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Apple II Email and Usenet News Suite


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Automatically invoked when using W)rite, F)orward or R)eply in EMAIL.SYSTEM

Run manually using Open Apple-E in EMAIL.SYSTEM

EDIT.SYSTEM is a simple full-screen editor. It uses Apple //e auxiliary memory to store the text buffer, allowing files up to 46KB to be edited. The command keys are similar to the popular AppleWorks word processor.

If RamWorks-style memory expansion is available, EDIT.SYSTEM can use it as additional editor buffers. For each 64KB bank of RamWorks expansion, an additional 46KB buffer will be allocated. With an 8MB RamWorks card, 128 buffers are available. EDIT.SYSTEM is able to support editing of large files (>46KB) by splitting them across more than one buffer.

Editor help page 1

Editor help page 2

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