; ############# ; ; This will boot a C64 with an RR-NET compatible cs8900a from the network ; requires ; 1) a DHCP server, and ; 2) a TFTP server that responds to requests on the broadcast address ( and that will serve a file called 'BOOTC64.PRG'. ; the prg file can be either BASIC or M/L, and up to 22K in length. ; ; jonno@jamtronix.com - January 2009 ; ;possible bankswitch values are: ;$00 = no bankswitching (i.e. NB65 API in RAM only) ;$01 = 8KB image with standard bankswitching (via HIRAM/LORAM) ;$02 = 8KB image with advanced bankswitching (via custom registers, e.g. $de00 on the Retro Replay cart) ;$03 = 16KB image with standard bankswitching (via HIRAM/LORAM) - BASIC is NOT avialable .ifndef BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT .error "must define BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT" .endif .macro print_failed ldax #failed_msg jsr print jsr print_cr .endmacro .macro print_ok ldax #ok_msg jsr print jsr print_cr .endmacro .macro nb65call arg ldy arg jsr NB65_DISPATCH_VECTOR .endmacro .ifndef NB65_API_VERSION_NUMBER .define EQU = .include "../inc/nb65_constants.i" .endif .include "../inc/common.i" .include "../inc/c64keycodes.i" .include "../inc/menu.i" .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) KEY_NEXT_PAGE=KEYCODE_F7 KEY_PREV_PAGE=KEYCODE_F1 KEY_SHOW_HISTORY=KEYCODE_F2 KEY_BACK_IN_HISTORY=KEYCODE_F3 KEY_NEW_SERVER=KEYCODE_F5 .include "../inc/gopher.i" .include "../inc/telnet.i" .include "../inc/ping.i" .endif .import cls .import beep .import exit_to_basic .import timer_vbl_handler .import nb65_dispatcher .import ip65_process .import ip65_init .import get_filtered_input .import filter_text .import filter_dns .import filter_ip .import print_arp_cache .import arp_calculate_gateway_mask .import parse_dotted_quad .import dotted_quad_value .import parse_integer .import print_integer .import get_key_ip65 .import cfg_ip .import cfg_netmask .import cfg_gateway .import cfg_dns .import cfg_tftp_server .import print_dotted_quad .import print_hex .import print_errorcode .import print_ip_config .import ok_msg .import failed_msg .import init_msg .import ip_address_msg .import netmask_msg .import gateway_msg .import dns_server_msg .import tftp_server_msg .import press_a_key_to_continue .import print_a .import print_cr .import print .import copymem .importzp copy_src .importzp copy_dest .import get_filtered_input .import __DATA_LOAD__ .import __DATA_RUN__ .import __DATA_SIZE__ .import __SELF_MODIFIED_CODE_LOAD__ .import __SELF_MODIFIED_CODE_RUN__ .import __SELF_MODIFIED_CODE_SIZE__ .import cfg_tftp_server nb65_param_buffer = $6000 directory_buffer = $6020 .data exit_cart: .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$02) lda #$02 sta $de00 ;turns off RR cartridge by modifying GROUND and EXROM .elseif (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$01) lda #$36 sta $0001 ;turns off ordinary cartridge by modifying HIRAM/LORAM (this will also bank out BASIC) .endif call_downloaded_prg: jsr $0000 ;overwritten when we load a file jmp init get_value_of_axy: ;some more self-modifying code lda $ffff,y rts .segment "CARTRIDGE_HEADER" .word init ;cold start vector .word $FE47 ;warm start vector .byte $C3,$C2,$CD,$38,$30 ; "CBM80" .byte $4E,$42,$36,$35 ; "NB65" - API signature .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) .byte $02 ;NB65_API_VERSION 2 requires 16KB cart .else .byte $01 ;NB65_API_VERSION 1 (in an 8KB cart) .endif .byte BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT ; jmp nb65_dispatcher ; NB65_DISPATCH_VECTOR : entry point for NB65 functions jmp ip65_process ;NB65_PERIODIC_PROCESSING_VECTOR : routine to be periodically called to check for arrival of ethernet packets jmp timer_vbl_handler ;NB65_VBL_VECTOR : routine to be called during each vertical blank interrupt .code init: ;first let the kernal do a normal startup sei jsr $fda3 ;initialize CIA I/O jsr $fd50 ;RAM test, set pointers jsr $fd15 ;set vectors for KERNAL jsr $ff5B ;init. VIC cli ;KERNAL init. finished jsr $e453 ;set BASIC vectors jsr $e3bf ;initialize zero page ;set some funky colours .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) LDA #$04 ;purple .else LDA #$05 ;green .endif STA $D020 ;border LDA #$00 ;black STA $D021 ;background .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) lda #$9c ;petscii for purple text .else lda #$1E ;petscii for green text .endif lda #$05 ;petscii for white text jsr print_a ;relocate our r/w data ldax #__DATA_LOAD__ stax copy_src ldax #__DATA_RUN__ stax copy_dest ldax #__DATA_SIZE__ jsr copymem ;relocate the self-modifying code (if necessary) .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) ldax #__SELF_MODIFIED_CODE_LOAD__ stax copy_src ldax #__SELF_MODIFIED_CODE_RUN__ stax copy_dest ldax #__SELF_MODIFIED_CODE_SIZE__ jsr copymem .endif ;copy the RAM stub to RAM ldax #nb65_ram_stub stax copy_src ldax #NB65_RAM_STUB_SIGNATURE stax copy_dest ldax #nb65_ram_stub_length jsr copymem ;if this is a 'normal' cart then we will end up swapping BASIC out, so copy it to the RAM under ROM .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$01) ldax #$A000 stax copy_src stax copy_dest ldax #$2000 jsr copymem .endif ldax #netboot65_msg jsr print ldax #init_msg+1 jsr print nb65call #NB65_INITIALIZE bcc init_ok print_failed jsr print_errorcode jsr wait_for_keypress jmp exit_to_basic print_main_menu: lda #21 ;make sure we are in upper case sta $d018 jsr cls ldax #netboot65_msg jsr print ldax #main_menu_msg jmp print init_ok: .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) ;look for an 'autoexec' file jsr print_cr ldax #loading_msg jsr print ldax #autoexec_filename stax io_filename jsr print jsr print_cr ldax #$0000 jsr io_read_file bcs main_menu @file_read_ok: ldax #load_ok_msg jsr print ldax io_load_address jmp boot_into_file .endif main_menu: jsr print_main_menu jsr print_ip_config jsr print_cr @get_key: jsr get_key_ip65 cmp #KEYCODE_F1 bne @not_tftp jmp @tftp_boot @not_tftp: .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) cmp #KEYCODE_F2 bne @not_disk jmp disk_boot @not_disk: .endif cmp #KEYCODE_F3 .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) bne @not_f3 jmp net_apps_menu .else beq @exit_to_basic .endif @not_f3: cmp #KEYCODE_F5 bne @not_util_menu jsr print_main_menu jsr print_arp_cache jmp @get_key @not_util_menu: cmp #KEYCODE_F7 beq @change_config jmp @get_key @exit_to_basic: nb65call #NB65_DEACTIVATE ldax #$fe66 ;do a wam start jmp exit_cart_via_ax @change_config: jsr cls ldax #netboot65_msg jsr print ldax #config_menu_msg jsr print jsr print_ip_config jsr print_cr @get_key_config_menu: jsr get_key_ip65 cmp #KEYCODE_ABORT bne @not_abort jmp main_menu @not_abort: cmp #KEYCODE_F1 bne @not_ip ldax #new jsr print ldax #ip_address_msg jsr print jsr print_cr ldax #filter_ip ldy #20 jsr get_filtered_input bcs @no_ip_address_entered jsr parse_dotted_quad bcc @no_ip_resolve_error jmp @change_config @no_ip_resolve_error: ldax #dotted_quad_value stax copy_src ldax #cfg_ip stax copy_dest ldax #4 jsr copymem @no_ip_address_entered: jmp @change_config @not_ip: cmp #KEYCODE_F2 bne @not_netmask ldax #new jsr print ldax #netmask_msg jsr print jsr print_cr ldax #filter_ip ldy #20 jsr get_filtered_input bcs @no_netmask_entered jsr parse_dotted_quad bcc @no_netmask_resolve_error jmp @change_config @no_netmask_resolve_error: ldax #dotted_quad_value stax copy_src ldax #cfg_netmask stax copy_dest ldax #4 jsr copymem @no_netmask_entered: jmp @change_config @not_netmask: cmp #KEYCODE_F3 bne @not_gateway ldax #new jsr print ldax #gateway_msg jsr print jsr print_cr ldax #filter_ip ldy #20 jsr get_filtered_input bcs @no_gateway_entered jsr parse_dotted_quad bcc @no_gateway_resolve_error jmp @change_config @no_gateway_resolve_error: ldax #dotted_quad_value stax copy_src ldax #cfg_gateway stax copy_dest ldax #4 jsr copymem jsr arp_calculate_gateway_mask ;we have modified our netmask, so we need to recalculate gw_test @no_gateway_entered: jmp @change_config @not_gateway: cmp #KEYCODE_F4 bne @not_dns_server ldax #new jsr print ldax #dns_server_msg jsr print jsr print_cr ldax #filter_ip ldy #20 jsr get_filtered_input bcs @no_dns_server_entered jsr parse_dotted_quad bcc @no_dns_resolve_error jmp @change_config @no_dns_resolve_error: ldax #dotted_quad_value stax copy_src ldax #cfg_dns stax copy_dest ldax #4 jsr copymem @no_dns_server_entered: jmp @change_config @not_dns_server: cmp #KEYCODE_F5 bne @not_tftp_server ldax #new jsr print ldax #tftp_server_msg jsr print jsr print_cr ldax #filter_dns ldy #40 jsr get_filtered_input bcs @no_server_entered stax nb65_param_buffer jsr print_cr ldax #resolving jsr print ldax #nb65_param_buffer nb65call #NB65_DNS_RESOLVE bcs @resolve_error ldax #nb65_param_buffer stax copy_src ldax #cfg_tftp_server stax copy_dest ldax #4 jsr copymem @no_server_entered: jmp @change_config @not_tftp_server: cmp #KEYCODE_F6 bne @not_reset jsr ip65_init ;this will reset everything jmp @change_config @not_reset: cmp #KEYCODE_F7 bne @not_main_menu jmp main_menu @not_main_menu: jmp @get_key_config_menu @resolve_error: print_failed jsr wait_for_keypress jsr @change_config @tftp_boot: ldax #tftp_dir_filemask @get_tftp_directory_listing: stax nb65_param_buffer+NB65_TFTP_FILENAME ldax #directory_buffer stax nb65_param_buffer+NB65_TFTP_POINTER ldax #getting_dir_listing_msg jsr print ldax #nb65_param_buffer nb65call #NB65_TFTP_DOWNLOAD bcs @dir_failed lda directory_buffer ;get the first byte that was downloaded bne :+ jmp @no_files_on_server : ;switch to lower case charset lda #23 sta $d018 ldax #directory_buffer jsr select_option_from_menu bcc @tftp_filename_set jmp main_menu @tftp_filename_set: stax copy_dest stax get_value_of_axy+1 ldy #0 jsr get_value_of_axy ;A now == first char in string we just downloaded cmp #'$' bne @not_directory_name ;it's a directory name, so we need to append the file mask to end of it ;this will fail if the file path is more than 255 characters long @look_for_trailing_zero: iny inc copy_dest bne :+ inc copy_dest+1 : jsr get_value_of_axy ;A now == next char in string we just downloaded bne @look_for_trailing_zero ; got trailing zero ldax #tftp_dir_filemask+1 ;skip the leading '$' stax copy_src ldax #$07 jsr copymem ldax get_value_of_axy+1 jmp @get_tftp_directory_listing @not_directory_name: ldax get_value_of_axy+1 jsr download bcc @file_downloaded_ok @tftp_boot_failed: jsr wait_for_keypress jmp main_menu @dir_failed: ldax #dir_listing_fail_msg jsr print jsr print_errorcode jsr print_cr ldax #tftp_file jmp @tftp_filename_set @no_files_on_server: ldax #no_files jsr print jmp @tftp_boot_failed @file_downloaded_ok: ldax nb65_param_buffer+NB65_TFTP_POINTER boot_into_file: stax nb65_param_buffer ;use the param buffer as a temp holding place for the load address ;get ready to bank out nb65call #NB65_DEACTIVATE jsr $ffe7 ; make sure all files have been closed. ;check whether the file we just downloaded was a BASIC prg lda nb65_param_buffer cmp #01 bne @not_a_basic_file lda nb65_param_buffer+1 cmp #$08 bne @not_a_basic_file .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) lda $805 cmp #$9e ;opcode for 'SYS' bne @not_a_basic_stub ldax #$806 ;should point to ascii string containing address that was to be SYSed jsr parse_integer jmp exit_cart_via_ax ;good luck! @not_a_basic_stub: ldax #cant_boot_basic jsr print jsr wait_for_keypress jmp init .else jsr $e453 ;set BASIC vectors jsr $e3bf ;initialize BASIC jsr $a86e jsr $a533 ; re-bind BASIC lines ldx $22 ;load end-of-BASIC pointer (lo byte) ldy $23 ;load end-of-BASIC pointer (hi byte) stx $2d ;save end-of-BASIC pointer (lo byte) sty $2e ;save end-of-BASIC pointer (hi byte) jsr $a659 ; CLR (reset variables) ldax #$a7ae ; jump to BASIC interpreter loop jmp exit_cart_via_ax .endif @not_a_basic_file: ldax nb65_param_buffer exit_cart_via_ax: sta call_downloaded_prg+1 stx call_downloaded_prg+2 jmp exit_cart .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) disk_boot: .import io_read_catalogue .import io_device_no .import io_filename .import io_read_file .import io_load_address lda #00 ;use default drive sta io_device_no ldax #directory_buffer jsr io_read_catalogue lda directory_buffer ;get the first byte that was downloaded bne :+ jmp @no_files_on_disk : ;switch to lower case charset ; lda #23 ; sta $d018 ldax #directory_buffer jsr select_option_from_menu bcc @disk_filename_set jmp main_menu @dir_failed: ldax #dir_listing_fail_msg @print_error: jsr print jsr print_errorcode jsr print_cr jmp @wait_keypress_then_return_to_main @no_files_on_disk: ldax #no_files jsr print @wait_keypress_then_return_to_main: jsr wait_for_keypress jmp main_menu @disk_filename_set: stax io_filename ldax #loading_msg jsr print ldax io_filename jsr print jsr print_cr ldax #$0000 jsr io_read_file bcc @file_read_ok ldax #file_read_error jmp @print_error @file_read_ok: ldax #load_ok_msg jsr print ldax io_load_address jmp boot_into_file net_apps_menu: jsr cls ldax #netboot65_msg jsr print ldax #net_apps_menu_msg jsr print @get_key: jsr get_key_ip65 cmp #KEYCODE_ABORT bne @not_abort jmp main_menu @not_abort: cmp #KEYCODE_F1 bne @not_telnet jsr cls lda #14 jsr print_a ;switch to lower case ldax #telnet_header jsr print jmp telnet_main_entry @not_telnet: cmp #KEYCODE_F2 bne @not_gopher jsr cls lda #14 jsr print_a ;switch to lower case ldax #gopher_header jsr print jsr prompt_for_gopher_resource ;only returns if no server was entered. jmp exit_gopher @not_gopher: cmp #KEYCODE_F3 bne @not_gopher_floodgap_com jsr cls lda #14 jsr print_a ;switch to lower case ldax #gopher_initial_location sta resource_pointer_lo stx resource_pointer_hi ldx #0 jsr select_resource_from_current_directory jmp exit_gopher @not_gopher_floodgap_com: cmp #KEYCODE_F5 bne @not_ping jsr cls lda #14 jsr print_a ;switch to lower case ldax #ping_header jsr print jsr ping_loop jmp exit_ping @not_ping: cmp #KEYCODE_F7 bne @not_main jmp main_menu @not_main: jmp @get_key .endif bad_boot: jsr wait_for_keypress jmp $fe66 ;do a wam start download: ;AX should point at filename to download stax nb65_param_buffer+NB65_TFTP_FILENAME ldax #$0000 ;load address will be first 2 bytes of file we download (LO/HI order) stax nb65_param_buffer+NB65_TFTP_POINTER ldax #downloading_msg jsr print ldax nb65_param_buffer+NB65_TFTP_FILENAME jsr print jsr print_cr ldax #nb65_param_buffer nb65call #NB65_TFTP_DOWNLOAD bcc :+ ldax #tftp_download_fail_msg jsr print jsr print_errorcode sec rts : ldax #tftp_download_ok_msg jsr print clc rts wait_for_keypress: ldax #press_a_key_to_continue jsr print @loop: jsr $ffe4 beq @loop rts get_key: @loop: jsr NB65_PERIODIC_PROCESSING_VECTOR jsr $ffe4 beq @loop rts cfg_get_configuration_ptr: ldax #nb65_param_buffer nb65call #NB65_GET_IP_CONFIG rts .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) exit_ping: exit_telnet: exit_gopher: lda #142 jsr print_a ;switch to upper case lda #$05 ;petscii for white text jsr print_a jmp net_apps_menu .endif .rodata netboot65_msg: .byte 13,"NB65 - V" .include "../inc/version.i" .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) .byte " (TCP)" .endif .byte 13,0 main_menu_msg: .byte 13,"MAIN MENU",13,13 .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) .byte "F1: TFTP BOOT F2: DISK BOOT",13 .byte "F3: NET APPS F4: TBA",13 .byte "F5: ARP TABLE F7: CONFIG",13,13 .else .byte "F1: TFTP BOOT F3: BASIC",13 .byte "F5: ARP TABLE F7: CONFIG",13,13 .endif .byte 0 config_menu_msg: .byte 13,"CONFIGURATION",13,13 .byte "F1: IP ADDRESS F2: NETMASK",13 .byte "F3: GATEWAY F4: DNS SERVER",13 .byte "F5: TFTP SERVER F6: RESET TO DEFAULT",13 .byte "F7: MAIN MENU",13,13 .byte 0 .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$03) net_apps_menu_msg: .byte 13,"NET APPS",13,13 .byte "F1: TELNET F2: GOPHER ",13 .byte "F3: GOPHER (FLOODGAP.COM)",13 .byte "F5: PING F7: MAIN MENU",13,13 .byte 0 cant_boot_basic: .byte "BASIC FILE EXECUTION NOT SUPPORTED",13,0 gopher_initial_location: .byte "1gopher.floodgap.com",$09,"/",$09,"gopher.floodgap.com",$09,"70",$0D,$0A,0 ping_header: .byte "ping",13,0 gopher_header: .byte "gopher",13,0 telnet_header: .byte "telnet",13,0 file_read_error: .asciiz "ERROR READING FILE" autoexec_filename: .byte "AUTOEXEC.PRG",0 .endif downloading_msg: .byte "DOWN" loading_msg: .asciiz "LOADING " getting_dir_listing_msg: .byte "FETCHING DIRECTORY",13,0 dir_listing_fail_msg: .byte "DIR FAILED",13,0 tftp_download_fail_msg: .byte "DOWNLOAD FAILED", 13, 0 tftp_download_ok_msg: .byte "DOWN" load_ok_msg: .byte "LOAD OK", 13, 0 current: .byte "CURRENT ",0 new: .byte"NEW ",0 tftp_dir_filemask: .asciiz "$/*.prg" tftp_file: .asciiz "BOOTC64.PRG" no_files: .byte "NO FILES",13,0 resolving: .byte "RESOLVING ",0 nb65_ram_stub: ; this gets copied to $C000 so programs can bank in the cartridge .byte $4E,$42,$36,$35 ; "NB65" - API signature .if (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$02) lda #$01 sta $de00 ;turns on RR cartridge (since it will have been banked out when exiting to BASIC) .elseif (BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT=$01) lda #$37 sta $0001 ;turns on ordinary cartridge by modifying HIRAM/LORAM (this will also bank in BASIC) .endif rts nb65_ram_stub_end: nb65_ram_stub_length=nb65_ram_stub_end-nb65_ram_stub