Made debug mode more compact in mem mgr.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2020-08-24 09:56:20 -07:00
parent 7e6308e994
commit 1d2ee3ad13

View File

@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ init: !zone
cpx #MAX_SEGS-1 ; did all segments yet?
bne .loop ; no, loop again
; Allocate space for the PLASMA frame stack
!if DEBUG {
!if DEBUG >= 2 {
lda #$20
sta framePtr+1 ; because sanity check verifies it's not $BE or $BF
@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ gc2_sweep: !zone
closePartFile: !zone
lda partFileOpen ; check if open
beq .done
!if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "ClosePart.",0 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "ClosePart.",0 }
dec partFileOpen
.done rts
@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ dispatch:
rol ; transfer carry bit
sta isAuxCmd ; to isAuxCmd
!if DEBUG { jsr saneStart : jsr + : jmp saneEnd }
!if DEBUG >= 1 { jsr saneStart : jsr + : jmp saneEnd }
bne +
jmp mem_request
@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@ dispatch:
; Debug-mode sanity checking
!if DEBUG {
!if DEBUG >= 1 {
saneStart: !zone {
sta saneEnd+2 ; save cmd num for end-checking
@ -1607,7 +1607,7 @@ shared_alloc:
; at the same time to guarantee that we never have the main part of a module
; without its aux part, or vice versa.
reclaim: !zone
!if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Reclaim.",0 }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "Reclaim.",0 }
lda isAuxCmd ; save whether current command is aux or not
lda #1 ; we do aux bank first
@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@ coalesce: !zone
ora tSegType,y ; and next seg
bne .next ; if either is active or has a type, can't combine
; we can combine the next segment into this one.
!if DEBUG >= 3 { jsr .debug }
!if DEBUG >= 4 { jsr .debug }
lda tSegLink,y
sta tSegLink,x
stx tmp
@ -1650,7 +1650,7 @@ coalesce: !zone
tax ; to X reg index
bne .loop ; non-zero = not end of chain - loop again
.done rts
!if DEBUG >= 3 {
!if DEBUG >= 4 {
.debug +prStr : !text "Coalesce ",0
@ -1975,7 +1975,7 @@ calcBufferDigest: !zone
openPartition: !zone
!if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "OpenPart ",0 : +prByte curPartition : +crout }
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "OpenPart ",0 : +prByte curPartition : +crout }
; Make sure to read header into main mem, even if outer cmd is aux
lda isAuxCmd
@ -2124,7 +2124,7 @@ disk_queueLoad: !zone
lda (pTmp),y ; and hi byte
+ stx reqLen ; save the uncompressed length
sta reqLen+1 ; both bytes
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "ucLen=",0 : +prWord reqLen : +crout }
!if DEBUG >= 3 { +prStr : !text "ucLen=",0 : +prWord reqLen : +crout }
; Load the bytecode of the gamelib (first) bytecode module at the highest possible point
; (to reduce fragmentation of the rest of aux mem)
lda resType
@ -2260,7 +2260,7 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
beq + ; not aux, skip
inc isAuxCmd ; set aux flag
+ sty .ysave ; Save Y so we can resume scanning later.
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug1 }
!if DEBUG >= 1 { jsr .debug1 }
jsr disk_seek ; move the file pointer to the current block
ldy .ysave
lda (pTmp),y ; grab resource length on disk
@ -2283,7 +2283,7 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
ldy tSegAdrHi,x ; hi byte too
sta pDst ; and save it for later
sty pDst+1
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug2 }
!if DEBUG >= 1 { jsr .debug2 }
plp ; retrieve isCompressed flag
bmi .readAndDecomp ; if so, go do read/decompress thing
lda #cmdread ; else, just read.
@ -2346,7 +2346,7 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
; Now read the raw (compressed) data
lda #cmdread
jsr readAndAdj
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug3 }
!if DEBUG >= 1 { jsr .debug3 }
; Stuff was read to into pDst. Now that becomes the source. Decompressor is set up
; to decompress *from* our pDst to our pSrc. Its labels are swapped.
ldx isAuxCmd
@ -2367,7 +2367,7 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
.ysave: !byte 0
.nFixups: !byte 0
!if DEBUG {
!if DEBUG >= 1 {
.debug1:+prStr : !text "Ld t=",0
lda resType
@ -2397,6 +2397,22 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
+prStr : !text "end=",0
+prWord pEnd
lda resType
cmp #5
bne +
lda resNum
cmp #$27
bne +
lda #$60
sta 0
jsr 0
+ pla
} ; end DEBUG
@ -2421,7 +2437,7 @@ lz4Decompress: !zone
; Apply fixups to all modules that were loaded this round, and free the fixup
; resources from memory.
doAllFixups: !zone
!if DEBUG >= 3 { +prStr : !text "Doing all fixups.",0 }
!if DEBUG >= 4 { +prStr : !text "Doing all fixups.",0 }
; Now scan aux mem for fixup segments
cli ; prevent interrupts while we mess around in aux mem
ldx #1 ; start at first aux mem segment (0=main mem, 1=aux)
@ -2470,7 +2486,7 @@ doAllFixups: !zone
lda tSegAdrHi,x
sta .auxBase+1
!if DEBUG >= 3 { jsr .debug1 }
!if DEBUG >= 4 { jsr .debug1 }
; Process the fixups
.proc jsr .fetchFixup ; get key byte
@ -2489,7 +2505,7 @@ doAllFixups: !zone
and #$3F ; mask off the flags
adc .mainBase+1
sta pDst+1
!if DEBUG >= 3 { jsr .debug2 }
!if DEBUG >= 4 { jsr .debug2 }
jsr .adMain ; recalc and store lo byte
@ -2510,7 +2526,7 @@ doAllFixups: !zone
and #$3F ; mask off the flags
adc .auxBase+1
sta pDst+1
!if DEBUG >= 3 { jsr .debug3 }
!if DEBUG >= 4 { jsr .debug3 }
sta setAuxWr
jsr .adAux ; recalc and store lo byte
@ -2543,7 +2559,7 @@ doAllFixups: !zone
cmp #$03
bne .resume ; not a stub, resume scanning
; found a stub, adjust it.
!if DEBUG >= 3 { jsr .debug4 }
!if DEBUG >= 4 { jsr .debug4 }
ldx #0
jsr .adStub
@ -2575,7 +2591,7 @@ doAllFixups: !zone
bne +
inc pSrc+1 ; hi byte too, if necessary
+ rts
!if DEBUG >= 3 {
!if DEBUG >= 4 {
.debug1 +prStr : !text "Found fixup, res=",0
+prByte resNum
+prStr : !text "mainBase=",0
@ -2737,7 +2753,7 @@ advSingleAnim:
iny ; now y=3, index current frame number
lda (tmp),y
sta .curFrame ; save it for comparison later
!if DEBUG = 2 { jsr .dbgB1 }
!if DEBUG >= 3 { jsr .dbgB1 }
.chkr ldy #0
lda (tmp),y ; get animation type (1=Forward, 2=Forward/Backward, 3=Forward+Stop, 4=Random)
@ -2792,13 +2808,13 @@ advSingleAnim:
lda #0 ; back to start
+ iny ; index of current frame number
sta (tmp),y ; and store it
!if DEBUG = 2 { jsr .dbgB2 }
!if DEBUG >= 3 { jsr .dbgB2 }
.curFrame !byte 0
.maxFrame !byte 0
!if DEBUG = 2 {
!if DEBUG >= 3 {
.dbgin sta clrAuxRd
sta clrAuxWr
bit $c051
@ -2831,7 +2847,7 @@ applyPatch:
tax ; patch zero?
beq .done ; if so, nothing to do
sta reqLen ; index of patch number to find
!if DEBUG = 2 { jsr .dbgC1 }
!if DEBUG >= 3 { jsr .dbgC1 }
ldx #3
- lda tmp,x ; copy pointers to load/store data: tmp->pSrc, pTmp->pDst
@ -2857,7 +2873,7 @@ applyPatch:
pla ; get lo byte of len back
jsr .srcadd ; skip pSrc past last partial page in patch
jmp -
+ !if DEBUG = 2 { jsr .dbgC2 }
+ !if DEBUG >= 3 { jsr .dbgC2 }
; pSrc now points at the patch to apply
; pDst now points at the base data to modify
@ -2903,7 +2919,7 @@ applyPatch:
inc 1,x
+ rts
!if DEBUG = 2 {
!if DEBUG >= 3 {
.dbgC1 jsr .dbgin
+prStr : !text "apply ",0
+prByte reqLen