.zeropage pptr: .res 2 .bss temp_bin: .res 1 temp_bcd: .res 2 .code .macro print_driver_init ldax #cs_driver_name jsr print ldax #init_msg jsr print .endmacro .macro print_dhcp_init ldax #dhcp_msg jsr print ldax #init_msg jsr print .endmacro .macro print_failed ldax #failed_msg jsr print jsr print_cr .endmacro .macro print_ok ldax #ok_msg jsr print jsr print_cr .endmacro .code .import print_a .import print_cr .import cs_driver_name print_ip_config: ldax #ip_address_msg jsr print ldax #cfg_ip jsr print_dotted_quad jsr print_cr ldax #netmask_msg jsr print ldax #cfg_netmask jsr print_dotted_quad jsr print_cr ldax #gateway_msg jsr print ldax #cfg_gateway jsr print_dotted_quad jsr print_cr ldax #dns_server_msg jsr print ldax #cfg_dns jsr print_dotted_quad jsr print_cr ldax #dhcp_server_msg jsr print ldax #dhcp_server jsr print_dotted_quad jsr print_cr ldax #tftp_server_msg jsr print ldax #cfg_tftp_server jsr print_dotted_quad jsr print_cr rts print: sta pptr stx pptr + 1 @print_loop: ldy #0 lda (pptr),y beq @done_print jsr print_a inc pptr bcc @print_loop inc pptr+1 bcc @print_loop ;if we ever get to $fff, we've probably gone far enough ;-) @done_print: rts ;print the 4 bytes pointed at by AX as dotted decimals print_dotted_quad: sta pptr stx pptr + 1 ldy #0 lda (pptr),y jsr print_decimal lda #'.' jsr print_a ldy #1 lda (pptr),y jsr print_decimal lda #'.' jsr print_a ldy #2 lda (pptr),y jsr print_decimal lda #'.' jsr print_a ldy #3 lda (pptr),y jsr print_decimal rts print_decimal: ;print byte in A as a decimal number pha sta temp_bin ;save sed ; Switch to decimal mode lda #0 ; Ensure the result is clear sta temp_bcd sta temp_bcd+1 ldx #8 ; The number of source bits : asl temp_bin+0 ; Shift out one bit lda temp_bcd+0 ; And add into result adc temp_bcd+0 sta temp_bcd+0 lda temp_bcd+1 ; propagating any carry adc temp_bcd+1 sta temp_bcd+1 dex ; And repeat for next bit bne :- cld ;back to binary pla ;get back the original passed in number bmi @print_hundreds ; if N is set, the number is >=128 so print all 3 digits cmp #10 bmi @print_units cmp #100 bmi @print_tens @print_hundreds: lda temp_bcd+1 ;get the most significant digit and #$0f clc adc #'0' jsr print_a @print_tens: lda temp_bcd lsr lsr lsr lsr clc adc #'0' jsr print_a @print_units: lda temp_bcd and #$0f clc adc #'0' jsr print_a rts print_hex: pha pha lsr lsr lsr lsr tax lda hexdigits,x jsr print_a pla and #$0F tax lda hexdigits,x jsr print_a pla rts .rodata hexdigits: .byte "0123456789ABCDEF" ip_address_msg: .byte "IP ADDRESS: ", 0 netmask_msg: .byte "NETMASK: ", 0 gateway_msg: .byte "GATEWAY: ", 0 dns_server_msg: .byte "DNS SERVER: ", 0 dhcp_server_msg: .byte "DHCP SERVER:", 0 tftp_server_msg: .byte "TFTP SERVER: ", 0 dhcp_msg: .byte "DHCP",0 init_msg: .byte " INIT ",0 failed_msg: .byte "FAILED", 0 ok_msg: .byte "OK", 0 dns_lookup_failed_msg: .byte "DNS LOOKUP FAILED", 0