.include "../inc/common.i" .include "../inc/commonprint.i" .include "../inc/net.i" .import exit_to_basic .import parse_dotted_quad .import dotted_quad_value .import __CODE_LOAD__ .import __CODE_SIZE__ .import __RODATA_SIZE__ .import __DATA_SIZE__ .importzp acc32 .importzp op32 .import add_32_32 .import add_16_32 .segment "STARTUP" ;this is what gets put at the start of the file on the C64 .word basicstub ; load address basicstub: .word @nextline .word 2003 .byte $9e .byte <(((init / 1000) .mod 10) + $30) .byte <(((init / 100 ) .mod 10) + $30) .byte <(((init / 10 ) .mod 10) + $30) .byte <(((init ) .mod 10) + $30) .byte 0 @nextline: .word 0 .segment "EXEHDR" ;this is what gets put an the start of the file on the Apple 2 .addr __CODE_LOAD__-$11 ; Start address .word __CODE_SIZE__+__RODATA_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__+4 ; Size jmp init .code init: jsr print_cr ldax #number1 stax acc32 ldax #number2 stax op32 jsr test_add_32_32 ldax #number3 stax acc32 ldax #number4 stax op32 jsr test_add_32_32 ldax #number5 stax acc32 ldax #number6 stax op32 jsr test_add_32_32 ldax #number7 stax acc32 ldax #number8 stax op32 jsr test_add_32_32 ldax #number9 stax acc32 ldax #number10 stax op32 jsr test_add_32_32 ldax #number11 stax acc32 ldax #number12 stax op32 jsr test_add_32_32 ldax #number13 stax acc32 ldax #$1234 jsr test_add_16_32 ldax #number14 stax acc32 ldax #$1234 jsr test_add_16_32 ldax #number15 stax acc32 ldax #$1234 jsr test_add_16_32 ldax #number16 stax acc32 ldax #$1234 jsr test_add_16_32 rts ;assumes acc32 & op32 already set test_add_32_32: ldy #3 : lda (acc32),y jsr print_hex dey bpl :- lda #'+' jsr print_a ldy #3 : lda (op32),y jsr print_hex dey bpl :- lda #'=' jsr print_a jsr add_32_32 ldy #3 : lda (acc32),y jsr print_hex dey bpl :- jsr print_cr rts ;assumes acc32 & AX already set test_add_16_32: stax temp_ax ldy #3 : lda (acc32),y jsr print_hex dey bpl :- lda #'+' jsr print_a lda temp_ax+1 jsr print_hex lda temp_ax jsr print_hex lda #'=' jsr print_a ldax temp_ax jsr add_16_32 ldy #3 : lda (acc32),y jsr print_hex dey bpl :- jsr print_cr rts @error: ldax #failed_msg jsr print jsr print_cr rts .bss temp_ax: .res 2 .rodata .data number1: .byte $1,$2,$3,$f number2: .byte $10,$20,$30,$f0 number3: .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff number4: .byte $1,$0,$0,$0 number5: .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff number6: .byte $0,$0,$0,$0 number7: .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$fe number8: .byte $1,$0,$0,$0 number9: .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$fe number10: .byte $5,$0,$0,$0 number11: .byte $ff,$0,$0,$e number12: .byte $5,$0,$0,$0 number13: .byte $1,$2,$3,$4 number14: .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff number15: .byte $ff,$ff,$00,$00 number16: .byte $00,$00,$00,$00