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synced 2025-02-06 15:30:01 +00:00
985 lines
22 KiB
985 lines
22 KiB
;;apple game server client
;; (c) 2012, 2017 Egan Ford (egan@sense.net)
;; apple //e vectors
cout = $FDED ; character out
crout = $FD8E ; cr out
warm = $FF69 ; back to monitor
clear = $FC58 ; clear screen
movecur = $FB5B ; move cursor to ch,a
rdkey = $FD0C ; read key
bell = $FBDD ; ding
a80soff = $C000 ; page between main and main
a80sta = $C001 ; page between main and aux
a80off = $C00C ; 80 col mode on
a80on = $C00D ; 80 col mode on
altoff = $C00E ; alt char set off
alton = $C00F ; alt char set on
textoff = $C050 ; text mode off
texton = $C051 ; text mode on
hiresoff= $C056 ; hires off
mixedon = $C053 ; mixed mode lowres/text
mixedoff= $C052 ; mixed mode lowres/text off
mixed = $C01B ; mixed flag
page1on = $C054 ; page2off/page1on
page2on = $C055 ; page2on
setan3 = $C05E ; double lowres
clran3 = $C05F ; disable double lowres
auxmove = $C311 ; aux memory move
rstvecp = $03F2 ; reset vector pointer
;; my vectors
org = $800 ; my start
rstvec = $2D0 ; my reset vector code
;; zero page parameters
pointer = $00 ; pointer used for anything
current = $02 ; current title
counter = $03 ; generic counter
tmp = $03 ; generic counter
ptr = $04 ; pointer backup
gridx = $06 ; grid x end (row)
gridy = $07 ; grid y end (col)
wndleft = $21 ; window left
wndtop = $22 ; window top
ch = $24 ; cursor horizontal position
cv = $25 ; cursor verticle position
a1l = $3C ; auxmove source start low
a1h = $3D ; auxmove source start high
a2l = $3E ; auxmove source end low
a2h = $3F ; auxmove source end high
a4l = $42 ; auxmove dest low
a4h = $43 ; auxmove dest high
;; other vars
length = s002-s001 ; Length of titles
ttab = (40-length+1)/2 ; center of screen for titles
ttop = 5 ; top of scrolling window
downarrow= $8A
uparrow = $8B
returnkey= $8D
; Optional (recommend for c2t or DOS)
; DOS header location and size LSB/MSB
;.byte <start,>start,<(end-start),>(end-start)
.org org ; start here
;; setup reset vector
lda #<rstvec ; start of reset vector
sta rstvecp
lda #>rstvec
sta rstvecp+1
eor #$A5 ; something Apple //e needs as a check
sta rstvecp+2
;; copy main program to aux
lda #$00
sta a1l ; store source and dest low
sta a4l
lda #$08
sta a1h ; store source and dest high
sta a4h
lda #$FF
sta a2l ; store target high
lda #$87
sta a2h
sec ; copy from main to aux
jsr auxmove
ldx #0 ; copy maintoaux program to reset vector
lda maintoaux,x
sta rstvec,x
cpx #maintoauxend-maintoaux
bne setupvector
jmp start ; start program
;; copy aux to main
jsr clear ; clear screen if possible
lda #$00
sta a1l
sta a4l
lda #$08
sta a1h
sta a4h
lda #$FF
sta a2l
lda #$87
sta a2h
clc ; copy from main to aux
jsr auxmove
jmp start
; copy tape code to high memory
ldx #0 ; this will get hosed on game load
moveit: ; as will just about everything else
lda tapecode,x ; in main memory
sta $BE00,x
lda tapecode+256,x
sta $BF00,x
bne moveit
;; fresh start, clear screen, reset other settings
sta clran3 ; disable double lowres
sta mixedoff ; disable mixed
sta texton ; text mode on
sta a80off ; 40 col
sta a80soff ; page between main and main
sta page1on ; page one one
jsr clear ; clear screen
lda #40 ; set wndleft to 40 col
sta wndleft
;; print header
;jsr clear ; clear screen
sta alton ; use alt char set for lower case inverse
; center title
lda #19-(titleend-title-1)/2
sta ch ; sta hort. position
lda #<title ; load LSB of title:
ldy #>title ; load MSB of title:
jsr printinv ; print title:
jsr crout ; print CR
jsr crout ; print CR
; center instructions 1
lda #19-(ins1end-ins1-1)/2
sta ch ; sta hort. position
lda #<ins1 ; load LSB of ins1:
ldy #>ins1 ; load MSB of ins1:
jsr print ; print ins1:
jsr crout ; print CR
; center instructions 2
lda #19-(ins2end-ins2-1)/2
sta ch ; sta hort. position
lda #<ins2 ; load LSB of ins2:
ldy #>ins2 ; load MSB of ins2:
jsr print ; print ins2:
jsr crout ; print CR
;; print line
ldx #40 ; length of line
jsr line ; draw line
;; window setup
lda #ttop ; load 5 into A
sta wndtop ; set top of window for scrolling
;; print initial list
lda #<first ; set pointer to first item
sta pointer
lda #>first
sta pointer+1
;; print items
ldx #(24-ttop)
jsr crout ; print CR
lda #ttab ; hort. tab for title center
sta ch ; store it
jsr print2 ; print item
;; inc pointer with length
clc ; clear carry flag
lda pointer ; load LSB of pointer
adc #length ; add length of titles
sta pointer ; store it
lda pointer+1 ; load MSB of pointer
adc #0 ; adc 0 + carry flag to MSB
sta pointer+1 ; store it
dex ; x=x-1
bne initloop ; if x != 0 goto initloop
;; reset pointer to first item
lda #<first ; set point to first item
sta pointer
lda #>first
sta pointer+1
lda #0 ; set current to first item
sta current ; current will be used to track the item
lda #5 ; set vert cursor position
sta cv ; cv will be used to track the bar
lda #ttab ; hort. tab for title center
sta ch ; sta hort. position
lda cv ; sta vert position
jsr movecur ; move cursor
jsr printinv2 ; highlight current item
;jsr rdkey ; get keyboard input
jsr getkey ; get keyboard input
ora #$80 ; just in case getkey returns $0x.
pha ; push key to stack
; clear light bar
lda #ttab ; hort. tab for title center
sta ch ; sta hort. position
jsr print2 ; un-highlight current item
pla ; pop key from stack
cmp #downarrow ; down arrow
bne up ; check up: if not down
lda current ; load up current
; last item?
cmp #(last-first)/length
bne down1 ; last item, cannot go down
jmp none
inc current ; increment current position
;; do we go down or scroll screen
;; if current < (24-ttop)/2+1, then down
lda current ; load current item number
cmp #(24-ttop)/2+1 ; see if in of first 9 or so items
bcc down2 ; skip to down2 if so
;; if current > (last-first)/length - (24-ttop)/2 + 1, then down
; see if in bottom of last 9 or so items
cmp #((last-first)/length-(24-ttop)/2+1)
bcs down2 ; skip to down2 if so
;; else scroll up display
lda pointer ; backup pointer
sta ptr
lda pointer+1
sta ptr+1
; add 9 or so to pointer to display next line
clc ; clear carry flag
lda pointer ; load LSB of pointer
; add length of titles
adc #length*((24-ttop)/2+1)
sta pointer ; store it
lda pointer+1 ; load MSB of pointer
adc #0 ; adc 0 + carry flag to MSB
sta pointer+1 ; store it
lda #23 ; lda vert position to last line
jsr movecur ; move cursor
jsr crout ; print CR to scroll display
lda #ttab ; hort. tab for title center
sta ch ; sta hort. position
jsr print2 ; print item at bottom
lda ptr ; restore pointer
sta pointer
lda ptr+1
sta pointer+1
; put cv back - 1
lda #((24-ttop)/2 + ttop - 1)
sta cv ; maintain cv at middle of window
inc cv ; move verticle cursor down
; increment pointer
clc ; clear carry flag
lda pointer ; load LSB of pointer
adc #length ; add length of titles
sta pointer ; store it
lda pointer+1 ; load MSB of pointer
adc #0 ; adc 0 + carry flag to MSB
sta pointer+1 ; store it
jmp mainloop ; back to main loop
cmp #uparrow ; up arrow
bne return ; check return: if not up
lda current ; load up current
beq none ; current zero?, then do nothing
dec current ; dec current position
;; do we go up or scroll screen
;; if current < (24-ttop)/2+1, then up
lda current ; load current item number
cmp #(24-ttop)/2+0 ; see if in of first 9 or so items
bcc up2 ; skip to up2 if so
;; if current > (last-first)/length - (24-ttop)/2 + 1, then up
; see if in bottom of last 9 or so items
cmp #((last-first)/length-(24-ttop)/2+0)
bcs up2 ; skip to up2 if so
;; else scroll down display
jsr scrolldown
;; print missing item
lda pointer ; backup pointer
sta ptr
lda pointer+1
sta ptr+1
; sub 9 or so to pointer to display next line
sec ; set carry flag
lda pointer ; load LSB of pointer
; add length of titles
sbc #length*((24-ttop)/2+1)
sta pointer ; store it
lda pointer+1 ; load MSB of pointer
sbc #0 ; sub 0 + carry flag to MSB
sta pointer+1 ; store it
lda #ttop ; lda vert position to last line
jsr movecur ; move cursor
lda #ttab ; hort. tab for title center
sta ch ; sta hort. position
jsr print2 ; print item at bottom
lda ptr ; restore pointer
sta pointer
lda ptr+1
sta pointer+1
; put cv back + 1
lda #((24-ttop)/2 + ttop + 1)
sta cv ; maintain cv at middle of window
dec cv ; move verticle cursor up
; dec pointer
sec ; set carry flag
lda pointer ; load LSB of pointer
sbc #length ; sub length of titles
sta pointer ; store it
lda pointer+1 ; load MSB of pointer
sbc #0 ; sub 0 - carry flag to MSB
sta pointer+1 ; store it
jmp mainloop ; back to main loop
cmp #returnkey ; RETURN
bne none ; read another key if not RETURN
jmp done ; got RETURN, jump to done
;; ring bell?
jsr bell
jmp mainloop
;; take current pointer and do something with it
lda #0 ; load 0 into A
sta wndtop ; reset top of window
jsr clear ; clear screen
; double lores mode
sta textoff ; text mode off
sta hiresoff ; hires mode off
sta mixedon ; mixed graphics/text on
sta a80on ; 80 col mode on
sta setan3 ; double lowres
sta a80sta ; use main/aux for page1/page2
;; clear screen
sei ; disable interupts, enable after
; double lores fun
sta page1on ; turn on page1
jsr dlrclr ; double low res clear to white
sta page2on ; turn on page2
jsr dlrclr ; double low res clear to white
sta page1on ; turn on page1
lda #80 ; set wndleft to 80 col
sta wndleft
;; print help
lda #40-(ins3end-ins3)/2
sta ch ; sta hort. position
lda #21 ; move to line 21
jsr movecur ; move cursor
lda #<ins3 ; load LSB of ins3:
ldy #>ins3 ; load MSB of ins3:
;jsr print
jsr printinv80
lda #40-(ins4end-ins4)/2
sta ch ; sta hort. position
lda #22 ; move to line 22
jsr movecur ; move cursor
lda #<ins4 ; load LSB of ins4:
ldy #>ins4 ; load MSB of ins4:
;jsr print
jsr printinv80
;; print qrcode
lda #<qrptrl ; load up ptr to first 128 (0-127) qr codes
sta ptr
lda #>qrptrl
sta ptr+1
lda current ; check if current is > 127
bpl @1 ; if not then skip to @1:
lda #<qrptrh ; load up ptr to last qr codes
sta ptr
lda #>qrptrh
sta ptr+1
lda current ; check if current is > 127
and #$7F ; loose the high bit
asl ; times by 2 (we are scaning words)
tay ; copy A to Y
lda (ptr),y ; get address of qr code
sta qrptr+1 ; store in qrptr (self mod code--evil)
sta pointer ; need to get first byte for grid size
lda (ptr),y
sta qrptr+2
sta pointer+1
;; setup x, y, gridx, gridy, for qr loop
ldy #0
lda (pointer),y ; grid size
sta gridx ; temp storage
lsr ; divide by 2
sta tmp ; use for temp storage
; for various reasons x will be use for Y axis and vv.
sec ; y coord start (cols)
lda #39 ; 39 or 40 for center of screen
sbc tmp ; - grid size / 2
sta starty+1 ; backup start of row location (self mod code)
tay ; Y start
sec ; x coord start (rows)
lda #23 ; 23 for center of screen
sbc tmp ; - grid size / 2
tax ; X start
tya ; compute grid y end
clc ; clear cary
adc gridx ; + grid size
sta gridy ; save it
txa ; compute grid x end
clc ; clear cary
adc gridx ; + grid size
sta gridx ; save it
lda #$80 ; set bit counter to last bit
sta counter
clc ; clear carry
;; main qr print loop
qrxloop: ; row loop
lda rowlo,x ; get row addr
sta ptr ; store in ptr
lda rowhi,x
sta ptr+1
qryloop: ; col loop
clc ; don't want to roll carry into counter
rol counter ; roll high bit into carry on first pass
bne nextbit ; if not 0 get next bit
inc qrptr+1 ; inc LSB
bne rstcnt ; if not 0 (inc rollover) skip
inc qrptr+2 ; then inc MSB
rstcnt: lda #1 ; reset counter to 2^0
sta counter
qrptr: rol $FFFF ; X and Y will be in use (self mod code)
bcc nexty ; got 0
; got 1, print pixel
; is y even or odd? need to know for page
tya ; get (col)
ror ; put LS bit in to carry
bcs page1 ; odd number? skip to page1
sta page2on ; else enable page 2
bcc page2 ; skip over page 1 on
page1: sta page1on ; turn page 1 on
page2: ; divide col / 2
tya ; get (col)
pha ; back it up to stack
lsr ; divide / 2
tay ; copy to Y
; check x for odd/even
txa ; copy x to a
ror ; put LS bit in to carry
lda (ptr),y ; load up existing lores block
bcc even ; is x even
eor #$F0 ; x is odd, clear top 1/2 byte
bcs odd ; skip to odd
even: eor #$0F ; x is even, clear bottom 1/2 byte
odd: sta (ptr),y ; write to screen
pla ; retore old y (col) from stack
tay ; A->Y
nexty: iny ; y++
cpy gridy ; is y at right edge of grid?
bcc qryloop ; if not get next y pixel
; reset iny to start
starty: ldy #0 ; self mod code to retore y to col 0
inx ; x++, next row
cpx gridx ; is x at bottom edge of grid
bcc qrxloop ; if not move to next row of pixels
; qrcode done
cli ; enable interupts
;; all done, jmp to tape code
jmp $BE00
;; end of main program
ldy #40 ; loop from 39 to 0
lda #$FF ; while top/bottom block
dey ; y--
sta $400,y ; lines 0,1
sta $480,y ; lines 2,3
sta $500,y ; lines 4,5
sta $580,y ; lines 6,7
sta $600,y ; lines 8,9
sta $680,y ; lines 10,11
sta $700,y
sta $780,y
sta $428,y
sta $4A8,y
sta $528,y
sta $5A8,y
sta $628,y
sta $6A8,y
sta $728,y
sta $7A8,y
sta $450,y
sta $4D0,y
sta $550,y
sta $5D0,y
bne clearloop
ldy #40 ; loop from 39 to 0
;lda #$A0 ; blankspace
lda #$20 ; blankspace
dey ; y--
sta $650,y
sta $6D0,y
sta $750,y
sta $7D0,y
bne clearloop2
lda #'-'
ora #$80
jsr cout
bne loop0
sta pointer
sty pointer+1
ldy #0
lda (pointer),y ; load initial char
@lp: ora #$80
jsr cout
lda (pointer),y
bne @lp
sta pointer
sty pointer+1
ldy #0
lda (pointer),y ; load initial char
@lp: ora #$0
jsr cout
lda (pointer),y
bne @lp
sta pointer
sty pointer+1
ldy #0
lda (pointer),y ; load initial char
cmp #$60
bcs @sane
and #$3F
jsr cout
lda (pointer),y
bne @lp
getkey: bit $C000
bpl getkey
lda $C010
ldy #ttab ; left site of items
lda $750,y ; copy line 22 -> 23
sta $7D0,y
lda $6D0,y ; copy line 21 -> 22
sta $750,y
lda $650,y ; copy line 20 -> 21
sta $6D0,y
lda $5D0,y ; copy line 19 -> 20
sta $650,y
lda $550,y ; copy line 18 -> 19
sta $5D0,y
lda $4D0,y ; copy line 17 -> 18
sta $550,y
lda $450,y ; copy line 16 -> 17
sta $4D0,y
lda $7A8,y ; copy line 15 -> 16
sta $450,y
lda $728,y ; copy line 14 -> 15
sta $7A8,y
lda $6A8,y ; copy line 13 -> 14
sta $728,y
lda $628,y ; copy line 12 -> 13
sta $6A8,y
lda $5A8,y ; copy line 11 -> 12
sta $628,y
lda $528,y ; copy line 10 -> 11
sta $5A8,y
lda $4A8,y ; copy line 9 -> 10
sta $528,y
lda $428,y ; copy line 8 -> 9
sta $4A8,y
lda $780,y ; copy line 7 -> 8
sta $428,y
lda $700,y ; copy line 6 -> 7
sta $780,y
lda $680,y ; copy line 5 -> 6
sta $700,y
iny ; y++
; right side of items
cpy #(ttab+length-1)
bne scrollloop
;; double lores addr table
rowlo: .byte $00,$00,$80,$80,$00,$00,$80,$80,$00,$00,$80,$80,$00,$00,$80,$80
.byte $28,$28,$A8,$A8,$28,$28,$A8,$A8,$28,$28,$A8,$A8,$28,$28,$A8,$A8
.byte $50,$50,$D0,$D0,$50,$50,$D0,$D0,$50,$50,$D0,$D0,$50,$50,$D0,$D0
rowhi: .byte $4,$4,$4,$4,$5,$5,$5,$5,$6,$6,$6,$6,$7,$7,$7,$7
.byte $4,$4,$4,$4,$5,$5,$5,$5,$6,$6,$6,$6,$7,$7,$7,$7
.byte $4,$4,$4,$4,$5,$5,$5,$5,$6,$6,$6,$6,$7,$7,$7,$7
;; string constants
title: .asciiz "Apple ][ Game Server Online! Client"
ins1: .asciiz "UP/DOWN to select, RETURN to launch"
ins2: .asciiz "CTRL-RESET (or reboot) to return here"
ins3: .asciiz "Connect smartphone headphone jack to Apple //e cassette input jack (next to"
ins4: .asciiz "joystick port). Turn volume to max. Point QR scanner at screen."
;ins5: .asciiz "Visit http://asciiexpress.net/gameserver for more information."
;; game titles
.include "titles.inc"
;; game qrcodes
.include "qrcodes.inc"
.scope tape
cout = $FDED ; character out sub
crout = $FD8E ; CR out sub
tapein = $C060 ; read tape interface
warm = $FF69 ; back to monitor
clear = $FC58 ; clear screen
inflate = $BA00 ; inflate code start
; zero page parameters
begload = $00 ; begin load location LSB/MSB
endload = $02 ; end load location LSB/MSB
chksum = $04 ; checksum location
remain = $04 ; checksum remainder location
pointer = $0C ; LSB/MSB pointer
inf_zp = $00 ; inflate code zero page vars (10)
.org $BE00
;jsr resetscreen ; back to 40 col mode
;jsr warm
getparams: ; client params
lda #<ld_beg ; store begin location LSB
sta begload
lda #>ld_beg ; store begin location MSB
sta begload+1
; end of params + 1 for checksum
lda #<end ; store end location LSB
sta endload
lda #>end ; store end location MSB
sta endload+1
jsr readtape ; get the code
;; new approach, check for error after rts
bne retry ; if readtape gets invalid length try again
; this is required in the event the smartphone
; QR scan app "dings" on detect
jsr resetscreen ; back to 40 col mode
lda #<param ; print param message
ldy #>param
jsr print
jsr sumcheck ; check the data
lda #<okm
ldy #>okm
jsr print
jsr crout ; 2 linefeeds
jsr crout
lda #<loadm ; print loading message
ldy #>loadm
jsr print
;; get the game
lda ld_beg ; store begin location LSB
sta begload
lda ld_beg+1 ; store begin location MSB
sta begload+1
; end of params + 1 for checksum
lda ld_end ; store end location LSB
sta endload
lda ld_end+1 ; store end location MSB
sta endload+1
jsr readtape ; get the code
beq dosum ; if readtape ok to load code branch to dosum
jmp error ; else jmp to error
jsr sumcheck ; check the data
lda inf_flag ; if inf_flag = 0 runit
bne inf
jmp runit
jsr crout
lda #<infm
ldy #>infm
jsr print
lda inf_src ;src lsb
sta inf_zp+0
lda inf_src+1 ;src msb
sta inf_zp+1
lda inf_dst ;dst lsb
sta inf_zp+2
lda inf_dst+1 ;dst msb
sta inf_zp+3
jmp lastpage ;jump to page BF since inflate will kill BE
sta clran3 ; disable double lowres
sta mixedoff ; disable mixed
sta texton ; text mode on
sta a80off ; 40 col
sta a80soff ; page between main and main
sta page1on ; page one one
jsr clear ; clear screen
lda #40 ; set wndleft to 40 col
sta wndleft
lda begload ; load begin LSB location
sta store+1 ; store it
lda begload+1 ; load begin MSB location
sta store+2 ; store it
ldx #0 ; set X to 0
lda #1 ; set A to 0
nsync: bit tapein ; 4 cycles, sync bit ; first pulse
bpl nsync ; 2 + 1 cycles
main: ldy #0 ; 2 set Y to 0
psync: bit tapein ;
bmi psync
ploop: iny ; 2 cycles
bit tapein ; 4 cycles
bpl ploop ; 2 +1 if branch, +1 if in another page
; total ~9 cycles
cpy #$40 ; 2 cycles if Y - $40 > 0 endcode (770Hz)
bpl endcode ; 2(3)
cpy #$15 ; 2 cycles if Y - $15 > 0 main (2000Hz)
bpl main ; 2(3)
cpy #$07 ; 2, if Y<, then clear carry, if Y>= set carry
store: rol store+1,x ; 7, roll carry bit into store
ldy #0 ; 2
asl ; 2 A*=2
bne main ; 2(3)
lda #1 ; 2
inx ; 2 cycles
bne main ; 2(3)
inc store+2 ; 6 cycles
jmp main ; 3 cycles
; 34 subtotal max
; 36 subtotal max
txa ; write end of file location + 1
adc store+1
sta store+1
bcc endcheck ; LSB didn't roll over to zero
inc store+2 ; did roll over to zero, inc MSB
endcheck: ; check for match of expected length
lda endload
cmp store+1
;bne error
bne enderror ; return and check for bne from caller
lda endload+1
cmp store+2
;bne error ; fix need to reset screen, etc...
enderror: ; return and check for bne from caller
rts ; return to caller
sec ; set carry for sub operation
lda endload ; load end low
sbc begload ; sub beg load low with carry
sta remain ; save remainder
;tay ; y will be our number of byte starting
; with remainder of bytes to chksum
lda endload+1 ; load end high
sbc begload+1 ; sub beg load high with carry
tax ; x will be our number of 256 byte blocks
inx ; + 1
lda begload ; setup pointer low
sta pointer
lda begload+1 ; setup pointer high
sta pointer+1
dec pointer+1
lda #$ff ; init checksum
ldy #0
inc pointer+1
bne sumloop
ldy remain ; load remainder
beq endsum ; 0?
dey ; array base 0
eor (pointer),y
cpy #0
bne remainder
beq endsum
eor (pointer),y
bne sumloop
beq sumblockloop
; lda #0
; sta pointer
; lda begload+1
; sta pointer+1
; lda #$ff ; init checksum
; ldy begload
; eor (pointer),y
; ;last page?
; ldx pointer+1
; cpx endload+1
; beq last
; iny
; bne sumloop
; inc pointer+1
; bne sumloop
; iny
; cpy endload
; bcc sumloop
sta chksum ; for debugging
lda chksum
bne sumerror ; chksum = 0?
rts ; return to caller
lda #<chkm
ldy #>chkm
jsr print
bit mixed ; still in mixed mode?
bpl errorcont ; no then carry on
jsr resetscreen ; else reset screen first
lda #<errm
ldy #>errm
jsr print
jmp warm
lda #<okm
ldy #>okm
sta pointer
sty pointer+1
ldy #0
lda (pointer),y ; load initial char
print1: ora #$80
jsr cout
lda (pointer),y
bne print1
jsr inflate ; decompress
lda inf_end ;dst end +1 lsb
cmp inf_zp+2
bne error
lda inf_end+1 ;dst end +1 msb
cmp inf_zp+3
bne error
lda warm_flag ; if warm_flag = 1 warm boot
bne warmit
jmp (runcode) ; run it
jmp warm ; warm it
param: .asciiz "LOADING PARAMETERS "
chkm: .asciiz "CHKSUM "
okm: .asciiz "OK"
errm: .asciiz "ERROR"
infm: .byte $0D,"INFLATING ",$00
.org *+2
.org *+2
.org *+2
.org *+2
.org *+2
.org *+1
.org *+1
.org *+60
.org *+1