Oliver Schmidt 4a695f97cc General source code cleanup.
- Tab chars were partially used with the unusual width of two blanks. I removed them altogether.
- Line endings were inconsistent even iniside individual files. I normalized them.
- I introduced a consistent coding style regarding comment indenting and blank line usage.
- I removed trailing spaces.
- I removed newlines following unnamed labels.
- ...
2013-12-27 14:57:56 +01:00

448 lines
9.5 KiB

; routines for parsing a URL, and downloading an URL
.include "../inc/common.i"
.define EQU =
.include "../inc/kipper_constants.i"
.import output_buffer
.importzp copy_src
.importzp copy_dest
.import copymem
.import timer_read
.import ip65_error
.import ip65_process
.import parser_init
.import parser_skip_next
.import dns_set_hostname
.import dns_resolve
.import parse_integer
.import dns_ip
.import tcp_connect
.import tcp_send_string
.import tcp_send_data_len
.import tcp_callback
.import tcp_close
.import tcp_connect_ip
.import tcp_inbound_data_length
.import tcp_inbound_data_ptr
.export url_ip
.export url_port
.export url_selector
.export url_resource_type
.export url_parse
.export url_download
.export url_download_buffer
.export url_download_buffer_length
.export resource_download
target_string = copy_src
search_string = copy_dest
selector_buffer = output_buffer
.segment "TCP_VARS"
url_string: .res 2
url_ip: .res 4 ; will be set with ip address of host in url
url_port: .res 2 ; will be set with port number of url
url_selector: .res 2 ; will be set with address of selector part of URL
url_type: .res 1
url_resource_type: .res 1
url_type_unknown = 0
url_type_gopher = 1
url_type_http = 2
src_ptr: .res 1
dest_ptr: .res 1
timeout_counter: .res 1
url_download_buffer: .res 2 ; points to a buffer that url will be downloaded into
url_download_buffer_length: .res 2 ; length of buffer that url will be downloaded into
temp_buffer: .res 2
temp_buffer_length: .res 2
download_flag: .res 1
; parses a URL into a form that makes it easy to retrieve the specified resource
; inputs:
; AX = address of URL string
; any control character (i.e. <$20) is treated as 'end of string', e.g. a CR or LF, as well as $00
; outputs:
; sec if a malformed url, otherwise:
; url_ip = ip address of host in url
; url_port = port number of url
; url_selector= address of selector part of URL
stax url_string
ldy #0
sty url_type
sty url_port
sty url_port+1
sty url_resource_type
jsr skip_to_hostname
bcc :+
ldax url_string
jmp @no_protocol_specifier
: ldax url_string
stax search_string
lda (search_string),y
cmp #'g'
beq @gopher
cmp #'G'
beq @gopher
cmp #'h'
beq @http
cmp #'H'
beq @http
sta ip65_error
lda #url_type_http
sta url_type
lda #80
sta url_port
jmp @protocol_set
lda #url_type_gopher
sta url_type
lda #70
sta url_port
jsr skip_to_hostname
; now pointing at hostname
bcs @exit_with_error
jsr dns_set_hostname
bcs @exit_with_sec
jsr dns_resolve
bcc :+
sta ip65_error
jmp @exit_with_sec
: ; copy IP address
ldx #3
: lda dns_ip,x
sta url_ip,x
bpl :-
jsr skip_to_hostname
; skip over next colon
ldax #colon
jsr parser_skip_next
bcs @no_port_in_url
; AX now point at first thing past a colon - should be a number:
jsr parse_integer
stax url_port
; skip over next slash
ldax #slash
jsr parser_skip_next
; AX now pointing at selector
stax copy_src
ldax #selector_buffer
stax copy_dest
lda #0
sta src_ptr
sta dest_ptr
lda url_type
cmp #url_type_gopher
bne @not_gopher
; first byte after / in a gopher url is the resource type
ldy src_ptr
lda (copy_src),y
beq @start_of_selector
sta url_resource_type
inc src_ptr
jmp @start_of_selector
cmp #url_type_http
beq @build_http_request
jmp @done ; if it's not gopher or http, we don't know how to build a selector
ldy #get_length-1
sty dest_ptr
: lda get,y
sta (copy_dest),y
bpl :-
lda #'/'
inc dest_ptr
jmp @save_first_byte_of_selector
ldy src_ptr
lda (copy_src),y
cmp #$20
bcc @end_of_selector ; any control char (including CR,LF, and $00) should be treated as end of URL
inc src_ptr
ldy dest_ptr
sta (copy_dest),y
inc dest_ptr
bne @copy_one_byte
ldx #1 ; number of CRLF at end of gopher request
lda url_type
cmp #url_type_http
bne @final_crlf
; now the HTTP version number & Host: field
ldx #0
: lda http_preamble,x
beq :+
ldy dest_ptr
inc dest_ptr
sta (copy_dest),y
bne :-
: ; now copy the host field
jsr skip_to_hostname
; AX now pointing at hostname
stax copy_src
ldax #selector_buffer
stax copy_dest
lda #0
sta src_ptr
ldy src_ptr
lda (copy_src),y
beq @end_of_hostname
cmp #':'
beq @end_of_hostname
cmp #'/'
beq @end_of_hostname
inc src_ptr
ldy dest_ptr
sta (copy_dest),y
inc dest_ptr
bne @copy_one_byte_of_hostname
ldx #2 ; number of CRLF at end of HTTP request
ldy dest_ptr
lda #$0d
sta (copy_dest),y
lda #$0a
sta (copy_dest),y
sty dest_ptr
bne @final_crlf
lda #$00
sta (copy_dest),y
ldax #selector_buffer
stax url_selector
ldax url_string
jsr parser_init
ldax #colon_slash_slash
jmp parser_skip_next
; download a resource specified by an URL
; inputs:
; AX = address of URL string
; url_download_buffer - points to a buffer that url will be downloaded into
; url_download_buffer_length - length of buffer
; outputs:
; sec if an error occured, else buffer pointed at by url_download_buffer is filled with contents
; of specified resource (with an extra 2 null bytes at the end),
; AX = length of resource downloaded.
jsr url_parse
bcc resource_download
; download a resource specified by ip,port & selector
; inputs:
; url_ip = ip address of host to connect to
; url_port = port number of to connect to
; url_selector= address of selector to send to host after connecting
; url_download_buffer - points to a buffer that url will be downloaded into
; url_download_buffer_length - length of buffer
; outputs:
; sec if an error occured, else buffer pointed at by url_download_buffer is filled with contents
; of specified resource (with an extra 2 null bytes at the end),
; AX = length of resource downloaded.
ldax url_download_buffer
stax temp_buffer
ldax url_download_buffer_length
stax temp_buffer_length
jsr put_zero_at_end_of_dl_buffer
ldx #3 ; save IP address just retrieved
: lda url_ip,x
sta tcp_connect_ip,x
bpl :-
ldax #url_download_callback
stax tcp_callback
ldax url_port
jsr tcp_connect
bcs @error
; connected, now send the selector
ldx #0
stx download_flag
ldax url_selector
jsr tcp_send_string
jsr timer_read
adc #TIMEOUT_SECONDS*4 ; what value should trigger the timeout?
sta timeout_counter
; now loop until we're done
jsr ip65_process
jsr timer_read
cpx timeout_counter
beq @timeout
lda download_flag
beq @download_loop
jsr tcp_close
sta ip65_error
lda tcp_inbound_data_length+1
cmp #$ff
bne not_end_of_file
lda #1
sta download_flag
; put a zero byte at the end of the file
ldax temp_buffer
stax copy_dest
lda #0
sta (copy_dest),y
; copy this chunk to our input buffer
ldax temp_buffer
stax copy_dest
ldax tcp_inbound_data_ptr
stax copy_src
lda temp_buffer_length
sbc tcp_inbound_data_length
lda temp_buffer_length+1
sbc tcp_inbound_data_length+1
bcc @would_overflow_buffer
sta temp_buffer_length+1
sta temp_buffer_length
ldax tcp_inbound_data_length
jsr copymem
; increment the pointer into the input buffer
lda temp_buffer
adc tcp_inbound_data_length
sta temp_buffer
lda temp_buffer+1
adc tcp_inbound_data_length+1
sta temp_buffer+1
jmp put_zero_at_end_of_dl_buffer
pla ; clean up the stack
ldax temp_buffer_length
jsr copymem
lda temp_buffer
adc temp_buffer_length
sta temp_buffer
lda temp_buffer+1
adc temp_buffer_length+1
sta temp_buffer+1
lda #0
sta temp_buffer_length
sta temp_buffer_length+1
jmp put_zero_at_end_of_dl_buffer
.byte "GET "
get_length = 4
.byte " HTTP/1.0",$0d,$0a
.byte "User-Agent: IP65/"
.include "../inc/version.i"
.byte $0d,$0a
.byte "Connection: close",$0d,$0a
.byte "Host: ",0
.byte ":/"
.byte "/",0
.byte ":",0
; -- LICENSE FOR url.s --
; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
; under the License.
; The Original Code is ip65.
; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jonno Downes,
; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
; Jonno Downes. All Rights Reserved.