### Desciprtion A native client for . Fully describing this will take too long--just watch the video: . ### Download ``` git clone https://github.com/datajerk/gameserverclient.git ``` *or* Download and extract. ### Build Notes #### Prerequisites - `cl65` () - `c2d` () #### Compile ``` cl65 -t none --listing --list-bytes 100 gameserverclient.s ``` #### Create Diskette Image ``` c2d gameserverclient,800 gameserverclient.dsk ``` Output: ``` Reading gameserverclient, type BINARY, start: $0800, length: 32664 Number of sectors: 128 Sector page range: $08 - $87 After boot, jump to: $0800 Writing gameserverclient to T:01/S:00 - T:08/S:15 on gameserverclient.dsk ```