mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 11:30:27 +00:00
The file telnet.s in the 'ip65' directory for sure wasn't belonging into a library as it contained a main loop. So I introduced an 'apps' directory for actual apps coming with IP65. The file telnet.s was moved to apps, renamed telnet65.s and heavily modified. The file c64vt100.s was made up from several files taken from CaTer (www.opppf.de/Cater) and adjusted for the new use case. The was done before for KIPPERTERM. However this time I deliberately avoided unnecessary code reformatting to allow for as easy as possible integration of potential upcoming changes in CaTer. The file a2vt100.s was copied from c64vt100.s and adjusted to the monochrome 80 column screen of the Apple //e. Again unnecessary code changes were avoided to allow to easily merge upcoming changes from c64vt100.s. The files atrvt100.s and vic20vt100.s are for now just dummies to allow to successfully link Telnet65. Work for an actually functional Telnet65 would start with a copy of c64vt100.s (as it was done with a2vt100.s).
1938 lines
46 KiB
1938 lines
46 KiB
.feature labels_without_colons
.feature leading_dot_in_identifiers
.feature loose_char_term
.define .asc .byt
.export vt100_init_terminal = InitTerminal
.export vt100_exit_terminal = ExitTerminal
.export vt100_process_inbound_char = ProcIn
.export vt100_process_outbound_char = ProcOut
.exportzp vt100_screen_cols = 40
.exportzp vt100_screen_rows = 25
.import beep
.import telnet_close
.import telnet_send_char
.import telnet_send_string
putRS = telnet_send_char
SendStr = telnet_send_string
; *************************************
; * *
; * C a T e r *
; * *
; * Copyright by *
; * Lars Stollenwerk *
; * *
; * 2001 - 2003 *
; * *
; * This file is part of CaTer. *
; * *
; * CaTer is provided under the terms *
; * of GNU General Public License. *
; * *
; * For more information see the *
; * README file. *
; * *
; *************************************
; *************************************
; *
; * Constant declaration
; *
; *************************************
; --- video RAM ---
Video = $84 ; $8400 - $87E7
; --- char ROM ---
Char = $8800 ; $8800 - $8fff
; --- colour values ---
; 0 black 8 orange
; 1 white 9 brown
; 2 red a light red
; 3 cyan b gray 1
; 4 purple c gray 2
; 5 green d light green
; 6 blue e light blue
; 7 yellow f gray 3
; --- font type ---
; vanilla f bold 1
; underline e 3
fVa = $0f
fBo = $01
fUl = $0e
fUlBo = $03
; text background
bgcolour = $0b ; gray1
; border colour
bgocolour = $0c ; gray2
; -------------------------------------
; Zeropage Kernal
; Zeropage from $90 to $ff is used
; by kernal.
; Following are the variables accessed
; by CaTer.
; -------------------------------------
; --- reverse mode ---
; 0 = normal, !0 = revers
Rvs = $c7
; --- crsr flag, 0 = on ---
sCrsrOn = $cc
; --- crsr blink counter ---
sCrsrCnt = $cd
; --- char under crsr ---
sCrsrChar = $ce
; --- crsr blink phase ---
; $00 = normal, $01 = revers
sCrsrPhase = $cf
; --- ptr to start of screen line ---
sLinePtr = $d1
; --- crsr column ---
sCol = $d3
; --- crsr row ---
sRow = $d6
; --- ptr to start of colour line ---
sLineColPtr = $f3
; -------------------------------------
; page $02, $03: BASIC and KERNAL
; Following are the variables accessed
; by CaTer.
; -------------------------------------
; --- colour for writing ---
sColor = $0286
; --- colour under crsr ---
sCrsrCol = $0287
; --- video addr hibyte ---
VideoAddr = $0288
; --- CTRL, SHIFT, C= ---
; flags indicating pressed
; contol keys
; 1 SHIFT, 2 C=, 4 CTRL
ControlFlags = $028d
; --- flag for SHIFT + C= ---
; $80 = lock, no charset switch
; $00 = free
ShiftCFlag = $0291
; *************************************
; *
; * Zeropage
; *
; *************************************
.include "zeropage.inc"
; --- Vector ---
; four vectors in zeropage for
; temporary use.
zVector = ptr1
yVector = ptr2
xVector = ptr3
wVector = ptr4
; --- vector for PrnScr ---
; tmp1, tmp2
vVector = tmp1
; *************************************
; *
; * Variables
; *
; *************************************
; --- esc mode ---
; $00 = normal
; $0f = esc mode
; $ff = esc [ mode
; $f0 = ignore one char
EMode .res 1
; --- esc buffer ---
EBuf .res $100
; --- esc buffer length ---
; points on first free position
EBufL .res 1
; --- esc parameter ---
; numeric parameter in esc sequence
EPar .res 1
; --- scroll region ---
SRS .res 1 ; first line number
SRE .res 1 ; last line number
; --- ANSI font attributes ---
; contains three bits
; bit 0 = reverse
; bit 1 = bold
; bit 2 = underline
; bit 6 = background set
; bit 7 = foreground set
Font .res 1
; foreground
AFore .res 1
; background
ABack .res 1
; --- crsr save area ---
; here is crsr info saved with ESC 7
; and restored from with ESC 8
SaveF .res 1 ; font
SaveR .res 1 ; reverse mode
SaveRow .res 1 ; row
SaveCol .res 1 ; column
; --- Linebreak pending ---
; 0 = not pending, ff = pending
lbPending .res 1
; --- crsr invisible ---
; 0 = visible, !0 = invisible
civis .res 1
; --- buffer for addDecDig ---
mul10buf .res 1
; *************************************
; *
; * Code
; *
; *************************************
; -------------------------------------
; init terminal
; -------------------------------------
jsr InitVar ; memory variables
jsr InitChar; init font
jsr InitScr ; init screen
; -------------------------------------
; exit terminal
; -------------------------------------
jsr ExitChar; exit font
jsr ExitScr ; exit screen
; *************************************
; *
; * imcoming data
; *
; *************************************
; -------------------------------------
; process incoming data
; char in Y
; -------------------------------------
ProcIn lda EMode ; handle esc mode
bne PIEsc
lda atp,y ; ASCII to PETSCII
beq PIrts ; ignore $00
cmp #$01 ; something special?
beq Special
jsr CPrnChr ; print to screen
PIrts rts
; to far for branch
PIEsc jmp Esc
; -------------------------------------
; special incoming char
; -------------------------------------
Special tya ; restore char
; --- CR ---
cmp #$0d ; CR?
bne D1
CR jsr clPending
ldx sRow ; get row
ldy #$00 ; set col=0
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
; --- BS ---
D1 cmp #$08 ; BS?
bne D2
BS jsr clPending
ldy sCol ; get col
beq D1rts ; stop @ left margin
dey ; dec column
ldx sRow ; get row
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
D1rts rts
; --- ESC ---
D2 cmp #$1b ; esc?
bne D3
lda #$0f ; set esc mode
sta EMode
; --- BEL ---
D3 cmp #$07 ; BEL?
bne D4
jsr beep
; --- LF ---
D4 cmp #$0a ; LF?
bne D5
LF jsr clPending
ldx sRow ; crsr line
cpx SRE ; end scroll region?
bne D4a ; no -> branch
jsr CUScrl ; yes -> scroll up
D4a cpx #$18 ; end of screen?
bne D4b ; no -> branch
rts ; yes -> do nothing
D4b inx ; next line
ldy sCol ; get col
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
; --- TAB ---
D5 cmp #$09 ; TAB?
bne D6
; don't clear pending
; don't set pending
lda sCol ; crsr col
and #$f8 ; (col DIV 8) * 8
clc ; col + 8
adc #$08
cmp #$28 ; col=40?
bne D5a ; no -> skip
lda #$27 ; yes -> col=39
D5a tay ; col to y
ldx sRow ; line to x
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
D6 rts
; -------------------------------------
; esc mode
; char in Y
; EMode != $00 in A
; -------------------------------------
Esc tax ; save EMode
and #$0f ; EMode = $0f?
bne E1
; --- throw mode --- EMode = $f0
; throw away char
lda #$00 ; reset EMode
sta EMode
E1 txa ; restore EMode
and #$f0 ; EMode = $ff?
beq SEsc ; no -> short Emode
jmp LEsc ; yes -> long Emode
; -------------------------------------
; short esc mode
; EMode = $0f
; process first char
; -------------------------------------
SEsc tya ; restore char
; --- [ ---
cmp #$5b ; [ ?
bne E2
lda #$ff ; set esc [ mode
sta EMode
; --- ( ---
E2 cmp #$28 ; ( ?
bne E3
jmp sThrow
; --- ) ---
E3 cmp #$29 ; ) ?
bne E4
jmp sThrow
; --- # ---
E4 cmp #$23 ; # ?
bne E5
jmp sThrow
; --- D --- index
E5 cmp #$44 ; D ?
bne E6
jsr LF ; same as LF
jmp Eend
; --- M --- reverse index
E6 cmp #$4d ; M ?
bne E7
jsr clPending
ldx sRow ; get crsr row
cpx SRS ; top os scroll reg?
bne E6a
jsr CDScrl ; yes -> scroll down
jmp Eend
E6a cpx #$00 ; top of screen?
bne E6b
jmp Eend ; yes -> do nothing
E6b dex ; one line up
ldy sCol ; get crsr col
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
jmp Eend
; --- E --- next line
E7 cmp #$45 ; E ?
bne E8
jsr CR
jsr LF
jmp Eend
; --- 7 --- save crsr
E8 cmp #$37 ; 7 ?
bne E9
lda Font ; save font
sta SaveF
lda Rvs ; save reverse mode
sta SaveR
ldx sRow ; save position
ldy sCol
stx SaveRow
sty SaveCol
jmp Eend
; --- 8 --- restore crsr
E9 cmp #$38 ; 8 ?
bne E10
jsr clPending
ldx SaveRow ; restore pos
ldy SaveCol
jsr CPlot
lda SaveR ; restore ..
sta Rvs ; .. reverse mode
ldx SaveF ; restore font
stx Font
lda FontTable,x
sta sColor ; set colour
jmp Eend
; --- unknown ---
; --- reset ESC mode ---
Eend lda #$00 ; reset EMode
sta EMode
; --- set Throw mode ---
sThrow lda #$f0 ; set esc mode $f0
sta EMode
; -------------------------------------
; [ esc mode
; EMode = $ff
; -------------------------------------
LEsc tya ; restore char
ldy EBufL
sta EBuf,y ; store char
sty EBufL ; inc esc buffer
jsr TestL ; test letter
bcs LE1 ; process command
; --- process esc command ---
; A = last char
; Y = EBufL
; X conunts processed command chars
LE1 ldx #$00 ; first char
; --- A --- crsr up
cmp #$41 ; A ?
bne LE2
jsr clPending
jsr GetNum ; get argument
lda EPar ; EPar = 0...
bne LE1c
inc EPar ; .. means 1
LE1c lda sRow ; get crsr row
sbc EPar ; row = row - up
cmp SRS ; stop at top of ..
bpl LE1a ; ..scroll region
lda SRS
LE1a tax ; x is row
ldy sCol ; y is col
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
jmp LEend
; --- B --- crsr down
LE2 cmp #$42 ; B ?
bne LE3
jsr clPending
jsr GetNum ; get argument
lda EPar ; EPar = 0...
bne LE2c
inc EPar ; .. means 1
LE2c lda sRow ; get crsr row
adc EPar ; row = row + down
cmp SRE ; outside scrregion?
bcs LE2d ; yes -> branch
tax ; x is row
jmp LE2a
LE2d ldx SRE ; x = row = SRE
LE2a ldy sCol ; y is col
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
jmp LEend
; --- C --- crsr right
LE3 cmp #$43 ; C ?
bne LE4
jsr clPending
jsr GetNum ; get argument
lda EPar ; EPar = 0...
bne LE3c
inc EPar ; .. means 1
LE3c lda sCol ; get crsr col
adc EPar ; col = col + right
cmp #$27 ; outside screen?
bcs LE3d ; yes -> branch
jmp LE3a
LE3d ldy #$27 ; y=col=left margin
LE3a ldx sRow ; x is row
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
jmp LEend
; --- D --- crsr left
LE4 cmp #$44 ; D ?
bne LE5
jsr clPending
jsr GetNum ; get argument
lda EPar ; EPar = 0...
bne LE4c
inc EPar ; .. means 1
LE4c lda sCol ; get crsr col
sbc EPar ; col = col - left
bpl LE4a ; stop at left..
lda #$00 ; ..margin
LE4a tay ; y is col
ldx sRow ; x is row
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
jmp LEend
; --- m --- font attributes
LE5 cmp #$6d ; m ?
beq LE5a
jmp LE6 ; too far to branch
LE5a jsr GetNum
pha ; save nondigit char
lda Font ; font to A
ldy EPar ; parameter to Y
; -- 0 --
bne LE5b ; 0 ?
tya ; set font = vanilla
jmp LE5nx
; -- 1 -- bold
LE5b cpy #$01
bne LE5c
ora #$02 ; bit 1 = bold
jmp LE5nx
; -- 4 -- underline
LE5c cpy #$04
bne LE5d
ora #$04 ; bit 2 = underline
jmp LE5nx
; -- 7 -- reverse
LE5d cpy #$07
bne LE5e
ora #$01 ; bit 0 = reverse
jmp LE5nx
LE5e ; -- 30 - 37 --
cpy #38 ; >= 38?
bcs LE5g
cpy #30 ; < 30?
bcc LE5g
sbc #30
sta AFore
lda Font
ora #$80 ; bit 7 = fore
jmp LE5nx
LE5g ; -- 40 - 47 --
cpy #48 ; >= 48?
bcs LE5nx
cpy #40 ; < 40?
bcc LE5nx
sbc #40
sta ABack
lda Font
ora #$40 ; bit 6 = back
LE5nx ; -- next char --
sta Font
pla ; get nondigit char
cmp #$3b ; is semicolon?
beq LE5a ; then next param
; -- set colour --
lda Font
; set foreground
bpl LE5h
ldx AFore
lda AColTab,x
; avoid black or white foregr if
; backgr is given and not black
lsr ; 0(blk) or 1(wht)?
bne LE5j ; no -> keep fore
bit Font ; back? (bit 6 -> v)
bvc LE5j ; no -> keep fore
lda ABack ; back is black?
bne LE5hh ; no -> take back
LE5j txa
; ^^^ end of avoid ^^^
ldx #$00 ; reverse off
jmp LE5k
LE5h ; set background
bit Font ; bit 6 -> v
bvc LE5i
LE5hh ldx ABack
lda AColTab,x
ldx #$01 ; reverse on
jmp LE5k
LE5i ; set ANSI font attributes
ldx #$00 ; reverse off
lsr ; reverse?
bcc LE5l
inx ; -> reverse on
LE5l tay
lda FontTable,y
LE5k sta sColor ; set colour
stx Rvs ; set reverse mode
jmp LEend
FontTable ; bits mean ul bo
.byt fVa, fBo ; 00 01
.byt fUl, fUlBo ; 10 11
;ANSI 30 31 32 32 34 35 36 37
; blk red grn ye blu mag cy wh
.byt 0, 10, 5, 7, 14, 4, 3, 1
; --- K --- erase line
LE6 cmp #$4b ; K ?
bne LE7
jsr GetNum ; get parameter
lda EPar ; in A
; -- 0 -- crsr to end of line
bne LE6b
jsr ErEnLn ; erase end line
jmp LEend
; -- 1 -- begin to crsr
LE6b cmp #$01
bne LE6d
jsr ErBeLn ; erase beg line
jmp LEend
; -- 2 -- whole line
LE6d cmp #$02
bne LE6e ; par undefined
ldx sRow ; line in X
jsr ErLn ; erase line
sta sCrsrChar ; del char ..
; ..under crsr
LE6e jmp LEend
; --- f --- same as H
LE7 cmp #$66
bne LE8
jmp LE7a ; same as H
; --- H --- cursor position
LE8 cmp #$48
bne LE9
LE7a jsr clPending
cpy #$01 ; no par means home
bne LE8a
; -- home --
ldx #$00
ldy #$00
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
jmp LEend
; -- row, col --
LE8a jsr GetNum
cmp #$3b ; is ;?
bne LE8d ; no -> error
; -- prepare row --
ldy EPar ; get row
bne LE8b ; 0 means 1
LE8b dey ; line 1 -> line 0
cpy #$19 ; >= 25?..
bcs LE8d ; ..error!
sty xVector ; save row
; -- prepare col
jsr GetNum
ldy EPar ; get col
bne LE8c ; 0 means 1
LE8c dey ; col 1 -> col 0
cpy #$28 ; >= 40?..
bcs LE8d ; ..error!
ldx xVector ; restore row to X
jsr CPlot ; set crsr
LE8d jmp LEend
; --- J --- erase screen
LE9 cmp #$4a ; J ?
bne LE10
jsr GetNum ; get parameter
lda EPar ; in A
; -- 0 -- crsr to end
bne LE9a
jsr ErEnLn ; del rest of line
ldx sRow ; get crsr line
LE9b inx ; next line
cpx #$19 ; line 25?
bcs LE9f ; then end
pha ; save X
jsr ErLn ; erase line
tax ; restore X
jmp LE9b ; next line
; -- 1 -- beg of screen to crsr
LE9a cmp #$01
bne LE9e
jsr ErBeLn ; del start of ln
ldx sRow ; get crsr line
LE9c dex ; previous line
bmi LE9f ; neg line -> end
pha ; save X
jsr ErLn ; erase line
tax ; restore X
jmp LE9c
; -- 2 -- del screen
LE9e cmp #$02 ; unknown?
bne LE9f ; then ingnore
ldx #$18 ; start at ln 24
LE9d txa
pha ; save X
jsr ErLn ; erase line
tax ; restore X
dex ; previous line
bpl LE9d
LE9f jmp LEend
; --- r --- set scroll region
LE10 cmp #$72 ; r ?
bne LE11
; -- prepare top --
jsr GetNum
cmp #$3b ; is ;?
bne LE10e ; no -> error
ldy EPar ; get top
dey ; line 1 -> line 0
cpy #$19 ; >=25?..
bcs LE10e ; ..error!
sty xVector ; save top
; -- prepare bottom --
jsr GetNum
ldy EPar ; get bottom
dey ; line 1 -> line 0
cpy #$19 ; >=25?..
bcs LE10e ; ..error!
sty yVector ; save bottom
; -- validate lines --
lda xVector ; restore top
cmp yVector ; >= bottom?..
bcs LE10e ; ..error!
sta SRS ; top -> SRStart
sty SRE ; bottom -> SREnd
; -- home crsr
jsr clPending
ldx #$00
ldy #$00
jsr CPlot
LE10e jmp LEend
; --- l --- set crsr invisible
LE11 cmp #$6c ; l ?
bne LE12
lda EBuf ; first char ..
cmp #$3f ; .. is '?' ?
bne LE11a
inx ; at second char ..
jsr GetNum
lda EPar
cmp #25 ; .. 25 ?
bne LE11a
jsr COff ; switch crsr off
sta civis ; mark invisible
LE11a jmp LEend
; --- h --- set crsr visible
LE12 cmp #$68 ; h ?
bne LE13
lda EBuf ; first char ..
cmp #$3f ; ... is '?' ?
bne LE12a
inx ; at second char ..
jsr GetNum
lda EPar
cmp #25 ; .. 25 ?
bne LE12a
lda #$00
sta civis ; mark visible
jsr COn ; switch crsr off
LE12a jmp LEend
; --- unknown esc seqence ---
LEend lda #$00
sta EBufL ; reset esc buffer
sta EMode ; reset esc mode
; -------------------------------------
; GetNum - get decimal number from
; esc sequence
; params: esc sequence in EBuf
; first index to process in X
; affects: A, X, Y
; return: number in EPar
; first non digit char in A
; next index to process in X
; -------------------------------------
GetNum lda #$00 ; init value
sta EPar
GN2 lda EBuf,x ; get next char
jsr TestD ; digit?
bcc GN1 ; no -> return
tay ; digit to Y
lda EPar
jsr addDecDig
sta EPar
jmp GN2 ; next char
GN1 rts
; -------------------------------------
; TestL - Test letter
; params: char in A
; affects: none
; return: c = 1 for letter
; c = 0 for no letter
; -------------------------------------
TestL cmp #$41 ; smaller then A?
bcs TL1 ; no -> go on
rts ; return no letter
TL1 cmp #$5b ; smaller then Z+1?
bcs TL2 ; no -> go on
sec ; return letter
TL2 cmp #$61 ; smaller then a?
bcs TL3 ; no -> go on
rts ; return no letter
TL3 cmp #$7b ; smaller then z+1?
bcs TL4 ; no -> go on
sec ; return letter
TL4 clc ; return no letter
; -------------------------------------
; TestD - test digit
; params: char in A
; affects: none
; return: c = 1 for digit
; c = 0 for no digit
; -------------------------------------
TestD cmp #$30 ; smaller then 0?
bcs TD1 ; no -> go on
rts ; return no digit
TD1 cmp #$3a ; smaller then 9+1?
bcs TD2 ; no -> go on
sec ; return digit
TD2 clc ; return no digit
; -------------------------------------
; addDecDig - add decimal digit
; multiply A * 10, add Y
; param: present number in A
; new digit in Y (may be ASCII digit)
; affects: A
; return: 10 times the number in A + Y
; c = 1 overflow occured,
; number invalid
; c = 0 no overflow
; -------------------------------------
; --- inc value ---
; old value * 10
; 10a = ( 4a + a ) * 2
sta mul10buf
asl ; ( 4a
bcs aDDigE
bcs aDDigE
adc mul10buf ; + a )
bcs aDDigE
asl ; *2
bcs aDDigE
sta mul10buf
; --- add Y ---
and #$0f ; digit to val
adc mul10buf
aDDigE rts
; *************************************
; *
; * outgoing data
; *
; *************************************
; -------------------------------------
; process outgoing key
; params: key in Y
; -------------------------------------
lda pta,y ; PETSCII to ASCII
beq POrts ; ignore key
cmp #$ff
beq StrKey ; send a string
cmp #$fe
beq CmdKey ; command key
jsr putRS
POrts rts
; -------------------------------------
; outgoing string
; params: key in y
; -------------------------------------
ScrsrU .byt $1b, $5b, $41, $00 ; esc [ A
ScrsrD .byt $1b, $5b, $42, $00 ; esc [ B
ScrsrR .byt $1b, $5b, $43, $00 ; esc [ C
ScrsrL .byt $1b, $5b, $44, $00 ; esc [ D
StrKey tya ; restore key
; --- crsr U ---
K1 cmp #$91 ; test crsr U
bne K2
ldx #<ScrsrU
ldy #>ScrsrU
jsr SendStr
; --- crsr L ---
K2 cmp #$9d ; test crsr L
bne K3
ldx #<ScrsrL
ldy #>ScrsrL
jsr SendStr
K3 rts
; -------------------------------------
; outgoing command key
; -------------------------------------
CmdKey tya ; restore character
; --- crsr R ---
; --- ^] ---
; both events send $1d
cmp #$1d
bne C0
lda #$04 ; test control Key
bit ControlFlags
beq crsrR ; not pressed
; control ] is pressed
tya ; send ^]
jsr putRS
; crsr R
crsrR ldx #<ScrsrR
ldy #>ScrsrR
jsr SendStr
; --- crsr D ---
; --- ^Q ---
; both events send char $11
C0 cmp #$11 ;^Q / crsr down
bne C8
lda #$04 ; test control Key
bit ControlFlags
beq crsrD ; not pressed
; control Q is pressed
tya ; send ^Q
jsr putRS
; crsr down is pressed
crsrD ldx #<ScrsrD
ldy #>ScrsrD
jsr SendStr
; --- HOME key ---
; --- ^S ---
; both events send char $13
C8 cmp #$13 ;^S / HOME
bne C9
lda #$04 ; test control Key
bit ControlFlags
beq C8Home ; not pressed
; control S is pressed
tya ; send ^S
jsr putRS
; send TAB
C8Home lda #$09
jsr putRS
; --- HOME key ---
; --- ^T ---
; both events send char $14
C9 cmp #$14 ;^S / DEL
bne C10
lda #$04 ; test control Key
bit ControlFlags
beq C9Del ; not pressed
; control T is pressed
tya ; send ^T
jsr putRS
; send TAB
C9Del lda #$08
jsr putRS
; --- C=Q ---
; quit CaTer
C10 cmp #$ab ; C=Q
bne C12
jsr telnet_close
; --- unknown C=-Key ---
C12 rts
; *************************************
; *
; * screen handling
; *
; *************************************
; Variables controlling the cursor
; COff
; Kernal COon Plot
; sCrsrOn $cc r x
; sCrsrCnt $cd r/w x
; sCrsrPhase $cf r/w x
; sCol $d3 r x
; sRow $d6 x
; sLinePtr $d1 r x
; sLineColPtr $f3 r/w x
; sCrsrChar $ce r/w x
; sCrsrCol $0287 r/w x
; sColor $0286 r
; Cursor blink phases:
; on (sCrsrPhase = $01)
; char on screen = revers of sCrsrChar
; color on screen = sColor
; off (sCrsrPhase = $00)
; char on screen = sCrsrChar
; color on screen = sCrsrCol
; -------------------------------------
; COff - switch cursor off
; affects: none
; Switch cursor off and restore char.
; This has to be done before every crsr
; movement.
; After movement COn has to be called.
; -------------------------------------
COff pha ; save registers
lda civis ; invisible?
bne CO2 ; -> do nothing
ldy #$02 ; prevent soon..
sty sCrsrCnt ; ..blink
sty sCrsrOn ; crsr off
lda sCrsrPhase ; crsr revers?
beq CO2 ; no -> return
dey ; normal phase
sty sCrsrPhase
ldy sCol ; get column
lda sCrsrChar ; restore char
sta (sLinePtr),y
lda sCrsrCol ; restore colour
sta (sLineColPtr),y
CO2 pla ; restore registers
; -------------------------------------
; COn - switch crsr on
; affects: none
; opposite of COff
; -------------------------------------
COn pha
lda civis ; invisible?
bne COn1 ; -> do nothing
ldy sCol ; get column
lda (sLinePtr),y ; save chr
sta sCrsrChar
eor #$80 ; reverse char
sta (sLinePtr),y
lda (sLineColPtr),y; save colour
sta sCrsrCol
lda sColor ; set crsr colour
sta (sLineColPtr),y
lda #$14 ; set counter...
sta sCrsrCnt ; ... to max
ldy #$01 ; set rvs phase
sty sCrsrPhase
dey ; cursor on
sty sCrsrOn
COn1 pla
; -------------------------------------
; CPlot - move cursor
; params: coumn in Y
; line in X
; affects: A, X, Y
; The crsr ist turned off during
; operation (COff - COn)
; -------------------------------------
CPlot jsr COff
jsr Plot
jsr COn
; -------------------------------------
; Plot - move cursor
; params: coumn in Y
; line in X
; affects: A, X, Y
; -------------------------------------
Plot stx sRow ; set row
sty sCol ; set col
jsr SLV
ldx xVector ; set screen line
ldy xVector+1
stx sLinePtr
sty sLinePtr+1
ldx yVector ; set color line
ldy yVector+1
stx sLineColPtr
sty sLineColPtr+1
; -------------------------------------
; CPrnChr - print char to screen
; params: chr in A, $ff means no output
; affects: A
; uses: xVector
; The crsr ist turned off during
; operation (COff - COn)
; -------------------------------------
CPrnChr jsr COff
jsr PrnChr
jsr COn
; -------------------------------------
; PrnChr - print char (petscii) to screen
; params: chr in A, $80 means no output
; affects: A
; uses: xVector
; Rem: The char π/~ is read from
; keyboard as $de but from screen
; (basic code, via input) as $ff.
; -------------------------------------
PrnChr sta xVector ; save char
txa ; save registers
lda xVector ; restore char
; PETSCII to ScreenCode (SC)
; -- $ff -- π/~ from keybd
cmp #$ff ; warn: reverse
bne PC_1
lda #$de
jmp PCrvs
; -- $e0-$fe -- upper graphics
PC_1 cmp #$e0 ; no output
bcc PC0
jmp PCend
; -- $c0-$df -- capital letters
PC0 cmp #$c0
bcc PC1
and #$7f
jmp PCrvs
; -- $a0-$bf -- graphics/latin-9
PC1 cmp #$a0
bcc PC2
and #$3f
ora #$40
jmp PCrvs
; -- $80-$9f -- upper control
PC2 cmp #$80 ; no output
bcc PC3
jmp PCend
; -- $60-$7f -- lower capital
PC3 cmp #$60 ; for string constants
bcc PC4
and #$5f
jmp PCrvs
; -- $40-$5f -- small letters
PC4 cmp #$40
bcc PC5
and #$1f
jmp PCrvs
; -- $20-$3f -- numbers
PC5 cmp #$20
bcc PC6
jmp PCrvs
; -- $00-$1f -- lower control
PC6 jmp PCend ; no output
; -- handle reverse mode --
PCrvs ldx Rvs ; reverse mode?
beq PCput
eor #$80 ; reverse char
PCput ldx lbPending ; need new line?
beq PC7 ; no -> skip
ldx #$00 ; clear pending
stx lbPending
jsr NewLn
PC7 ldy sCol ; get crsr col
sta (sLinePtr),y; char to screen
lda sColor ; get colour
sta (sLineColPtr),y ; set colour
; -- move on crsr --
cpy #$27 ; col = 39?
bne PC8 ; no -> skip
lda #$ff ; yes -> set..
sta lbPending ; ..pending
jmp PCend
PC8 iny ; move on crsr
sty sCol
PCend pla ; restore registers
; -------------------------------------
; NewLn - move crsr to next line
; affects: X, Y
; --- INTERNAL ---
; subtask of PrnChr
; -------------------------------------
NewLn pha ; save char
ldx sRow ; get crsr row
cpx SRE ; end of scroll reg?
beq NL1 ; yes -> branche
cpx #$18 ; line 24?
beq NLend ; yes -> crsr stays
; --- normal wrap ---
inx ; increase line
ldy #$00 ; begin of line
jsr Plot
jmp NLend
; --- scroll up ---
NL1 jsr UScrl
ldy #$00 ; begin of line
sty sCol
NLend pla ; restore char
; -------------------------------------
; DEL - move crsr to the left and
; delete char
; Can move through left margin.
; affects: A, X, Y
; -------------------------------------
DEL jsr COff
ldy sCol
lda lbPending
beq DEL1
; pending
jsr clPending
jmp DELe
DEL1 dey
bmi DEL2
; middle of line
sty sCol
jmp DELe
DEL2 ; first col
ldx sRow
beq DELee ; odd: top left corner
ldy #39
jsr Plot
ldy sCol
DELe lda #" " ; clear char
sta (sLinePtr),y
DELee jsr COn
; -------------------------------------
; clPending - clear pending flag
; affects: none
; Must be called in all crsr movement
; commands.
; -------------------------------------
lda #$00
sta lbPending
; -------------------------------------
; CUScrl - scroll up scrollregion
; affects: A, X, Y
; The crsr ist turned off during
; operation (COff - COn)
; -------------------------------------
CUScrl jsr COff
jsr UScrl
jsr COn
; -------------------------------------
; UScrl - scroll up scrollregion
; affects: A, X, Y
; uses: xVector, yVector,
; zVector, wVector
; -------------------------------------
UScrl ldx SRS ; get first line
; --- scroll one line ---
US1 ; -- new line: --
; -- zVector and wVector --
jsr SLV
lda xVector ; screen line
ldy xVector+1
sta zVector
sty zVector+1
lda yVector ; colour line
ldy yVector+1
sta wVector
sty wVector+1
; -- old line: --
; -- xVector and yVector
inx ; old line
jsr SLV
; -- copy chars and colours --
ldy #$27 ; col 39
US2 lda (xVector),y ; copy char
sta (zVector),y
lda (yVector),y ; copy colour
sta (wVector),y
bpl US2
cpx SRE ; last line?
bne US1 ; no -> go on
jsr ErLn_ ; del last line
; -------------------------------------
; CDScrl - scroll down scrollregion
; affects: A, X, Y
; The crsr ist turned off during
; operation (COff - COn)
; -------------------------------------
CDScrl jsr COff
jsr DScrl
jsr COn
; -------------------------------------
; DScrl - scroll down scrollregion
; affects: A, X, Y
; uses: xVector, yVector,
; zVector, wVector
; -------------------------------------
DScrl ldx SRE ; get last line
; --- scroll one line ---
DS1 ; -- new line: --
; -- zVector and wVector --
jsr SLV
lda xVector ; screen line
ldy xVector+1
sta zVector
sty zVector+1
lda yVector ; colour line
ldy yVector+1
sta wVector
sty wVector+1
; -- old line: --
; -- xVector and yVector
dex ; old line
jsr SLV
; -- copy chars ond colours --
ldy #$27 ; col 39
DS2 lda (xVector),y ; copy char
sta (zVector),y
lda (yVector),y ; copy colour
sta (wVector),y
bpl DS2
cpx SRS ; first line?
bne DS1 ; no -> go on
jsr ErLn_ ; del first line
; -------------------------------------
; ErLn - erase screen line
; params: line number in X
; affects: A, X, Y
; return: $20 (space) in A
; For internal use:
; ErLn_ needs line ptr in xVector
; and line colot ptr in yVector
; -------------------------------------
ErLn jsr SLV ; line start in xVector
; col start in yVector
; -- erase chars --
ErLn_ ldy #$27 ; col 39
lda #$20 ; load space
EL1 sta (xVector),y ; clear char
bpl EL1
; -- set colour --
ldy #$27 ; col 39
lda #fVa ; load vanilla
EL2 sta (yVector),y ; clear char
bpl EL2
; -------------------------------------
; ErEnLn - erase to end of line
; affects: A, X, Y
; erase screen line from crsr to end of line
; -------------------------------------
; -- erase chars --
ldy sCol ; get crsr col
lda #$20 ; load space
EEL1 sta (sLinePtr),y ; clear char
cpy #$28 ; pos 40?
bne EEL1 ; next char
sta sCrsrChar ; del char ..
; ..under crsr
; -- set colour --
ldy sCol ; get crsr col
lda #fVa ; load vanilla
EEL2 sta (sLineColPtr),y ; set colour
cpy #$28 ; pos 40?
bne EEL2 ; next char
; -------------------------------------
; ErBeLn - erase from begin of line
; affects: A, X, Y
; erase screen line up to crsr
; -------------------------------------
; -- erase chars --
ldy sCol ; get crsr col
lda #$20 ; load space
EBL1 sta (sLinePtr),y ; clear char
bpl EBL1 ; pos>=0 -> next
sta sCrsrChar ; del char ..
; ..under crsr
; -- set colour --
ldy sCol ; get crsr col
lda #fVa ; load vanilla
EBL2 sta (sLineColPtr),y ; clear char
bpl EBL2 ; pos>=0 -> next
; -------------------------------------
; SLV - set line vectors
; --- INTERNAL ---
; params: line no in X
; affects: A, Y
; return: screen line ptr in xVector
; screen color ptr in yVector
; -------------------------------------
SLV lda $ecf0,x ; get lo byte
sta xVector
sta yVector
; determin hi byte
ldy #Video ; hi byte
cpx #$07 ; line < 7?
bcc SLV1
cpx #$0d ; line < 13?
bcc SLV1
cpx #$14 ; line < 20?
bcc SLV1
iny ; line 20-24
SLV1 sty xVector+1
adc #$d8-Video
sta yVector+1
; *************************************
; *
; * Init routines
; *
; *************************************
; -------------------------------------
; init memory
; -------------------------------------
InitVar lda #$00
sta EMode
sta EBufL
sta SRS
sta Font
sta SaveF
sta SaveR
sta SaveRow
sta SaveCol
sta lbPending
sta civis
lda #$18 ; last line
sta SRE ; = 24
; -------------------------------------
; Init char
; at the end the font is apended.
; it is copied to $8800 and enabled
; uses: xVector, yVector, zVector
; -------------------------------------
; begin of reverse chars
Reverse = Char + $0400
; enable font
ldx #<FontROM ; Font in zVector
ldy #>FontROM
stx zVector
sty zVector+1
ldx #<Char ; Char in yVector
ldy #>Char
stx yVector
sty yVector+1
ldx #<Reverse ; Revrs in xVector
ldy #>Reverse
stx xVector
sty xVector+1
; copy font
ldx #$04 ; copy 4 pages
ldy #$00
IC1 lda (zVector),y
sta (yVector),y
eor #$ff ; reverse char
sta (xVector),y
bne IC1
; switch to next page
inc zVector+1
inc yVector+1
inc xVector+1
bne IC1
; enable font
lda $dd00
and #$fc
ora #$01
sta $dd00
lda $d018
and #$f1
ora #$02
sta $d018
lda #Video
sta VideoAddr
; -------------------------------------
; Exit char
; -------------------------------------
; disable font
lda $dd00
and #$fc
ora #$03
sta $dd00
lda $d018
and #$f1
ora #$04
sta $d018
lda #04
sta VideoAddr
; -------------------------------------
; Init Screen
; -------------------------------------
; --- set background ---
lda #bgocolour
sta $d020
lda #bgcolour
sta $d021
; --- disable Shift C= ---
lda #$80
sta ShiftCFlag
; --- erase screen ---
ldx #$18 ; start at ln 24
IS1 txa
pha ; save X
jsr ErLn ; erase line
tax ; restore X
dex ; previous line
bpl IS1
lda #fVa ; load vanilla
sta sColor
; --- put crsr ---
ldx #$00
ldy #$00
jsr Plot
; -------------------------------------
; Exit Screen
; -------------------------------------
; --- set background ---
lda #$fe
sta $d020
lda #$f6
sta $d021
; --- ensable Shift C= ---
lda #$00
sta ShiftCFlag
; --- erase screen ---
lda #$fe
sta sColor
sta sCrsrCol
jsr $e544
; *************************************
; *
; * ASCII and PETSCII tables
; *
; *************************************
; -------------------------------------
; table ASCII to PETSCII
; This tabel is used to convert incoming
; ASCII chars.
; pet=$00 means ignore the char
; pet=$01 do something complicated: C
; PETSCII and ASCII equal: =
; PETSCII and ASCII differ: /
; -------------------------------------
atp ;_0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _a _b _c _d _e _f
; --- Control chars ------------------------------------------------
; C C C C C
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$01,$01,$01,$00,$00,$01,$00,$00 ; 0_
; C
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 1_
; --- ASCII = PETSCII ----------------------------------------------
; ' ' ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
.byt $20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$2a,$2b,$2c,$2d,$2e,$2f ; 2_
; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
.byt $30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$3a,$3b,$3c,$3d,$3e,$3f ; 3_
; --- upper case letters -------------------------------------------
; @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
; = / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
.byt $40,$c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7,$c8,$c9,$ca,$cb,$cc,$cd,$ce,$cf ; 4_
; P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \£ ] ^↑ _←
; / / / / / / / / / / / = = = = =
.byt $d0,$d1,$d2,$d3,$d4,$d5,$d6,$d7,$d8,$d9,$da,$5b,$5c,$5d,$5e,$5f ; 5_
; --- lower case letters -------------------------------------------
; `━ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
; / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
.byt $c0,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$4a,$4b,$4c,$4d,$4e,$4f ; 6_
; p q r s t u v w x y z {╋ |▒ }┃ ~▒▒ DEL
; / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
.byt $50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$5a,$db,$dc,$dd,$de,$00 ; 7_
; --- upper control codes ---------------------------------------
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 8_
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 9_
; --- latin 9 chars ---------------------------------------------
; NBSP £ € (Š) § (š) © « -
.byt $20,$df,$df,$bf,$be,$df,$d3,$b5,$53,$bb,$df,$bc,$df,$2d,$df,$df ; a_
; ° ± ² ³ (Ž) µ (ž) » Œ œ (Ÿ)
.byt $ba,$b8,$b6,$b7,$da,$b9,$df,$df,$5a,$df,$df,$bd,$b0,$b0,$d9,$df ; b_
; À (Á) Â (Ã) Ä Å (Ç) È É Ê (Ë) (Ì) (Í) (Î) (Ï)
.byt $a5,$c1,$a4,$c1,$a3,$a4,$df,$c3,$ad,$ab,$ac,$c5,$c9,$c9,$c9,$c9 ; c_
; (Ð) (Ñ) (Ò) (Ó) Ô (Õ) Ö (Ø) (Ù) (Ú) (Û) Ü (Ý) ß
.byt $c4,$ce,$cf,$cf,$b1,$cf,$af,$df,$cf,$d5,$d5,$d5,$b3,$d9,$df,$b4 ; d_
; à (á) â (ã) ä å ç è é ê ë (ì) (í) (î) (ï)
.byt $a2,$41,$a1,$41,$a0,$a1,$df,$a6,$aa,$a8,$a9,$a7,$49,$49,$49,$49 ; e_
; (ñ) (ò) (ó) ô (õ) ö (ø) (ù) (ú) (û) ü (ý) (ÿ)
.byt $df,$4e,$4f,$4f,$b1,$4f,$ae,$df,$4f,$55,$55,$55,$b2,$59,$df,$59 ; f_
; -------------------------------------
; table PETSCII to ASCII
; This table is used to prepare keyboard
; input for sending over the serial
; line.
; ascii = $00 means ignore key
; ascii = $ff menas send string
; ascii = $fe means do something
; complicated (command key)
; -------------------------------------
pta ;_0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _a _b _c _d _e _f
; --- Control chars ------------------------------------------------
; ^A ^B ^C ^D ^E ^F ^G ^H ^I ^J ^K ^L ^M ^N ^O
.byt $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0a,$0b,$0c,$0d,$0e,$0f ; 0_
; {crsr↓} {HOME|DEL} {crsr→}
; ^P ^Q ^R ^S ^T ^U ^V ^W ^X ^Y ^Z ^[ ^\£ ^] ^↑
.byt $10,$fe,$12,$fe,$fe,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$1a,$1b,$1c,$fe,$1e,$1f ; 1_
; --- ASCII = PETSCII ----------------------------------------------
; ' ' ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
.byt $20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$2a,$2b,$2c,$2d,$2e,$2f ; 2_
; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
.byt $30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$3a,$3b,$3c,$3d,$3e,$3f ; 3_
; --- lower case letters -------------------------------------------
; @ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
; = / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
.byt $40,$61,$62,$63,$64,$65,$66,$67,$68,$69,$6a,$6b,$6c,$6d,$6e,$6f ; 4_
; p q r s t u v w x y z [ \£ ] ^↑ ←
; / / / / / / / / / / / = = = = ESC
.byt $70,$71,$72,$73,$74,$75,$76,$77,$78,$79,$7a,$5b,$5c,$5d,$5e,$1b ; 5_
; --- mirror of upper letters - should never appear ----------------
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 6_
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 7_
; --- upper control chars ------------------------------------------
; {f1}{f3}{f5}{f7}{f2}{f4}{f6}{f8}{ShRET}
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 8_
; {crsr↑} {CLR}{INS} {crsr←}
.byt $00,$ff,$00,$00,$7f,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$00,$00 ; 9_
; --- block graphics -----------------------------------------------
; ShSP C=K C=I C=T C=@ C=G C=+ C=M C=£ Sh£ C=N C=Q C=D C=Z C=S C=P
; |
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$7c,$00,$fe,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; a_
; C=A C=E C=R C=W C=H C=J C=L C=Y C=U C=O Sh@ C=F C=C C=X C=V C=B
; `
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$60,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; b_
; --- capital letters ----------------------------------------------
; Sh* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
; _ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
.byt $5f,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$4a,$4b,$4c,$4d,$4e,$4f ; c_
; P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sh+ C=- Sh- π C=*
; / / / / / / / / / / / { } ~
.byt $50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$5a,$7b,$00,$7d,$7e,$00 ; d_
; --- mirror of block graphics - should never appear ---------------
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; e_
.byt $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; f_
; --- Font ROM ------------------------
.incbin "c64vt100font.bin"