kris 6e2c83c1e5 Introduction more general notion of update priority used to increase
weight of diffs that persist across multiple frames.

For each frame, zero out update priority of bytes that no longer have
a pending diff, and add the edit distance of the remaining diffs.

Zero these out as opcodes are retired.

Replace hamming distance with Damerau-Levenshtein distance of the
encoded pixel colours in the byte, e.g. 0x2A --> GGG0 (taking into
account the half-pixel)

This has a couple of benefits over hamming distance of the bit patterns:
- transposed pixels are weighted less (edit distance 1, not 2+ for
- coloured pixels are weighted equally as white pixels (not half as
- weighting changes in palette bit that flip multiple pixel colours

While I'm here, the RLE opcode should emit run_length - 1 so that we
can encode runs of 256 bytes.
2019-03-04 23:09:00 +00:00

276 lines
8.3 KiB

import functools
from typing import Iterator, Tuple, Iterable
import numpy as np
from similarity.damerau import Damerau
import opcodes
import scheduler
import screen
def hamming_weight(n):
"""Compute hamming weight of 8-bit int"""
n = (n & 0x55) + ((n & 0xAA) >> 1)
n = (n & 0x33) + ((n & 0xCC) >> 2)
n = (n & 0x0F) + ((n & 0xF0) >> 4)
return n
def edit_weight(a: int, b: int, is_odd_offset: bool):
d = Damerau()
a_pixels = byte_to_colour_string(a, is_odd_offset)
b_pixels = byte_to_colour_string(b, is_odd_offset)
return d.distance(a_pixels, b_pixels)
def byte_to_colour_string(b: int, is_odd_offset: bool) -> str:
pixels = []
idx = 0
if is_odd_offset:
pixels.append("01"[b & 0x01])
idx += 1
# K = black
# G = green
# V = violet
# W = white
palettes = (
"K", # 0x00
"V", # 0x01
"G", # 0x10
"W" # 0x11
), (
"K", # 0x00
"O", # 0x01
"B", # 0x10
"W" # 0x11
palette = palettes[b & 0x80 != 0]
for _ in range(3):
pixel = palette[(b >> idx) & 0b11]
idx += 2
if not is_odd_offset:
pixels.append("01"[b & 0x40 != 0])
idx += 1
return "".join(pixels)
class Video:
"""Apple II screen memory map encoding a bitmapped frame."""
CLOCK_SPEED = 1024 * 1024
def __init__(self, frame_rate: int = 15, screen_page: int = 1,
opcode_scheduler: scheduler.OpcodeScheduler = None):
self.screen_page = screen_page
# Initialize empty
self.memory_map = screen.MemoryMap(
self.screen_page) # type: screen.MemoryMap
self.scheduler = (
opcode_scheduler or scheduler.HeuristicPageFirstScheduler())
self.cycle_counter = opcodes.CycleCounter()
# Accumulates pending edit weights across frames
self.update_priority = np.zeros((32, 256), dtype=np.int)
self.state = opcodes.State(
self.cycle_counter, self.memory_map, self.update_priority)
self.frame_rate = frame_rate
self.stream_pos = 0
if self.frame_rate:
self.cycles_per_frame = self.CLOCK_SPEED // self.frame_rate
self.cycles_per_frame = None
self._last_op = opcodes.Nop()
def encode_frame(self, target: screen.MemoryMap) -> Iterator[
"""Update to match content of frame within provided budget.
Emits encoded byte stream for rendering the image.
XXX update
The byte stream consists of offsets against a selected page (e.g. $20xx)
at which to write a selected content byte. Those selections are
controlled by special opcodes emitted to the stream
SET_CONTENT - new byte to write to screen contents
SET_PAGE - set new page to offset against (e.g. $20xx)
TICK - tick the speaker
DONE - terminate the video decoding
We group by offsets from page boundary (cf some other more
optimal starting point) because STA (..),y has 1 extra cycle if
crossing the page boundary. Though maybe this would be worthwhile if
it optimizes the bytestream.
# TODO: changes should be a class
changes = self._index_changes(self.memory_map, target)
yield from self.scheduler.schedule(changes)
def _rle_cycles(self, run_length):
return opcodes.RLE(0, run_length).cycles
def _index_page(self, bits_different, target_content):
byte_cycles = opcodes.Store(0).cycles
cur_content = None
run_length = 0
run = []
# Number of changes in run for which >0 bits differ
num_changes_in_run = 0
# Total weight of differences accumulated in run
total_update_priority_in_run = 0
def end_run():
# Decide if it's worth emitting as a run vs single stores
run_cost = self._rle_cycles(run_length)
single_cost = byte_cycles * num_changes_in_run
# print("Run of %d cheaper than %d singles" % (
# run_length, num_changes_in_run))
if run_cost < single_cost:
start_offset = run[0][1]
# print("Found run of %d * %2x at %2x" % (
# run_length, cur_content, offset - run_length)
# )
# print(run)
yield (
total_update_priority_in_run, start_offset, cur_content,
for ch in run:
if ch[0]:
yield ch
for offset in range(256):
bd = bits_different[offset]
tc = target_content[offset]
if run and cur_content != tc:
# End of run
yield from end_run()
run = []
run_length = 0
num_changes_in_run = 0
total_update_priority_in_run = 0
cur_content = tc
if cur_content is None:
cur_content = tc
run_length += 1
run.append((bd, offset, tc, 1))
if bd:
num_changes_in_run += 1
total_update_priority_in_run += bd
if run:
# End of run
yield from end_run()
def _index_changes(
source: screen.MemoryMap,
target: screen.MemoryMap
) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]]:
"""Transform encoded screen to sequence of change tuples.
Change tuple is (update_priority, page, offset, content, run_length)
diff_weights = np.zeros((32, 256), dtype=np.uint8)
it = np.nditer(
source.page_offset ^ target.page_offset,
while not it.finished:
diff_weights[it.multi_index] = edit_weight(
it.multi_index[1] % 2 == 1
# Clear any update priority entries that have resolved themselves
# with new frame
self.update_priority[diff_weights == 0] = 0
self.update_priority += diff_weights
for page in range(32):
for change in self._index_page(
self.update_priority[page], target.page_offset[page]):
total_priority_in_run, start_offset, target_content,
) = change
# TODO: handle screen page
yield (
total_priority_in_run, page + 32, start_offset,
target_content, run_length
def _emit_bytes(self, _op):
# print("%04X:" % self.stream_pos)
for b in self.state.emit(self._last_op, _op):
yield b
self.stream_pos += 1
self._last_op = _op
def emit_stream(self, ops: Iterable[opcodes.Opcode]) -> Iterator[int]:
for op in ops:
# Keep track of where we are in TCP client socket buffer
socket_pos = self.stream_pos % 2048
if socket_pos >= 2045:
# May be about to emit a 3-byte opcode, pad out to last byte
# in frame
nops = 2047 - socket_pos
# print("At position %04x, padding with %d nops" % (
# socket_pos, nops))
for _ in range(nops):
yield from self._emit_bytes(opcodes.Nop())
yield from self._emit_bytes(opcodes.Ack())
# Ack falls through to nop
self._last_op = opcodes.Nop()
yield from self._emit_bytes(op)
if self.cycles_per_frame and (
self.cycle_counter.cycles > self.cycles_per_frame):
print("Out of cycle budget")
# TODO: pad to cycles_per_frame with NOPs
def done(self) -> Iterator[int]:
"""Terminate opcode stream."""
yield from self._emit_bytes(opcodes.Terminate())