I think I'm now tracking all the dependencies needed for proper disk splitting.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2017-01-29 10:47:58 -08:00
parent 6bf9889488
commit 2b78f31b5a

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import java.nio.file.Files
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream
import java.security.MessageDigest
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ class A2PackPartitions
def memUsage3D = []
def chunkSizes = [:]
def curMapName = null
def resourceDeps = [:]
def stats = [
@ -608,24 +610,28 @@ class A2PackPartitions
def texMap = [:]
def texList = []
def texFlags = []
def texNames = [] as Set
rows.each { row ->
row.each { tile ->
def id = tile?.@id
def name = tile?.@name
if (name != null)
name = stripName(name)
if (!texMap.containsKey(id)) {
if (name == null || name.toLowerCase() =~ /street|blank|null/)
if (name == null || name =~ /street|blank|null/)
texMap[id] = 0
else if (stripName(name) in textures) {
else if (name in textures) {
def flags = 1
if (tile?.@obstruction == 'true')
flags |= 2
if (tile?.@blocker == 'true')
flags |= 4
texMap[id] = texList.size()
if (tile?.@sprite == 'true')
texMap[id] |= 0x80; // hi-bit flag to mark sprite cells
texNames << name
else if (id) {
printWarning("can't match tile name '$name' to any image; treating as blank.")
@ -642,19 +648,6 @@ class A2PackPartitions
// Followed by script module num
// Document memory usage so user can make intelligent choices about what/when to cut
def gameloopSize = bytecodes['gameloop'].buf.uncompressedLen
def mapScriptsSize = bytecodes[makeScriptName(mapName)].buf.uncompressedLen
def mapTexturesSize = texList.size() * 0x555
def totalAux = gameloopSize + mapScriptsSize + mapTexturesSize
def safeLimit = 34 * 1024
memUsage3D << String.format("%-20s: %4.1fK of %4.1fK used: %4.1fK scripts, %4.1fK in %2d textures, %4.1fK overhead%s",
mapName, totalAux/1024.0, safeLimit/1024.0,
mapScriptsSize/1024.0, mapTexturesSize/1024.0, texList.size(), gameloopSize/1024.0,
totalAux > safeLimit ? " [WARNING]" : "")
if (totalAux > safeLimit)
printWarning "memory will be dangerously full; see pack_report.txt for details."
// Followed by the list of textures
texList.each { buf.put((byte)it) }
@ -679,6 +672,22 @@ class A2PackPartitions
// Sentinel row of $FF at end of map
(0..<width).each { buf.put((byte)0xFF) }
// Document memory usage so user can make intelligent choices about what/when to cut
def gameloopSize = bytecodes['gameloop'].buf.uncompressedLen
def mapScriptsSize = bytecodes[makeScriptName(mapName)].buf.uncompressedLen
def mapTexturesSize = texList.size() * 0x555
def totalAux = gameloopSize + mapScriptsSize + mapTexturesSize
def safeLimit = 34 * 1024
memUsage3D << String.format("%-20s: %4.1fK of %4.1fK used: %4.1fK scripts, %4.1fK in %2d textures, %4.1fK overhead%s",
mapName, totalAux/1024.0, safeLimit/1024.0,
mapScriptsSize/1024.0, mapTexturesSize/1024.0, texList.size(), gameloopSize/1024.0,
totalAux > safeLimit ? " [WARNING]" : "")
if (totalAux > safeLimit)
printWarning "memory will be dangerously full; see pack_report.txt for details."
// Record texture dependencies
texNames.each { addMapDep("texture", it) }
// The renderer wants bits of the two pixels interleaved in a special way.
@ -891,6 +900,9 @@ class A2PackPartitions
tileSets["tileSet${setNum}"] = tileSet
addMapDep("tileSet", "tileSet${setNum}")
addMapDep("tileSet", "tileSet_special") // each map requires the global tileset as well
// Start by assuming we'll create a new tileset
def tileMap = tileSet.tileMap
def buf = tileSet.buf
@ -952,6 +964,7 @@ class A2PackPartitions
def num = modules.size() + 1
def name = makeScriptName(mapName)
//println "Packing scripts for map $mapName, to module $num."
addMapDep("script", name)
def scriptDir = "build/src/mapScripts/"
if (!new File(scriptDir).exists())
@ -1708,6 +1721,20 @@ class A2PackPartitions
def addResourceDep(fromType, fromName, toType, toName)
def fromKey = [fromType, fromName]
if (!resourceDeps.containsKey(fromKey))
resourceDeps[fromKey] = [] as Set
resourceDeps[fromKey] << [toType, toName]
def addMapDep(toType, toName)
assert curMapName != null
addResourceDep("map", curMapName, toType, toName)
def pack(xmlPath, dataIn)
// Save time by using cache of previous run
@ -1810,12 +1837,14 @@ class A2PackPartitions
// Pack each map. This uses the image and tile maps filled earlier.
println "Packing maps and scripts."
dataIn.map.each { map ->
curMapName = map.@name
if (map?.@name =~ /2D/)
pack2DMap(map, dataIn.tile)
else if (map?.@name =~ /3D/)
pack3DMap(map, dataIn.tile)
printWarning "map name '${map?.@name}' should contain '2D' or '3D'. Skipping."
curMapName = null
// Now that the tileSets are complete, compress them.
@ -1843,6 +1872,8 @@ class A2PackPartitions
if (debugCompression)
println "Compression savings: $compressionSavings"
println("rdeps - phase 2:" + JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(resourceDeps)))
// And save the cache for next time.
@ -1969,6 +2000,18 @@ class A2PackPartitions
"${parseDice(groupSize)}, " +
// Add portrait dependencies based on encounter zone(s)
def codesString = row.@"map-code"
if (codesString != null && codesString.length() > 0)
codesString.replace("\"", "").split(",").collect{it.trim()}.grep{it!=""}.each { code ->
code = code.toLowerCase()
addResourceDep("encounterZone", code, "portrait", image1)
if (image2.size() > 0)
addResourceDep("encounterZone", code, "portrait", image2)
@ -2006,7 +2049,8 @@ class A2PackPartitions
// Figure out the mapping between "map code" and "enemy", and output the table for that
def codeToFunc = [:]
sheet.rows.row.each { row ->
addCodeToFunc("_NEn_${humanNameToSymbol(row.@name, false)}", row.@"map-code", codeToFunc) }
addCodeToFunc("_NEn_${humanNameToSymbol(row.@name, false)}", row.@"map-code", codeToFunc)
outCodeToFuncTbl("mapCode_", codeToFunc, out)
// Helper function to fill in the Enemy data structure
@ -2486,6 +2530,7 @@ end
found << name
gsmod.packGlobalScript(new File("build/src/plasma/gs_${name}.pla.new"), script)
addMapDep("globalFunc", name)
// There are a couple of required global funcs
@ -2569,9 +2614,11 @@ end
// Translate global scripts to code
// Translate global scripts to code. Record their deps as system-level.
curMapName = "<root>"
curMapName = null
// Translate enemies, weapons, etc. to code
genAllEnemies(dataIn.global.sheets.sheet.find { it?.@name.equalsIgnoreCase("enemies") })
@ -2739,8 +2786,12 @@ end
inst.reportWriter = reportWriter
inst.dataGen(xmlFile, dataIn)
// Save the partial resource deps
def resourceDeps = inst.resourceDeps
// Pack everything into a binary file
inst = new A2PackPartitions() // make a new one without stubs
inst.resourceDeps = resourceDeps // inject partial deps
inst.buildDir = buildDir
inst.reportWriter = reportWriter
inst.pack(xmlFile, dataIn)
@ -3227,6 +3278,8 @@ end
out << "0"
out << ")\n"
addMapDep("globalFunc", humanName)
def packGetStat(blk)
@ -3448,6 +3501,7 @@ end
outIndented("setPortrait(PO${humanNameToSymbol(portraitName, false)})\n")
addMapDep("portrait", portraitName)
def packSetFullscreen(blk)
@ -3458,6 +3512,7 @@ end
outIndented("loadFrameImg(PF${humanNameToSymbol(imgName, false)})\n")
addMapDep("fullscreen", imgName)
def packClrPortrait(blk)
@ -3526,6 +3581,7 @@ end
def chance = (int)(blk.field[4].text().toFloat() * 10.0)
assert chance > 0 && chance <= 1000
outIndented("addEncounterZone(${escapeString(code)}, $x, $y, $maxDist, $chance)\n")
addMapDep("encounterZone", code.toLowerCase())
def packClrEncounterZones(blk)