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synced 2025-03-13 00:30:47 +00:00
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10 rem Function Graphing
20 rem by Golden Child
25 rem
30 rem Use Basic as your graphing calculator
31 rem
35 rem To graph a function, have a loop that iterates over every x on screen
36 rem calculate the x coordinate from the x screen coordinate
37 rem calculate y (your function value), set color and gosub 500
38 rem
40 rem for sx=0 to wx-1 : rem for screenx = 0 to 279
50 rem x=(sx-cx)/(wx/2)*rx : rem calculate x for screenx
60 rem y = x^2 : rem calculate y (here we calc x^2)
70 rem hcolor=1:gosub 500 : rem set color and draw
80 rem next sx
90 hgr
100 wx=280:wy=140 : rem windowx windowy (screen size)
120 cx=wx/2:cy=wy/2 : rem centerx centery (screen center point)
130 hcolor=6:hplot cx,cy : rem draw centerpoint
140 rx=4:ry=rx/2 : rem rangex and rangey
141 gx=1:gy=gx : rem gridx and gridy spacing
142 for x=int(-rx) to int(rx) step gx : rem draw grid
143 for y=int(-ry) to int(ry) step gy
144 sx=cx+x*(wx/2)/rx:hcolor=6:gosub 500 : ? x,y
145 next:next
150 for sx=0 to wx-1 : rem for screenx = 0 to 279
160 x=(sx-cx)/(wx/2)*rx : rem calculate x for screenx
200 y = x^2 : rem calculate y
201 hcolor=1:gosub 500 : rem set hcolor, gosub 500 (calculate screeny and plot)
205 y = sin(x*2) : rem can draw as many functions as you like
260 hcolor=3:gosub 500 : rem just calc y, set hcolor, gosub 500
265 y=sin(x*3)
270 hcolor=2:gosub 500
271 y=0:hcolor=5:gosub 500 : rem draw x axis, set y=0, gosub 500
272 if (4-x^2)>=0 then y=sqr(4-x^2):gosub 500: y=-sqr(4-x^2):gosub 500:rem circle
273 rem tangent line to x^2 at x=1 : derivative=2x so slope = m = 2x
274 rem manually calculated formula for tangent line at x=1
275 y=1+(x-1)*(2) : gosub 500
276 rem calculating tangent line from x1 coordinate
277 x1=-1 : y1=x1^2 : m=2*x1 : y=y1 + (x-x1)*m : hcolor=1:gosub 500
400 next sx
499 print "end" : END
500 sy=cy-y*(wy/2)/ry : rem calculate screeny
505 print sx,sy
510 if sy>=0 and sy<=159 and sx>=0 and sx<=279 then hplot sx,sy
520 return