; C64 gopher browser ; july 2009 - jonno @ jamtronix.com ; this contains the key gopher rendering routines ; to use: ; 1) include this file ; 2) include these other files: ; .include "../inc/common.i" ; .include "../inc/commonprint.i" ; .include "../inc/net.i" ; .include "../inc/char_conv.i" ; .include "../inc/c64keycodes.i" ; 3) define a routine called 'exit_gopher' ; .import get_key .import get_key_if_available .import mul_8_16 .importzp acc16 .importzp copy_src .importzp copy_dest .import copymem .import ascii_to_native .import tcp_connect .import tcp_send .import tcp_send_data_len .import tcp_callback .import tcp_connect_ip .import tcp_inbound_data_length .import tcp_inbound_data_ptr .import dns_ip .import dns_resolve .import dns_set_hostname .import ip65_error .import cls .import get_filtered_input .import filter_dns .import filter_text .importzp screen_current_row .importzp screen_current_col .import print_a_inverse .import telnet_port .import telnet_ip .import telnet_connect .import telnet_local_echo .import telnet_line_mode .import telnet_use_native_charset .segment "IP65ZP" : zeropage ; pointer for moving through buffers buffer_ptr: .res 2 ; source pointer .data get_next_byte: lda $ffff inc get_next_byte+1 bne :+ inc get_next_byte+2 : rts current_resource_history_entry: .byte 0 .segment "APP_SCRATCH" DISPLAY_LINES=22 page_counter: .res 1 MAX_PAGES = 50 page_pointer_lo: .res MAX_PAGES page_pointer_hi: .res MAX_PAGES resource_counter: .res 1 MAX_RESOURCES = DISPLAY_LINES resource_pointer_lo: .res MAX_RESOURCES resource_pointer_hi: .res MAX_RESOURCES resource_type: .res MAX_RESOURCES download_flag: .res 1 dl_loop_counter: .res 2 this_is_last_page: .res 1 tcp_buffer_ptr: .res 2 temp_ax: .res 2 RESOURCE_HOSTNAME_MAX_LENGTH=64 current_resource: resource_hostname: .res RESOURCE_HOSTNAME_MAX_LENGTH resource_port: .res 2 resource_selector: .res 128 resource_selector_length: .res 1 displayed_resource_type: .res 1 query_string: .res 32 query_string_length: .res 1 RESOURCE_HISTORY_ENTRIES=8 resource_history: .res $100*RESOURCE_HISTORY_ENTRIES scratch_buffer: .res 16000 .code ;display whatever is in the buffer either as plain text or gopher text display_resource_in_buffer: ldax #scratch_buffer stax get_next_byte+1 lda #0 sta page_counter @do_one_page: jsr cls ; ldax #page_header ; jsr print ; lda page_counter ; jsr print_hex ; jsr print_resource_description ldx page_counter lda get_next_byte+1 sta page_pointer_lo,x lda get_next_byte+2 sta page_pointer_hi,x inc page_counter lda displayed_resource_type cmp #'0' bne @displayed_resource_is_directory ;if this is a text file, just convert ascii->petscii and print to screen @show_one_char: jsr get_next_byte tax ;this sets Z flag bne :+ lda #1 sta this_is_last_page jmp @get_keypress : jsr ascii_to_native jsr print_a lda screen_current_row cmp #DISPLAY_LINES bmi @show_one_char jmp @end_of_current_page @displayed_resource_is_directory: lda #0 sta resource_counter @next_line: jsr get_next_byte cmp #0 beq @last_line cmp #'.' bne @not_last_line @last_line: lda #1 sta this_is_last_page jmp @done @not_last_line: cmp #'i' beq @info_line cmp #'0' beq @standard_resource cmp #'1' beq @standard_resource cmp #'7' beq @standard_resource cmp #'8' beq @standard_resource ;if we got here, we know not what it is jmp @skip_to_end_of_line @standard_resource: pha ldx resource_counter sta resource_type,x sec lda get_next_byte+1 sbc #1 ;since "get_next_byte" did the inc, we need to backtrack 1 byte sta resource_pointer_lo,x lda get_next_byte+2 sbc #0 ;in case there was an overflow on the low byte sta resource_pointer_hi,x inc resource_counter lda screen_current_col ;are we at the start of the current line? beq :+ jsr print_cr : pla ;get back the resource type lda resource_counter clc adc #'a'-1 jsr print_a_inverse lda #' ' jsr print_a @info_line: @print_until_tab: @next_byte: jsr get_next_byte cmp #$09 beq @skip_to_end_of_line jsr ascii_to_native jsr print_a jmp @next_byte @skip_to_end_of_line: jsr get_next_byte cmp #0 beq @last_line cmp #$0A bne @skip_to_end_of_line lda screen_current_col cmp #0 ; beq :+ jsr print_cr : lda screen_current_row cmp #DISPLAY_LINES bpl @end_of_current_page jmp @next_line @end_of_current_page: lda #0 sta this_is_last_page @done: @get_keypress: jsr ip65_process ;keep polling the network, so we respond to arps/pings/late packets etc etc jsr get_key_if_available cmp #' ' beq @go_next_page cmp #KEY_NEXT_PAGE beq @go_next_page cmp #KEYCODE_DOWN beq @go_next_page cmp #KEY_PREV_PAGE beq @go_prev_page cmp #KEYCODE_UP beq @go_prev_page cmp #KEY_SHOW_HISTORY beq @show_history cmp #KEYCODE_LEFT beq @back_in_history cmp #KEY_BACK_IN_HISTORY beq @back_in_history cmp #KEY_NEW_SERVER beq @prompt_for_new_server cmp #KEYCODE_ABORT beq @quit ;if fallen through we don't know what the keypress means, go get another one and #$7f ;turn off the high bit sec sbc #$40 bmi @not_a_resource cmp resource_counter beq @valid_resource bcs @not_a_resource @valid_resource: tax dex jsr select_resource_from_current_directory @not_a_resource: jmp @get_keypress @back_in_history: ldx current_resource_history_entry dex beq @get_keypress ;if we were already at start of history, can't go back any further stx current_resource_history_entry txa jsr load_resource_from_history jsr load_resource_into_buffer jmp display_resource_in_buffer @show_history: jsr show_history jmp display_resource_in_buffer @go_next_page: lda this_is_last_page bne @get_keypress jmp @do_one_page @prompt_for_new_server: jsr prompt_for_gopher_resource ;that routine only returns if no server was entered. jmp display_resource_in_buffer @quit: jmp exit_gopher @go_prev_page: ldx page_counter dex bne @not_first_page jmp @get_keypress @not_first_page: dex dec page_counter dec page_counter lda page_pointer_lo,x sta get_next_byte+1 lda page_pointer_hi,x sta get_next_byte+2 jmp @do_one_page ;get a gopher resource ;X should be the selected resource number ;the resources selected should be loaded into resource_pointer_* select_resource_from_current_directory: lda resource_pointer_lo,x sta buffer_ptr lda resource_pointer_hi,x sta buffer_ptr+1 ldy #0 ldx #0 lda (buffer_ptr),y sta displayed_resource_type @skip_to_next_tab: iny beq @done_skipping_over_tab lda (buffer_ptr),y cmp #$09 bne @skip_to_next_tab @done_skipping_over_tab: ;should now be pointing at the tab just before the selector @copy_selector: iny lda (buffer_ptr),y cmp #09 beq @end_of_selector sta resource_selector,x inx jmp @copy_selector @end_of_selector: lda #$00 sta resource_selector,x stx resource_selector_length tax ;should now be pointing at the tab just before the hostname @copy_hostname: iny lda (buffer_ptr),y cmp #09 beq @end_of_hostname sta resource_hostname,x inx jmp @copy_hostname @end_of_hostname: lda #$00 sta resource_hostname,x ;should now be pointing at the tab just before the port number lda #0 sta resource_port sta resource_port+1 @parse_port: iny beq @end_of_port lda (buffer_ptr),y cmp #$1F bcc @end_of_port ;any control char should be treated as end of port field ldax resource_port stax acc16 lda #10 jsr mul_8_16 ldax acc16 stax resource_port lda (buffer_ptr),y sec sbc #'0' clc adc resource_port sta resource_port bcc :+ inc resource_port+1 : jmp @parse_port @end_of_port: lda displayed_resource_type cmp #'7' ;is it a 'search' resource? bne @done ldax #query jsr print @get_query_string: ldy #32 ;max chars ldax #filter_text jsr get_filtered_input bcs @get_query_string stax buffer_ptr jsr print_cr ldy #0 sty query_string_length lda #09 @copy_one_char: sta query_string,y inc query_string_length lda (buffer_ptr),y beq @done_query_string iny jmp @copy_one_char @done_query_string: @done: add_resource_to_history_and_display: ;add this to the resource history lda current_resource_history_entry cmp #RESOURCE_HISTORY_ENTRIES bne @dont_shuffle_down ldax #resource_history stax copy_dest inx ;one page higher up stax copy_src ldx #(RESOURCE_HISTORY_ENTRIES-1) lda #$00 jsr copymem dec current_resource_history_entry @dont_shuffle_down: ldax #current_resource stax copy_src lda #resource_history adc current_resource_history_entry sta copy_dest+1 ldax #$100 jsr copymem inc current_resource_history_entry jsr load_resource_into_buffer bcs @error_in_loading jmp display_resource_in_buffer @error_in_loading: ldax #error jsr print lda ip65_error jsr print_hex jsr print_cr ;jsr get_key rts ;show the entries in the history buffer show_history: jsr cls ldax #history jsr print lda current_resource_history_entry @show_one_entry: pha jsr load_resource_from_history jsr print_resource_description pla sec sbc #1 bne @show_one_entry get_keypress_then_rts: jsr print_cr ldax #any_key_to_continue jsr print jsr get_key rts ;load the 'current_resource' into the buffer load_resource_into_buffer: ldax #scratch_buffer stax tcp_buffer_ptr ldax #resolving jsr print ldax #resource_hostname jsr print jsr print_cr ldax #resource_hostname jsr dns_set_hostname bcs :+ jsr dns_resolve : bcc @no_error jmp @error @no_error: ldx #3 ; save IP address just retrieved : lda dns_ip,x sta tcp_connect_ip,x sta telnet_ip,x dex bpl :- ldax #gopher_download_callback stax tcp_callback ldax #connecting jsr print lda displayed_resource_type cmp #'8' ;is it a 'telnet' resource? bne @not_telnet_resource ldax resource_port stax telnet_port lda #0 sta telnet_local_echo sta telnet_line_mode sta telnet_use_native_charset ;if the username = '/n', then connect in native mode lda resource_selector_length cmp #2 bne @not_native lda resource_selector cmp #'/' bne @not_native lda resource_selector+1 cmp #'n' bne @not_native inc telnet_use_native_charset @not_native: jsr telnet_connect jmp get_keypress_then_rts @not_telnet_resource: ldax resource_port jsr tcp_connect bcs @error ;connected, now send the selector jsr print_cr ldax #retrieving jsr print ldax #resource_selector jsr print jsr print_cr ldx #0 stx download_flag stx dl_loop_counter stx dl_loop_counter+1 lda resource_selector_length beq @empty_selector stax tcp_send_data_len ldax #resource_selector jsr tcp_send @empty_selector: ;send the tab and query string (if supplied) lda displayed_resource_type cmp #'7' ;is it a 'search' resource? bne @send_cr_lf ldax query_string_length sta tcp_send_data_len ldax #query_string jsr tcp_send @send_cr_lf: ;send the CR/LF after the connector ldax #2 sta tcp_send_data_len ldax #cr_lf jsr tcp_send ;now loop until we're done @download_loop: inc dl_loop_counter bne :+ inc dl_loop_counter+1 bne :+ lda #'.' jsr print_a : jsr ip65_process lda download_flag beq @download_loop clc @error: rts gopher_download_callback: lda tcp_inbound_data_length cmp #$ff bne @not_end_of_file lda #1 sta download_flag ;put a zero byte at the end of the file (in case it was a text file) ldax tcp_buffer_ptr stax copy_dest lda #0 tay sta (copy_dest),y rts @not_end_of_file: ;copy this chunk to our input buffer ldax tcp_buffer_ptr stax copy_dest ldax tcp_inbound_data_ptr stax copy_src ldax tcp_inbound_data_length jsr copymem ;increment the pointer into the input buffer clc lda tcp_buffer_ptr adc tcp_inbound_data_length sta tcp_buffer_ptr lda tcp_buffer_ptr+1 adc tcp_inbound_data_length+1 sta tcp_buffer_ptr+1 lda #'*' jsr print_a rts ;retrieve entry specified by A from resource history ;NB 'A' = 1 means the first entry load_resource_from_history: clc adc #(>resource_history)-1 sta copy_src+1 lda #