Now identifies and runs time scripts; handles sky and ground color changes better.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2018-01-10 08:47:20 -08:00
parent 0a829d9878
commit 1f0e96bd00
4 changed files with 59 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -3670,12 +3670,15 @@ end
// Determine which scripts are referenced in the specified section of the map.
def initScript
def initScript, timeScript
def scripts = []
inScripts.script.eachWithIndex { script, idx ->
def name = getScriptName(script)
if (name != null && name.toLowerCase() == "init") {
if (name != null && name.toLowerCase() == "init")
initScript = script
else if (name != null && name.toLowerCase() == "time") {
timeScript = script
scripts << script
else if (script.locationTrigger.any { trig ->
(!xRange || trig.@x.toInteger() in xRange) &&
@ -3687,15 +3690,19 @@ end
scriptNames[script] = "sc_${humanNameToSymbol(name, false)}"
// Pack init script last
if (initScript)
scripts << initScript
// Generate the table of triggers, and code for each script.
makeTriggerTbl(scripts, xRange, yRange)
scripts.each { script ->
// Even if there were no scripts, we still need an init to display
// the map name.
makeInit(mapName, initScript, maxX, maxY)
// Always generate outer initialization code, because even if there were no scripts,
// we still need an init to display the map name.
makeInit(mapName, initScript, timeScript, maxX, maxY)
@ -3740,6 +3747,10 @@ end
out << ")\n"
indent = 1
// The 'Time' function requires exactly one arg
if (scriptNames[script] == "sc_time" && scriptArgs[script].size() != 1)
throw new Exception("Error: Time scripts must take exactly one parameter.")
// Need to queue up the script, to find out what variables need
// to be declared.
def outerOutput = out
@ -4533,19 +4544,16 @@ end
out << "byte = \$FF\n\n"
def makeInit(mapName, script, maxX, maxY)
def makeInit(mapName, initScript, timeScript, maxX, maxY)
// Emit the code the user has stored for the init script (if any)
if (script)
// Code to register the map name, trigger table, and map extent.
def shortName = mapName.replaceAll(/[\s-]*[23][dD][-0-9]*$/, '').take(16)
out << "setScriptInfo(\"$shortName\", @triggerTbl, $maxX, $maxY)\n"
def timeFunc = timeScript ? "@${scriptNames[timeScript]}" : "NULL"
out << "setScriptInfo(\"$shortName\", $timeFunc, @triggerTbl, $maxX, $maxY)\n"
// Call init script if one was defined
if (script)
out << "sc_${humanNameToSymbol(getScriptName(script), false)}()\n"
if (initScript)
out << "${scriptNames[initScript]}()\n"
// All done with the init function.
out << "done\n"

View File

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ import gamelib
predef useMapWindow()#0
predef setBigWindow()#0
predef setPortrait(portraitNum)#0
predef setScriptInfo(mapName, trigTbl, wdt, hgt)#0
predef setScriptInfo(mapName, timeFunc, trigTbl, wdt, hgt)#0
predef setSky(num)#0
predef setStat(player, statName, val)#0
predef setWindow(top, bottom, left, right)#0

View File

@ -137,10 +137,11 @@ byte animDirCt
byte anyAnims = TRUE
word animPauseCt
// Tracking previous clock hands for quick erase/redraw
// Time and clock
byte prevClockColor, prevClockHour, prevClockMinute
byte nextSignificantMinute
byte snoozeX0, snoozeX1
byte snoozeX0, snoozeX1, snoozeY
word timeEventFunc
// Context for lambda functions (in lieu of closures, for now at least)
export word ctx
@ -1493,17 +1494,21 @@ end
// Set the sky color (relevant to 3D display only)
export def setSky(num)#0
skyNum = num
setColor(0, skyNum)
needRender = TRUE
if num <> skyNum
skyNum = num
setColor(0, skyNum)
needRender = TRUE
// Set the ground color (relevant to 3D display only)
export def setGround(num)#0
groundNum = num
setColor(1, groundNum)
needRender = TRUE
if num <> groundNum
groundNum = num
setColor(1, groundNum)
needRender = TRUE
@ -2049,6 +2054,8 @@ def initMap(x, y, dir)#0
// init the script module, if any, which will end up calling us back at the setScriptInfo
triggerTbl = NULL
skyNum = 9 // default
groundNum = 10 // default
initDisplay(curMapPartition, mapNum, pCurMap, x, y, dir)
texturesLoaded = TRUE
needRender = FALSE
@ -2140,6 +2147,7 @@ def advTime(hours, mins, secs)#0
if mins or hours
redrawClock = FALSE
runScript = FALSE
global->b_minute = global->b_minute + mins
if global->b_minute >= nextSignificantMinute; redrawClock = TRUE; fin
while global->b_minute >= 60
@ -2159,10 +2167,10 @@ def advTime(hours, mins, secs)#0
if mapIs3D and redrawClock
if runScript
// TODO: Run time script here
if runScript and timeEventFunc
@ -2184,22 +2192,27 @@ end
def snooze()#1
word cursX, cursY
cursX, cursY = getCursor()
if cursX == snoozeX1 and cursY == 0
if cursX == snoozeX1 and cursY == snoozeY
if mapIs3D
advTime(0, 14 - (global->b_minute % 15), 60 - global->b_second) // next 15 min mark
advTime(0, 59 - global->b_minute, 60 - global->b_second) // start of next hour
cursX, cursY = getCursor()
if cursX == snoozeX1 and cursY == snoozeY
rawDisplayf1("^T%D", snoozeX0)
if cursY; rawDisplayStr("\n"); fin
if cursX; rawDisplayStr("\n"); fin
rawDisplayStr("The time: ")
snoozeX0, cursY = getCursor()
snoozeX0, snoozeY = getCursor()
rawDisplayf1("^C%d:", global->b_hour == 0 ?? 12 :: global->b_hour == 12 ?? 12 :: global->b_hour % 12)
rawDisplayf2("%s%d ", global->b_minute < 10 ?? "0" :: "", global->b_minute)
rawDisplayf1("%s.", global->b_hour < 12 ?? "am" :: "pm")
snoozeX1, cursY = getCursor()
snoozeX1, snoozeY = getCursor()
textClearCountdown = 3
if mapIs3D
@ -2432,6 +2445,7 @@ def kbdLoop()#0
key = getUpperKey()
printf1("key=%d\n", key) // foo
if key >= 0 and key < $60
func = cmdTbl[key]
if func
@ -2474,7 +2488,10 @@ end
// Set initial info for the scripts on this map: the name of the map, its trigger table, and the
// maximum extent (width, height). This is called by the init function for the scripts.
export def setScriptInfo(mapName, trigTbl, wdt, hgt)#0
export def setScriptInfo(mapName, timeFn, trigTbl, wdt, hgt)#0
// Record the time event function, if any
timeEventFunc = timeFn
// Grab the trigger table origins (used so the table can be more compact)
triggerOriginX = trigTbl=>0
@ -2496,6 +2513,9 @@ export def setScriptInfo(mapName, trigTbl, wdt, hgt)#0
// Back to the main text window.
// If there's a time script, run it so it can set sky color, etc.
if timeFn; timeFn(global->b_hour); fin

View File

@ -2195,6 +2195,7 @@ pl_initMap: !zone
ldx #<(tableEnd-tableStart)
ldy #>(tableEnd-tableStart)
jsr mainLoader
jsr graphInit
; Proceed with loading
lda #1 ; non-zero to init scripts also
jsr loadTextures
@ -2206,7 +2207,6 @@ pl_initMap: !zone
jsr makeDecodeTbls
jsr makeLines
jsr setExpansionCaller
jsr graphInit
jmp renderFrame
; Following are log/pow lookup tables. For speed, align them on a page boundary.