Fixed more bugs. Now 2D to 3D, and back, work.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2015-05-16 11:00:31 -07:00
parent 7be0112be4
commit 0a85fb5f1d
4 changed files with 45 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ shared_alloc:
.recl dec .reclaimFlg ; first time: 1 -> 0, second time 0 -> $FF
bmi outOfMemErr ; so if it's second time, give up
jsr reclaim ; first time, do a reclaim pass
jmp .chooseAddr ; and try again
jmp .try ; and try again
jmp invalAddr
; target addr was specified. See if we can fulfill the request.
@ -734,6 +734,7 @@ shared_alloc:
; at the same time to guarantee that we never have the main part of a module
; without its aux part, or vice versa.
reclaim: !zone
!if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Reclaim.",0 }
lda isAuxCmd ; save whether current command is aux or not
lda #1 ; we do aux bank first
@ -766,7 +767,7 @@ coalesce: !zone
ora tSegType,y ; and next seg
bne .next ; if either is active or has a type, can't combine
; we can combine the next segment into this one.
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { jsr .debug }
lda tSegLink,y
sta tSegLink,x
stx tmp
@ -776,7 +777,7 @@ coalesce: !zone
tax ; to X reg index
bne .loop ; non-zero = not end of chain - loop again
.done rts
!if DEBUG {
!if DEBUG >= 2 {
.debug +prStr : !text "Coalesce ",0
@ -1303,9 +1304,9 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
!word .setMarkParams
bcs .prodosErr
!if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Deco.",0 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "Deco.",0 }
jsr lz4Decompress ; decompress (or copy if uncompressed)
!if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Done.",0 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "Done.",0 }
.resume ldy .ysave
.next lda (pTmp),y ; lo byte of length
@ -1339,17 +1340,28 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
.nFixups: !byte 0
!if DEBUG {
.debug1:+prStr : !text "Load: t=",0
+prByte resType
.debug1:+prStr : !text "Ld t=",0
lda resType
jsr prhex
lda #" "
jsr cout
+prStr : !text "n=",0
+prByte resNum
+prStr : !text "aux=",0
+prByte isAuxCmd
lda isAuxCmd
jsr prhex
lda #" "
jsr cout
.debug2:+prStr : !text "len=",0
.debug2:+prStr : !text "rawLen=",0
+prWord reqLen
+prStr : !text "dst=",0
+prWord pDst
} ; end DEBUG

View File

@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ rdkey = $FD0C
getln1 = $FD6F
crout = $FD8E
prbyte = $FDDA
prhex = $FDE3
cout = $FDED
setnorm = $FE84
setkbd = $FE89

View File

@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ castRay: !zone
adc pMap+1 ; calculate hi byte of map pointer
sta mapSpriteH,x ; and save that too
inc nMapSprites ; advance to next table entry
!if DEBUG { jsr .debugSprite }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { jsr .debugSprite }
lda #$80 ; put sprite in middle of map square
sta spriteX
sta spriteY
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ castRay: !zone
jmp rdkey
!if DEBUG {
!if DEBUG >= 2 {
+prStr : !text "Hit sprite, mapX=",0
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ castRay: !zone
; sec if sprite is on screen, and sets the following variables:
; lineCt (height), wSpriteLeft, txColumn, wTxColBump, depth
spriteCalc: !zone
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug0 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { jsr .debug0 }
lda #0 ; track sign bits
sta bSgnSinT
@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
sbc #>W_LOG_256 ; subtract wLog256
sta wLogCosT+1 ; store hi byte
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug1 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { jsr .debug1 }
; Calculate wLogDx = log2_w_w(spriteX - playerX), as abs value and a sign bit
lda spriteX ; calculate spriteX - playerX
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
+ tya ; lo byte in A where log2 wants it
cpx #SPRITE_DIST_LIMIT ; too far away?
bmi +
!if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Sprite is too far away (X).",0 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "Sprite is too far away (X).",0 }
+ jsr log2_w_w ; wants A=lo, X=Hi
@ -666,14 +666,14 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
+ tya ; lo byte in A where log2 wants it
cpx #SPRITE_DIST_LIMIT ; too far away?
bmi +
!if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Sprite is too far away (Y).",0 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "Sprite is too far away (Y).",0 }
+ jsr log2_w_w ; wants A=lo, X=Hi
sta wLogDy
stx wLogDy+1
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug2 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { jsr .debug2 }
; Calculate wRx = bSgnDx*bSgnCosT*pow2_w_w(wLogDx + wLogCosT) -
; bSgnDy*bSgnSinT*pow2_w_w(wLogDy + wLogSinT)
@ -714,11 +714,11 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
adc wRx+1 ; also hi byte
sta wRx+1
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug3 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { jsr .debug3 }
; if wRx is negative, it means sprite is behind viewer... we get out of school early.
bpl +
!if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Sprite is behind viewer.",0 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "Sprite is behind viewer.",0 }
@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
inx ; bump hi byte
+ stx wSpriteTop+1 ; save hi byte
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug4 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { jsr .debug4 }
; Need X position on screen.
; The constant below is cheesy and based on empirical observation rather than understanding.
@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
beq + ; clear, no invert
jsr .negYX
+ ; don't need to actually store wX -- it's only needed for spriteLeft below
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug5 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { jsr .debug5 }
; Calculate wSpriteLeft = wx + wSpriteTop
@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
txa ; hi byte in X from code above
adc wSpriteTop+1 ; hi byte of top
sta wSpriteLeft+1 ; save hi byte of left coord
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug6 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { jsr .debug6 }
bmi .ckLeft ; if negative, check against left side
; Left coord is positive, check against right side
@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
lda #0 ; start with first column of texture
sta txColumn ; save starting tex coord
jmp .cBump ; sprite starts on screen, might run off to right but that's ok
.offR !if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Sprite is off-screen to right.",0 }
.offR !if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "Sprite is off-screen to right.",0 }
@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
bcc .offL
cpy #0-NUM_COLS ; now check lo byte, should be >= -63
bpl .clipL
.offL !if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Sprite is off-screen to left.",0 }
.offL !if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "Sprite is off-screen to left.",0 }
.clipL ; Sprite overlaps left edge of screen; calculate clipping.
@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
ror depth
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug7 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { jsr .debug7 }
.draw ; Okay, I think we're all done with calculations for this sprite.
sec ; flag to say draw it
@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
+ rts
; Code for debugging sprite math
!if DEBUG {
!if DEBUG >= 2 {
.debug0 +prStr : !text "playerX=",0
+prWord playerX
+prStr : !text "playerY=",0
@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ saveLink: !zone
lda txNum
sta txNumBuf,x
inc nextLink
!if DEBUG { jsr .debugLink }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { jsr .debugLink }
.chk1 ; does it need to be inserted before the existing first link?
lda tmp
@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ saveLink: !zone
cmp depthBuf,y
bcc .insert ; found the right place
bcs .next ; not the right place to insert, look at next link (always taken)
!if DEBUG {
!if DEBUG >= 2 {
lda screenCol
@ -1620,6 +1620,7 @@ loadTextures: !zone
bit setLcRW+lcBank2 ; switch PLASMA runtime back in
.scInit jsr $1111 ; self-modified earlier
bit setROM ; back to ROM so we can work normally
!if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Back from script init. ",0 }
.get: lda $1111
inc .get+1

View File

@ -920,7 +920,10 @@ FinishCalc
; >> pl_initMap
; params: mapNum, pMapData, x, y, dir
pl_initMap: !zone
STX PLASMA_X ; save PLASMA's eval stack pos
ADC #5
STA PLASMA_X ; save PLASMA's eval stack pos, without our params on it
; PLASMA code has already loaded the Northwest-most map section. Record its ID and address.
LDA evalStkL+4,X