ip65 technical reference

File : ip65/tftp.s

minimal tftp implementation (client only)
supports file upload and download


clear callback vectors, i.e. all future transfers read from/write to RAM
inputs: none
outputs: none
download a file from a tftp server
   tftp_ip: ip address of host to download from (set to for broadcast)
   tftp_filename: pointer to null terminated name of file to download
   tftp_load_address: memory location that dir will be stored in, or $0000 to
     treat first 2 bytes received from tftp server as memory address that rest
     of file should be loaded into (e.g. if downloading a C64 'prg' file)
 outputs: carry flag is set if there was an error
   if a callback vector has been set with tftp_set_callback_vector
   then the specified routine will be called once for each 512 byte packet
   sent from the tftp server (each time AX will point at data block just arrived,
   and tftp_data_block_length will contain number of bytes in that data block)
   otherwise, the buffer at tftp_load_address will be filled
   with file downloaded.
   tftp_load_address: will be set to the actual address loaded into (NB - this field is
       ignored if a callback vector has been set with tftp_set_callback_vector)
set up vector of routine to be called when each 512 packet arrives from tftp server 
when downloading OR for routine to be called when ready to send new block
when uploading.
when vector is called when downloading, AX will point to data that was downloaded,
tftp_data_block_length will be set to length of downloaded data block. This will be 
equal to $200 (512) for each block EXCEPT the final block. THe final block will
always be less than $200 bytes - if the file is an exact multiple if $200 bytes
long, then a final block will be received with length $00.
when vector is called when uploading, AX will point to a 512 byte buffer that
should be filled with the next block. the user supplied routine should set AX
to be equal to the actual number of bytes inserted into the buffer, which should
equal to $200 (512) for each block EXCEPT the final block. The final block must
always be less than $200 bytes - if the file is an exact multiple if $200 bytes
long, then a final block must be created with length $00.
 AX - address of routine to call for each packet.
 outputs: none
uploads a file to a tftp server with data retrieved from user supplied routine
  tftp_ip: ip address of host to send file to (set to for broadcast)
  tftp_filename: pointer to null terminated name of file to upload
   a callback vector should have been set with tftp_set_callback_vector
 outputs: carry flag is set if there was an error
   the specified routine will be called once for each 512 byte packet
   to be sent from the tftp server.
uploads a file to a tftp server with data retrieved from specified memory location
  tftp_ip: ip address of host to send file to (set to for broadcast)
  tftp_filename: pointer to null terminated name of file to upload
  tftp_load_address: starting address of data to be sent
  tftp_filesize: length of data to send
 outputs: carry flag is set if there was an error
   if a callback vector has been set with tftp_set_callback_vector
   then the specified routine will be called once for each 512 byte packet
   to be sent to the tftp server 


variabledescriptionsize (bytes)
tftp_filenamename of file to d/l or filemask to get directory listing for 2
tftp_filesizewill be set by tftp_download, needs to be set before calling tftp_upload_from_memory 2
tftp_ipip address of tftp server - set to (broadcast) to send request to all tftp servers on local lan 4
tftp_load_addressaddress file will be (or was) downloaded to 2


;minimal tftp implementation (client only)
;supports file upload and download

  TFTP_TIMER_MASK=$F8 ;mask lower two bits, means we wait for 8 x1/4 seconds

  .include "../inc/common.i"
  .define EQU     =
  .include "../inc/kipper_constants.i"

  .exportzp tftp_filename
  .export tftp_load_address
  .export tftp_ip
  .export tftp_download
  .export tftp_upload
  .export tftp_data_block_length
  .export tftp_set_callback_vector
  .export tftp_callback_vector
  .export tftp_clear_callbacks
  .export tftp_filesize
  .export tftp_upload_from_memory
  .import ip65_process
  .import ip65_error

  .import udp_add_listener
  .import udp_remove_listener
  .import output_buffer
  .import udp_callback
  .import udp_send
  .import check_for_abort_key
  .import udp_inp
  .import ip_inp
  .importzp ip_src
  .importzp udp_src_port

  .importzp udp_data

  .import udp_send_dest
  .import udp_send_src_port
  .import udp_send_dest_port
  .import udp_send_len

  .import copymem
  .importzp copy_src
  .importzp copy_dest

  .import timer_read
  .segment "IP65ZP" : zeropage

tftp_filename: .res 2 ;name of file to d/l or filemask to get directory listing for

;packet offsets
tftp_inp    = udp_inp + udp_data 
tftp_outp = output_buffer

;everything after filename in a request at a relative address, not fixed, so don't bother defining offset constants

tftp_client_port_low_byte: .res 1

tftp_load_address: .res 2 ;address file will be (or was) downloaded to
tftp_ip: .res 4 ;ip address of tftp server - set to (broadcast) to send request to all tftp servers on local lan

tftp_data_block_length: .res 2
tftp_send_len: .res 2
tftp_current_memloc: .res 2

; tftp state machine
tftp_initializing  = 1        ; initial state
tftp_initial_request_sent=2 ; sent the RRQ or WRQ, waiting for some data
tftp_transmission_in_progress=3       ; we have sent/received the first packet of file data
tftp_complete=4             ; we have sent/received the final packet of file data
tftp_error=5                ; we got an error

tftp_state:  .res 1    ; current activity
tftp_timer:  .res 1
tftp_resend_counter: .res 1
tftp_break_inner_loop: .res 1
tftp_current_block_number: .res 2
tftp_actual_server_port: .res 2   ;this is read from the reply  - it is not (usually) the port # we send the RRQ or WRQ to
tftp_actual_server_ip: .res 4     ;this is read from the reply - it may not be the IP we sent to (e.g. if we send to broadcast)

tftp_just_set_new_load_address: .res 1

tftp_opcode: .res 2 ; will be set to 4 if we are doing a RRQ, or 7 if we are doing a DIR
tftp_filesize: .res 2 ;will be set by tftp_download, needs to be set before calling tftp_upload_from_memory
tftp_bytes_remaining: .res 2 


;uploads a file to a tftp server with data retrieved from specified memory location
; inputs:
;  tftp_ip: ip address of host to send file to (set to for broadcast)
;  tftp_filename: pointer to null terminated name of file to upload
;  tftp_load_address: starting address of data to be sent
;  tftp_filesize: length of data to send
; outputs: carry flag is set if there was an error
;   if a callback vector has been set with tftp_set_callback_vector
;   then the specified routine will be called once for each 512 byte packet
;   to be sent to the tftp server 
  ldax #copy_ram_to_tftp_block
  jsr tftp_set_callback_vector
  ldax tftp_filesize
  stax  tftp_bytes_remaining
  lda #00
  sta tftp_filesize
  sta tftp_filesize+1
;uploads a file to a tftp server with data retrieved from user supplied routine
; inputs:
;  tftp_ip: ip address of host to send file to (set to for broadcast)
;  tftp_filename: pointer to null terminated name of file to upload
;   a callback vector should have been set with tftp_set_callback_vector
; outputs: carry flag is set if there was an error
;   the specified routine will be called once for each 512 byte packet
;   to be sent from the tftp server.
  ldax  #$0200      ;opcode 02 = WRQ
  jmp set_tftp_opcode

;download a file from a tftp server
; inputs:
;   tftp_ip: ip address of host to download from (set to for broadcast)
;   tftp_filename: pointer to null terminated name of file to download
;   tftp_load_address: memory location that dir will be stored in, or $0000 to
;     treat first 2 bytes received from tftp server as memory address that rest
;     of file should be loaded into (e.g. if downloading a C64 'prg' file)
; outputs: carry flag is set if there was an error
;   if a callback vector has been set with tftp_set_callback_vector
;   then the specified routine will be called once for each 512 byte packet
;   sent from the tftp server (each time AX will point at data block just arrived,
;   and tftp_data_block_length will contain number of bytes in that data block)
;   otherwise, the buffer at tftp_load_address will be filled
;   with file downloaded.
;   tftp_load_address: will be set to the actual address loaded into (NB - this field is
;       ignored if a callback vector has been set with tftp_set_callback_vector)
  lda #00
  sta tftp_filesize
  sta tftp_filesize+1
  ldx #$01                      ;opcode 01 = RRQ (A should already be zero from having just reset file length)
  stax  tftp_opcode
  lda #tftp_initializing
  sta tftp_state  
  ldax #0000
  stax tftp_current_block_number
  ldax tftp_load_address
  stax tftp_current_memloc
  ldax #tftp_in
  stax udp_callback 
  ldx #$69
  inc tftp_client_port_low_byte    ;each transfer uses a different client port
  lda tftp_client_port_low_byte    ;so we don't get confused by late replies to a previous call
  jsr udp_add_listener
  bcc :+      ;bail if we couldn't listen on the port we want
  sta ip65_error

  sta tftp_resend_counter
  jsr timer_read 
  sta tftp_timer            ;we only care about the high byte  
  lda #0
  sta tftp_break_inner_loop
  lda tftp_state
  cmp #tftp_initializing
  bne @not_initializing
  jsr send_request_packet

  jmp @inner_delay_loop

  cmp #tftp_error
  bne @not_error

  ldx #$69
  lda tftp_client_port_low_byte    
  jsr udp_remove_listener  
  cmp #tftp_complete
  bne @not_complete
  jsr send_ack    ;send the ack for the last block
  bcs @not_complete ;if we couldn't send the ACK (e.g. coz we need to do an ARP request) then keep looping
  ldx #$69
  lda tftp_client_port_low_byte    
  jsr udp_remove_listener
  cmp #tftp_transmission_in_progress
  bne @not_transmitting
  jsr send_tftp_packet
  jmp @inner_delay_loop
  jsr send_request_packet  

  jsr ip65_process
  jsr check_for_abort_key
  bcc @no_abort
  sta ip65_error
  jmp @exit_with_error
  lda tftp_break_inner_loop
  bne @outer_delay_loop
  jsr timer_read
  cmp tftp_timer            
  beq @inner_delay_loop
  dec tftp_resend_counter
  bne @outer_delay_loop
  sta ip65_error
  jmp @exit_with_error  

  lda #tftp_initializing
  sta tftp_state
  ldax  tftp_opcode  
  stax tftp_outp
  ldx #$01          ;we inc x/y at start of loop, so
  ldy #$ff          ;set them to be 1 below where we want the copy to begin
  bmi @error_in_send  ;if we get to 0x80 bytes, we've gone too far
  lda (tftp_filename),y
  sta tftp_outp,x
  bne @copy_filename_loop

  ldy #$ff
  lda tftp_octet_mode,y
  sta tftp_outp,x
  bne @copy_mode_loop
  ldx #0
  stax udp_send_len
  ldx #$69
  lda tftp_client_port_low_byte    
  stax udp_send_src_port

  ldx #3        ; set destination address
: lda tftp_ip,x
  sta udp_send_dest,x
  bpl :-

  ldax #tftp_server_port      ; set destination port
  stax udp_send_dest_port
  ldax #tftp_outp
  jsr udp_send
  bcs @error_in_send
  lda #tftp_initial_request_sent
  sta tftp_state
  sta ip65_error

  ldax  #$0400      ;opcode 04 = ACK
  stax tftp_outp
  ldax #04
  stax tftp_send_len
send_tftp_packet: ;TFTP block should be created in tftp_outp, we just add the UDP&IP stuff and send

  ldx tftp_current_block_number
  lda tftp_current_block_number+1
  stax  tftp_outp+2 

  ldx #$69
  lda tftp_client_port_low_byte    
  stax udp_send_src_port
  lda tftp_actual_server_ip
  sta udp_send_dest
  lda tftp_actual_server_ip+1
  sta udp_send_dest+1
  lda tftp_actual_server_ip+2
  sta udp_send_dest+2
  lda tftp_actual_server_ip+3
  sta udp_send_dest+3
  ldx tftp_actual_server_port
  lda tftp_actual_server_port+1
  stax udp_send_dest_port
  ldax tftp_send_len
  stax udp_send_len

  ldax #tftp_outp
  jsr udp_send
  lda tftp_current_block_number
  inc tftp_current_block_number
  bne :+
  inc tftp_current_block_number+1
  lda #tftp_transmission_in_progress
  sta tftp_state
  sta tftp_resend_counter
  lda #1
  sta tftp_break_inner_loop

  ldax  udp_inp+udp_src_port
  stax  tftp_actual_server_port
  ldax  ip_inp+ip_src
  stax  tftp_actual_server_ip
  ldax  ip_inp+ip_src+2
  stax  tftp_actual_server_ip+2
  lda tftp_inp+1  ;get the opcode
  cmp #5
  bne @not_an_error
  lda #tftp_error
  sta tftp_state
  sta ip65_error  

  cmp #3  
  beq :+
  jmp @not_data_block

  lda #0
  sta tftp_just_set_new_load_address ;clear the flag
  lda tftp_load_address       
  adc tftp_load_address+1     ;is load address currently $0000?
  bne @dont_set_load_address
  lda tftp_callback_address_set ;have we overridden the default handler?
  bne @dont_set_load_address  ;if so, don't skip the first two bytes in the file
  ldax udp_inp+$0c            ;get first two bytes of data
  stax tftp_load_address      ;make them the new load adress
  stax tftp_current_memloc    ;also the current memory destination
  lda #1                      ;set the flag
  sta tftp_just_set_new_load_address 

  ldx tftp_inp+3                  ;get the (low byte) of the data block
  cpx tftp_current_block_number
  beq :+
  jmp @not_expected_block_number
  ;this is the block we wanted  
  jsr got_expected_block
  lda tftp_just_set_new_load_address 
  bne @skip_first_2_bytes_in_calculating_header_length
  lda udp_inp+5        ;get the low byte of udp packet length
  sbc #$0c              ;take off the length of the UDP header+OPCODE + BLOCK 

  jmp @adjusted_header_length
  lda udp_inp+5        ;get the low byte of udp packet length
  sbc #$0e              ;take off the length of the UDP header+OPCODE + BLOCK + first 2 bytes (memory location)

  sta tftp_data_block_length
  lda udp_inp+4        ;get high byte of the length of the UDP packet
  sbc #0
  sta tftp_data_block_length+1

  lda tftp_just_set_new_load_address 
  bne @skip_first_2_bytes_in_calculating_copy_src
  ldax #udp_inp+$0c
  jmp @got_pointer_to_tftp_data
  ldax #udp_inp+$0e

  stax copy_src
  ldax #output_buffer+2
  stax copy_dest
  ldax  tftp_data_block_length
  stax  output_buffer
  jsr copymem
  ldax #output_buffer
  jsr tftp_callback_vector
  jsr send_ack
  lda udp_inp+4         ;check the length of the UDP packet
  cmp #02
  bne @last_block
  lda udp_inp+5
  cmp #$0c
  bne @last_block
  beq @not_last_block
  cmp #4 ;ACK is opcode 4
  beq :+
  jmp @not_ack
;it's an ACK, so we must be sending a file

  ldx tftp_inp+3                  ;get the (low byte) of the data block
  cpx tftp_current_block_number  
  beq :+
  jmp @not_expected_block_number
;the last block we sent was acked so now we need to send the next one
  ldax #output_buffer+4
  jsr tftp_callback_vector  ;this (caller supplied) routine should fill the buffer with up to 512 bytes
  stax tftp_data_block_length
  adc #4
  bcc :+
  stax tftp_send_len
  ldax  #$0300      ;opcode 03 = DATA
  stax tftp_outp
  jsr got_expected_block
  jsr send_tftp_packet
  lda tftp_data_block_length+1 ;get length of data we just sent (high byte)
  cmp #2
  bne @last_block
  inc tftp_filesize+1 ;add $200 to file size
  inc tftp_filesize+1 ;add $200 to file size
  lda tftp_data_block_length
  sta tftp_filesize; this must be the first block that is not a multiple of 512, hence till now the low byte in tftp_filesize is still $00
  lda tftp_data_block_length+1 ;this can only be 0 or 1
  beq :+
  inc tftp_filesize+1
  lda #tftp_complete
  sta tftp_state
;default handler when block arrives:
;copy to RAM
;assumes tftp_data_block_length has been set, and AX should point to start of data
  adc #02       ;skip the 2 byte length at start of buffer
  bcc :+
  stax copy_src
  ldax tftp_current_memloc
  stax  copy_dest
  ldax  tftp_data_block_length
  jsr copymem
  lda tftp_data_block_length  ;update the location where the next data will go
  adc tftp_current_memloc
  sta tftp_current_memloc
  lda tftp_data_block_length+1
  adc tftp_current_memloc+1
  sta tftp_current_memloc+1

;default handler for uploading a file
  stax copy_dest
  ldax tftp_current_memloc
  stax  copy_src
  lda   tftp_bytes_remaining+1  
  beq @last_block
  cmp #01
  beq @last_block  
  dec   tftp_bytes_remaining+1 
  dec   tftp_bytes_remaining+1
  ldax  #$0200
  stax  tftp_data_block_length
  jsr copymem
  inc tftp_current_memloc+1
  inc tftp_current_memloc+1
  ldax  tftp_data_block_length
  ldax tftp_bytes_remaining
  jmp @length_is_set

;set up vector of routine to be called when each 512 packet arrives from tftp server 
;when downloading OR for routine to be called when ready to send new block
;when uploading.
;when vector is called when downloading, AX will point to data that was downloaded,
;tftp_data_block_length will be set to length of downloaded data block. This will be 
;equal to $200 (512) for each block EXCEPT the final block. THe final block will
;always be less than $200 bytes - if the file is an exact multiple if $200 bytes
;long, then a final block will be received with length $00.
;when vector is called when uploading, AX will point to a 512 byte buffer that
;should be filled with the next block. the user supplied routine should set AX
;to be equal to the actual number of bytes inserted into the buffer, which should
;equal to $200 (512) for each block EXCEPT the final block. The final block must
;always be less than $200 bytes - if the file is an exact multiple if $200 bytes
;long, then a final block must be created with length $00.

; inputs:
; AX - address of routine to call for each packet.
; outputs: none
  stax  tftp_callback_vector+1
  inc tftp_callback_address_set
;clear callback vectors, i.e. all future transfers read from/write to RAM
;inputs: none
;outputs: none
  lda #0
  sta tftp_callback_address_set
  ldax #copy_tftp_block_to_ram
  jmp tftp_set_callback_vector

  tftp_octet_mode: .asciiz "OCTET"
    jmp copy_tftp_block_to_ram  ;vector for action to take when a data block received (default is to store block in RAM)

tftp_callback_address_set:  .byte 0

;-- LICENSE FOR tftp.s --
; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
; under the License.
; The Original Code is ip65.
; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jonno Downes,
; jonno@jamtronix.com.
; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
; Jonno Downes. All Rights Reserved.