DOS 3.3 MEMORY LAYOUT $C000 --- TOP OF RAM $B600 --- RWTS $AAC9 --- FILE MANAGER $9D00 --- MAIN DOS ROUTINES $9600 -- DOS FILE BUFFERS (MAXFILES 3) BD00 - RWTS main entry - call with AY pointing at IOB Input/Output Control Block OFFSET DESCRIPTION $00 Table Type (must be 1) $01 Slot Number times 0x10 $02 Drive Number ($01 or $02) $03 Volume Number ($00 matches any volume) $04 Track Number $05 Sector Number $06/$07 Address (lo/hi) of Device Characteristics Table $08/$09 Address (lo/hi) of 256 byte buffer for READ/WRITE $0A Not Used $0B byte count for partial sector $0c Command Code $00 = SEEK $01 = READ $02 = WRITE $04 = FORMAT $0d Return Code (if non zero, carry flag should be set) $00 = no error $08 = error during initialization $10 = write protect error $20 = volume mismatch error $40 = drive error $80 = read error (obsolete) $0e volume number of last access $0f slot number of last acces * 16 $10 drive number of last access