Working on splitting 2D maps into sections.

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Martin Haye 2014-12-21 08:17:21 -08:00
parent c43f381296
commit 14193fb73d

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@ -400,10 +400,42 @@ class PackPartitions
def write2DMap(buf, mapName, rows, tileSetNum, tileMap)
def write2DMap(mapName, rows, tileSetNum, tileMap)
maps2D[name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
def width = rows[0].size()
def height = rows.size()
def TILES_PER_ROW = 22
def nHorzSections = (int) ((width + TILES_PER_ROW - 1) / TILES_PER_ROW)
def nVertSections = (int) ((height + ROWS_PER_SECTION - 1) / ROWS_PER_SECTION)
def buffers = new ByteBuffer[nVertSections][nHorzSections]
def sectionNums = new int[nVertSections][nHorzSections]
// Allocate a buffer and assign a map number to each section.
(0..nVertSections).each { vsect ->
(0..nHorzSections).each { hsect ->
buffers[vsect][hsect] = ByteBuffer.allocate(512)
def num = maps2d.size() + 1
def sectName = "$mapName-$hsect-$vsect"
maps2d[sectName] = [num:num, buf:buf]
(0..nVertSections).each { vsect ->
(0..nHorzSections).each { hsect ->
// Header: first come links to other map sections - north, east, south, west
buf.put((byte) (vsect > 0) ? sectionNums[vsect-1][hsect] : 0) // north
buf.put((byte) (hsect > 0) ? sectionNums[vsect][hsect-1] : 0) // east
buf.put((byte) (vsect < nVertSections-1) ? sectionNums[vsect+1][hsect] : 0) // south
buf.put((byte) (hsect > 0) ? sectionNums[vsect-1][hsect] : 0) // west
// Header: width and height
@ -632,7 +664,7 @@ class PackPartitions
def id = tile.@id
if (!tileMap.containsKey(id)) {
def num = tileMap.size() + 1
assert num < 32 : "Only 32 kinds of tiles are allowed on any given map."
assert num < 32 : "Temporary, need to fix: Only 32 kinds of tiles are allowed on any given map."
tileMap[id] = num
tiles[id].flip() // crazy stuff to append one buffer to another
@ -652,9 +684,7 @@ class PackPartitions
//println "Packing 2D map #$num named '$name'."
def rows = parseMap(mapEl, tileEls)
def (tileSetNum, tileMap) = packTileSet(rows)
def buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
write2DMap(buf, name, rows, tileSetNum, tileMap)
maps2D[name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
write2DMap(name, rows, tileSetNum, tileMap)
def pack3DMap(mapEl, tileEls)