;Apple 2 gopher browser ;july 2009 - jonno @ jamtronix.com .include "../inc/common.i" .include "../inc/commonprint.i" .include "../inc/net.i" .include "../inc/a2keycodes.i" ; .include "../inc/c64keycodes.i" KEY_NEXT_PAGE=$8E ; ^N KEY_PREV_PAGE=$90; ^P KEY_SHOW_HISTORY=$93; ^S KEY_BACK_IN_HISTORY=$82 ; ^B KEY_NEW_SERVER=$89 ;TAB key .include "../inc/gopher.i" .import __CODE_LOAD__ .import __CODE_SIZE__ .import __RODATA_SIZE__ .import __DATA_SIZE__ .import get_key .segment "EXEHDR" ;this is what gets put an the start of the file on the Apple 2 .addr __CODE_LOAD__-3 ; Start address .word __CODE_SIZE__+__RODATA_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__+4 ; Size jmp init .code init: jsr cls jsr $c300 ; go to 80 column mode ldax #title jsr print jsr print_cr init_ip_via_dhcp jsr print_ip_config ldax #initial_location sta resource_pointer_lo stx resource_pointer_hi ldx #0 jsr select_resource_from_current_directory exit_gopher: jmp $e000 ; rts .rodata title: .byte " GOPHER ][",13," jonno@jamtronix.com",13,0 resolving: .byte "RESOLVING ",0 initial_location: .byte "1gopher.floodgap.com",$09,"/",$09,"gopher.floodgap.com",$09,"70",$0D,$0A,0