#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../inc/ip65.h" #include "w5100.h" #include "linenoise.h" // Both pragmas are obligatory to have cc65 generate code // suitable to access the W5100 auto-increment registers. #pragma optimize (on) #pragma static-locals (on) // Size needs to be exactly one track of a 16-sector disk char buffer[0x1000]; char name[16]; void ip65_error_exit(bool quit) { switch (ip65_error) { case IP65_ERROR_DEVICE_FAILURE: printf("- No Uthernet II found\n"); break; case IP65_ERROR_ABORTED_BY_USER: printf("- User abort\n"); break; case IP65_ERROR_TIMEOUT_ON_RECEIVE: printf("- Timeout\n"); break; case IP65_ERROR_MALFORMED_URL: printf("- Malformed URL\n"); break; case IP65_ERROR_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILED: printf("- Lookup failed\n"); break; default: printf("- Error $%X\n", ip65_error); } if (quit) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void file_error_exit(void) { printf("- "); perror(NULL); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } void dio_error_exit(void) { _seterrno(_osmaperrno(_oserror)); file_error_exit(); } void confirm_exit(void) { printf("\nPress any key "); cgetc(); } void reset_cwd(void) { chdir(""); } char *self_path(const char *filename) { extern char **_argv[]; return strcat(strcpy(buffer, *_argv[0]), filename); } bool match(const char *filter, const char *string) { while (*filter) { if (!*string) { return false; } if (toupper(*filter++) != toupper(*string++)) { return false; } } return true; } void url_completion(const char *line, linenoiseCompletions *lc) { if (match(line, "http://")) { linenoiseAddCompletion(lc, "http://"); } if (match(line, "http://www.")) { linenoiseAddCompletion(lc, "http://www."); } } void file_completion(const char *line, linenoiseCompletions *lc) { char *lineptr; DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; char *bufferptr; // Add devices if (line[0] == '!') { char device = getfirstdevice(); while (device != INVALID_DEVICE) { dhandle_t dio = dio_open(device); if (dio) { // dio_query_sectcount() fails if there's no (formatted) disk // in the drive but (in contrast to getdevicedir) it succeeds // with a non-ProDOS 16-sector 140k disk which is exactly the // check we want here. if (dio_query_sectcount(dio)) { sprintf(buffer, "!S%d,D%d", device & 7, (device >> 3) + 1); if (match(line, buffer)) { linenoiseAddCompletion(lc, buffer); } } dio_close(dio); } device = getnextdevice(device); } return; } lineptr = strrchr(line, '/'); // Add device names if (lineptr == line) { char device = getfirstdevice(); while (device != INVALID_DEVICE) { if (getdevicedir(device, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { if (match(line, buffer)) { linenoiseAddCompletion(lc, buffer); } } device = getnextdevice(device); } return; } // Add directory entries // // Absolute or relative path if (lineptr) { *lineptr = '\0'; dir = opendir(line); *lineptr = '/'; ++lineptr; } // Current directory else { dir = opendir("."); lineptr = (char*)line; } strcpy(buffer, line); bufferptr = buffer + (lineptr - line); if (name[0] && match(lineptr, name)) { strcpy(bufferptr, name); linenoiseAddCompletion(lc, buffer); } if (!dir) { return; } while (ent = readdir(dir)) { if (match(lineptr, ent->d_name)) { strcpy(bufferptr, ent->d_name); linenoiseAddCompletion(lc, buffer); } } closedir(dir); } char *get_argument(char arg, const char *name, linenoiseCompletionCallback *completion) { extern int _argc; extern char **_argv[]; char *val; if (_argc > arg) { val = (*_argv)[arg]; printf("%s: %s", name, val); } else { char prompt[10]; linenoiseSetCompletionCallback(completion); snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "%s? ", name); val = linenoise(prompt); if (!val || !*val) { putchar('\n'); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } linenoiseHistoryAdd(val); return val; } void load_argument(const char *name) { linenoiseHistoryReset(); linenoiseHistoryLoad(self_path(name)); } void save_argument(const char *name) { linenoiseHistorySave(self_path(name)); } void exit_on_key(void) { if (input_check_for_abort_key()) { w5100_disconnect(); printf("- User abort\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void exit_on_disconnect(void) { if (!w5100_connected()) { printf("- Connection lost\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void write_file(const char *name) { uint16_t i; int file; uint16_t rcv; bool cont = true; uint16_t len = 0; uint32_t size = 0; printf("- Ok\n\nOpening file "); file = open(name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC); if (file == -1) { w5100_disconnect(); file_error_exit(); } printf("- Ok\n\n"); while (cont) { exit_on_key(); rcv = w5100_receive_request(); if (!rcv) { cont = w5100_connected(); if (cont) { continue; } } if (rcv > sizeof(buffer) - len) { rcv = sizeof(buffer) - len; } { // One less to allow for faster pre-increment below char *dataptr = buffer + len - 1; for (i = 0; i < rcv; ++i) { // The variable is necessary to have cc65 generate code // suitable to access the W5100 auto-increment register. char data = *w5100_data; *++dataptr = data; } } w5100_receive_commit(rcv); len += rcv; if (cont && len < sizeof(buffer)) { continue; } cprintf("\rWriting "); if (write(file, buffer, len) != len) { w5100_disconnect(); file_error_exit(); } size += len; cprintf("%lu bytes ", size); len = 0; } printf("- Ok\n\nClosing file "); if (close(file)) { w5100_disconnect(); file_error_exit(); } } void write_device(char device) { uint16_t i; dhandle_t dio; uint16_t rcv; bool prodos; bool cont = true; uint16_t len = 0; uint16_t num = 0; printf("- Ok\n\nOpening drive "); dio = dio_open(device); if (!dio) { w5100_disconnect(); dio_error_exit(); } printf("- Ok\n\nSector order "); // The name extension "[P]roDOS sector [O]rder" // overrides the default as it's both unambiguous // and suitable for any ProDOS drive / disk type. if (!strcasecmp(name + strlen(name) - 3, ".PO")) { prodos = true; } // Every 140k disk image without .PO extension // can be presumed to have DOS 3.3 sector order // (usually with extension .DSK or .DO). // For all other disk images the DOS 3.3 sector // simply just doesn't make any sense. else { prodos = dio_query_sectcount(dio) != 280; } printf("- %s\n\n", prodos ? "ProDOS" : "DOS 3.3"); while (cont) { exit_on_key(); rcv = w5100_receive_request(); if (!rcv) { cont = w5100_connected(); if (cont) { continue; } } { // Skewing table containing page offsets to write the successive // pages read from the W5100 to - depends on buffer size of 4k ! static char skew[0x10] = {0x0, 0xE, 0xD, 0xC, 0xB, 0xA, 0x9, 0x8, 0x7, 0x6, 0x5, 0x4, 0x3, 0x2, 0x1, 0xF}; char *dataptr; if (prodos) { if (rcv > sizeof(buffer) - len) { rcv = sizeof(buffer) - len; } // One less to allow for faster pre-increment below dataptr = buffer + len - 1; } else { // Read each page from W5100 individually if (rcv > 0x100 - len % 0x100) { rcv = 0x100 - len % 0x100; } // One less to allow for faster pre-increment below dataptr = buffer + (skew[len / 0x100] << 8 | len % 0x100) - 1; } for (i = 0; i < rcv; ++i) { // The variable is necessary to have cc65 generate code // suitable to access the W5100 auto-increment register. char data = *w5100_data; *++dataptr = data; } } w5100_receive_commit(rcv); len += rcv; if (cont && len < sizeof(buffer)) { continue; } cprintf("\rWriting "); for (i = 0; i < len; i += 0x200) { if (dio_write(dio, num++, buffer + i)) { w5100_disconnect(); dio_error_exit(); } } cprintf("%lu bytes ", num * 0x200UL); len = 0; } printf("- Ok\n\nClosing drive "); if (dio_close(dio)) { w5100_disconnect(); dio_error_exit(); } } int main(int, char *argv[]) { uint16_t i; char *arg; char device; uint8_t drv_init = DRV_INIT_DEFAULT; if (doesclrscrafterexit()) { atexit(confirm_exit); } if (!*getcwd(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { // Set a defined working dir before potentially changing devices chdir(getdevicedir(getcurrentdevice(), buffer, sizeof(buffer))); atexit(reset_cwd); } // Trim program name from argv[0] to prepare usage in self_path() arg = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (arg) { *(arg + 1) = '\0'; } else { *argv[0] = '\0'; } { int file; printf("\nSetting slot "); file = open(self_path("ethernet.slot"), O_RDONLY); if (file != -1) { read(file, &drv_init, 1); close(file); drv_init &= ~'0'; } } printf("- %d\n\nInitializing ", drv_init); if (ip65_init(drv_init)) { ip65_error_exit(true); } // Abort on Ctrl-C to be consistent with Linenoise abort_key = 0x83; printf("- Ok\n\nObtaining IP address "); if (dhcp_init()) { ip65_error_exit(true); } printf("- Ok\n\n"); // Copy IP config from IP65 to W5100 w5100_config(); load_argument("wget.urls"); while (true) { arg = get_argument(1, "URL", url_completion); printf("\n\nProcessing URL "); if (!url_parse(arg)) { break; } // Do not actually exit ip65_error_exit(false); printf("\n"); } save_argument("wget.urls"); printf("- Ok\n\n"); // Try to derive a ProDOS file // name (proposal) from the URL { char *c = strrchr(arg, '/'); char *dot = NULL; i = 0; if (c && c[-1] != '/') { while (*++c) { // Name must begin with a letter if (!i && !isalpha(*c)) { continue; } // Uppercase looks more familiar if (isalnum(*c)) { buffer[i] = toupper(*c); } // Replace URL encoded char with dot else if (*c == '%') { buffer[i] = '.'; if (c[1] && c[2]) { c += 2; } } // Memorize begin of name extension else if (*c == '.') { buffer[i] = '.'; dot = &buffer[i]; } ++i; } } buffer[i] = '\0'; strncpy(name, buffer, sizeof(name) - 1); // Rather cut from base name than from name extension if (i > sizeof(name) - 1 && dot) { uint16_t len = strlen(dot); // But keep at least one letter from base name if (len > sizeof(name) - 1 - 1) { len = sizeof(name) - 1 - 1; } strncpy(name + sizeof(name) - 1 - len, dot, len); } } load_argument("wget.files"); while (true) { arg = get_argument(2, "File", file_completion); if (arg[0] != '!') { device = 0; break; } printf("\n\nChecking drive "); // !S[1..7],D[1|2] if (toupper(arg[1]) == 'S' && arg[2] >= '1' && arg[2] <= '7' && arg[3] == ',' && toupper(arg[4]) == 'D' && arg[5] >= '1' && arg[5] <= '2' && arg[6] == '\0') { dhandle_t dio; device = arg[2] - '0' | arg[5] - '1' << 3; // dio_open() succeeeds for every connected drive // no matter if it contains any disk at all dio = dio_open(device); if (dio) { // dio_query_sectcount() succeeds for every (formatted) // 16-sector 140k disk no matter if it is a ProDOS disk if (dio_query_sectcount(dio)) { // getdevicedir() succeeds only for ProDOS disks so // tell the user the ProDOS volume name of that disk // to make sure he doesn't overwrite some important // (hard) disk but do not bother him in the (usual?) // case of a non-ProDOS 16-sector 140k (game?) disk if (getdevicedir(device, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { char oldcursor; char c; printf("- Ok\n\nClobber %s? ", buffer); oldcursor = cursor(true); c = cgetc(); cursor(oldcursor); if (toupper(c) == 'Y') { printf("- Yes"); break; } printf("- No\n\n"); } else { printf("- Ok"); break; } } else { printf("- Invalid disk\n\n"); } dio_close(dio); } else { printf("- Invalid drive\n\n"); } } else { printf("- Malformed drive spec\n\n"); } } save_argument("wget.files"); printf("\n\nConnecting to %s:%d ", dotted_quad(url_ip), url_port); if (!w5100_connect(url_ip, url_port)) { printf("- Connect failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("- Ok\n\nSending request "); { uint16_t snd; uint16_t pos = 0; uint16_t len = strlen(url_selector); while (len) { exit_on_key(); snd = w5100_send_request(); if (!snd) { exit_on_disconnect(); continue; } if (len < snd) { snd = len; } { // One less to allow for faster pre-increment below char *dataptr = url_selector + pos - 1; for (i = 0; i < snd; ++i) { // The variable is necessary to have cc65 generate code // suitable to access the W5100 auto-increment register. char data = *++dataptr; *w5100_data = data; } } w5100_send_commit(snd); len -= snd; pos += snd; } } printf("- Ok\n\nReceiving response "); { uint16_t rcv; bool body = false; uint16_t len = 0; while (!body) { exit_on_key(); rcv = w5100_receive_request(); if (!rcv) { exit_on_disconnect(); continue; } if (rcv > sizeof(buffer) - len) { rcv = sizeof(buffer) - len; } { // One less to allow for faster pre-increment below char *dataptr = buffer + len - 1; for (i = 0; i < rcv; ++i) { // The variable is necessary to have cc65 generate code // suitable to access the W5100 auto-increment register. char data = *w5100_data; *++dataptr = data; if (!memcmp(dataptr - 3, "\r\n\r\n", 4)) { rcv = i + 1; body = true; } } } w5100_receive_commit(rcv); len += rcv; // No body found in full buffer if (len == sizeof(buffer)) { printf("- Invalid response\n"); w5100_disconnect(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // Replace "HTTP/1.1" with "HTTP/1.0" buffer[7] = '0'; if (!match("HTTP/1.0 200", buffer)) { if (match("HTTP/1.0", buffer)) { char *eol = strchr(buffer,'\r'); *eol = '\0'; printf("- Status%s\n", buffer + 8); } else { printf("- Unknown response\n"); } w5100_disconnect(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (device) { write_device(device); } else { write_file(arg); } printf("- Ok\n\nDisconnecting "); w5100_disconnect(); printf("- Ok\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }