2018-08-01 19:00:39 +02:00

388 lines
15 KiB

#ifndef _IP65_H
#define _IP65_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
// Error codes
#define IP65_ERROR_PORT_IN_USE 0x80
// Last error code
extern uint8_t ip65_error;
// Driver initialization parameter values
#ifdef __APPLE2__
#define DRV_INIT_DEFAULT 3 // Apple II slot number
#define DRV_INIT_DEFAULT 0 // Unused
// Initialize the IP stack
// This calls the individual protocol & driver initializations, so this is
// the only *_init routine that must be called by a user application,
// except for dhcp_init which must also be called if the application
// is using DHCP rather than hardcoded IP configuration.
// Inputs: drv_init: Driver initialization parameter
// Output: true if there was an error, false otherwise
bool __fastcall__ ip65_init(uint8_t drv_init);
// Access to Ethernet configuration
// Access to the three items below is only valid after ip65_init returned false.
extern uint8_t cfg_mac[6]; // MAC address of local machine
extern char eth_driver_name[]; // Zero terminated string containing driver name
extern uint8_t* eth_driver_io_base; // Ethernet chip I/O base address used by driver
// Main IP polling loop
// This routine should be periodically called by an application at any time
// that an inbound packet needs to be handled.
// It is 'non-blocking', i.e. it will return if there is no packet waiting to be
// handled. Any inbound packet will be handed off to the appropriate handler.
// Inputs: None
// Output: true if no packet was waiting or packet handling caused error, false otherwise
bool ip65_process(void);
// Generate a 'random' 16 bit word
// Entropy comes from the last ethernet frame, counters, and timer.
// Inputs: None
// Output: Pseudo-random 16 bit number
uint16_t ip65_random_word(void);
// Convert 4 octets (IP address, netmask) into a string representing a dotted quad
// The string is returned in a statically allocated buffer, which subsequent calls
// will overwrite.
// Inputs: quad: IP address
// Output: Zero terminated string containing dotted quad (e.g. "")
char* __fastcall__ dotted_quad(uint32_t quad);
// Convert a string representing a dotted quad (IP address, netmask) into 4 octets
// Inputs: quad: Zero terminated string containing dotted quad (e.g. ""),
// to simplify URL parsing, a ':' or '/' can also terminate the string.
// Output: IP address, 0 on error
uint32_t __fastcall__ parse_dotted_quad(char* quad);
// Minimal DHCP client implementation
// IP addresses are requested from a DHCP server (aka 'leased') but are not renewed
// or released. Although this is not correct behaviour according to the DHCP RFC,
// this works fine in practice in a typical home network environment.
// Inputs: None (although ip65_init should be called first)
// Output: false if IP config has been sucesfully obtained and cfg_ip, cfg_netmask,
// cfg_gateway and cfg_dns will be set per response from dhcp server.
// dhcp_server will be set to address of server that provided configuration.
// true if there was an error
bool dhcp_init(void);
// Access to IP configuration
// The five items below will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called.
extern uint32_t cfg_ip; // IP address of local machine
extern uint32_t cfg_netmask; // Netmask of local network
extern uint32_t cfg_gateway; // IP address of router on local network
extern uint32_t cfg_dns; // IP address of DNS server to use
extern uint32_t dhcp_server; // Address of DHCP server that config was obtained from
// Resolve a string containing a hostname (or a dotted quad) to an IP address
// Inputs: hostname: Zero terminated string containing either a DNS hostname
// (e.g. "") or an address in "dotted quad"
// format (e.g. "")
// Output: IP address of the hostname, 0 on error
uint32_t __fastcall__ dns_resolve(const char* hostname);
// Send a ping (ICMP echo request) to a remote host, and wait for a response
// Inputs: dest: Destination IP address
// Output: 0 if no response, otherwise time (in miliseconds) for host to respond
uint16_t __fastcall__ icmp_ping(uint32_t dest);
// Add a UDP listener
// Inputs: port: UDP port to listen on
// callback: Vector to call when UDP packet arrives on specified port
// Output: true if too may listeners already installed, false otherwise
bool __fastcall__ udp_add_listener(uint16_t port, void (*callback)(void));
// Remove a UDP listener
// Inputs: port: UDP port to stop listening on
// Output: false if handler found and removed,
// true if handler for specified port not found
bool __fastcall__ udp_remove_listener(uint16_t port);
// Access to received UDP packet
// Access to the four items below is only valid in the context of a callback
// added with udp_add_listener.
extern uint8_t udp_recv_buf[1476]; // Buffer with data received
uint16_t udp_recv_len(void); // Length of data received
uint32_t udp_recv_src(void); // Source IP address
uint16_t udp_recv_src_port(void); // Source port
// Send a UDP packet
// If the correct MAC address can't be found in the ARP cache then
// an ARP request is sent - and the UDP packet is NOT sent. The caller
// should wait a while calling ip65_process (to allow time for an ARP
// response to arrive) and then call upd_send again. This behavior
// makes sense as a UDP packet may get lost in transit at any time
// so the caller should to be prepared to resend it after a while
// anyway.
// Inputs: buf: Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent
// len: Length of data to send (exclusive of any headers)
// dest: Destination IP address
// dest_port: Destination port
// src_port: Source port
// Output: true if an error occured, false otherwise
bool __fastcall__ udp_send(const uint8_t* buf, uint16_t len, uint32_t dest,
uint16_t dest_port, uint16_t src_port);
// Listen for an inbound TCP connection
// This is a 'blocking' call, i.e. it will not return until a connection has been made.
// Inputs: port: TCP port to listen on
// callback: Vector to call when data arrives on this connection
// buf: Pointer to buffer with data received
// len: -1 on close, otherwise length of data received
// Output: IP address of the connected client, 0 on error
uint32_t __fastcall__ tcp_listen(uint16_t port,
void __fastcall__ (*callback)(const uint8_t* buf,
int16_t len));
// Make outbound TCP connection
// Inputs: dest: Destination IP address
// dest_port: Destination port
// callback: Vector to call when data arrives on this connection
// buf: Pointer to buffer with data received
// len: -1 on close, otherwise length of data received
// Output: true if an error occured, false otherwise
bool __fastcall__ tcp_connect(uint32_t dest, uint16_t dest_port,
void __fastcall__ (*callback)(const uint8_t* buf,
int16_t len));
// Close the current TCP connection
// Inputs: None
// Output: true if an error occured, false otherwise
bool tcp_close(void);
// Send data on the current TCP connection
// Inputs: buf: Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent
// len: Length of data to send (exclusive of any headers)
// Output: true if an error occured, false otherwise
bool __fastcall__ tcp_send(const uint8_t* buf, uint16_t len);
// Send an empty ACK packet on the current TCP connection
// Inputs: None
// Output: true if an error occured, false otherwise
bool tcp_send_keep_alive(void);
// Query an SNTP server for current UTC time
// Inputs: SNTP server IP address
// Output: The number of seconds since 00:00 on Jan 1 1900 (UTC), 0 on error
uint32_t __fastcall__ sntp_get_time(uint32_t server);
// Download a file from a TFTP server and provide data to user supplied vector
// Inputs: server: IP address of server to receive file from
// name: Zero terminated string containing the name of file to download
// callback: Vector to call once for each 512 byte packet received
// buf: Pointer to buffer containing data received
// len: 512 if buffer is full, otherwise number of bytes
// in the buffer
// Output: true if an error occured, false otherwise
bool __fastcall__ tftp_download(uint32_t server, const char* name,
void __fastcall__ (*callback)(const uint8_t* buf,
uint16_t len));
// Download a file from a TFTP server and provide data to specified memory location
// Inputs: server: IP address of server to receive file from
// name: Zero terminated string containing the name of file to download
// buf: Pointer to buffer containing data received
// Output: Length of data received, 0 on error
uint16_t __fastcall__ tftp_download_to_memory(uint32_t server, const char* name,
const uint8_t* buf);
// Upload a file to a TFTP server with data retrieved from user supplied vector
// Inputs: server: IP address of server to send file to
// name: Zero terminated string containing the name of file to upload
// callback: Vector to call once for each 512 byte packet to be sent
// buf: Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent
// Output: 512 if buffer is full, otherwise number of bytes
// in the buffer
// Output: true if an error occured, false otherwise
bool __fastcall__ tftp_upload(uint32_t server, const char* name,
uint16_t __fastcall__ (*callback)(const uint8_t* buf));
// Upload a file to a TFTP server with data retrieved from specified memory location
// Inputs: server: IP address of server to send file to
// name: Zero terminated string containing the name of file to upload
// buf: Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent
// len: Length of data to be sent
// Output: true if an error occured, false otherwise
bool __fastcall__ tftp_upload_from_memory(uint32_t server, const char* name,
const uint8_t* buf, uint16_t len);
// Parse an HTTP URL into a form that makes it easy to retrieve the specified resource
// On success the variables url_ip, url_port and url_selector (see below) are valid.
// Inputs: url: Zero (or ctrl char) terminated string containing the URL
// Output: true if an error occured, false otherwise
bool __fastcall__ url_parse(const char* url);
// Access to parsed HTTP URL
// Access to the three items below is only valid after url_parse returned false.
extern uint32_t url_ip; // IP address of host in URL
extern uint16_t url_port; // Port number of URL
extern char* url_selector; // Zero terminated string containing selector part of URL
// Download a resource specified by an HTTP URL
// On success the resource is zero terminated.
// Inputs: url: Zero (or ctrl char) terminated string containing the URL
// buf: Pointer to a buffer that the resource will be downloaded into
// len: Length of buffer
// Output: Length of resource downloaded, 0 on error
uint16_t __fastcall__ url_download(const char* url, const uint8_t* buf, uint16_t len);
// Start an HTTP server
// This routine will stay in an endless loop that is broken only if user press the abort key.
// Inputs: port: TCP port to listen on
// callback: Vector to call for each inbound HTTP request
// client: IP address of the client that sent the request
// method: Zero terminated string containing the HTTP method
// path: Zero terminated string containing the HTTP path
// Output: None
void __fastcall__ httpd_start(uint16_t port,
void __fastcall__ (*callback)(uint32_t client,
const char* method,
const char* path));
// HTTP response types
#define HTTPD_RESPONSE_NOHEADER 0 // No HTTP response header
#define HTTPD_RESPONSE_200_TEXT 1 // HTTP Code: 200 OK, Content Type: 'text/text'
#define HTTPD_RESPONSE_200_HTML 2 // HTTP Code: 200 OK, Content Type: 'text/html'
#define HTTPD_RESPONSE_200_DATA 3 // HTTP Code: 200 OK, Content Type: 'application/octet-stream'
#define HTTPD_RESPONSE_404 4 // HTTP Code: 404 Not Found
#define HTTPD_RESPONSE_500 5 // HTTP Code: 500 System Error
// Send HTTP response
// Calling httpd_send_response is only valid in the context of a httpd_start callback.
// For the response types HTTPD_RESPONSE_404 and HTTPD_RESPONSE_500 'buf' is ignored.
// With the response type HTTPD_RESPONSE_NOHEADER it's possible to add more content to
// an already sent HTTP response.
// Inputs: response_type: Value describing HTTP code and content type in response header
// buf: Pointer to buffer with HTTP response content
// len: Length of buffer with HTTP response content
// Output: None
void __fastcall__ httpd_send_response(uint8_t response_type,
const uint8_t* buf, uint16_t len);
// Retrieve the value of a variable defined in the previously received HTTP request
// Calling http_get_value is only valid in the context of a httpd_start callback.
// Only the first letter in a variable name is significant. E.g. if a querystring contains
// the variables 'a','alpha' and 'alabama', then only the first one will be retrievable.
// Inputs: name: Variable to retrieve
// Output: Variable value (zero terminated string) if variable exists, null otherwise.
char* __fastcall__ http_get_value(char name);
// Get number of milliseconds since initialization
// Inputs: None
// Output: Current number of milliseconds
uint16_t timer_read(void);
// Check if specified period of time has passed yet
// Inputs: time: Number of milliseconds we are willing to wait for
// Output: true if timeout occured, false otherwise
bool __fastcall__ timer_timeout(uint16_t time);
// User abort control
// Control if the user can abort blocking functions with the abort key
// (making them return IP65_ERROR_ABORTED_BY_USER). Initially the abort
// key is enabled.
// Inputs: enable: false to disable the key, true to enable the key
// Output: None
void __fastcall__ abort_key(bool enable);