;C64 disk access routines ; .ifndef NB65_API_VERSION_NUMBER .define EQU = .include "../inc/nb65_constants.i" .endif .include "../inc/common.i" .export io_device_no .export io_sector_no .export io_track_no .export io_read_sector .export io_read_file_with_callback .export io_filename .export io_callback .importzp copy_src .import ip65_error .import output_buffer ;.importzp copy_dest ;reuse the copy_src zero page location buffer_ptr = copy_src ;######### KERNEL functions CHKIN = $ffc6 CHKOUT = $ffc9 CHRIN = $ffcf CHROUT = $ffd2 CLALL = $FFE7 CLOSE = $ffc3 OPEN = $ffc0 READST = $ffb7 SETNAM = $ffbd SETLFS = $ffba .bss io_track_no: .res 2 io_sector_no: .res 1 io_device_no: .res 1 io_filename: .res 2 error_buffer = output_buffer + 256 command_buffer = error_buffer+128 sector_buffer_address: .res 2 buffer_counter: .res 1 .data drive_id: .byte 08 ;default to drive 8 jmp_to_callback: jmp $ffff io_callback=jmp_to_callback+1 .code ;routine to read a file with a callback after each 256 byte sector ; inputs: ; io_device_number - specifies drive to use ($00 = same as last time, $01 = first disk (i.e. #8), $02 = 2nd disk (drive #9)) ; io_filename - specifies filename to open ; io_callback - address of routine to be called after each sector is read ; AX - address of buffer to read sector into ; outputs: ; on errror, carry flag is set io_read_file_with_callback: stax sector_buffer_address jsr parse_filename jsr SETNAM lda io_device_no beq @drive_id_set clc adc #07 ;so 01->08, 02->09 etc sta drive_id @drive_id_set: lda #$02 ; file number 2 ldx drive_id ldy #02 ; secondary address 2 jsr SETLFS jsr OPEN bcs @device_error ; if carry set, the device could not be addressed ;we should now check for file access errors jsr open_error_channel @no_error_opening_error_channel: jsr check_error_channel lda #$30 cmp error_buffer beq @was_not_an_error @readerror: lda #NB65_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_FAILURE sta ip65_error sec rts @was_not_an_error: @get_next_sector: ldx #$02 ;file number 2 jsr CHKIN ;file 2 now used as input ldax sector_buffer_address stax buffer_ptr lda #$00 sta buffer_counter @get_next_byte: jsr READST bne @eof jsr CHRIN ldy buffer_counter sta (buffer_ptr),y inc buffer_counter bne @get_next_byte ldy #$00;= 256 bytes jsr jmp_to_callback jmp @get_next_sector @eof: and #$40 ; end of file? beq @readerror ;we have part loaded a sector ldy buffer_counter beq @empty_sector jsr jmp_to_callback @empty_sector: @close: lda #$02 ; filenumber 2 jsr CLOSE ldx #$00 jsr CHKIN clc rts @device_error: lda #NB65_ERROR_DEVICE_FAILURE sta ip65_error ldx #$00 jsr CHKIN sec rts ;io_filename is null-terminated. ;this routines sets up up A,X,Y as needed by kernal routines i.e. XY=pointer to name, A = length of name parse_filename: ldax io_filename stax buffer_ptr ldy #$ff @next_byte: iny lda (buffer_ptr),y bne @next_byte tya ldx buffer_ptr ldy buffer_ptr+1 rts ;routine to read a sector ;cribbed from http://codebase64.org/doku.php?id=base:reading_a_sector_from_disk ;inputs: ; io_device_number set to specify drive to use ($00 = same as last time, $01 = first disk (i.e. #8), $02 = 2nd disk (drive #9)) ; io_sector_no - set to sector number to be read ; io_track_no - set to track number to be read (only lo byte is used) ; AX - address of buffer to read sector into ; outputs: ; on errror, carry flag is set. otherwise buffer will be filled with 256 bytes io_read_sector: stax sector_buffer_address lda io_device_no beq @drive_id_set clc adc #07 ;so 01->08, 02->09 etc sta drive_id @drive_id_set: jsr make_read_sector_command lda #1 ldx #cname jsr SETNAM lda #02 ldx drive_id ldy #02 jsr SETLFS jsr OPEN bcs @error ldx #command_buffer lda #12 jsr SETNAM lda #15 ldx $BA ;use whatever was last device # ldy #15 jsr SETLFS jsr OPEN bcs @error jsr check_error_channel lda #$30 cmp error_buffer beq @was_not_an_error lda #NB65_ERROR_DEVICE_FAILURE sta ip65_error sec rts @was_not_an_error: ldx #$02 ; filenumber 2 jsr CHKIN ;(file 2 now used as input) lda sector_buffer_address sta buffer_ptr lda sector_buffer_address+1 sta buffer_ptr+1 ldy #$00 @loop: jsr CHRIN ;(get a byte from file) sta (buffer_ptr),Y ; write byte to memory iny bne @loop ; next byte, end when 256 bytes are read @close: lda #15 ; filenumber 15 jsr CLOSE lda #$02 ; filenumber 2 jsr CLOSE ldx #$00 ; filenumber 0 = keyboard jsr CHKIN ;(keyboard now input device again) clc rts @error: lda #NB65_ERROR_DEVICE_FAILURE sta ip65_error jmp @close open_error_channel: lda #$00 ; no filename tax tay jsr SETNAM lda #$0f ;file number 15 ldx drive_id ldy #$0f ; secondary address 15 (error channel) jsr SETLFS jsr OPEN rts check_error_channel: LDX #$0F ; filenumber 15 JSR CHKIN ;(file 15 now used as input) LDY #$00 @loop: JSR READST ;(read status byte) BNE @eof ; either EOF or read error JSR CHRIN ;(get a byte from file) sta error_buffer,y iny JMP @loop ; next byte @eof: lda #0 sta error_buffer,y LDX #$00 ; filenumber 0 = keyboard JSR CHKIN ;(keyboard now input device again) rts make_read_sector_command: ;fill command buffer with command to read in track & sector ;returns length of command in Y ldy #0 lda #85 ;"U" sta command_buffer,y iny lda #$31 ;"1" sta command_buffer,y iny lda #$20 ;" " sta command_buffer,y iny lda #$32 ;"2" - file number sta command_buffer,y iny lda #$20 ;" " sta command_buffer,y iny lda #$30 ;"0" - drive number sta command_buffer,y iny lda #$20 ;" " sta command_buffer,y iny lda io_track_no jsr byte_to_ascii pha txa sta command_buffer,y pla iny sta command_buffer,y iny lda #$20 ;" " sta command_buffer,y iny lda io_sector_no jsr byte_to_ascii pha txa sta command_buffer,y pla iny sta command_buffer,y iny lda #0 sta command_buffer,y ;make it ASCIIZ so we can print it rts byte_to_ascii: cmp #30 bmi @not_30 ldx #$33 clc adc #18 rts @not_30: cmp #20 bmi @not_20 ldx #$32 clc adc #28 rts @not_20: cmp #10 bmi @not_10 ldx #$31 clc adc #38 rts @not_10: ldx #$30 clc adc #48 rts .rodata cname: .byte '#'