Vectorize the computation of diff weights, by precomputing a map

of all possible weights.  We encode the two 8-bit inputs into a single
16 bit value instead of dealing with an array of tuples.

Fix an important bug in _compute_delta: old and is_odd were transposed
so we weren't actually subtracting the old deltas!  Surprisingly,
when I accidentally fixed this bug in the vectorized version, the video
encoding was much worse!  This turned out to be because the edit
distance metric allowed reducing diffs by turning on pixels, which
meant it would tend to do this when "minimizing error" in a way that
was visually unappealing.

To remedy this, introduce a separate notion of substitution cost for
errors, and weight pixel colour changes more highly to discourage them
unless absolutely necessary.  This gives very good quality results!

Also vectorize the selection of page offsets and priorities having
a negative error delta, instead of heapifying the entire page.

Also it turns out to be a bit faster to compute (and memoize) the delta
between a proposed content byte and the entire target screen at once,
since we'll end up recomputing the same content diffs multiple times.

(Committing messy version in case I want to revisit some of those
interim versions)
This commit is contained in:
kris 2019-03-14 22:08:50 +00:00
parent ede453d292
commit 976e26f159

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import threading
import queue
import subprocess
from typing import List, Iterator, Tuple, Iterable
from typing import List, Iterator, Tuple
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
@ -28,24 +28,28 @@ def hamming_weight(n):
# any pixel at the right place even if the wrong colour?
substitute_costs = np.ones((128, 128), dtype=np.float64)
error_substitute_costs = np.ones((128, 128), dtype=np.float64)
# Penalty for turning on/off a black bit
for c in "01GVWOB":
substitute_costs[(ord('K'), ord(c))] = 5
substitute_costs[(ord(c), ord('K'))] = 5
substitute_costs[(ord('K'), ord(c))] = 1
substitute_costs[(ord(c), ord('K'))] = 1
error_substitute_costs[(ord('K'), ord(c))] = 5
error_substitute_costs[(ord(c), ord('K'))] = 5
# Penalty for changing colour
for c in "01GVWOB":
for d in "01GVWOB":
substitute_costs[(ord(c), ord(d))] = 1
substitute_costs[(ord(d), ord(c))] = 1
error_substitute_costs[(ord(c), ord(d))] = 5
error_substitute_costs[(ord(d), ord(c))] = 5
insert_costs = np.ones(128, dtype=np.float64) * 1000
delete_costs = np.ones(128, dtype=np.float64) * 1000
def edit_weight(a: int, b: int, is_odd_offset: bool):
def _edit_weight(a: int, b: int, is_odd_offset: bool, error: bool):
a_pixels = byte_to_colour_string(a, is_odd_offset)
b_pixels = byte_to_colour_string(b, is_odd_offset)
@ -53,11 +57,157 @@ def edit_weight(a: int, b: int, is_odd_offset: bool):
a_pixels, b_pixels,
substitute_costs=error_substitute_costs if error else substitute_costs,
return np.int64(dist)
def edit_weight_matrixes(error: bool) -> np.array:
ewm = np.zeros(shape=(256, 256, 2), dtype=np.int64)
for a in range(256):
for b in range(256):
for is_odd_offset in (False, True):
ewm[a, b, int(is_odd_offset)] = _edit_weight(
a, b, is_odd_offset, error)
return ewm
_ewm = edit_weight_matrixes(False)
_error_ewm = edit_weight_matrixes(True)
def edit_weight(a: int, b: int, is_odd_offset: bool, error: bool):
e = _error_ewm if error else _ewm
return e[a, b, int(is_odd_offset)]
# @functools.lru_cache(None)
# def edit_weight_old(a: int, b: int, is_odd_offset: bool):
# a_pixels = byte_to_colour_string(a, is_odd_offset)
# b_pixels = byte_to_colour_string(b, is_odd_offset)
# dist = weighted_levenshtein.dam_lev(
# a_pixels, b_pixels,
# insert_costs=insert_costs,
# delete_costs=delete_costs,
# substitute_costs=substitute_costs,
# )
# assert dist == edit_weight_new(a, b, is_odd_offset), (dist, a, b,
# is_odd_offset)
# return np.int64(dist)
_even_ewm = {}
_odd_ewm = {}
_even_error_ewm = {}
_odd_error_ewm = {}
for a in range(256):
for b in range(256):
_even_ewm[(a << 8) + b] = edit_weight(a, b, False, False)
_odd_ewm[(a << 8) + b] = edit_weight(a, b, True, False)
_even_error_ewm[(a << 8) + b] = edit_weight(a, b, False, True)
_odd_error_ewm[(a << 8) + b] = edit_weight(a, b, True, True)
# for a in range(256):
# for b in range(256):
# assert edit_weight(a, b, True) == edit_weight(b, a, True)
# assert edit_weight(a, b, False) == edit_weight(b, a, False)
# def array_edit_weight2(content: int, b: np.array) -> np.array:
# assert b.shape == (256,), b.shape
# # Extract even and off column offsets (128,)
# even_b = b[::2]
# odd_b = b[1::2]
# a = np.ones(even_b.shape, dtype=np.int64) * content
# even = (a << 8) + even_b
# odd = (a << 8) + odd_b
# even_weights = npi.remap(
# even, _ewm_keys, _even_ewm_values, missing="raise")
# odd_weights = npi.remap(
# odd, _ewm_keys, _odd_ewm_values, missing="raise")
# res = np.ndarray(shape=(256,), dtype=np.int64)
# res[::2] = even_weights
# res[1::2] = odd_weights
# return res
def _content_a_array(content: int, shape) -> np.array:
return (np.ones(shape, dtype=np.uint16) * content) << 8
def content_edit_weight(content: int, b: np.array) -> np.array:
assert b.shape == (32, 256), b.shape
# Extract even and off column offsets (128,)
even_b = b[:, ::2]
odd_b = b[:, 1::2]
a = _content_a_array(content, even_b.shape)
even = a + even_b
odd = a + odd_b
even_weights = np.vectorize(_even_error_ewm.__getitem__)(even)
odd_weights = np.vectorize(_odd_error_ewm.__getitem__)(odd)
res = np.ndarray(shape=b.shape, dtype=np.int64)
res[:, ::2] = even_weights
res[:, 1::2] = odd_weights
return res
def array_edit_weight(a: np.array, b: np.array) -> np.array:
# assert a.shape == b.shape == (32, 256), (a.shape, b.shape)
# Extract even and off column offsets (32, 128)
even_a = a[:, ::2]
odd_a = a[:, 1::2]
even_b = b[:, ::2]
odd_b = b[:, 1::2]
even = (even_a.astype(np.uint16) << 8) + even_b
odd = (odd_a.astype(np.uint16) << 8) + odd_b
# print("XXX")
# print(a)
# print(b)
# print(even_a)
# print(even_b)
# print(even)
even_weights = np.vectorize(_even_ewm.__getitem__)(even)
odd_weights = np.vectorize(_odd_ewm.__getitem__)(odd)
# print(even_weights)
# print(odd_weights)
res = np.ndarray(shape=a.shape, dtype=np.int64)
res[:, ::2] = even_weights
res[:, 1::2] = odd_weights
return res
# _x = np.ndarray((4, 4), dtype=np.uint8)
# print(array_edit_weight(_x, _x))
# assert np.array_equal(array_edit_weight(_x, _x), np.zeros((32, 256)))
def byte_to_colour_string(b: int, is_odd_offset: bool) -> str:
pixels = []
@ -194,28 +344,55 @@ class Video:
print("Similarity %f" % (self.update_priority.mean()))
yield from self._index_changes(self.memory_map, target)
def _diff_weights(
# def _diff_weights(
# self,
# source: screen.MemoryMap,
# target: screen.MemoryMap
# ):
# diff_weights = np.zeros((32, 256), dtype=np.int64)
# it = np.nditer(
# source.page_offset ^ target.page_offset, flags=['multi_index'])
# while not it.finished:
# # If no diff, don't need to bother
# if not it[0]:
# it.iternext()
# continue
# diff_weights[it.multi_index] = edit_weight(
# source.page_offset[it.multi_index],
# target.page_offset[it.multi_index],
# it.multi_index[1] % 2 == 1
# )
# it.iternext()
# aew = array_edit_weight(source.page_offset,
# target.page_offset)
# if not np.array_equal(
# diff_weights, aew
# ):
# it = np.nditer(
# diff_weights - aew, flags=['multi_index'])
# while not it.finished:
# # If no diff, don't need to bother
# if it[0]:
# print(
# source.page_offset[it.multi_index],
# target.page_offset[it.multi_index],
# diff_weights[it.multi_index],
# aew[it.multi_index], it.multi_index)
# it.iternext()
# assert False
# return diff_weights
def _diff_weights_new(
source: screen.MemoryMap,
target: screen.MemoryMap
diff_weights = np.zeros((32, 256), dtype=np.int64)
it = np.nditer(
source.page_offset ^ target.page_offset, flags=['multi_index'])
while not it.finished:
# If no diff, don't need to bother
if not it[0]:
diff_weights[it.multi_index] = edit_weight(
it.multi_index[1] % 2 == 1
return diff_weights
return array_edit_weight(
source.page_offset, target.page_offset)
def _heapify_priorities(self) -> List:
priorities = []
@ -234,42 +411,88 @@ class Video:
return priorities
def _compute_delta(self, content, target, old, is_odd):
return edit_weight(content, target, is_odd, error=True) - old
def _compute_delta(content, target, old):
return content_edit_weight(content, target) - old
def _compute_error(self, page, content, target, old_error):
# XXX 0WKK -> 1KKV (3)
# 1VVV -> 1KKV (2) is closer to target but a big
# visual difference
# 0WKK -> 1KKV = 2 transpose + 2 flip = 12, or 3 flip = 15
# 1VVV -> 1KKV = 2 flip = 10, delta = -2
# @functools.lru_cache(None)
# def _compute_delta_old(self, content, target, is_odd, old):
# return edit_weight(content, target, is_odd) # - old
_OFFSETS = np.arange(256)
def _compute_error(self, page, content, target, old_error, content_deltas):
offsets = []
old_error_page = old_error[page]
tpo = target.page_offset[page]
delta_screen = content_deltas.get(content)
if delta_screen is None:
delta_screen = self._compute_delta(
content, target.page_offset, old_error)
content_deltas[content] = delta_screen
delta_page = delta_screen[page]
page_priorities = [(-p, random.random(), o) for o, p in enumerate(
self.update_priority[page]) if p]
# old_error_page = old_error[page]
# tpo = target.page_offset[page]
# # If we store content at this offset, what is the difference
# # between this edit distance and the ideal target edit distance?
# delta_page = self._compute_delta(
# content, tpo, old_error_page)
# # print(delta_page)
cond = delta_page < 0
# Iterate in descending priority order and take first 3 offsets with
# negative delta
while page_priorities:
_, _, o = heapq.heappop(page_priorities)
candidate_offsets = self._OFFSETS[cond]
priorities = self.update_priority[page][cond]
# deltas = delta_page[cond]
# If we store content at this offset, what is the difference
# between this edit distance and the ideal target edit distance?
delta = self._compute_delta(
content, tpo[o], o % 2 == 1, old_error_page[o])
# assert len(priorities) == len(candidate_offsets) == len(deltas) ==
# sum(cond)
# Getting further away from goal, no thanks!
if delta >= 0:
# # print("Offset %d prio %d: %d -> %d = %d" % (
# # o, p, content,
# # target.page_offset[page, o],
# # delta
# # ))
l = [
(-priorities[i], random.random(), candidate_offsets[i])
for i in range(len(candidate_offsets))
# offsets = [o for _, _, o in heapq.nsmallest(3, l)]
while l:
_, _, o = heapq.heappop(l)
if len(offsets) == 3:
# page_priorities = [(-p, random.random(), o) for o, p in enumerate(
# self.update_priority[page]) if p]
# heapq.heapify(page_priorities)
# # Iterate in descending priority order and take first 3 offsets with
# # negative delta
# while page_priorities:
# _, _, o = heapq.heappop(page_priorities)
# # If we store content at this offset, what is the difference
# # between this edit distance and the ideal target edit distance?
# delta = self._compute_delta_old(
# content, tpo[o], o % 2 == 1, old_error_page[o])
# # Getting further away from goal, no thanks!
# if delta >= 0:
# continue
# #
# # # print("Offset %d prio %d: %d -> %d = %d" % (
# # # o, p, content,
# # # target.page_offset[page, o],
# # # delta
# # # ))
# offsets.append(o)
# if len(offsets) == 3:
# break
return offsets
@ -283,15 +506,23 @@ class Video:
Change tuple is (update_priority, page, offset, content, run_length)
diff_weights = self._diff_weights(source, target)
diff_weights = self._diff_weights_new(source, target)
# Clear any update priority entries that have resolved themselves
# with new frame
self.update_priority[diff_weights == 0] = 0
# Halve existing weights to increase bias to new diffs.
# In particular this means that existing updates with diff 1 will
# become diff 0, i.e. will only be prioritized if they are still
# diffs in the new frame.
# self.update_priority >>= 1
self.update_priority += diff_weights
priorities = self._heapify_priorities()
content_deltas = {}
while priorities:
_, _, page, offset = heapq.heappop(priorities)
# Check whether we've already cleared this diff while processing
@ -313,7 +544,8 @@ class Video:
# Clear priority for the offset we're emitting