Working on code to set font window boundaries. Also ported Andrew's word-break parser.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2015-06-07 15:50:06 -07:00
parent 9991cc1dc4
commit 0077d9ea05
3 changed files with 194 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
; Global definitions
!source "../include/global.i"
!source "../include/mem.i"
!source "../include/plasma.i"
DEBUG = 0 ; 1=some logging, 2=lots of logging
@ -48,6 +49,9 @@ H_Adr = $15 ;for general indrct adrs indexing
MskBytL = $16 ;Mask byte 1st
MskBytH = $17 ;Mask byte 2nd
MskByte = $18 ;Mask byte
unused19 = $19
PrsAdrL = $1A ;pointer for string parsing (lo)
PrsAdrH = $1B ; (hi)
GBasL = $26 ;LoByte HGR mem pg base adr EABABxxx
GBasH = $27 ;HiByte PPPFGHCD for Y=ABCDEFGH P=page
@ -57,17 +61,23 @@ InBufrX = $2FF ;Input Buffer index (length)
Kbd_Rd = $C000 ;read keyboard
Kbd_Clr = $C010 ;clear keyboard strobe
;Initialize the font engine. Address of font in X=lo/Y=hi.
Init JMP DoInit ;API call address
;Set the address of the font
SetFont JMP SetFont ;API call address
;Set the window boundaries (byte-oriented bounds)
SetWindow JMP SetWnd ;API call address
;Clear the window
ClearWindow JMP ClrHome ;API call address
;Display a string, with proper word wrapping
DisplayStr JMP DoParse ; API call address
;When using ASCii character values, the values must be
;tested for control codes before they can be plotted
;using the plot character routine.
PlotAsc JMP TestChr ;API call address
; Clear the window
ClearWindow JMP ClrHome
;If you know which of the {0..110} bitmapped characters
;you want plotted, you can bypass testing for control
;codes, making this a faster way to plot.
@ -105,8 +115,8 @@ ChrWdth !byte 0 ;character width (number of pixels)
PltChar !byte 0 ;character to be plotted {0..110}
AscChar !byte 0 ;Ascii Char value {$80..$FF}
;Simple init routine. Just records the font address.
DoInit STX Font0
;Just record the font address.
DoSetFont STA Font0
STY Font0+1
@ -193,9 +203,6 @@ Flg2nd !byte $00 ;flag indicating 2nd byte is needed
MlpIdx !byte $00 ;Main loop index into address table
Flg8xcp !byte $00 ;flag: 8-pixel char exception
FlgBchr !byte $00 ;flag: black character
RtMrgnL !byte $00 ;
RtMrgnH !byte $00 ;
SvY !byte $00 ;
PlotFnt LDX NoPlt_Flg
BNE GetWdth
@ -495,6 +502,60 @@ WtL_Prs LDA #0 ; if wait interrupted then do
STA ChBflip
;Routine: Set window boundaries. Paramaters are pushed on the PLASMA
;stack in the order Top, Bottom, Left, Right. But because that stack
;grows downward, we see them in this order:
SW_RT = 0
SW_LT = 1
SW_BTM = 2
SW_TOP = 3
SetWnd LDA evalStkL+SW_TOP,X ;get top coord (in units of 8-pixel lins)
ASL ;multiply by 8
STA CursY ;save the top Y coord
STA TpMrgn ;also as the margin
LDA evalStkL+SW_BTM,X ;get bottom coord (again in 8-pixel lines)
ASL ;multiply by 8
STA CursYb ;save the bottom Y coord
STA BtMrgn ;also as the margin
LDA evalStkL+SW_LT,X ;lo byte of left X
STA CursXl
LDA evalStkH+SW_LT,X ;hi byte of left X
STA CursXh
LDA evalStkL+SW_RT,X ;lo byte of right X
STA CursXrl
LDA evalStkH+SW_RT,X ;hi byte of right X
STA CursXrh
LDA CursXl ;sum the left X and right X
ADC CursXrl
TAY ;save lo byte
LDA CursXh ;sum the hi byte
ADC CursXrh
LSR ;divide by 2 to find the midpoint
STA CursXmh ;save midpoint lo byte
ROR ;divide lo byte by 2, with bit from hi byte
STA CursXml ;save midpoint hi byte
LDA CursXrl ;need to figure out byte number of right side
STA CursColL
LDA CursXrh
STA CursColH
JSR GetOfst ;we have a routine for that
LDA HgrHrz
STA RtMrgn ;that's the right margin for scrolling
LDA CursXl ;similarly we need to figure out the byte number of the left side
STA CursColL
LDA CursXh
STA CursColH
JSR GetOfst
LDA HgrHrz
STA LfMrgn ;that's the left margin for scrolling
;Routine: Scroll screen up 1 character line
;This routine scrolls a window defined by
;Left, Right, Top, Bottom - Margin parameters.
@ -597,6 +658,98 @@ ClrChkF LDA BkgColor
ClrChk1 STA ClrFlpF
;Routine: parser w/auto line break
DoParse STA PrsAdrL
LDA CursXrl ;right coord
SBC CursXl ;minus left coord
STA LinWdth ;equals line width (max of 255 for now)
LDY #0 ;parse starting at beginning
STY TtlWdth
LDA (PrsAdrL),Y ;Get the length
STA Pa_Len
Pa_Lp0 STY Pa_iBgn
Pa_Lp1 STY Pa_iSv
LDA (PrsAdrL),Y ;Get the character
STA AscChar
CPY Pa_Len ;reached end of string?
JMP ParsDn
Pa_Go ORA #$80 ;set hi bit in case
CMP #$8D
BEQ Pa_Spc
LDX #1
STX NoPlt_Flg ;set NO PLOT flag
JSR PlotAsc ;do plot routine to strip off Ctrl
LDX #0 ;codes & get char width
STX NoPlt_Flg ;clear NO PLOT flag
LDA ChrWdth
BEQ Pa_Tskp
SEC ;use SEC to always 'add 1'
ADC TtlWdth
STA TtlWdth
Pa_Tskp LDA AscChar
CMP #' '
BEQ Pa_Spc
LDA TtlWdth
CMP LinWdth
BPL Pa_ToFr ;too far! force CR/LF
LDY Pa_iSv
JMP Pa_Lp1
Pa_ToFr LDA #$8D
STA AscChar
JSR PlotAsc
LDY #0
STY TtlWdth
LDY Pa_iBgn
JMP Pa_Lp0
Pa_Spc LDY Pa_iSv
STY Pa_iEnd
LDY Pa_iBgn
CPY Pa_iEnd
BEQ Pa_Dn2
Pa_Lp2 STY Pa_iSv
LDA (PrsAdrL),Y ;Get the character
STA AscChar ;**add code
JSR PlotAsc ;if space & at left then don't plot
LDY Pa_iSv
CPY Pa_iEnd
BEQ Pa_Dn2
BNE Pa_Lp2
Pa_Dn2 STY Pa_iSv
LDA TtlWdth
CMP LinWdth
BPL Pa_Dn3
LDA (PrsAdrL),Y ;Get the character
CMP #$8D
BEQ Pa_Dn3
STA AscChar
JSR PlotAsc
JMP Pa_Dn4
Pa_Dn3 LDY Pa_iSv
STY Pa_iBgn
Pa_Dn4 LDY Pa_iSv
JMP Pa_Lp0
ParsDn LDY #7
STY CursXrl
LinWdth !byte 112 ;max line width
TtlWdth !byte $00 ;total word width
Pa_iBgn !byte $00 ;parser indx begin
Pa_iEnd !byte $00 ;parser indx end
Pa_iSv !byte $00 ;Save Msg Y index
Pa_Len !byte $00 ;length of string
;Center Justify
;Start with the cursor in the center column,
;Get width of letter to be plotted, use ticker scrolling

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
fontEngine = $E000
SetFont = fontEngine
PlotAsc = SetFont+3
ClearWindow = PlotAsc+3
SetFont = fontEngine
SetWindow = SetFont+3
ClearWindow = SetWindow+3
DisplayStr = ClearWindow+3

View File

@ -457,17 +457,6 @@ asm loader
// Set up the font engine
// Params: pFont
asm initFontEngine
+asmPlasm 1
ldy evalStkH,x ; hi byte in Y
lda evalStkL,x ; lo byte in X
jmp SetFont
// Jump straight to the system monitor
// Params: None
@ -484,12 +473,34 @@ asm brk
// Set up the font engine
// Params: pFont
asm setFont
+asmPlasm 1
bit setLcRW+lcBank2
bit setLcRW+lcBank2
jmp SetFont
// Use the font engine to clear the current text window
asm setWindow
+asmPlasm 4
bit setLcRW+lcBank2
bit setLcRW+lcBank2
jmp SetWindow
// Use the font engine to clear the current text window
// Params: None
asm clearWindow
+asmPlasm 0
jmp ClearWindow
+asmPlasm 0
bit setLcRW+lcBank2
bit setLcRW+lcBank2
jmp ClearWindow
@ -499,24 +510,7 @@ asm displayStr
+asmPlasm 1
bit setLcRW+lcBank2
bit setLcRW+lcBank2
sta pTmp ; save string pointer lo
sty pTmp+1 ; and hi
ldy #0
lda (pTmp),y ; get length
beq ++ ; if zero, get out
- pha ; save length counter
inc pTmp ; bump to next char
bne +
inc pTmp+1 ; page bump
+ ldy #0
lda (pTmp),y ; fetch character
jsr PlotAsc ; and plot it
pla ; retrieve length counter
sbc #1 ; decrement
bne - ; go until it hits zero
++ ; all done
jmp DisplayStr
@ -706,15 +700,6 @@ def loadFrameImg()
def setWindow(top, btm, lft, rt)
^wndtop = top
^wndbtm = btm
^wndleft = lft
^wndwdth = rt
^cursv = ^wndtop
^cursh = ^wndleft
// Window for the map name bar
def setWindow1()
setWindow(1, 2, 5, 17)
@ -789,8 +774,8 @@ def initMap(x, y, dir)
loader(FINISH_LOAD, MAIN_MEM, 1) // 1 = keep open
// Start up the font engine
// Tell the font engine where to find its font
// Start up the display engine with map data and starting position. This will also load and
// init the script module, if any, which will end up calling us back at the setScriptInfo