
303 lines
6.1 KiB
OpenEdge ABL

number_of_options: .res 2
current_option: .res 2
temp_option_counter: .res 2
first_option_this_page: .res 2
options_shown_this_page: .res 1
options_table_pointer: .res 2
jump_to_prefix: .res 1
;on entry, AX should point to the list of null terminated option strings to be selected from
;on exit, AX points to the selected string
stax options_table_pointer
stax @get_current_byte+1
lda #0
sta current_option
sta current_option+1
sta number_of_options
sta number_of_options+1
;count the number of options. this is done by scanning till we find a double zero, incrementing the count on each single zero
jsr @skip_past_next_null_byte
inc number_of_options
bne :+
inc number_of_options+1
jsr @get_current_byte
bne @count_strings
jmp @display_first_page_of_options
jsr @move_to_next_byte
jsr @get_current_byte
bne @skip_past_next_null_byte
jsr @move_to_next_byte
lda $FFFF ;filled in from above
inc @get_current_byte+1
bne :+
inc @get_current_byte+2
;move the ptr along till it's pointing at the whatever is the value of current_option
ldax options_table_pointer
stax @get_current_byte+1
lda #0
sta temp_option_counter
sta temp_option_counter+1
lda temp_option_counter
cmp current_option
bne @not_at_current_option
lda temp_option_counter+1
cmp current_option+1
bne @not_at_current_option
jsr @skip_past_next_null_byte
inc temp_option_counter
bne :+
inc temp_option_counter+1
jmp @skip_over_strings
lda #0
sta first_option_this_page
sta first_option_this_page+1
; lda #$D1
; sta first_option_this_page
lda first_option_this_page
sta current_option
lda first_option_this_page+1
sta current_option+1
jsr @move_to_current_option
jsr cls
ldax #select_from_following_options
jsr print
lda number_of_options+1
bne @print_arrow_keys_msg
lda number_of_options
bcc :+
ldax #arrow_keys_to_move
jsr print
lda #'('
jsr print_a
lda #'$'
jsr print_a
lda first_option_this_page+1
jsr print_hex
lda first_option_this_page
jsr print_hex
lda #'/'
jsr print_a
lda #'$'
jsr print_a
lda number_of_options+1
jsr print_hex
lda number_of_options
jsr print_hex
lda #')'
jsr print_a
jsr print_cr
jsr print_cr
lda #0
sta options_shown_this_page
lda options_shown_this_page
adc #'A'
jsr print_a
lda #')'
jsr print_a
lda #' '
jsr print_a
; lda @get_current_byte+2
; jsr print_hex
; lda @get_current_byte+1
; jsr print_hex
lda @get_current_byte+1
ldx @get_current_byte+2
jsr print
jsr print_cr
jsr @skip_past_next_null_byte
inc current_option
bne :+
inc current_option+1
lda current_option
cmp number_of_options
bne :+
lda current_option+1
cmp number_of_options+1
bne :+
jmp @get_keypress
inc options_shown_this_page
lda options_shown_this_page
beq @get_keypress
jmp @print_loop
jsr print_cr
ldax #jump_to_prompt
jsr print
lda #'?'
jsr get_key
ora #$e0 ;make it a lower case letter with high bit set
sta jump_to_prefix
ldax options_table_pointer
stax @get_current_byte+1
lda #0
sta first_option_this_page
sta first_option_this_page+1
jsr @get_current_byte
ora #$e0 ;make it a lower case letter with high bit set
cmp jump_to_prefix
; bmi @gone_past_prefix
beq @at_prefix
jsr @skip_past_next_null_byte
inc first_option_this_page
bne :+
inc first_option_this_page+1
jmp @check_if_at_jump_to_prefix
jmp @print_current_page
lda #'?'
jsr get_key
cmp #'/'+$80
beq @jump_to
cmp #$95
beq @forward_one_page
cmp #$8a
beq @forward_one_page
cmp #$8b
beq @back_one_page
cmp #$88
beq @back_one_page
ora #$e0 ;make it a lower case letter with high bit set
sbc #$e1
bcc @get_keypress ;if we have underflowed, it wasn't a valid option
beq @got_valid_option
bpl @get_keypress ;if we have underflowed, it wasn't a valid option
adc first_option_this_page
sta current_option
lda #0
adc first_option_this_page+1
sta current_option+1
jsr @move_to_current_option
ldax @get_current_byte+1
lda first_option_this_page
sta first_option_this_page
bcc :+
inc first_option_this_page+1
lda first_option_this_page+1
cmp number_of_options+1
bne @not_last_page_of_options
lda first_option_this_page
cmp number_of_options
bne @not_last_page_of_options
jmp @display_first_page_of_options
jmp @print_current_page
lda first_option_this_page
sta first_option_this_page
lda first_option_this_page+1
sbc #0
sta first_option_this_page+1
bmi @show_last_page_of_options
jmp @print_current_page
lda number_of_options
sta first_option_this_page
lda number_of_options+1
sbc #0
sta first_option_this_page+1
bmi @back_to_first_page
jmp @print_current_page
select_from_following_options: .byte "SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS:",13,0
arrow_keys_to_move: .byte "ARROW KEYS NAVIGATE BETWEEN MENU PAGES",13,0
jump_to_prompt: .byte "JUMP TO:",0