// // Applesoft BASIC in Javascript // TTY Emulation // // Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Joshua Bell // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Usage: // // tty = new TTY( screen_element, keyboard_element, bell ); // tty.clearScreen() // tty.scrollScreen() // tty.setTextStyle( textStyle ) // { width: w, height: h } = tty.getScreenSize() // { x: x, y: y } = tty.getCursorPosition() // tty.setFirmwareActive( bool ) // tty.setCursorPosition( x, y ) // tty.showCursor() // tty.hideCursor() // tty.focus() // // This just calls writeChar() in a loop; no need to hook it // tty.writeString( string ) // // The following can be hooked: // tty.readLine( callback_function, prompt ) // tty.readChar( callback_function ) // tty.writeChar( c ) // // tty.TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL = 0 // tty.TEXT_STYLE_INVERSE = 1 // tty.TEXT_STYLE_FLASH = 2 // // Example: // // // //
/*global getClassList*/ // from polyfill.js /*global identifyKey */ // From keyboard.js function TTY(screenElement, keyboardElement, bell) { /*jslint browser: true, white: false, bitwise: false */ // Constants this.TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL = 0; this.TEXT_STYLE_INVERSE = 1; this.TEXT_STYLE_FLASH = 2; // Internal Fields // For references to "this" within callbacks and closures var self = this, // Display cursorX = 0, cursorY = 0, cursorVisible = false, cursorElement = null, styleElem, screenGrid, screenRow = [], splitPos = 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, curStyle = this.TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL, cursorState = true, cursorInterval, firmwareActive = true, // 80-column firmware mousetext = false, // Input lineCallback, charCallback, inputBuffer = [], keyboardRegister = 0, keyDown = false, capsLock = true, // Caps lock state is tracked unique to the TTY buttonState = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this.autoScroll = true; // // Display // function setCellByte(x, y, byte) { var cell = screenGrid[x + screenWidth * y]; if (cell && cell.byte !== byte) { cell.byte = byte; cell.elem.className = 'a2c a2c' + String(byte); } } // Apple II Character Generator (byte->character map) // 0x00-0x1F = INVERSE @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ // 0x20-0x3F = INVERSE !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? // 0x40-0x5F = FLASH @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ (80-col firmware active: mousetext symbols) // 0x60-0x7F = FLASH !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? (80-col firmware active: inverse lowercase) // 0x80-0x9F = NORMAL @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ // 0xA0-0xBF = NORMAL !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? // 0xC0-0xDF = NORMAL @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ // 0xE0-0xFF = NORMAL `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ function setCellChar(x, y, c) { var byte; if (c > 0xff) { // Extension characters byte = c; } else { // Lock to 7-bit; Control characters should be filtered already c = (c >>> 0) & 0x7f; if (firmwareActive) { if (curStyle === self.TEXT_STYLE_INVERSE) { if (0x20 <= c && c < 0x40) { byte = c; } else if (0x40 <= c && c < 0x60) { byte = c - (mousetext ? 0 : 0x40); } else if (0x60 <= c && c < 0x80) { byte = c; } } else if (curStyle === self.TEXT_STYLE_FLASH) { if (0x20 <= c && c < 0x40) { byte = c + 0x40; } else if (0x40 <= c && c < 0x60) { byte = c - 0x40; } else if (0x60 <= c && c < 0x80) { byte = c; } } else { if (0x20 <= c && c < 0x40) { byte = c + 0x80; } else if (0x40 <= c && c < 0x60) { byte = c + 0x80; } else if (0x60 <= c && c < 0x80) { byte = c + 0x80; } } } else { if (curStyle === self.TEXT_STYLE_INVERSE) { if (0x20 <= c && c < 0x40) { byte = c; } else if (0x40 <= c && c < 0x60) { byte = c - 0x40; } else if (0x60 <= c && c < 0x80) { byte = c - 0x40; } // no inverse lowercase } else if (curStyle === self.TEXT_STYLE_FLASH) { if (0x20 <= c && c < 0x40) { byte = c + 0x40; } else if (0x40 <= c && c < 0x60) { byte = c; } else if (0x60 <= c && c < 0x80) { byte = c; } // no lowercase flash } else { if (0x20 <= c && c < 0x40) { byte = c + 0x80; } else if (0x40 <= c && c < 0x60) { byte = c + 0x80; } else if (0x60 <= c && c < 0x80) { byte = c + 0x80; } } } } setCellByte(x, y, byte); } this.reset = function _reset() { this.hideCursor(); lineCallback = undefined; charCallback = undefined; inputBuffer = []; keyboardRegister = 0; buttonState = [0, 0, 0, 0]; }; // reset function init(active, rows, columns) { firmwareActive = active; screenWidth = columns; screenHeight = rows; // Reset parameters self.textWindow = {}; self.textWindow.left = 0; self.textWindow.top = 0; self.textWindow.width = screenWidth; self.textWindow.height = screenHeight; self.setTextStyle(self.TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL); // Build character cell grid var x, y, table, tbody, tr, td; screenGrid = []; screenGrid.length = screenWidth * screenHeight; table = document.createElement('table'); table.className = 'tty_table'; tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); styleElem = tbody; getClassList(styleElem).add(screenWidth === 40 ? 'tty_40col' : 'tty_80col'); if (firmwareActive) { getClassList(styleElem).add('active'); } for (y = 0; y < screenHeight; y += 1) { tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.className = 'tty_tr'; tr.style.visibility = (y < splitPos) ? "hidden" : ""; screenRow[y] = tr; for (x = 0; x < screenWidth; x += 1) { td = document.createElement('td'); screenGrid[screenWidth * y + x] = { elem: td }; tr.appendChild(td); } tbody.appendChild(tr); } table.appendChild(tbody); screenElement.innerHTML = ""; screenElement.appendChild(table); self.clearScreen(); // Create cursor cursorElement = document.createElement('span'); cursorElement.className = 'a2c a2c-cursor a2c255'; self.setCursorPosition(0, 0); } this.clearScreen = function _clearScreen() { var x, y; cursorX = self.textWindow.left; cursorY = self.textWindow.top; for (y = self.textWindow.top; y < self.textWindow.top + self.textWindow.height; y += 1) { for (x = self.textWindow.left; x < self.textWindow.left + self.textWindow.width; x += 1) { setCellChar(x, y, 0x20); } } }; this.clearEOL = function _clearEOL() { var x; for (x = cursorX; x < self.textWindow.left + self.textWindow.width; x += 1) { setCellChar(x, cursorY, 0x20); } }; this.setFirmwareActive = function _setFirmwareActive(active) { init(active, 24, active ? 80 : 40); }; function scrollUp() { var x, y, cell; for (y = self.textWindow.top; y < self.textWindow.top + self.textWindow.height - 1; y += 1) { for (x = self.textWindow.left; x < self.textWindow.left + self.textWindow.width; x += 1) { cell = screenGrid[x + screenWidth * (y + 1)]; setCellByte(x, y, cell.byte); } } y = self.textWindow.top + (self.textWindow.height - 1); for (x = self.textWindow.left; x < self.textWindow.left + self.textWindow.width; x += 1) { setCellChar(x, y, 0x20); } } function scrollDown() { var x, y, cell; for (y = self.textWindow.top + self.textWindow.height - 1; y > self.textWindow.top; y -= 1) { for (x = self.textWindow.left; x < self.textWindow.left + self.textWindow.width; x += 1) { cell = screenGrid[x + screenWidth * (y - 1)]; setCellByte(x, y, cell.byte); } } y = self.textWindow.top; for (x = self.textWindow.left; x < self.textWindow.left + self.textWindow.width; x += 1) { setCellChar(x, y, 0x20); } } this.scrollScreen = function _scrollScreen() { scrollUp(); }; this.setTextStyle = function _setTextStyle(style) { curStyle = style; }; // Internal function updateCursor() { if (cursorVisible && cursorState) { var elem = screenGrid[cursorY * screenWidth + cursorX].elem; if (elem !== cursorElement.parentNode) { elem.appendChild(cursorElement); } } else if (cursorElement.parentNode) { cursorElement.parentNode.removeChild(cursorElement); } } // Internal function lineFeed() { cursorY += 1; if (cursorY >= self.textWindow.top + self.textWindow.height) { cursorY = self.textWindow.top + self.textWindow.height - 1; if (self.autoScroll) { self.scrollScreen(); } } updateCursor(); } // Internal function advanceCursor() { // Advance the cursor cursorX += 1; if (cursorX >= self.textWindow.left + self.textWindow.width) { cursorX = self.textWindow.left; lineFeed(); } updateCursor(); } // Hookable this.writeChar = function _writeChar(c) { var code = c.charCodeAt(0), x, y; switch (code) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: // DOS hook takes care of CHR$(4) case 5: case 6: // no-op break; case 7: // (BEL) bell if (bell) { bell(); } break; case 8: // (BS) backspace cursorX -= 1; if (cursorX < self.textWindow.left) { cursorX += self.textWindow.width; cursorY -= 1; if (cursorY < self.textWindow.top) { cursorY = self.textWindow.top; } } break; case 9: break; case 10: // (LF) line feed lineFeed(); break; case 11: // (VT) clear EOS if (firmwareActive) { // Clears from the cursor position to the end of the window for (x = cursorX; x < self.textWindow.left + self.textWindow.width; x += 1) { setCellChar(x, cursorY, 0x20); } for (y = cursorY + 1; y < self.textWindow.top + self.textWindow.height; y += 1) { for (x = self.textWindow.left; x < self.textWindow.left + self.textWindow.width; x += 1) { setCellChar(x, y, 0x20); } } } break; case 12: // (FF) clear if (firmwareActive) { // move cursor to upper left and clear window self.clearScreen(); } break; case 13: // (CR) return cursorX = self.textWindow.left; lineFeed(); break; case 14: // (SO) normal if (firmwareActive) { curStyle = self.TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL; } break; case 15: // (SI) inverse if (firmwareActive) { curStyle = self.TEXT_STYLE_INVERSE; } break; case 16: break; case 17: // (DC1) 40-column if (firmwareActive) { // set display to 40 columns init(true, 24, 40); } break; case 18: // (DC2) 80-column if (firmwareActive) { // set display to 80 columns init(true, 24, 80); } break; case 19: // (DC3) stop list case 20: break; case 21: // (NAK) quit if (firmwareActive) { // deactivate, home, clear screen init(false, 24, 40); } break; case 22: // (SYN) scroll down if (firmwareActive) { // scroll display down, leaving cursor scrollDown(); } break; case 23: // (ETB) scroll up if (firmwareActive) { // scroll display up, leaving cursor scrollUp(); } break; case 24: // (CAN) disable mousetext if (firmwareActive) { // http://www.umich.edu/~archive/apple2/technotes/tn/mous/TN.MOUS.006 mousetext = false; } break; case 25: // (EM) home if (firmwareActive) { // Moves cursor to upper-left corner of window (but doesn't clear) cursorX = self.textWindow.left; cursorY = self.textWindow.top; } break; case 26: // (SUB) clear line if (firmwareActive) { // Clears the line the cursor position is on for (x = 0; x < self.textWindow.width; x += 1) { setCellChar(self.textWindow.left + x, cursorY, 0x20); } } break; case 27: // (ESC) enable mousetext if (firmwareActive) { // http://www.umich.edu/~archive/apple2/technotes/tn/mous/TN.MOUS.006 mousetext = true; } break; case 28: // (FS) fwd. space if (firmwareActive) { // Moves cursor position one space to the right; from right edge // of window, moves it to left end of line below cursorX += 1; if (cursorX > (self.textWindow.left + self.textWindow.width)) { cursorX -= self.textWindow.width; cursorY += 1; if (cursorY > self.textWindow.top + self.textWindow.height) { cursorY = self.textWindow.top + self.textWindow.height; } } } break; case 29: // (GS) clear EOL if (firmwareActive) { // Clear line rom cursor position to the right edge of the window self.clearEOL(); } break; case 30: // RS - gotoXY (not supported from BASIC) case 31: break; default: setCellChar(cursorX, cursorY, code); advanceCursor(); break; } }; // Hookable this.writeString = function _writeString(s) { var i; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i += 1) { this.writeChar(s.charAt(i)); } }; this.getScreenSize = function _getScreenSize() { return { width: screenWidth, height: screenHeight }; }; this.getCursorPosition = function _getCursorPosition() { return { x: cursorX, y: cursorY }; }; this.setCursorPosition = function _setCursorPosition(x, y) { if (x !== undefined) { x = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(x), 0), screenWidth - 1); } else { x = cursorX; } if (y !== undefined) { y = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(y), 0), screenHeight - 1); } else { y = cursorY; } if (x === cursorX && y === cursorY) { // no-op return; } cursorX = x; cursorY = y; updateCursor(); }; this.showCursor = function _showCursor() { cursorVisible = true; cursorInterval = setInterval(function() { cursorState = !cursorState; updateCursor(); }, 500); }; this.hideCursor = function _hideCursor() { clearInterval(cursorInterval); cursorVisible = false; updateCursor(); }; this.splitScreen = function _splitScreen(splitAt) { splitPos = splitAt; var y; for (y = 0; y < screenHeight; y += 1) { screenRow[y].style.visibility = (y < splitPos) ? "hidden" : ""; } }; // // Input // // Internal function onKey(code) { var cb, c, s; keyboardRegister = code | 0x80; if (charCallback) { keyboardRegister = keyboardRegister & 0x7f; cb = charCallback; charCallback = undefined; self.hideCursor(); cb(String.fromCharCode(code)); } else if (lineCallback) { keyboardRegister = keyboardRegister & 0x7f; if (code >= 32 && code <= 127) { c = String.fromCharCode(code); inputBuffer.push(c); self.writeChar(c); // echo } else { switch (code) { case 8: // Left Arrow if (inputBuffer.length > 0) { inputBuffer.pop(); self.setCursorPosition(Math.max(self.getCursorPosition().x - 1, 0), self.getCursorPosition().y); } break; case 13: // Enter // Respond to INPUT callback, if defined s = inputBuffer.join(""); inputBuffer = []; self.writeString("\r"); cb = lineCallback; lineCallback = undefined; self.hideCursor(); cb(s); break; } } } // else: nothing - key stays in the keyboard register } // onKey function toAppleKey(e) { function ord(c) { return c.charCodeAt(0); } switch (e.code) { // Non-Printables case 'Backspace': return 127; case 'Tab': return 9; // NOTE: Blocked elsewhere, for web page accessibility case 'Enter': return 13; case 'Esc': return 27; case 'ArrowLeft': return 8; case 'ArrowUp': return 11; case 'ArrowRight': return 21; case 'ArrowDown': return 10; case 'Delete': return 127; case 'Clear': return 24; // ctrl-X - used on the IIgs // Numeric case 'Numpad0': return 0x30; case 'Numpad1': return 0x31; case 'Numpad2': return 0x32; case 'Numpad3': return 0x33; case 'Numpad4': return 0x34; case 'Numpad5': return 0x35; case 'Numpad6': return 0x36; case 'Numpad7': return 0x37; case 'Numpad8': return 0x38; case 'Numpad9': return 0x39; case 'Digit0': case 'Digit1': case 'Digit2': case 'Digit3': case 'Digit4': case 'Digit5': case 'Digit6': case 'Digit7': case 'Digit8': case 'Digit9': var digit = e.code.substring(5); if (e.ctrlKey) { if (e.shiftKey) { switch (digit) { case '2': return 0; // ctrl-@ case '6': return 30; // ctrl-^ } } return (void 0); } else if (e.shiftKey) { return ')!@#$%^&*('.charCodeAt(ord(digit) - ord('0')); } else { return ord(digit); } // Alphabetic case 'KeyA': case 'KeyB': case 'KeyC': case 'KeyD': case 'KeyE': case 'KeyF': case 'KeyG': case 'KeyH': case 'KeyI': case 'KeyJ': case 'KeyK': case 'KeyL': case 'KeyM': case 'KeyN': case 'KeyO': case 'KeyP': case 'KeyQ': case 'KeyR': case 'KeyS': case 'KeyT': case 'KeyU': case 'KeyV': case 'KeyW': case 'KeyX': case 'KeyY': case 'KeyZ': var letter = e.code.substring(3); if (e.ctrlKey) { return ord(letter) - 0x40; // Control keys, Apple II-style } else if (capsLock || e.shiftKey) { return ord(letter); // Upper case } else { return ord(letter) + 0x20; // Lower case } // Symbol and Punctuation case 'Space': return ord(' '); case 'Semicolon': return e.shiftKey ? ord(':') : ord(';'); case 'Equal': return e.shiftKey ? ord('+') : ord('='); case 'Comma': return e.shiftKey ? ord('<') : ord(','); case 'Minus': return e.ctrlKey ? 31 : e.shiftKey ? ord('_') : ord('-'); case 'Period': return e.shiftKey ? ord('>') : ord('.'); case 'Slash': return e.shiftKey ? ord('?') : ord('/'); case 'BackQuote': return e.shiftKey ? ord('~') : ord('`'); case 'BracketLeft': return e.ctrlKey ? 27 : e.shiftKey ? ord('{') : ord('['); case 'Backslash': return e.ctrlKey ? 28 : e.shiftKey ? ord('|') : ord('\\'); case 'BracketRight': return e.ctrlKey ? 29 : e.shiftKey ? ord('}') : ord(']'); case 'Quote': return e.shiftKey ? ord('"') : ord('\''); // Apple IIgs Keyboard case 'NumpadClear': return 24; case 'NumpadAdd': return ord('+'); case 'NumpadSubtract': return ord('-'); case 'NumpadMultiply': return ord('*'); case 'NumpadDivide': return ord('/'); case 'NumpadDecimal': return ord('.'); case 'NumpadEnter': return 13; default: break; } return -1; } function isBrowserKey(e) { return e.code === 'Tab' || e.code === 'F5' || e.metaKey; } // Internal function handleKeyDown(e) { identifyKey(e); if (!e.code || isBrowserKey(e)) { return true; } var handled = false, code; switch (e.code) { case 'CapsLock': capsLock = !capsLock; handled = true; break; // Used as paddle buttons (0=Open Apple, 1=Solid Apple) case 'AltLeft': case 'Home': buttonState[0] = 255; handled = true; break; case 'AltRight': case 'End': buttonState[1] = 255; handled = true; break; case 'PageUp': buttonState[2] = 255; handled = true; break; case 'Shift': case 'ShiftLeft': case 'ShiftRight': buttonState[2] = 255; handled = true; break; case 'PageDown': buttonState[3] = 255; handled = true; break; default: code = toAppleKey(e); if (code !== -1) { keyDown = true; onKey(code); handled = true; } break; } if (handled) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } return !handled; } // Internal function handleKeyUp(e) { identifyKey(e); if (!e.code || isBrowserKey(e)) { return true; } var handled = false, code; switch (e.code) { case 'CapsLock': handled = true; break; // Used as paddle buttons (0=Open Apple, 1=Solid Apple) case 'AltLeft': case 'Home': buttonState[0] = 0; handled = true; break; case 'AltRight': case 'End': buttonState[1] = 0; handled = true; break; case 'PageUp': buttonState[2] = 0; handled = true; break; case 'Shift': buttonState[2] = 0; handled = true; break; case 'PageDown': buttonState[3] = 0; handled = true; break; default: code = toAppleKey(e); if (code !== -1) { keyDown = false; handled = true; } break; } if (handled) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } return !handled; } this.getButtonState = function _getButtonState(btn) { return buttonState[btn]; }; this.focus = function _focus() { keyboardElement.focus(); }; // Hookable this.readLine = function _readLine(callback, prompt) { self.writeString(prompt); lineCallback = callback; self.showCursor(); self.focus(); }; // Hookable this.readChar = function _readChar(callback) { // If there is a key ready, deliver it immediately if (keyboardRegister & 0x80) { keyboardRegister = keyboardRegister & 0x7f; // Non-blocking return setTimeout(function() { callback(String.fromCharCode(keyboardRegister)); }, 0); } else { charCallback = callback; self.showCursor(); self.focus(); } }; this.getKeyboardRegister = function _getKeyboardRegister() { return keyboardRegister; }; this.clearKeyboardStrobe = function _clearKeyboardStrobe() { keyboardRegister = keyboardRegister & 0x7f; return keyboardRegister | (keyDown ? 0x80 : 0x00); }; // // Constructor Logic // init(false, 24, 40); window.addEvent(keyboardElement, 'keydown', handleKeyDown); window.addEvent(keyboardElement, 'keyup', handleKeyUp); setInterval(function _blinkFlash() { window.getClassList(styleElem).toggle('flash'); }, 250); }