Oliver Schmidt 0b3e0c2173 Introduced IP65 "combo" libraries.
Up to now every IP65 library contained exactly one Ethernet driver. In scenarios without strict memory limitations I might however be benefitial to have an IP65 library containing all Ethernet drivers available for a given target.

The Ethernet hardware detection that was already present before is used in this scenario to try to initialize one Ethernet driver after the other until one succeeds. If all drivers fail to initialize the user gets informed as usual.

The WIZ811MJ driver was primarily introduced for orthogonality reasons. There are however at least two W5100-based prototypes for the C64 so it makes at least some sense. The name was chosen as sort of placeholder for "something containing a W5100 chip".
2015-07-08 10:13:08 +02:00

131 lines
3.7 KiB

# Build for Cirrus Logic CS8900A based devices:
# make eth=cl
# Build for Standard Microsystems LAN91C96 based devices:
# make eth=sm
# Build for WIZnet W5100 based devices:
# make eth=wn
ifeq ($(eth),cl)
C64DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/c64rrnet.lib
A2DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/a2uther.lib
else ifeq ($(eth),sm)
C64DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/c64eth64.lib
A2DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/a2lancegs.lib
else ifeq ($(eth),wn)
C64DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/c64wiz811.lib
A2DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/a2uther2.lib
C64DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/c64combo.lib
A2DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/a2combo.lib
VICDRIVERLIB = ../drivers/vic20rrnet.lib
UDP =\
dns \
dottedquad \
parsequerystring \
sntp \
TCP =\
cifs \
geturl \
httpd \
parser \
ping \
all: $(UDP) $(TCP)
$(addsuffix .prg,$(UDP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65.lib
$(addsuffix .prg,$(TCP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib
$(addsuffix .bin,$(UDP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65.lib
$(addsuffix .bin,$(TCP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib
$(addsuffix .vicprg,$(UDP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65.lib
$(addsuffix .vicprg,$(TCP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib
$(foreach pgm,$(UDP) $(TCP),$(eval $(pgm): $(pgm).prg $(pgm).bin $(pgm).vicprg))
../inc/common.i \
../inc/commonprint.i \
prg: $(addsuffix .prg,$(UDP) $(TCP))
bin: $(addsuffix .bin,$(UDP) $(TCP))
vicprg: $(addsuffix .vicprg,$(UDP) $(TCP))
d64: ip65.d64
dsk: ip65.dsk
make -C ../ip65
make -C ../drivers
%.o: %.s
ca65 $<
%.prg: %.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $*.prg -C c64.cfg -m $* -vm $< $(IP65LIB) $(C64DRIVERLIB) c64.lib
%.bin: %.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $*.bin -C apple2.cfg -m $* -vm $< $(IP65LIB) $(A2DRIVERLIB) apple2.lib
%.vicprg: %.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $*.vicprg -C vic20-32k.cfg -m $* -vm $< $(IP65LIB) $(VICDRIVERLIB) vic20.lib
webserver-uther.bin: httpd.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $@ -C apple2.cfg $< ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib ../drivers/a2uther.lib apple2.lib
webserver-uther2.bin: httpd.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $@ -C apple2.cfg $< ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib ../drivers/a2uther2.lib apple2.lib
webserver-lancegs.bin: httpd.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $@ -C apple2.cfg $< ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib ../drivers/a2lancegs.lib apple2.lib
ip65.d64: prg
$(C1541) -format ip65,00 d64 $@
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write dns.prg dns,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write dottedquad.prg dottedquad,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write geturl.prg geturl,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write httpd.prg httpd,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write parser.prg parser,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write ping.prg ping,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write sntp.prg sntp,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write tcp.prg tcp,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write tftp.prg tftp,p
ip65.dsk: bin
cp prodos.dsk $@
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ dns bin < dns.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ dottedquad bin < dottedquad.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ geturl bin < geturl.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ httpd bin < httpd.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ parser bin < parser.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ ping bin < ping.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ sntp bin < sntp.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ tcp bin < tcp.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ tftp bin < tftp.bin
ip65demo.dsk: webserver-uther.bin webserver-uther2.bin webserver-lancegs.bin
cp dos33.dsk $@
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ webserver-uther B < webserver-uther.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ webserver-uther2 B < webserver-uther2.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ webserver-lancegs B < webserver-lancegs.bin
make -C ../ip65 clean
make -C ../drivers clean
-rm -f *.prg *.bin *.vicprg *.map
-rm -f ip65.d64 ip65.dsk ip65demo.dsk