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2020-10-29 16:01:06 -04:00

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# Apple II Email and Usenet News Suite
<p align="center"><img src="img/emailler-logo.png" alt="emai//er-logo" height="200px"></p>
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*Automatically invoked when using W)rite, F)orward or R)eply in `EMAIL.SYSTEM`*
*Run manually using Open Apple-E in `EMAIL.SYSTEM`*
`EDIT.SYSTEM` is a simple full-screen editor. It uses Apple //e auxiliary memory to store the text buffer, allowing files up to 46KB to be edited. The command keys are similar to the popular AppleWorks word processor.
If RamWorks-style memory expansion is available, `EDIT.SYSTEM` can use it as additional editor buffers. For each 64KB bank of RamWorks expansion, an additional 46KB buffer will be allocated. With an 8MB RamWorks card, 128 buffers are available. `EDIT.SYSTEM` is able to support editing of large files (>46KB) by splitting them across more than one buffer.
<p align="center"><img src="img/edit-help1.png" alt="Editor help page 1" height="400px"></p>
<p align="center"><img src="img/edit-help2.png" alt="Editor help page 2" height="400px"></p>
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