply | F)wd | Q)uit %c", INVERSE, NORMAL); } /* * Show email summary for nth email message in list of headers */ void email_summary_for(uint16_t n) { struct emailhdrs *h = headers; uint16_t j; h = get_headers(n); putchar(HOME); for (j = 0; j < n + 1; ++j) putchar(CURDOWN); print_one_email_summary(h, (n == selection)); } /* * Move the highlight bar when user selects different message */ void update_highlighted(void) { email_summary_for(prevselection); email_summary_for(selection); } /* * Read a text file a line at a time leaving the line in linebuf[] * Returns number of chars in the line, or -1 if EOF. * Expects Apple ][ style line endings (CR) and does no conversion * fp - file to read from * reset - if 1 then just reset the buffer and return */ int16_t get_line(FILE *fp, uint8_t reset, uint32_t *pos) { static uint16_t rd = 0; // Read static uint16_t wt = 0; // Write uint8_t found = 0; uint16_t j = 0; uint16_t i; if (reset) { rd = wt = 0; *pos = 0; return 0; } while (1) { while (rd < wt) { linebuf[j++] = buf[rd++]; ++(*pos); if (linebuf[j - 1] == '\r') { found = 1; break; } } linebuf[j] = '\0'; if (rd == wt) // Empty buf[] rd = wt = 0; if (found) return j; if (feof(fp)) return -1; i = fread(&buf[wt], 1, READSZ - wt, fp); wt += i; } } /* * Convert hex char to value */ uint8_t hexdigit(char c) { if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) return c - '0'; else return c - 'A' + 10; } /* * Decode linebuf[] from quoted-printable format in place */ uint16_t decode_quoted_printable(void) { uint16_t i = 0, j = 0; char c; while (c = linebuf[i]) { if (c == '=') { if (linebuf[i + 1] == '\r') { // Trailing '=' is a soft '\r' linebuf[j] = '\0'; return j; } // Otherwise '=xx' where x is a hex digit c = 16 * hexdigit(linebuf[i + 1]) + hexdigit(linebuf[i + 2]); if ((c >= 0x20) && (c <= 0x7e)) linebuf[j++] = c; i += 3; } else { linebuf[j++] = c; ++i; } } linebuf[j] = '\0'; return j; } /* * Base64 decode table */ static const int8_t b64dec[] = {62,-1,-1,-1,63,52,53,54,55,56, 57,58,59,60,61,-1,-1,-1,-2,-1, -1,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1,26,27,28,29,30,31, 32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41, 42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51}; /* * Decode linebuf[] from Base64 format in place * Each line of base64 has up to 76 chars, which decodes to up to 57 bytes */ uint16_t decode_base64(void) { uint16_t i = 0, j = 0; while (linebuf[i] != '\r') { linebuf[j++] = b64dec[linebuf[i] - 43] << 2 | b64dec[linebuf[i + 1] - 43] >> 4; if (linebuf[i + 2] != '=') linebuf[j++] = b64dec[linebuf[i + 1] - 43] << 4 | b64dec[linebuf[i + 2] - 43] >> 2; if (linebuf[i + 3] != '=') linebuf[j++] = b64dec[linebuf[i + 2] - 43] << 6 | b64dec[linebuf[i + 3] - 43]; i += 4; } return j; } /* * Print line up to first '\r' or '\0' */ void putline(FILE *fp, char *s) { char *ret = strchr(s, '\r'); if (ret) *ret = '\0'; fputs(s, fp); if (ret) *ret = '\r'; } /* * Perform word wrapping, for a line of text, which may contain embedded '\r' * carriage returns, perform word-wrapping. For each call, this function will * output one line of text (or a partial line if there is not enough input). * fp - File handle to use for output. * s - Pointer to pointer to input buffer. If all text is consumed, this is * set to NULL. If there is text left in the buffer to be consumed then * the pointer will be advanced to point to the next text to process. */ void word_wrap_line(FILE *fp, char **s) { static uint8_t col = 0; // Keeps track of screen column char *ss = *s; char *ret = strchr(ss, '\r'); uint16_t l = strlen(ss); char *nextline = NULL; uint16_t i; if (ret) { if (l >= (ret - ss) + 1) // If '\r' is not at the end ... nextline = ss + (ret - ss) + 1; // Keep track of next line(s) l = ret - ss; } if (col + l <= 80) { // Fits on this line col += l; putline(fp, ss); if (ret) { col = 0; if (col + l != 80) fputc('\r', fp); } *s = nextline; return; } i = 80 - col; // Doesn't fit, need to break while ((ss[--i] != ' ') && (i > 0)); if (i == 0) { // No space character found if (col == 0) // Doesn't fit on full line for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) { // Truncate @80 chars fputc(ss[i], fp); *s = ss + l + 1; } else // There is stuff on this line already fputc('\r', fp); // Try a blank line col = 0; return; } ss[i] = '\0'; // Space was found, split line putline(fp, ss); fputc('\r', fp); col = 0; *s = ss + i + 1; } /* * OK to d/l attachment? */ char prompt_okay_attachment(char *filename) { char c; printf("Okay to download %s? (y/n) >", filename); while (1) { c = cgetc(); if ((c == 'y') || (c == 'Y') || (c == 'n') || (c == 'N')) break; putchar(BELL); } putchar(RETURN); // Go to col 0 putchar(CURUP); putchar(CLRLINE); if ((c == 'y') || (c == 'Y')) return 1; else return 0; } /* * Sanitize filename for ProDOS * Modifies s in place */ void sanitize_filename(char *s) { uint8_t i = 0, j = 0; char c; while (1) { c = s[i++]; if (c == '\r') { s[j] = '\0'; return; } if (isalnum(c) || c == '.' || c == '/') s[j++] = c; } } #define FROMAUX 0 #define TOAUX 1 /* * Aux memory copy routine */ void copyaux(char *src, char *dst, uint16_t len, uint8_t dir) { char **a1 = (char**)0x3c; char **a2 = (char**)0x3e; char **a4 = (char**)0x42; *a1 = src; *a2 = src + len - 1; // AUXMOVE moves length+1 bytes!! *a4 = dst; if (dir == TOAUX) { __asm__("sec"); // Copy main->aux __asm__("jsr $c311"); // AUXMOVE } else { __asm__("clc"); // Copy aux->main __asm__("jsr $c311"); // AUXMOVE } } /* * Save the current screen to the scrollback file * TODO: No error handling!! */ void save_screen_to_scrollback(FILE *fp) { fwrite((void*)0x0400, 0x0400, 1, fp); // Even cols copyaux((void*)0x400, halfscreen, 0x400, FROMAUX); fwrite(halfscreen, 0x0400, 1, fp); // Odd cols } /* * Load a screen from the scrollback file * Screens are numbered 1, 2, 3 ... * Does not trash the screen holes, which must be preserved! * TODO: No error handling!! */ void load_screen_from_scrollback(FILE *fp, uint8_t screen) { fseek(fp, (screen - 1) * 0x0800, SEEK_SET); fread(halfscreen, 0x0400, 1, fp); // Even cols memcpy((void*)0x400, halfscreen + 0x000, 0x077); memcpy((void*)0x480, halfscreen + 0x080, 0x077); memcpy((void*)0x500, halfscreen + 0x100, 0x077); memcpy((void*)0x580, halfscreen + 0x180, 0x077); memcpy((void*)0x600, halfscreen + 0x200, 0x077); memcpy((void*)0x680, halfscreen + 0x280, 0x077); memcpy((void*)0x700, halfscreen + 0x300, 0x077); memcpy((void*)0x780, halfscreen + 0x380, 0x077); fread(halfscreen, 0x0400, 1, fp); // Odd cols copyaux(halfscreen + 0x000, (void*)0x400, 0x077, TOAUX); copyaux(halfscreen + 0x080, (void*)0x480, 0x077, TOAUX); copyaux(halfscreen + 0x100, (void*)0x500, 0x077, TOAUX); copyaux(halfscreen + 0x180, (void*)0x580, 0x077, TOAUX); copyaux(halfscreen + 0x200, (void*)0x600, 0x077, TOAUX); copyaux(halfscreen + 0x280, (void*)0x680, 0x077, TOAUX); copyaux(halfscreen + 0x300, (void*)0x700, 0x077, TOAUX); copyaux(halfscreen + 0x380, (void*)0x780, 0x077, TOAUX); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); } #define ENC_7BIT 0 // 7bit #define ENC_QP 1 // Quoted-Printable #define ENC_B64 2 // Base64 #define ENC_SKIP 255 // Do nothing /* * Display email with simple pager functionality * Includes support for decoding MIME headers */ void email_pager(struct emailhdrs *h) { uint32_t pos = 0; uint8_t *cursorrow = (uint8_t*)CURSORROW, mime = 0; FILE *sbackfp = NULL; FILE *attachfp; uint16_t linecount, chars; uint8_t mime_enc, mime_binary, eof, screennum, maxscreennum; char c, *readp; clrscr2(); sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.%u", cfg_emaildir, curr_mbox, h->emailnum); fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { if (sbackfp) fclose(sbackfp); error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't open %s", filename); return; } pos = h->skipbytes; fseek(fp, pos, SEEK_SET); // Skip over headers restart: eof = 0; linecount = 0; readp = NULL; attachfp = NULL; if (sbackfp) fclose(sbackfp); _filetype = PRODOS_T_BIN; _auxtype = 0; sprintf(filename, "%s/SCROLLBACK", cfg_emaildir); unlink(filename); sbackfp = fopen(filename, "wb+"); if (!sbackfp) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "No scrollback"); } maxscreennum = screennum = 0; clrscr2(); fputs("Date: ", stdout); printfield(h->date, 0, 39); fputs("\nFrom: ", stdout); printfield(h->from, 0, 70); fputs("\nTo: ", stdout); printfield(h->to, 0, 70); if (h->cc[0] != '\0') { fputs("\nCC: ", stdout); printfield(h->cc, 0, 70); } fputs("\nSubject: ", stdout); printfield(h->subject, 0, 70); fputs("\n\n", stdout); get_line(fp, 1, &pos); // Reset buffer while (1) { if (!readp) { if (get_line(fp, 0, &pos) == -1) eof = 1; readp = linebuf; ++linecount; } else { if ((mime >= 1) && (!strncmp(linebuf, "--", 2))) { if (attachfp) fclose(attachfp); if ((mime == 4) && mime_binary) { putchar(BACKSPACE); // Erase spinner puts("[OK]"); } attachfp = NULL; mime = 2; mime_enc = ENC_7BIT; mime_binary = 0; readp = NULL; // Read next line from disk } else if ((mime < 4) && (mime >= 2)) { if (!strncasecmp(linebuf, "Content-Type: ", 14)) { if (!strncmp(linebuf + 14, "text/plain", 10)) { mime = 3; } else if (!strncmp(linebuf + 14, "text/html", 9)) { printf("\n\n"); mime = 1; } else { mime_binary = 1; mime = 3; } } else if (!strncasecmp(linebuf, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ", 27)) { mime = 3; if (!strncmp(linebuf + 27, "7bit", 4)) mime_enc = ENC_7BIT; else if (!strncmp(linebuf + 27, "quoted-printable", 16)) mime_enc = ENC_QP; else if (!strncmp(linebuf + 27, "base64", 6)) mime_enc = ENC_B64; else { printf("** Unsupp encoding %s\n", linebuf + 27); mime = 1; } } else if (strstr(linebuf, "filename=")) { sprintf(filename, "%s/ATTACHMENTS/%s", cfg_emaildir, strstr(linebuf, "filename=") + 9); sanitize_filename(filename); if (prompt_okay_attachment(filename)) { printf("** Attachment -> %s ", filename); attachfp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!attachfp) printf("\n** Can't open %s ", filename); } else attachfp = NULL; } else if ((mime == 3) && (!strncmp(linebuf, "\r", 1))) { mime = 4; if (!attachfp && mime_binary) { mime_enc = ENC_SKIP; // Skip over binary MIME parts with no filename fputs("Skipping ", stdout); } } readp = NULL; // Read next line from disk } else if (mime == 4) { switch (mime_enc) { case ENC_QP: chars = decode_quoted_printable(); readp = linebuf; // Decoded text is in linebuf[] break; case ENC_B64: chars = decode_base64(); readp = linebuf; // Decoded text is in linebuf[] break; case ENC_SKIP: readp = NULL; // Read next line from disk break; } if (mime_binary && !(linecount % 10)) spinner(); } do { if (readp) { if (mime == 0) word_wrap_line(stdout, &readp); if (mime == 1) readp = NULL; if (mime == 4) { if (mime_binary) { if (attachfp) fwrite(linebuf, 1, chars, attachfp); readp = 0; } else { word_wrap_line(stdout, &readp); } } } if ((*cursorrow == 22) || eof) { printf("\n%c[%05lu] %s | B)ack | T)op | H)drs | M)IME | Q)uit%c", INVERSE, pos, (eof ? " ** END ** " : "SPACE continue reading"), NORMAL); if (sbackfp) { save_screen_to_scrollback(sbackfp); ++screennum; ++maxscreennum; } retry: c = cgetc(); switch (c) { case ' ': if (sbackfp && (screennum < maxscreennum)) { load_screen_from_scrollback(sbackfp, ++screennum); goto retry; } else { if (eof) { putchar(BELL); goto retry; } } break; case 'B': case 'b': if (sbackfp && (screennum > 1)) { load_screen_from_scrollback(sbackfp, --screennum); goto retry; } else { putchar(BELL); goto retry; } break; case 'T': case 't': mime = 0; pos = h->skipbytes; fseek(fp, pos, SEEK_SET); goto restart; break; case 'H': case 'h': mime = 0; pos = 0; fseek(fp, pos, SEEK_SET); goto restart; break; case 'M': case 'm': mime = 1; pos = h->skipbytes; fseek(fp, pos, SEEK_SET); goto restart; case 'Q': case 'q': if (attachfp) fclose(attachfp); if (sbackfp) fclose(sbackfp); fclose(fp); return; default: putchar(BELL); goto retry; } clrscr2(); } } while (readp); } } } /* * Write updated email headers to EMAIL.DB */ void write_updated_headers(struct emailhdrs *h, uint16_t pos) { uint16_t l; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.DB", cfg_emaildir, curr_mbox); _filetype = PRODOS_T_BIN; _auxtype = 0; fp = fopen(filename, "rb+"); if (!fp) error(ERR_FATAL, "Can't open %s", filename); if (fseek(fp, (pos - 1) * EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK, SEEK_SET)) error(ERR_FATAL, "Can't seek in %s", filename); l = fwrite(h, 1, EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK, fp); if (l != EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK) error(ERR_FATAL, "Can't write to %s", filename); fclose(fp); } /* * Create new mailbox * Create directory, EMAIL.DB and NEXT.EMAIL files */ void new_mailbox(char *mbox) { sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", cfg_emaildir, mbox); if (mkdir(filename)) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't create dir %s", filename); return; } sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.DB", cfg_emaildir, mbox); _filetype = PRODOS_T_BIN; _auxtype = 0; fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!fp) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't create EMAIL.DB"); return; } fclose(fp); sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/NEXT.EMAIL", cfg_emaildir, mbox); _filetype = PRODOS_T_TXT; _auxtype = 0; fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!fp) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't create NEXT.EMAIL"); return; } fprintf(fp, "1"); fclose(fp); } /* * Change current mailbox */ void switch_mailbox(char *mbox) { char prev_mbox[80]; uint8_t err; // Treat '.' as shortcut for INBOX if (!strcmp(mbox, ".")) strcpy(mbox, "INBOX"); strcpy(prev_mbox, curr_mbox); strcpy(curr_mbox, mbox); first_msg = 1; err = read_email_db(first_msg, 1, 1); // Errors non-fatal if (err) { strcpy(curr_mbox, prev_mbox); return; } selection = 1; email_summary(); } /* * Purge deleted messages from current mailbox */ void purge_deleted(void) { uint16_t count = 0, delcount = 0; struct emailhdrs *h; FILE *fp2; uint16_t l; h = (struct emailhdrs*)malloc(sizeof(struct emailhdrs)); if (!h) error(ERR_FATAL, "Can't malloc()"); sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.DB", cfg_emaildir, curr_mbox); fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't open %s", filename); return; } sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.DB.NEW", cfg_emaildir, curr_mbox); _filetype = PRODOS_T_BIN; _auxtype = 0; fp2 = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!fp2) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't open %s", filename); return; } while (1) { l = fread(h, 1, EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK, fp); ++count; if (l != EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK) goto done; if (h->status == 'D') { sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.%u", cfg_emaildir, curr_mbox, h->emailnum); if (unlink(filename)) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't delete %s", filename); } goto_prompt_row(); putchar(CLRLINE); printf("%u msgs deleted", ++delcount); } else { l = fwrite(h, 1, EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK, fp2); if (l != EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't write to %s", filename); free(h); fclose(fp); fclose(fp2); return; } } } done: free(h); fclose(fp); fclose(fp2); sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.DB", cfg_emaildir, curr_mbox); if (unlink(filename)) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't delete %s", filename); return; } sprintf(userentry, "%s/%s/EMAIL.DB.NEW", cfg_emaildir, curr_mbox); if (rename(userentry, filename)) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't rename %s", userentry); return; } } /* * Get next email number from NEXT.EMAIL * Returns 1 on error, 0 if all is good */ uint8_t get_next_email(char *mbox, uint16_t *num) { sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/NEXT.EMAIL", cfg_emaildir, mbox); fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't open %s/NEXT.EMAIL", mbox); return 1; } fscanf(fp, "%u", num); fclose(fp); return 0; } /* * Update NEXT.EMAIL file */ uint8_t update_next_email(char *mbox, uint16_t num) { sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/NEXT.EMAIL", cfg_emaildir, mbox); _filetype = PRODOS_T_TXT; _auxtype = 0; fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!fp) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't open %s/NEXT.EMAIL", mbox); return 1; } fprintf(fp, "%u", num); fclose(fp); return 0; } /* * Copy string p to q truncating any trailing spaces. */ void truncate_header(char *p, char *q, uint8_t l) { int16_t last_char = -1; uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) { q[i] = p[i]; if ((p[i] != ' ') && (p[i] != '\0')) last_char = i; } q[last_char + 1] = '\0'; } /* * Parse 'from' address, of the form 'Joe Smith ' * If < > angle brackets are present, just return the text within them, * otherwise return the whole string. * p - input buffer * q - output buffer * Returns 0 if okay, 1 on error */ uint8_t parse_from_addr(char *p, char *q) { char *start = strchr(p, '<'); char *end = strchr(p, '>'); uint8_t l; if (!start) { strcpy(q, p); return 0; } else { if (end) l = end - start - 1; else { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Bad address format '%s'", p); return 1; } } strncpy(q, start + 1, l); q[l] = '\0'; return 0; } /* * Prompt for a name in the line below the menu, store it in userentry * Returns number of chars read. * prompt - Message to display before > prompt * is_file - if 1, restrict chars to those allowed in ProDOS filename * Returns number of chars read */ uint8_t prompt_for_name(char *prompt, uint8_t is_file) { uint16_t i; char c; goto_prompt_row(); printf("%s>", prompt); i = 0; while (1) { c = cgetc(); if (is_file && !isalnum(c) && (c != RETURN) && (c != BACKSPACE) && (c != DELETE) && (c != '.')) { putchar(BELL); continue; } switch (c) { case RETURN: goto done; case BACKSPACE: case DELETE: if (i > 0) { putchar(BACKSPACE); putchar(' '); putchar(BACKSPACE); --i; } else putchar(BELL); break; default: putchar(c); userentry[i++] = c; } if (i == 79) goto done; } done: userentry[i] = '\0'; putchar(CLRLINE); goto_prompt_row(); return i; } /* * Write email headers for replies and forwarded messages * fp1 - File handle of the mail message being replied/forwarded * fp2 - File handle of the destination mail message * h - headers of the message being replied/forwarded * mode - 'R' for reply, 'F' for forward * fwd_to - Recipient (used for mode=='F' only) * Returns 0 if okay, 1 on error */ uint8_t write_email_headers(FILE *fp1, FILE *fp2, struct emailhdrs *h, char mode, char *fwd_to) { struct datetime dt; fprintf(fp2, "From: %s\r", cfg_emailaddr); truncate_header(h->subject, buf, 80); fprintf(fp2, "Subject: %s: %s\r", (mode == 'F' ? "Fwd" : "Re"), buf); readdatetime((unsigned char*)(SYSTEMTIME), &dt); datetimelong(&dt, buf); fprintf(fp2, "Date: %s\r", buf); if (mode == 'R') { truncate_header(h->from, filename, 80); if (parse_from_addr(filename, buf)) return 1; fprintf(fp2, "To: %s\r", buf); } else fprintf(fp2, "To: %s\r", fwd_to); prompt_for_name("cc", 0); if (strlen(userentry) > 0) fprintf(fp2, "cc: %s\r", userentry); fprintf(fp2, "X-Mailer: %s - Apple II Forever!\r\r", PROGNAME); if (mode == 'R') { truncate_header(h->date, buf, 40); fprintf(fp2, "On %s, ", buf); truncate_header(h->from, buf, 80); fprintf(fp2, "%s wrote:\r\r", buf); } else { fprintf(fp2, "-------- Forwarded Message --------\r"); truncate_header(h->subject, buf, 80); fprintf(fp2, "Subject: %s\r", buf); truncate_header(h->date, buf, 40); fprintf(fp2, "Date: %s\r", buf); truncate_header(h->from, buf, 80); fprintf(fp2, "From: %s\r", buf); truncate_header(h->to, buf, 80); fprintf(fp2, "To: %s\r\r", buf); } fseek(fp1, h->skipbytes, SEEK_SET); // Skip headers when copying return 0; } /* * Prompt ok? */ char prompt_okay(char *msg) { char c; goto_prompt_row(); printf("%sSure? (y/n)", msg); while (1) { c = cgetc(); if ((c == 'y') || (c == 'Y') || (c == 'n') || (c == 'N')) break; putchar(BELL); } if ((c == 'y') || (c == 'Y')) c = 1; else c = 0; putchar(CLRLINE); return c; } /* * Copies the current message to mailbox mbox. * h is a pointer to the emailheaders for the message to copy * idx is the index of the message in EMAIL.DB in the source mailbox (1-based) * mbox is the name of the destination mailbox * delete - if set to 1 then the message will be marked as deleted in the * source mbox * mode - 'R' for reply, 'F' for forward, otherwise ' ' */ void copy_to_mailbox(struct emailhdrs *h, uint16_t idx, char *mbox, uint8_t delete, char mode) { uint16_t num, buflen, written, l; FILE *fp2; if (mode == 'F') { prompt_for_name("Fwd to", 0); if (strlen(userentry) == 0) return; } // Read next number from dest/NEXT.EMAIL if (get_next_email(mbox, &num)) return; // Open source email file sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.%u", cfg_emaildir, curr_mbox, h->emailnum); fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't open %s", filename); return; } // Open destination email file sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.%u", cfg_emaildir, mbox, num); _filetype = PRODOS_T_TXT; _auxtype = 0; fp2 = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!fp2) { fclose(fp); error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't open %s", filename); return; } if (mode != ' ') if (write_email_headers(fp, fp2, h, mode, userentry)) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Invalid email header"); fclose(fp); fclose(fp2); return; } // Make sure spinner is in the right place if ((mode == 'R') || (mode == 'F')) goto_prompt_row(); // Copy email putchar(' '); // For spinner while (1) { buflen = fread(buf, 1, READSZ, fp); spinner(); if (buflen == 0) break; written = fwrite(buf, 1, buflen, fp2); if (written != buflen) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Write error during copy"); fclose(fp); fclose(fp2); return; } } putchar(BACKSPACE); putchar(' '); putchar(BACKSPACE); fclose(fp); fclose(fp2); // Update dest/EMAIL.DB unless this is R)eply or F)orward // The upshot of this is we never create EMAIL.DB in OUTBOX if (mode == ' ') { sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.DB", cfg_emaildir, mbox); _filetype = PRODOS_T_BIN; _auxtype = 0; fp = fopen(filename, "ab"); if (!fp) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't open %s/EMAIL.DB", mbox); return; } buflen = h->emailnum; // Just reusing buflen as a temporary h->emailnum = num; l = fwrite(h, 1, EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK, fp); if (l != EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't write to %s/EMAIL.DB %u %u", mbox); return; } h->emailnum = buflen ; fclose(fp); } // Update dest/NEXT.EMAIL, incrementing count by 1 if (update_next_email(mbox, num + 1)) return; if (delete) h->status = 'D'; h->tag = ' '; // Untag files after copy or move write_updated_headers(h, idx); email_summary_for(selection); if (mode != ' ') { // Not really an error but useful to have an alert sprintf(filename, "Created %s %s/OUTBOX/EMAIL.%u", (mode == 'R' ? "reply" : "fwded msg"), cfg_emaildir, num); error(ERR_NONFATAL, filename); if (prompt_okay("Open in editor - ")) { sprintf(filename, "%s/OUTBOX/EMAIL.%u", cfg_emaildir, num); load_editor(); } } } /* * Return index into EMAIL.DB for current selection. */ uint16_t get_db_index(void) { if (!reverse) return first_msg + selection - 1; else return total_msgs - (first_msg + selection - 1) + 1; } /* * Check if there are tagged messages. If not, just call copy_to_mailbox() * on the current message. If they are, prompt the user and, if affirmative, * iterate through the tagged messages calling copy_to_mailbox() on each. */ uint8_t copy_to_mailbox_tagged(char *mbox, uint8_t delete) { uint16_t count = 0, tagcount = 0; struct emailhdrs *h; uint16_t l; if (total_tag == 0) { h = get_headers(selection); copy_to_mailbox(h, get_db_index(), mbox, delete, ' '); return 0; } sprintf(filename, "%u tagged - ", total_tag); if (!prompt_okay(filename)) return 0; h = (struct emailhdrs*)malloc(sizeof(struct emailhdrs)); if (!h) error(ERR_FATAL, "Can't malloc()"); while (1) { sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.DB", cfg_emaildir, curr_mbox); _filetype = PRODOS_T_BIN; _auxtype = 0; fp = fopen(filename, "rb+"); if (!fp) { free(h); error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't open %s", filename); return 1; } if (fseek(fp, count * EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK, SEEK_SET)) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't seek in %s", filename); goto err; } l = fread(h, 1, EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK, fp); fclose(fp); ++count; if (l != EMAILHDRS_SZ_ON_DISK) { free(h); read_email_db(first_msg, 1, 0); email_summary(); return 0; } if (h->tag == 'T') { h->tag = ' '; // Don't want it tagged in the destination goto_prompt_row(); putchar(CLRLINE); printf("%u/%u:", ++tagcount, total_tag); copy_to_mailbox(h, count, mbox, delete, ' '); } } err: free(h); fclose(fp); return 1; } /* * Create a blank outgoing message and put it in OUTBOX. * OUTBOX is not a 'proper' mailbox (no EMAIL.DB) */ void create_blank_outgoing() { struct datetime dt; uint16_t num; // Read next number from dest/NEXT.EMAIL if (get_next_email("OUTBOX", &num)) return; // Open destination email file sprintf(filename, "%s/OUTBOX/EMAIL.%u", cfg_emaildir, num); _filetype = PRODOS_T_TXT; _auxtype = 0; fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!fp) { error(ERR_NONFATAL, "Can't open %s", filename); return; } fprintf(fp, "From: %s\r", cfg_emailaddr); prompt_for_name("To", 0); if (strlen(userentry) == 0) return; fprintf(fp, "To: %s\r", userentry); prompt_for_name("Subject", 0); fprintf(fp, "Subject: %s\r", userentry); readdatetime((unsigned char*)(SYSTEMTIME), &dt); datetimelong(&dt, userentry); fprintf(fp, "Date: %s\r", userentry); prompt_for_name("cc", 0); if (strlen(userentry) > 0) fprintf(fp, "cc: %s\r", userentry); fprintf(fp, "X-Mailer: %s - Apple II Forever!\r\r", PROGNAME); fclose(fp); // Update dest/NEXT.EMAIL, incrementing count by 1 if (update_next_email("OUTBOX", num + 1)) return; // Not really an error but useful to have an alert sprintf(filename, "Created file %s/OUTBOX/EMAIL.%u", cfg_emaildir, num); error(ERR_NONFATAL, filename); if (prompt_okay("Open in editor - ")) { sprintf(filename, "%s/OUTBOX/EMAIL.%u", cfg_emaildir, num); load_editor(); } } /* * Keyboard handler */ void keyboard_hdlr(void) { struct emailhdrs *h; char c; while (1) { h = get_headers(selection); c = cgetc(); switch (c) { case 'k': case 'K': case UPARROW: if (selection > 1) { prevselection = selection; --selection; update_highlighted(); } else if (first_msg > MSGS_PER_PAGE) { first_msg -= MSGS_PER_PAGE; read_email_db(first_msg, 0, 0); selection = num_msgs; email_summary(); } break; case 't': case 'T': if (h) { if (h->tag == 'T') { h->tag = ' '; --total_tag; } else { h->tag = 'T'; ++total_tag; } write_updated_headers(h, get_db_index()); email_summary_for(selection); status_bar(); } // Fallthrough so tagging also moves down!!! case 'j': case 'J': case DOWNARROW: if (selection < num_msgs) { prevselection = selection; ++selection; update_highlighted(); } else if (first_msg + selection - 1 < total_msgs) { first_msg += MSGS_PER_PAGE; read_email_db(first_msg, 0, 0); selection = 1; email_summary(); } break; case RETURN: case ' ': if (h) { if (h->status == 'N') --total_new; h->status = 'R'; // Mark email read write_updated_headers(h, get_db_index()); email_pager(h); email_summary(); } break; case 'd': case 'D': if (h) { h->status = 'D'; write_updated_headers(h, get_db_index()); email_summary_for(selection); } break; case 'u': case 'U': if (h) { h->status = 'R'; write_updated_headers(h, get_db_index()); email_summary_for(selection); } break; case 'c': case 'C': if (h) if (prompt_for_name("Copy to mbox", 1)) copy_to_mailbox_tagged(userentry, 0); break; case 'm': case 'M': if (h) if (prompt_for_name("Move to mbox", 1)) copy_to_mailbox_tagged(userentry, 1); break; case 'a': case 'A': if (h) { goto_prompt_row(); copy_to_mailbox_tagged("RECEIVED", 1); } break; case 'p': case 'P': if (h) { if (prompt_okay("Purge - ")) { purge_deleted(); first_msg = 1; read_email_db(first_msg, 1, 0); selection = 1; email_summary(); } } break; case 'r': case 'R': if (h) copy_to_mailbox(h, get_db_index(), "OUTBOX", 0, 'R'); break; case 'f': case 'F': if (h) copy_to_mailbox(h, get_db_index(), "OUTBOX", 0, 'F'); break; // Everything above here needs a selected message (h != NULL) // Everything below here does NOT need a selected message case 'n': case 'N': if (prompt_for_name("New mbox", 1)) new_mailbox(userentry); break; case 's': case 'S': if (prompt_for_name("Switch mbox", 1)) switch_mailbox(userentry); break; case 'w': case 'W': create_blank_outgoing(); break; case ',': case '<': reverse = 1; switch_mailbox(curr_mbox); break; case '.': case '>': reverse = 0; switch_mailbox(curr_mbox); break; case 0x80 + 'e': // OA-E "Open message in editor" case 0x80 + 'E': sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/EMAIL.%u", cfg_emaildir, curr_mbox, h->emailnum); load_editor(); break; case 0x80 + 'r': // OA-R "Retrieve messages from server" case 0x80 + 'R': load_pop65(); break; case 0x80 + 's': // OA-S "Send messages in Outbox to server" case 0x80 + 'S': load_smtp65(); break; case 'q': case 'Q': if (prompt_okay("Quit - ")) { clrscr2(); exit(0); } default: //printf("[%02x]", c); putchar(BELL); } } } void main(void) { uint8_t *pp; pp = (uint8_t*)0xbf98; if (!(*pp & 0x02)) error(ERR_FATAL, "Need 80 cols"); if ((*pp & 0x30) != 0x30) error(ERR_FATAL, "Need 128K"); videomode(VIDEOMODE_80COL); readconfigfile(); reverse = 0; first_msg = 1; read_email_db(first_msg, 1, 0); selection = 1; email_summary(); keyboard_hdlr(); }