;routine for parsing a URL .include "../inc/common.i" .ifndef NB65_API_VERSION_NUMBER .define EQU = .include "../inc/nb65_constants.i" .endif .import output_buffer .importzp copy_src .importzp copy_dest .import ip65_error .import parser_init .import parser_skip_next .import dns_set_hostname .import dns_resolve .import parse_integer .import dns_ip .export url_ip .export url_port .export url_selector .export url_resource_type .export url_parse target_string=copy_src search_string=copy_dest selector_buffer=output_buffer .bss url_string: .res 2 url_ip: .res 4 ;will be set with ip address of host in url url_port: .res 2 ;will be set with port number of url url_selector: .res 2 ;will be set with address of selector part of URL url_type: .res 1 url_resource_type: .res 1 url_type_unknown=0 url_type_gopher=1 url_type_http=2 src_ptr: .res 1 dest_ptr: .res 1 .code ;parses a URL into a form that makes it easy to retrieve the specified resource ;inputs: ;AX = address of URL string ;outputs: ; sec if a malformed url, otherwise: ; url_ip = ip address of host in url ; url_port = port number of url ; url_selector= address of selector part of URL url_parse: stax url_string ldy #0 sty url_type sty url_port sty url_port+1 sty url_resource_type jsr skip_to_hostname bcc :+ ldax url_string jmp @no_protocol_specifier : ldax url_string stax search_string lda (search_string),y cmp #'g' beq @gopher cmp #'G' beq @gopher cmp #'h' beq @http cmp #'H' beq @http @exit_with_error: lda #NB65_MALFORMED_URL sta ip65_error @exit_with_sec: sec rts @http: lda #url_type_http sta url_type lda #80 sta url_port jmp @protocol_set @gopher: lda #url_type_gopher sta url_type lda #70 sta url_port @protocol_set: jsr skip_to_hostname ;now pointing at hostname bcs @exit_with_error @no_protocol_specifier: jsr dns_set_hostname bcs @exit_with_sec jsr dns_resolve bcs @exit_with_sec ;copy IP address ldx #3 : lda dns_ip,x sta url_ip,x dex bpl :- jsr skip_to_hostname ;skip over next colon ldax #colon jsr parser_skip_next bcs @no_port_in_url ;AX now point at first thing past a colon - should be a number: jsr parse_integer stax url_port @no_port_in_url: ;skip over next slash ldax #slash jsr parser_skip_next ;AX now pointing at selector stax copy_src ldax #selector_buffer stax copy_dest lda #0 sta src_ptr sta dest_ptr lda url_type cmp #url_type_gopher bne @not_gopher ;first byte after / in a gopher url is the resource type ldy src_ptr lda (copy_src),y sta url_resource_type inc src_ptr jmp @start_of_selector @not_gopher: cmp #url_type_http bne @done ; if it's not gopher or http, we don't know how to build a selector ldy #3 sty dest_ptr : lda get,y sta (copy_dest),y dey bpl :- @start_of_selector: lda #'/' inc dest_ptr jmp @save_first_byte_of_selector @copy_one_byte: ldy src_ptr lda (copy_src),y beq @end_of_selector inc src_ptr @save_first_byte_of_selector: ldy dest_ptr sta (copy_dest),y inc dest_ptr bne @copy_one_byte @end_of_selector: ldy dest_ptr lda #$0d sta (copy_dest),y iny lda #$0a sta (copy_dest),y iny @done: lda #$00 sta (copy_dest),y ldax #selector_buffer clc rts skip_to_hostname: ldax url_string jsr parser_init ldax #colon_slash_slash jmp parser_skip_next get: .byte "GET " colon_slash_slash: .byte ":/" slash: .byte "/",0 colon: .byte ":",0