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synced 2025-03-12 09:30:20 +00:00
95 lines
2.6 KiB
95 lines
2.6 KiB
101 count = 0
105 for i = 0 to 20
106 print
107 next i
110 Dim x2(7),sign(7), dx(7)
120 Rem Init some vars
125 aminerr=1000
130 rem res = 8.5e-17
132 res = 1e-4
200 xpi=3.14159265358979323846
250 rem 8 coefs here
255 Rem elementary charge (e)-0
260 x2(0)=1.60217662e-19
265 Rem Planck's constant (h)-1
300 x2(1)=6.62607004e-34
350 rem eletron mass (Me)-2
400 x2(2)=9.109383560899034e-31
450 Rem Proton radius (Rp)-3
500 x2(3)=8.41235640479985e-16
550 Rem Rydberg Constant (R_H or R_{\infty})-4
600 x2(4)=10973731.5685083
610 Rem Permittivity of free space (e0)-5
620 x2(5)=8.854187817e-12
701 Rem Speed of Light (c)-6
702 x2(6)=299792458.0
703 Rem Proton mass (Mp)-7
704 x2(7)=1.672621898209999e-27
710 For i = 0 to 6
720 sign(i)=0
730 dx(i) = 0.01*res*(x2(i))
740 next i
750 Rem define bit to be twiddled here
755 sign(0)=1
760 sign(1)=1
770 sign(2)=1
780 sign(3)=1
790 sign(4)=1
795 sign(5)=1
797 sign(6)=1
1000 rem starting error
1010 xerr1=x2(2)*x2(0)^4/(8*x2(6)*x2(5)^2*x2(1)^3*x2(4))
1015 yerr2=-xpi*x2(3)*x2(6)*x2(2)/(2*x2(1))
1017 err = xerr1 + yerr2 - 1.0
1020 digits=int(-log(abs(yerr+0.00001))/log(10)+0.5)
1030 Print "Starting err is: ";err
1032 Print "Starting xerr1 is: ";xerr1
1034 Print "Starting yerr2 is: ";yerr2
1040 print "Digits resolution ";digits
1050 print "aminerr error is: ";aminerr
1060 for i = 0 to 6
1061 print "i= ";i, x2(i)
1062 next i
1100 print "pi= ";xpi
1111 rem end
2000 Rem Main Loop
2010 For i = 0 to 6
2020 x2(i)=x2(i)+sign(i)*dx(i)
2030 xerr1=x2(2)*x2(0)^4/(8*x2(6)*x2(5)^2*x2(1)^3*x2(4))
2032 yerr2=-xpi*x2(3)*x2(6)*x2(2)/(2*x2(1))-1.0
2034 err=abs(xerr1+yerr2)
2035 if err>aminerr then sign(i)=-1*sign(i)
2037 if err<aminerr then aminerr = err
2040 next i
2050 if err < 1.5*res then goto 5000
2055 print "Working ";err
2058 count = count+1
2060 goto 2000
5000 Rem
5001 xresstop=2e-15
5002 if res > xresstop then res = res/10.0
5010 For i = 0 to 6
5030 dx(i) = 0.01*res*(x2(i))
5040 next i
5100 if res > xresstop then goto 2000
5106 Print "Done."
5107 print "Coef "
5109 for i = 0 to 7
5110 print x2(i);" "
5120 next i
6000 rem Final error
6010 xerr1=(x2(2)*x2(0)^4)/(8*x2(6)*x2(5)^2*x2(1)^3*x2(4))
6012 yerr2=-xpi*x2(3)*x2(6)*x2(2)/(2*x2(1)) - 1.0
6014 err=abs(xerr1+yerr2)
6020 digits=int(-log(abs(err+1e-16))/log(10)+0.5)
6030 Print "Starting err is: ";err
6040 print "Digits resolution ";digits
6050 print "Final error is: ";aminerr
6060 print "Iterations= ";count
6070 print xpi;" <-ideal"
6080 print xpi+err;" <-calc'd
6085 print "Calc'd proton mass= ";2*x2(1)/(xpi*x2(3)*x2(6))
6087 print "Input proton mass= ";x2(7)
6090 print "Proton/electron mass ratio=";x2(7)/x2(2)
6100 end